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All Fuck Hotel

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Brother and sister book the wrong hotel by mistake.
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All Fuck Hotel

Author's Note

This is by far my longest story to date so I hope you enjoy.

It includes many different categories, some of the scenes that you will read will include lesbians, gays, trans, anal, interracial and group sessions to name a few.

Saying that, the main basis and the heart of this story is incest.

I hope you enjoy my longest story!


Jenny and Andy Richards were twins, inseparable and best mates. From a young age they just seemed to have some special connection that no one could get between. Even as they grew up, nothing could get in the way of them being friends.

After they turned 18, Jenny started to come into her body. She was 5 foot 5, slim, long blond hair and C cup, perky tits. She started to go to the gym and really got into her fitness.

Andy on the other hand, was slightly geeky. He has short, dirty blond hair, he was slim but not muscular.

Even though Jenny started to become more popular as she became better and better looking, she never left Andy behind. If she was invited to a party, she took him no matter what. Andy didn't like a lot of her friends in high school because they were sporty dickheads, but he always took any opportunity to hang out with his sister.

Then, when they turned 19, they both went to University together. Neither of them wanted to be apart so they actually ended up renting a house with a few others.

It was great, Andy was loving University and Jenny was having a great time. He would help Jenny with her studies and Jenny would help him with being more outgoing. As a pair, they were unstoppable.

When they were both 19 and the summer was coming to an end, their parents arranged to go to Greece together for a family holiday.

"What's this place called again?" Andy asked his twin sister, who was sat at the laptop booking it.

Their parents were already booked, and although Andy wanted to sort it all out, Jenny insisted.

"The Al'e Fuke Hotel." She told him, her full attention on the booking site.

"Strange name for a hotel." Andy said, he hated giving up control of organisation but he knew better than to argue with his stubborn sister.

"I know right, but mum and dad said it's got great reviews," She said and carried on clicking away, "here it is."

Andy looked over her shoulder and to be fair, the place looked amazing. It was 5 star. It didn't look massive but it looked beautiful.

The outside walls were all painted white, it had a big, long, rectangle pool with a bar on the side and the sunbeds looked thicker than both of their mattresses stacked together.

"Looks pricey." Andy said to her, being at University neither of them had a lot of money to play with.

"I know," Jenny muttered back and kept looking through the option, "here we go!"

Andy looked over and saw a room, weirdly called the "sibling room".

It looked pretty nice, it was only one room but Andy knew he would be alright to sleep on the sofa or to top and tail on the bed. Plus, sharing a room meant it was cheaper.

"And it's all inclusive, at least we won't have to pay for anything when we're there." Andy said, he was pretty happy with the room.

"Should I book it?" Jenny asked, wanting her smarter brothers approval before booking it.

"Go on then." He said with a smile.

Neither of them had been on holiday for over a year and a week in the sun in an all inclusive, 5 star hotel sounded perfect to them both.

Twenty minutes later, it was booked. In three weeks, they were going to meet their parents at the Al'e Fuke Hotel in Greece.

3 weeks later.

The flight wasn't too bad, it didn't get delayed and then the bus to the hotel took about thirty minutes. By the time the twins finally made it they were both hot and sweaty. It was 9pm by the time they got there, but in the height of summer the humid temperature was beating them both.

They checked in and a bellboy took their suitcases to the room. This place really is fancy, Andy thought, never having someone take his case for him before.

They could both hear some music coming from the pool and what sounded like a lot of chatting and laughing, but they were both tired and hot and in desperate need of a shower and a sleep.

"I'll call mum and let her know we're here." Jenny said.

"Okay, cool." Andy replied.

He had a little walk around the main reception area as Jenny walked off to call their mum. A minute later, a waitress came over with a glass of water with cucumber inside to hand to Andy.

"Thank you." He said to the gesture. The minute the water touched his dehydrated mouth Andy let out a moan.

Oh god, I needed that! He thought as he downed the entire drink.

"Erm, we may have a problem." Jenny said in a very hesitant and nervous voice.

I know that voice, she's done something wrong. Andy thought.

"What is it?" He asked, fearful of the answer.

"Soooooo, it seems we're in the wrong hotel." She whispered out.

