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All The Way - A Buffy Fanfic Pt. 02

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Buffy meets an old time friend.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/29/2018
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Disclaimer: The world and characters in this story are taken from the TV show: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and are the trademark property of Joss Whedon and 20th Century Fox Television. I do not have any claim of ownership over the world of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or its characters, including Buffy, Giles, Dawn, Tara and Willow. This is a work of fiction and in no way is this work canon. This story was created to entertain and is in no way an official story line. I wish to thank Mr. Whedon, without his pioneering work, my story would not exist.


Disclaimer: Josie Maxwell is the creation of BraveVesperia. She is portrayed in this story with full permission from her owned and creator.


"She's taking it pretty hard..." Buffy said, she turned her eyes to her sister, Dawn.

"Well, it's not surprising." Giles agreed, playing around with the ice pack on his face. "Though we can't ignore this kind of behavior, something needs to be done before it spins out of control."

"You're right," Buffy agreed, "I'm glad you're here to take care of it, don't be too hard on her okay?" she added before heading upstairs and leaving the two behind to talk.

Buffy walked down the hallway to her room, along the way she passed Willow and Tara's room. Through the closed door, Buffy could hear the two talking.

"Can we not do this now?" Tara sounded off.

Not wanting to eavesdrop on the two lovers, Buffy moved on to her own room and closed the door behind her. It was another long night and she felt the exhaustion taking its toll on her soul. Buffy walked directly to her bed, not even bothering to change to her PJs, she crushed on the bed and started drifting off.

"Knock," came a distant sound, Buffy dismissed it as her bed adjusting to the added weight. "Knock," the sound came again, and again. Buffy opened her eyes, the room was empty.

"You know you broke into the wrong room, right?" She said as she got up, "Dawn's room is the one on the right." The knocking continued, but now that Buffy was more alert she had no problem pinpointing their source, it came from the window behind the white curtains.

"I'm giving you one last chance to run away..." Buffy threatened as she made her way to the source and flung the curtains open, exposing a slim figure, crouching behind the glass.

"Hi Buffy," said the figure, her voice was soft and feminine.

With the light from her room, Buffy could easily tell who it was. She quickly unlocked the window and offered her hand, "Josie, come in," she said as a delicate hand grabbed her own and the figure walked into the well-lit room. It was a woman, standing a little shorter than Buffy, she had light brown, shoulder-length straight hair and charming hazel eyes.

"Thank you," Josie said as she straightened her dress, "long time no see," she added.

"Yea, about 5 years..." Buffy sounded a little confused.

"I was at your funeral..." Josie admitted as she lowered her look, trying to avoid Buffy's eyes. "I cried so much."

"Sorry to hear that..." Buffy tried her best to consolidate her old-time friend, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay Buffy, I got a lot better once I hear the news, you're back..." Josie looked up into Buffy's eyes with a glistening gaze, "Took me a bit but I mustered the courage to come see for myself, and here you are."

"Thank you, Josie, I'm glad you came." Buffy gestured to her bed, offering Josie a place by her side. Both girls sat side by side on the soft mattress.

"This is awkward Buff," Josie resumed the talk, "I'm so happy you're back, I missed you those 5 years, how are things going for you?"

"Well, I died and all that, I don't want to get stuck on that experience..."

"So don't, tell me what else is going on in your life." Josie offered.

"Ahmm... Okay," she agreed, "I lost my mom, but I still have the gang, we mostly live here, me and dawn and willow with her girlfriend..." Buffy talked on and on, telling Josie of the past five years.

"Wow, you've been through a lot Buff." Josie concluded, "My story looks like a walk in the park after hearing yours... I only finished my degree and just returned to Sunnydale a few months ago."

"Well, we all have our issues..." Buffy agreed.

"What about love? Do you have anyone right now?" Josie fired.

"Nope, there is that vampire..." Buffy paused, thinking about what she said, "No, forget I ever said that, I am single, and you?"

"Same here Buff," Josie admitted, "No boyfriend, single me."

Buffy examined her friend, it seemed like she was a little stressed, but Buffy couldn't tell why. They have been friends since they were kids, and Josie was rarely stressed. Knowing each other for so long, the two were usually very comfortable with one another. Buffy did notice one tiny detail in her slim friend, her nipples protrude through her blue top.

