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All of My Maids are Robots? Pt. 10

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This chapter was a mistake! Don't read it!
5.1k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/11/2020
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So, if you're reading my memories, you're prolly already pretty freaking used to me being the most insufferable narrator since Holden Caulfield. Heh, bet you thought I was going to say Bella Swan. Fuck you, Twilight is actually kinda underrated. It's no Titanic, but what is?

You're also prolly used to the weird sex stuff.


Dear god, I hope so...this is, like, the tenth chapter...

Jesus Christ, imagine reading this and being on chapter ten and going: "Hm, you know, I'm enjoying the space robots, but all the girl dicks and weird rape-roleplay is really's a bit off, I'm not comfortable, but I'm going to keep reading." Man. I'm sorry, like, for that? You can skim past the sex scenes, its okay. should also, uh, skip this whole chapter.

It recounts the absolutely weirdest sex thing in the entirety of my life, and that's including the Five Trans Doras and the Great Bondage Mix-Up Trainbang Heist (that's coming in chapter fourteen!) and I bear you no ill will if you skip it. It involves dicks going into places dicks normally do not go.



So, it all began the morning after my delightful dinner party, when my new genitalia arrived at the front doorstep, delivered by Jenny Messenger herself. I was in the kitchen, watching Penny as she chopped up veggies for today's meal, and opining: "Man, I could really go for some..." Penny glanced at me, narrowing her glowing holographic eyes. "...hamburgers!" I said, grinning and showing off my fangies. Penny narrowed her eyes even more. "...big...juicy hamburgers!" I said, nodding.

"Then why are you looking at my boobs?" Penny asked.

"Hey everyone!" Jenny called out as she opened the door. "The shuttle dropped off a new package for our missues!"

I gasped. "My vayjay!" I squealed, then turned and sprinted over to the main room, where the rest of the help were all gathering there together. Jenny looked as smug and cheerful as the day she'd been unboxed -- which meant the whole 'arms and legs taken off and fucked silly as a toy between the two toughest girlbots on campus' had not, in fact, actually been any kind of educational or punishing experience! Who knew? - and she was standing beside a large metal crate that was now hissing and ticking ominously. Gaseous fog emerged from the base and the top, and Jeanette walked around it, murmuring in her southern American twang.

"Well, if that don't beat all..."

"Do we have to refrigerate it?" Marci asked, immediately to the point.

"Nah, ma'am," Jeanette said. "The biological components are all kept cold by the containment systems. It's just the box is bigger n' I'd thought it'd be. There may be additional components that I will have to check over...they're always coming up with new dongles and additions to these things..."

"Will we need to hire a doctor?" Marci asked.

"I doubt it," Jeanette said, nodding cheerfully. "It's come with a holotape that should give me the overview. All the complicated work's already been done in the growing and designing. I just got to plug it in."

I felt a tiny bit queasy, my cock shriveling up slightly at the mental image of her yanking my dick off and plugging a pussy in there. Cause, like, in a nice universe, that'd be as easy as changing out some legos. But we lived in a world with...veins. And...blood and muscle. And. Ick. I wobbled a tiny bit, gulping. "R-Right..."

"You should have a big heaping meal," Jeanette said. "Because you can't eat anything for at least twelve hours before the procedure, so you might as well enjoy it." She nodded to me and I clenched my hand, my eyes gleaming.

"Penny Cook...make me...a fucking pizza," I said.

"Okay," Penny said. "What is a pizza?"

My eyes brimmed with tears and I sagged to my knees. "They...don't have pizza! DAMN YOU!" I lifted my hand to the ceiling. "Damn you all to hell!" I slumped forward, sobbing into the carpet. Penny, who had seen me do this upon learning she had no idea what Doritos, Mike and Ikes, or Skittles were, rolled her eyes.

Georgette, who had been looming quietly in the background, glared down at me. "Young miss..." her voice full of ominous portent and spanking.

I stood, and Penny grabbed my arm and led me to the kitchen, where I chowed down on some Capri Blood while also instructing her in the basics of what a pizza was. Fortunately, I could say 'it has the sauce! The red goo! From the plant! It's like an apple, but soft, and red, and...tomato! That was it! Red tomato blood! Wrung from the corpse, Penny! From the corpse!' and Penny would nearly instantly know what I meant. The end result was within an hour, I was watching as Penny cheerfully drew the circular pizza out of the oven, nodding to herself.

"Just as I thought!" she said, cheerfully. "It's the Italian dish."