"What?! How?" Andy shot back, not believing what she said.

"Well there is a very similar named hotel... on the other side of Greece." She told him.

Andy was annoyed, but he could tell by the look on his sisters face that she was embarrassed of messing it up. Being the loving brother he was, he didn't want to make her feel any worse.

"Right," He muttered as he tried to think of a solution, "what did mum say?"

"Well," Jenny replied, "they can't get booked in here, seems we got the last room, plus our payment is non-refundable."

"Of course." Andy replied back sarcastically.

"Mum just said we should stay here and enjoy the holiday, that we can meet up with them back home next week." Jenny told him.

It was annoying, but not the worst thing in the world. The hotel looked amazing and Andy knew they would have a great time.

"That's fair enough," He told her and put on a smile to stop his sister from feeling any worse, "I'm sure after a shower and a sleep we will be ready to enjoy the holiday just us hey."

"Perfect!" Jenny said.

They got shown to their room, as soon as they entered they both moaned in joy as the aircon had been left on. A very much needed cold breeze hit them both.

Andy walked in first. It was huge! Much bigger than his University room. The shower looked like you could fit ten people inside and there was a huge bathtub as well. The balcony outside was pretty big, big enough to have a hot tub on it with a view of the pool at the back of the hotel, followed by the private beach after the pool.

However, the bed was a little strange.

It was massive, no doubt about that, you could fit about seven people next to each other on it and the white sheets and pillows were as soft as anything. Yet, there was a giant love heart made out of rose petals in the centre.

"That's... weird." Andy said and pointed towards it.

"Oh... yeah, we did get the sibling room right?" Jenny asked.

Andy did find it strange that there was a specific room for siblings, but he had never been to Greece before so he just didn't say anything.

"Maybe they thought we were a couple?" Andy asked.

"Ah, it's no drama is it?" Jenny said.

She brushed the petals onto the floor and jumped onto the bed, letting out a loud moan as how soft the mattress was.

"Right, I'll go for a shower first." Andy told his sister who's eyes were already closed on the bed.

"No problem, see you in a sec." She replied.

One cold shower later, Andy dried himself and put on a pair of baggy shorts, this bed's huge, we can definitely just sleep either end, he thought.

He suggested it to Jenny when she returned from the bathroom in little, light pink pyjamas. Andy knew that his twin sister was hot, but he always pushed those thoughts out of his head, I mean, that's his sister.

However, with her already tanned, toned legs fully on show and the pyjama shorts that barely covered her arse, Andy worried that he would not be able to hide a suddenly growing boner.

Jenny slept on the left hand side and Andy slept on the far right, his cock was rock hard but under the covers it was easy to hide.

Then, their 7 day holiday began.



Ronaldo, the Greek God


The two siblings both woke up around the same time at 9am. Jenny felt very well rested and as soon as she looked out of the balcony and saw the sun beaming down, she knew she needed to jump on a sun bed and get her tanning started.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast and go outside." She said to Andy.

"Alright, two secs." He mumbled, clearly he wasn't as awake as she was.

Not too long later, Jenny had on a black bikini, with a thin, white throw over dress on top. You could see the bikini through it, but Jenny felt less self conscious with some extra cover. She knew she had a toned body, but she had always been self conscious ever since she was young.

Andy had on black swimming trunks and a white vest and they were both sat in the dining area just near the pool. It was a breakfast buffet and Jenny helped herself to yogurt and fruit and Andy had a fully English.

"God I love how hot it is." Jenny said as she ate.

They had not even been there a day and she was already relaxed.

"It is pretty hot." Andy replied back.

Whereas Jenny could sit in the sun for hours on end, Andy would normally put himself in the shade.

"So," Jenny said, pure excitement in her voice, "I'm thinking, relaxing first day, sit by the pool, swim, have some drinks, maybe a massage?"

Andy was stuffing his face with his breakfast, it took him a minute or so to swallow the food in his mouth and then look up to Jenny to reply, "sounds good to me. I might miss the massage though, you can do that one on your own right?"

"Yeah that's fine!" Jenny replied, "who knows, this might be even better without mum and dad, at least we can have a few drinks without them judging us." Jenny laughed out.