"Josie... I... Your... B..." Buffy mumbled hesitantly before she got a grip, this was Josie, the two talked about everything before Josie left to study, there was nothing shameful or offensive in what she wanted to say, "Josie, your nipples are showing through your shirt."

Josie looked down at her C cup breasts, indeed her friend was right, she could clearly see her nipples poking through the fabric. Without much thought, she reached for them and started massaging the puffed hills, hoping to calm them down, "Sorry about that, probably the cold outside got me going."

"Oh, it's okay Josie, I might not be as big as you are, but I have nipples too, I know how treacherous they can be." Buffy joked and the two giggled at the remark. Even though Josie rubbed them, the bulges persisted in their refusal to disappear. "Just leave them be, Josie, I know you since we were little girls, I figured out you had nipples years ago."

Josie stopped, she blushed slightly, and her hands dropped to her knees, "Are you sure Buff? You're comfortable with this?"

"As comfortable as it gets Josie, really, don't stress about it." Buffy encouraged her guest. To her surprise it didn't seem to work, Josie seemed agitated. Buffy thought for a second and an idea came to her. She lifted her hands and started massaging her own nipples. Before long, they stood out just like Josie.

"What are you doing Buffy?" Josie wondered.

"Making you feel comfortable," she explained, "see, I have nipples too, Josie, we're not so different for the most part..."

Buffy's display made Josie react differently than expected. She blushed deeply and her breath became heavy. "Buffy... I..." The hazel-eyed girl stuttered, "Why is it so hard, why can't I just say it?" Josie got off the bed and started walking around the room and talking to herself.

"Josie, is everything okay?" Buffy wondered, "Did I do something wrong? Shit, did I offend you in some way?" she went on, looking to add reason to the scene.

Josie stopped in her tracks, "You know what, I'm just gonna say it..." Her voice was low.

"Great idea Josie, just let it out... " Buffy encouraged.

"I have feelings for you Buffy Anne Summers, I love you." As the words left Josie's lips they seemed to rattle the room, silence took their place as they faded out.

"You... You what?" Buffy asked, baffled by what she just heard.

"Buffy, please, don't make me repeat myself, it was hard enough already..." Josie struggled, she inhaled deeply and said the words again, "I love you..."

Buffy got on her feet and started walking around the room. At first, she was silent, trying to think things through. After what felt like an eternity to Josie, the slayer stopped dead in the middle of the room and turned to her.

"You know what Josie, I think we have this the other way around, right now, I'm really confused by what you said..." Buffy started.

"Didn't mean to hurt you, Buffy..." Josie apologized.

"You didn't hurt me, Josie, but I hope what I have to say won't hurt you..." Buffy talked in a voice filled with hesitation. "Please don't overreact..." she whispered.

"I... Well... What?" Josie mumbled.

Buffy ignored and moved on with her plan. She reached down to her pants and undid the button, "Before we talk about love and feelings, there's something I need you to see, it's part of being a slayer..."

Josie was a little concerned as her mind immediately started thinking about the worst, "You have a giant scar, right? Your body is decaying because you died?" Josie asked in a frightful voice.

Buffy giggled and unzipped the fly, "No, Josie..." She wiggled her hips a little to loosen the tight grip her pants had on her and let them drop to the floor.

Josie's jaw dropped as she saw her friend's crotch. Most of it was covered by her white panties, but from the right side protruded a cock. Josie couldn't ignore it, the thing was huge, reaching down, just above Buffy's knee, it was only semi-hard.

"You have a cock..." Josie marveled.

"I do," Buffy admitted, "comes with being a slayer..."

"Are you a boy, Buffy?" Josie asked, unsure how to deal with the situation.

Buffy busted with laughter as she heard Josie's question, "No Jo, I have a cunny," Buffy used a childish register unintentionally.

"I... I don't understand..." Josie stuttered.

"It's part of being a slayer, I had a cock, ever since I became a slayer..." Buffy explained.

"Wow, I... I never saw one that big..." Josie whispered to herself, her face suddenly turned red, "Did I just say that out loud?" She gasped as her hands covered her mouth.

"It's okay Josie, don't worry about it, I understand the reaction... Just, please, say something coherent, you still love me as you did a moment ago?"

"Ahmm... I... It..." Josie stumbled in her speech. She stopped for a moment to think things through. "I still love you, I mean, it's strange you have a cock but that doesn't change my feelings."

Buffy smiled after hearing the answer, but Josie continued. "My question still remains unanswered Buffy... Is what I'm feeling mutual? I know we both don't have problems with girls, I remember that from our high school days. What I want to ask is, are you attracted to me, Buffy?"