"Wait, you knew what it was the whole time?" I asked, blinking.

"Well, yes," Penny admitted. "...but you were having a lot of fun giving me orders, weren't you?"

I frowned, then sucked on the Capri Blood, trying to not remember how much better blood tasted when it was fresh from the neck of a beautiful girl. My eyes narrowed. Softly, I muttered. "...yes."

Penny laughed.

I chowed down.

And then I went upstairs to where Jeanette was studying my new genitalia and found her and Georgette both sitting in the room, reading their holo-disks, which flashed into their eyes at the lightning fast speed that machines could read at. As I came in, Jeanette looked at me, and nodded. "All right," she said. "Young miss, this is how this is going to work. You're going to have a new set of internal and external genitalia -- there's going to be a vagina and a phallus, which you will be able to alternate between with a memetic action. A...kind of mental focus..." She nodded a bit as she spoke, and I beamed.

"Like magic!" I said.

"Except...well, no, it'll be more like holding your breath? Or telling your arm to move," she said.

"Maaaaaaagic," I said, giving her my finger guns.

"No, it's-" Jeanette's eyes narrowed.

"Magic!" I said, cheerfully.

Georgette stood and loomed behind me. I quailed a bit, blushing. "S-Sorry, Doctor Hope. Nurse Hope." I coughed, and Georgette somehow managed to purse her lips without actually having lips. It was all in the way her eyes narrowed. But Jeanette was the one who laughed and stood up.

"Gee, honey, you're scaring the poor girl," she said. "It is a kind of magic, after all. Now, the only complicated part is the brain surgery."

I blinked. "...that tracks."

"We're going to be implanting a new node into your brain, right around here." She pointed at my head, tapping it with her cool roboty finger. "It'll be where you will control the extension and retraction -- since it's not an organ or muscle that humans normally have, it'll need some extra brain tissue. Fortunately, we have just barely enough room to tuck it into there without any major problems. The only difficulty is getting it in. We could, ah, open a hole..." She sighed. "But that will turn this from an outpatient procedure to something that will take a few weeks to fully recover from due to the resetting and regrowing of the skull bone..."

"Well, why don't you just go in through my ear?" I asked, cheerfully. "Just skullfuck my silly head with your robo dicks, and BOOM! In goes the node!"

Jeanette chuckled.

Then she paused.

" know..." she said.

"Ah ha ha, I've...that was a joke?" I stammered, but Jeanette was starting to pace around me, narrowing her eyes a bit.

"See, we could easily slide an injector...with some tissue sealant for the eardrum and some augmented blood to smooth the passage through brain structures..." She rubbed her chin. "That's definitely one way to get the nodule into your brain...and we'd only have to replace the parts here and here, and that's soft tissue! Tarnation, that'll let you walk out and be right as rain in a few hours." She nodded. "We'll need two, though, to ensure the proper combination of chemicals and pressures -- don't want to let anything escape out the other ear."

"Haaa..." I blinked, then looked at Georgette. "...she joke, right?"

"Are you joking?" Georgette asked, her cheeks darkening slightly.

"No?" Jeanette asked. "This is quite doable."

"'re...gonna...stick your dicks into my ears?" I squeaked.

", I...I'd use something like this," Jeanette said, rummaging in her nurse bag before holding up a small injector gun that looked kind of like the sort of thing you would use to caulk up walls, if your walls were very very tiny. " thought I...was gonna...stick my dick in your ear?"

I flushed. Hard. "That's not sexy at all!" I stammered. "I mean, only...a super weirdo would find that sexy. Ha ha." I blushed as Georgette adjusted her skirts, clearly trying to get them to lay comfortably across her...bulge. I looked from my governess to my nurse, to my governess again, my cheeks darkening more and more as my own eager little aching girl dick throbbed under my skirts. "...super weird..." I whispered.

Jeanette's fans whirred softly.

" know...we would be...rather close to your pleasure centers..." she murmured. "And...we could do some, ah, well, biological bugtesting. Make sure the...pleasure from your new organs are, ah, arriving...properly." She rubbed her chin. "But we'd need two."

Georgette nodded. "It would be, of course, my duty to...assist."

I paused.

"Y-You're just...kidding, right?" I whispered.

"I don't know," Jeanette murmured, stepping a bit closer. Her hand cupped the back of my neck. Her mouth-less face pressed against my ear. "Am I?" I shivered from my head to my toes and I gulped a bit.