Their parents were fairly strict as they grew up, when the twins went to University Jenny revelled in having complete freedom.

"That's true." Andy said between bites. He had never been much of a partier, but he had tried to come out of his shell with Jenny, not that it tended to work.

Jenny waited for her brother to finish his mountain of food, how does he eat like that and stay skinny? That's so annoying! She thought. Then, they went to a couple of sunbeds together.

Now, at this hotel, you could order drinks to your sunbed. Each had a number on and Jenny ordered them both a bottle of water to start off with.

It was so hot, even with just her small bikini on Jenny was sweating. Her tanned body started to bead and she practically downed the entire bottle of water.

"Want to go for a swim?" She asked her brother after just under an hour of sunbathing.

"Definitely!" He replied, he was clearly hot and sweaty as well.

As Jenny stood up, facing away from her brother, she turned her head back and caught him staring at her arse.

But she didn't say anything about it, she didn't want to embarrass him. Since starting University Jenny wondered if her brother was still a virgin. They were close siblings, but not close enough to talk about their sex life.

Jenny had slept with three different men, one of them was an on again off again sort of relationship which recently ended.

The two siblings swam around the pool as more and more people started to arrive outside. It was a complete variety of people there. Ages from early 30s all the way up to some guy who looked around 80. Except it was a no children hotel, you had to be 18 to be there.

As Jenny did a couple of lengths, she stopped at one side to catch her breath when a hand on her shoulder startled her.

"Oh, sorry darling, I didn't mean to frighten you." She heard a soft and delicate feminine voice say.

Jenny turned her head and saw a black woman in the pool next to her, she must've been in her 30s, but due to her soft ebony skin she looked younger. She was a little plumper than Jenny, not fat, just thicker. She had thick, long black hair and thick lips.

"It's okay, I was just shocked that's all." Jenny replied, she pulled her hands through her wet blond hair and pulled it back.

"I've not seen you here yet, is it your first day?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, me and my brother got here last night." Jenny said.

"Lovely," the dark woman said with a grin, "me and my brother got here last week."

She's being a little over friendly isn't she? Jenny thought, "oh, nice, it seems like a great hotel."

"Oh yeah, it's the best, we come here every year. If you got here last night I'm assuming you will be here for the festival at the end of the week?" The ebony woman asked her.

Jenny didn't know what the festival was, but she knew they were going to be there at the end of the week and not wanting to seem stupid she just nodded back.

Jenny was a people pleaser and a conversationalist, she didn't want to seem rude to this woman so she forced herself to keep the discussion going.

"I'm thinking of booking a massage, have you had any here before?" Jenny asked her.

This brought an even bigger smile onto the black woman's face.

"Loads, you should get the one with Ronaldo, he really knows what he's doing." She told Jenny.

"Ronaldo, I'll remember that." Jenny told her. She looked back and saw Andy was back on his sunbed, "I should get back to my brother."

"Of course, I'll see you around hun." The woman replied and Jenny swam off.

Not too long later, Jenny went to the underground level of the hotel where the spa was. There was relaxing music, beautiful smells and a small indoor pool there.

Andy stayed in the shade by the pool reading his book.

At the reception was a Greek, blonde, older woman sat smiling at Jenny as she approached.

"Good morning." The Greek woman said.

"Good morning," Jenny said with a smile and sat down opposite her, "I was hoping to book a massage please."

"Not a problem," she replied, her English was good but she still had an accent, "do you know which one you want?"

"Well I would like a relaxing one, a lady outside recommended Ronaldo? Do you know if that is a relaxing massage?" She asked.

"Oh yes," The Greek lady said back with a smile, "everyone who sees Ronaldo comes out very relaxed."

"Perfect," Jenny said with a huge grin, "when can I book in?"

I bloody love a massage, it's been so long as well! Jenny thought.

"He's with someone right now, but he is free in an hour?" The woman asked.

"Ther sounds brilliant." Jenny replied.

She put her name onto the register for the massage and headed back to the pool to sit with Andy until it was time.

He was in the same spot she left him, reading his book, not talking to anyone.

Jenny just sunbathed for the next hour until it was time for her massage.