Buffy shook her head, "I feel something for you, Josie, I don't know if it's love. After coming back from the dead my feelings are a little fuzzy, but I definitely feel something towards you, something romantic..." As Buffy tried to express her inner emotions Josie's eyes were transfixed on her dangling rod. Before her eyes, as its owner mumbled on, the cock grew, slowly creeping past the knee, lurching forward to claim more space.

"Buff..." Josie pulled Buffy's gaze, "Your cock... It's..."

Buffy looked down and giggled. "Yea, happens with most cocks Josie, the owner gets excited, cock grows... Rather simple equation."

"Am I making you excited?" She asked.

"Well..." Buffy hesitated for a moment, trying to decide which road she wanted to take with Josie. "You are, Like I said, I feel something romantic towards you..."

Josie shifted in her seat, she was unsure as to how to move forward. Prolonged periods of silence frightened the young woman and the presence of The Slayer in the room wasn't much help. She looked closer at Buffy's manly addition, it was growing larger and showing no sign of stopping. Josie was impressed by its length, but what really caught her attention was the girth of the thing, it was a wonder her undies held together.

"Must be super uncomfortable with the undies on, Buff." Josie thought out loud.

"It is Jo, you won't believe how tight they are. And having my sack crammed in there too isn't really helping..." Buffy expressed the sensation. Josie looked down to Buffy's crotch again and noticed something she missed, while she was focused on Buffy's cock, she completely failed to notice her undies were also filled with a huge sack, Buffy's balls.

"Wish I could take it out, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable Jo..." Buffy said.

Josie thought for a minute. She did feel a little strange seeing Buffy like this, but it wasn't too bad, and Buffy said she was having a hard time with her undies. "You can undress Buff, I don't mind..." Josie said with a trembling voice.

"No, Josie, I wouldn't want to put you in that position." Buffy objected.

Josie felt something strange inside, a sort of inner voice telling her she had to act. Without thinking too much, Josie reached behind her back and grabbed her shirt, peeling it off and standing before Buffy, only a white bra covering her ample breasts. "Please undress Buffy..." She repeated herself.

Buffy shifted awkwardly as her cock started to reach its full size, ending just below her breasts. "We better not, I..."

Buffy lose concentration when Josie unclipped her skirt and exposed her smooth legs. She still had her bra and undies on. "Take it out Buffy, I feel comfortable with you around..." As a final show of trust, Josie reached back and undid her bra, her large boobs wobbled as they took in the fresh air.

"Okay, I guess," Buffy gave in, "If you insist on it."

She reached down and pulled the rubber band encircling her waist as wide as she could and pushed it down her thighs. As she moved down, her huge shaft snagged on the fabric a little and once it broke free it bobbed around. Soon, Buffy tossed the undies aside and looked at Josie. "What do you think? Impressive right?"

Josie abruptly dropped to her knees, she saw Buffy's sack clearly now, bigger than her fist and engorged with cum. "Wow, Buff... This is amazing..."

"I know." Buffy giggled at the effect it had on Josie.

"I... Can..." Josie fumbled with words as she was overtaken by shock.

"Yes Josie, you can touch it..." Buffy said with confidence as she made her way over and exposed her top as well, revealing a pair of perky breasts.

Josie moved her hand slowly, as if she was in a dream. Her eyes mesmerized by the huge dick before her. Her fingers felt its warmth before they touched, it felt boiling. Once her gentle fingers arrived at their goal she felt the rock hard skin, pulled tight around the pole. She grabbed it and released a sharp gasp when she realized it was far too big for her hand to encircle.

"You feel good Josie..." Buffy said as she moaned with pleasure.

"You too Buff, you too..." Josie started to move her hand along the shaft, pulling the skin with her along the behemoth. Before she noticed it, her other hand was also at work on the cock. The movements were precise and coordinated as the delicate girl played with the rock hard fuck-pole. Up and down she danced, enjoying it as occasionally, it would flex in her hand and force a groan out of Buffy.

"Suck me, Josie..." Buffy sounded. They never talked about sex between them, but Buffy's voice sounded to Josie like a commend. She didn't think twice, leaning forward, Josie placed her lips around Buffy's crown and kissed it deeply, her tongue dancing along the edges of the slit. "Good girl Josie, keep going..." Buffy said as pleasure washed over her and made her mumble absent-mindedly. Josie kept on kissing the massive head for a few minutes before she released her grip on the massive organ.