"...yeah. You...aren't. Kidding. That is. I mean. You only get...your brains scrambled with once in your life, and, you know, haha, might as well! Do it for the memes!" I said, nodding. "That's what I learned on Twitter, it's not gay if you only do it as a joke, and that holds doubly true for being ear-fucked by two trans robots! Haha." I was this close to fainting, running away, or doing both at the same time. I could do it too, don't test me!

"Do you have any idea what she is talking about?" Georgette asked.

"I stopped even trying to follow her when she gets like this," Jeanette said, nodding. "All right, if we're going to do this, let us do it. Georgette, we can go and get equipped. We'll send Mary up to get you prepared, young miss." She turned and left, followed by Georgette.

I whimpered.

A few moments later, the door opened and Mary came bustling in. If she knew what was about to happen, I didn't see any sign of it. Instead, she cheerfully started to undress me. "I hope you're excited, young miss," she said, nodding. "I hear that this is a very nice and exciting part of someone who has an Assigned Gender -- Ra was talking about it earlier today, and she said she's served with loads of officers who had it, and all of them what had this kind of operation felt really good afterwards!" She took away my dress, leaving me in my underclothes, then threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly. Then, very softly, she whispered in my ear.

"Do you mind if...I took a go?"

I froze, my eyes widening. "A...A go?" The mental image of Georgette sliding slowly from my well fucked ear and Mary, her curvy, gothy form looking entirely dominant in this new light, her glittering strap-on ready to thrust into my ear, exploded into my brain. Which, ah, was quite a turn of phrase considering...

" to touch you...w-when we were spying and...I...I would new...y...nevermind, it was silly!" Mary said, drawing backwards, but I turned to her, taking her hands and smiling at her.

"It'd be my vagina to have you touch my honor," I said, then blushed, closing my eyes. "...strike that. Reverse it."

Mary giggled, her fans whirring -- as the door opened and Georgette and Jeanette entered.

And Ra.

Oh holy shit.

"S-So, uh, heh..." I stammered. "Any, uh, chance that, uh..." Ra put her hand on my shoulder and I squeaked as she shoved me down to my knees, my eyes widening as their clothing started to slip and slide off their bodies, cascading down in a series of clatters and shus shus shus noises. The clatters came from buttons and belt loops and the pieces of my fucking skull because my brain had just exploded from sheer horniness. Because right now, I was on my knees, facing three incredibly delicious looking robot cock. And, like, it was like...Goldilocks, if instead of too small, too big, and just right, there was holy shit, hnnn and fucking kill me with that thing, Christ.

That would be Ra, of course.


"Shut up."

Ra's hands gripped me by the hair and she pressed her fucking kill me with that thing cock against my lips, which opened just barely enough to let the head of her into my mouth. She pushed herself forward with a casual brutality that made my jaw ache and my spine arch and my own comparatively small dick twitch and throb against my skirts. My fingers scrabbled for purchase on the ground, and I made a soft 'gluck!' noise as Ra pushed another few inches into my throat as Georgette and Jeanette both chuckled, quietly, watching me.

"We need to get lubed up properly..." Georgette murmured.

"Says you. I'm just getting a proper throat fucking from our eager little cocksucker," Ra rumbled, her voice rough as she gripped my hair, tugging on my pale blond hair rough enough to send deliciously spikey jabs of feeling through my scalp. Yes, it hurt. But after the hurt had faded, it left behind a buzzing tingle that meant that the cool touch of her fingertips awakened a feeling inside of me. An intense, happy, petting feeling. My eyes closed tight as Ra pushed her dick in a bit more, my lungs burning, my nose flaring as I tried to draw in breath. Drool dripped down my chin and onto the floor as I made a haunting, animal noise at the base of my throat. Ra shoved in a bit more, than drew back, so that when my nose flared, I was able to actually whuff in some air, my brain aching and buzzing with the lack and return of O2, my one true ally in the long fight against simply passing out from cock overload.

"Don't knock her out, Ra," Georgette said.

"We can always enjoy her ass if she passes out and wait for her to wake up proper," Ra said. "You offered to let me play. So let me play."


She thrust down my throat again and grunted. "Squeeze her, maid."

Cool fingers closed around my throat -- Mary was gripping me from behind, clenching my throat tighter around the cock that was filling me. Ra panted, her voice husky as her metal balls bounced off my chin. "Stars, you humans don't know how good oral feels. We machines...we don't get this often...knowing that I'm fucking that pretty mouth of yours...hnn...that I'm choking those lungs of yours..." Tears streamed down my cheeks and drool dripped down my chin. I was a blubbery mess and I was pretty sure I'd completely soaked my underclothes -- purely from Ra's throat fucking. "Rrr...and you fucking love it, don't you?"