"Sure you don't want one? This Ronaldo guy is supposed to be amazing." She asked Andy before she left.

"Maybe tomorrow, I just want a nice relax today." Andy told her.

"Fair enough, I won't be too long." Jenny told him.

She headed back to the spa where she saw a woman walking out, although she looked a little strange.

Her hair was frazzled and her face was flushed.

Does he do a scalp massage as well or something?

"Ah yes, pretty lady," The Greek woman behind the reception called out as Jenny approached, "take a seat, Ronaldo will be right with you."

"Thank you." Jenny replied and sat down on the armchair.

She was only there for five minutes when she heard a deep, soft, Greek voice talk to her.

"Jenny?" She heard him ask, he had a thick, Greek accent.

She looked up and Jenny's mouth actually hung open at what she saw.

Ronaldo, he looked like some sort of God!

He was over 6 foot, tanned skin and short brown hair. He was wearing a white polo shirt that was so tight it looked like his massive muscles could rip it straight off. He also had on a pair of black shorts that again, showed off his tanned, muscular legs.

"Y-yes, that's me." Jenny stuttered out, suddenly finding herself flustered by this man.

"Please, come with me." He said.

His thick Greek accent just made him even more attractive to Jenny.

Ronaldo led Jenny towards the massage rooms where they passed a female masseuse. She was equally as beautiful as Ronaldo.

"Please, lie down with face in hole." Ronaldo said to Jenny once they got into the room, clearly his English wasn't perfect.

Jenny got onto the bed and went to put her face into the hole at the top when Ronaldo stopped her.

"You, erm, take off bikini?" He asked her.

"Ah yes, sorry." Jenny replied, she had never been completely naked before for a massage, which made her slightly nervous, but she couldn't seem to say no to this amazing man.

Ronaldo turned around and Jenny quickly undressed before lying down on the bed, her face in the hole and pulling a towel up to cover her arse.

"Okay, just relax please miss." Ronaldo said to her.

The lights turned off, only a few glimmers of candlelight was all Jenny could see through the hole in the massage table.

Jenny heard him squirt some oil into his hands and then, Ooooohh yeah, she moaned in her head when she first felt his warm, strong hand on her back.

"Pressure okay?" He asked as his hands rubbed up and down her upper back and shoulders.

"Yeah, it's perfect." Jenny told him, although it came out more as a moan.

For twenty minutes Ronaldo massaged all over Jenny's back and shoulders until she was completely covered in the slick oil. By that stage, she couldn't stop herself letting out little gasps of moans from his amazing hands.

He really does know what he's doing, she thought, realising it was the best massage she had ever had.

Ronaldo then moved to the bottom of the bed and started to rub over her firm calves. He started with the right leg, slightly pulling it to the side, which made Jenny worry that the towel would ride up. However, his magical hands had her melting into the bed.

He rubbed up and down her calf, slowly moving up to the back of her thigh.

Oh god... this is amazing, Jenny moaned in her head, his hands seemed to keep going up and up, I'm sure he's getting close to my pussy... oh god I don't even think I would stop him!

That was when Jenny realised how turned on she had become by having this man touch her. Although he didn't get close to her pussy that was growing wetter, Jenny couldn't stop herself from fantasising about him touching her there.

Higher and higher his hands got, just as Jenny thought he might actually touch her wet hole... he moved to the other leg.

Just like the last one, he pulled her leg slightly to the side, which made the towel ride up even higher.

Ronaldo massaged her calf and then moved the back of her thigh. Jenny didn't even realise it, but she was letting out quiet little moans of pleasure.

Oh my god, how is he doing this, she thought. Jenny was becoming a horny mess. The oil he was spreading over her just seemed to turn Jenny on more.

At one point, subconsciously Jenny actually moved her legs a little wider. She wondered if he could see how wet she was, but she was too horny to stop it.

To her disappointment, Ronaldo then let go of her legs and moved back to the top of the bed. Jenny could feel his presence just above her head as he started to rub his oiled up hands onto her shoulders again.

From in front of her, Ronaldo ran his hands from the top of Jenny's back, all the way down to just above her arse, his forearms and elbows pushed deep into her back as he moved and Jenny let out a little moan.

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