"I'm... I'm sorry Buffy. "Josie said. Still on her knees, she looked down at the floor as she felt ashamed of her decision. Deep inside she feared the worst, "Did I break our friendship Buff? There's no going back right?" she whispered with a trembling voice.

Buffy lingered in thoughts for a few moments, pondering where to take this unexpected turn of events. She lifted her gaze along the length of her shaft, climbing until she met Josie's hazel eyes, shimmering with a mixture of fear and excitement. "Yes, this definitely changes the dynamics between us..." She sounded her feelings, "But that isn't necessarily a bad thing Jo."

"It isn't?" Josie perplexed, she released the cock and looked deep into Buffy's eyes, trying to find a better understanding of what her friend meant.

"I... Well..." Buffy wasn't sure how to put her thoughts into words. Taking a deep breath, she started with what she felt was the base. "I like you, Josie, I mean, I really like you. And as you can tell, you're turning me on..."

Josie giggled at the comment, "I can see that."

"I've been lonely Josie, for the longest time..." Buffy sighed.

"I feel you sister," Josie admitted.

"I can't believe I lasted so long..." Buffy muttered. "And now we have this amazing chance, you and me Josie, what do you say?"

"Yes, mistress!" Josie approved with a big smile and took the huge cock in her mouth once more. The rod was pulsating angrily, as if demanding instant gratification. Josie didn't hesitate and took the head and as much of Buffy's length as she could. As skilled as Josie was, Buffy was still too big, half her cock remained outside of Josie's mouth.

"Mistress, I like the sound of that..." Buffy said between moans, "Take me deeper Josie..."

Josie never gave deepthroat in her life, she never faced a cock so big her mouth and a hand weren't enough. But her new lover mistress asked, and she had to at least give it a shot. Josie thought how to accomplish her mistress's demand, when she felt a delicate hand brushing against the back of her head, playing with her hair. She sighed at Buffy's delicate touch, though it hardly sounded over the moans her partner was producing.

Quickly and without warning, Buffy executed her plan. Josie realized the hand on the back of her head was pushing her towards the base of the massive shaft. As more and more cock meat filled her mouth she tried to resist, but Buffy was unbelievably strong. The cock was soon almost all the way in when Josie stopped her futile resistance and noticed the cock was already deep in her throat. It felt strange, not painful at all and she felt no gag reflex, it was just as if she could now take more of Buffy, and it felt great.

As her mouth smashed against Buffy's soft skin, Josie realized she took the whole thing. The hand was gone now, and Josie realized the endless possibilities that opened before her. She lifted her hands and reached for Buffy's balls. Grabbing one in each hand, she realized just how big her friend was. Each soft orb was a handful and then some, Josie wondered how much her new lover was able to produce...

Holding the huge sack with both hands, Josie pulled the cock slowly out of her mouth, until she felt only the massive head filled her mouth. She sucked hard on it and then, pulled herself forward lightly using Buffy's sack, prying a moan out of Buffy in the process. Josie easily slammed the whole cock quickly back in her throat, making Buffy scream with pleasure.

Seeing she experienced no discomfort, Josie decided she will take things up a notch. She retracted the cock out of her throat once more before slamming it in again. Picking up the pace, she throat-fucked Buffy's monster erection as hard as she could. The rod tasted salty, but at the same time, Josie could have sworn she tasted a little sweetness in there.

"Josie, slow down." Buffy blurted out between moans. Listening to her new mistress, she lowered the pace and used her tongue to pleasure the beast. Now, that she moved from throat-fucking to more pleasant lovemaking, Josie started to understand the sweet taste she thought she felt earlier. It was Buffy, by some miracle, the blonde was making sweet precum.

"No, Josie, Stop!" Buffy suddenly commended, Josie felt her hair being pulled back as the massive rod left her mouth. Josie gasped for air as she looked up at her new lover, Buffy's cock pulsating with pleasure, a few inches below her small breasts. The slender blonde was panting as a heavy stream of clear liquid poured out of her tip.

"Did I make you cum Buffy?" Josie wondered.

All Buffy could produce were gasps and moans. She tried to take long, deep breaths as electricity washed her frame. It took her a while to reach a state where she could produce something coherent, and all that time Josie waited, kneeling, playing with her clit in an attempt to address her urges.


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