Ra drew her cock back and out of my mouth. I coughed, gasped, and Mary released her grip on my throat...but she did cradle my body and my head in her hands. Which was good, because without her, I would have slapped straight down into my own puddle of drool and Ra's precum. My eyes were half closed and I rasped out. "Y...Ya...yuh..."

I couldn't even form words.

Ra snorted and then smacked my cheek with her dick. Hard. The curved edge of her snapped my head to the side and Georgette stepped forward, grinding her own hard girldick against my face, squeezing my left ear between her fingertips, hard enough to hurt and feel so good. "Pathetic," Ra rumbled and I whimpered, my eyes half closed as Georgette crooned.

"What did I teach you about this kind of situation?" She murmured.

"T-...Tha...That I'm a worthless human slut?" I asked, looking up at her past my bangs and through blurry eyes. Georgette's eyes glowed cruelly as she looked down at me, her body partially obscured by her own dick.

"That's correct..." She murmured. "And what do worthless human sluts do for their robot mistresses?"

"Beg..." I whispered, my head still pounding.

"Beg...for ...what..." Ra's cock tip bumped against my cheek. I turned my head, kissing the head of her cock -- but she grabbed my hair, holding me still and jerking her cock backwards, which was painfully close to being kissable. "Bad bitch, say please-"

"Please, cock...your cock, please, ram it down my throat, fuck me, please, anything," I whispered.

"Anything?" Ra crooned.

"Yeah..." I whispered, then squeaked as she grabbed onto my head. Her fingers sunk into my scalp, tugging my hair up, drawing me up so that I was on my knees and nothing else. Her cock prodded against my ear and I had a moment of surreal panic mixed with terrifying excitement. She pressed forward, her dick pressing against the tiny hole of my ear, pushing in and pressing harder and harder as I whimpered. "No, hey, wait, uh, wait, I-" I stammered, the safe word tingling at the tip of my tongue. And yet, I didn't say it...even as Ra pushed forward with a low, animalistic grunt.

If she had had teeth to grit, she'd have gritted them.

As it was, she simply let out a soft little groan. Then she pushed forward and...oh wow, wow, okay...auh...I could feel her cock inching bit by bit more into my skull. She pushed through my ear that made a loud pop inside of my hearing and I grunted, my mouth opening, then closing. I trembled, my fingers clenching and I tried to say something. "" I gurgled, and I felt just how much that was turning her right on because Ra let out a soft little growl. Then she pushed another inch in...

And now her cock was pressing right up against my brains.

I could...



Her...dick was prodding against me and the touch sent electrical feelings crawling through my entire nervous system. My nipples grew tingly and hard, my cock throbbed, but that was all normal sexy stuff. Right now, my fingers were buzzing as if they had become the tip of my cock. Five eager little cocks, right on the end of my throat drew in air and the cool brush of air against my throat felt like a gently breeze against my hard clit. It was like my nerves were being tied together, jumbled up, thrown into the air, and they all had somehow landed on fuck yes.

...then Ra pushed in another few inches. And she rocked her hips. Stirring. Her dick. Inside of me. I gurgled and groaned, my eyes rolling up into my head, my body quivering as I lost all sense of time or place -- there was just fuckmeat, and the fuckmeat was me. I grabbed for something, anything -- and my palm pressed against a thigh. It was guided to a cock and I started to jerk the robodick before me with the same eager wantonness that I had done anything today. My palm stroked more and more as Ra groaned and then...

I felt another cock pressing against my other ear.

"Ohhh very nice..." Jeanette rumbled.

She pushed forward with all of the eager thrusting, none of the gentle exploration, of Ra. Ra was big. She had to ease in. Jeanette...was also big. She just didn't give a fuck. Her cock plunged through my ear and both of their hands released my head -- and for just a moment, I was literally suspended by the two dicks in my ears, pushing against the insides of my brain. Then a large, strong hand cupped the front of my face. Fingers pushed into my mouth, like I was nothing more than a piece of meat. That was Ra. Ra held me, her fingers crooking against my mouth as my jaw hung open and Ra groaned, then thrust forward -- her dick bumping against Jeanette's dick inside of my head, my brain mushing around them as they started to fuck me on either side of my head, their balls slapping against my jaw, my chin, in a wild pattern that wasn't even syncopated -- their cocks were plunging into me with a fierce, rough, driving motion.


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