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Allen story Ch. 03

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Mom needed a change.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/08/2023
Created 09/04/2023
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Time passed by. I was now 23, studying my ass off in my last year in college. I vowed to succeed and make my mother proud. My goal was a subspecialty in engineering, although I was still determining which one.

My older sister Sarah lived on the other side of the country with her husband and two children. I stayed with Mom. She treated me like a child, feeding me, doing my laundry, and inquiring about my day in school every evening.

One day, Mom asked me, "Allen, you are a big boy. I have been waiting to hear you mention a girlfriend for a long time. When I and your father were your age, we were more active, if you know what I mean..."

"I study hard before my final exams and don't have much time for distractions. While we are on this subject, isn't it time for YOU to see other men? Dad died years ago, and it's time for you to continue with your life. If Dad were alive, he'd tell you the same thing."

"Allen, I loved your dad wholeheartedly and cannot see myself with a stranger." I saw tears in her eyes, "On our 10th anniversary, we committed to keep loving each other and our family without letting others in. The vow was intended never to divorce each other, but I feel in my heart that it applies to my current situation, too."

"Mom, you are still young. Your 44th birthday is nine days from now. Since you refuse to meet other men, let's celebrate the occasion together. I'll see if Sarah can join us."

I phoned my sister. She declined, "Sorry, my oldest child is sick with pneumonia, and I cannot leave. I promise to be there on Mom's 45th birthday."

It was Mom and me against the world...


Knowing that Mom loved French cooking, I reserved a corner table at an excellent French restaurant (I mentioned that it was my lady's birthday and promised to give a generous tip if we had a table at a quiet corner). Afterward, I planned to take Mom to a nice club. Once my reservation was confirmed, I told her about it.

She glanced at me lovingly, "Honey, you should invest your precious time studying. Your old mother does not need a big celebration for a meaningless birthday!"

"Mom, I love you, and it's time for you to get out of this house and have fun. I study a lot, and a break is good for me. With whom will I go out if not my pretty young mother?"

She sighed, "I was pretty once..."

"You are still one of the prettiest women I know. Stop underestimating yourself!"

She grinned, "You talk like your father. He always told me I was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Whenever I mentioned a flaw in my face or my body, he'd say the same sentence- 'Stop underestimating yourself.' Every day, you become so much like him..."


Friday afternoon, I reminded Mom about our dinner. She smiled, "A date with my loving son, what can be better than that? I'll be ready on time."

We had one hour before driving to the restaurant. I shaved, showered, and put on long pants with a nice shirt. I wanted Mom to be proud of me, and added a jacket.

Mom came out of her room, and I was awestruck. She wore a short black dress highlighting her shapely legs and a 3" heels black shoes. But the top part was even better - Her shoulder-high blond hair framed perfectly her pretty face. The few wrinkles were covered with a touch of makeup. The cleavage was the main attraction. It wasn't exaggerated, yet it displayed the creamy top of her C-cup breasts in a way I'd never seen before. I ogled her with my mouth open.

She watched me and giggled, "Be careful, you might swallow a fly... I assume you approve of my choice. Initially, I thought of dressing casually, but then I realized going on a date with a handsome young man, I should do better. The last time I wore this dress was many years ago. Frankly, I am surprised I can still fit in it."

"Mom, you are gorgeous! I always knew Dad made the perfect choice. You look stunning..."

"Thank you, son. It means a lot to me. You dressed nicely, too. You talk like your father but also look and dress like him."

"Mom, taking my eyes off you is difficult, but we must go."

I opened Mom's door for her, and when she bent forward, I was rewarded with seeing more of her fantastic boobs.

The ride took half an hour. We hardly talked; we just peeked at each other and smiled when we got caught.


The waiter led Mom and me to our table. I noticed several men and two women ogling Mom as she walked. I couldn't blame them - A pretty lady with a breathtaking body, an elegant yet sexy dress, and a gliding walk. Forty-four years? She looked 24!

We sat down, and I whispered to Mom, "Every man in this establishment watched you on your way to our table."

She didn't raise her eyes, "I noticed. I was scared to death to make the wrong move and fall on my face. You don't understand it, but going out of the house is something I try to avoid at all costs unless for necessary errands."

"I don't get it. You are pretty, and there is nothing wrong with your body, so why don't you be yourself?"

"I was used to going out with Dad, but I lost self-confidence when he died. The longer I stayed at home, the worse my agoraphobia became."

The waiter showed up with the menus and asked if we wanted something to drink.

"Yes, please. Bring us a bottle of your best not-too-sweet white wine."

Mom chose a house salad and Chicken Confit. I selected Potage Parmentier and Lamb Shank Navarin. We'd share the tarte tatin for dessert.

The chilled wine arrived first. I poured it into our glasses, and Mom finished hers in less than 10 minutes.

I smiled, "Mom, you seem nervous. I promise to protect you from any threat. It's your birthday..."

"Son, I know that, but the wine will make it easier."

The food was delicious. I often wondered how French cooks use similar ingredients and create better dishes than chefs from other countries.

"Mom, do you like your food?"

"It's perfect! The chicken skin is crispy, and the meat is soft and tasty, just as I like it."

I noticed Mom became more relaxed after her first glass. I filled her second one. She consumed it quickly, too.

The food melted in our mouths.

Suddenly, a group of waiters showed up with a little cake and a single lit candle on top. They approached us, singing, "Happy birthday, dear Lynn, happy 28 birthday to you..." Everybody in the restaurant cheered and clapped their hands.

Mom looked at me teary-eyed, "You told them the wrong age. I am three years older."

"Sorry, it will never happen again."

I paid the waiter and added a 25% tip.


Next, I took Mom to a club I heard about from a friend. On a small stage, a 4-person orchestra played various dancing songs. A few couples were already dancing.

"Mom, let's dance."

"Allen, I hardly remember how to move on the floor. I haven't danced in years. Last time, it was with Dad, and he led..."

"That's not a problem. Nobody knows us here, and my dancing skills are worse than yours. Let's try."

The first dance was Slow. I held Mom in my arms and slowly led her dancing. Mom put her arms around my neck, and I hugged her waist. A minute later, she came closer and leaned her head on my shoulder. Her firm breasts were now crushed against my chest. It was a strange feeling - I hadn't been that close to Mom in years!

My pecker began hardening. She held me tight, and I couldn't easily separate our bodies. The longer the dance continued, the stiffer I became.

Mom felt it and gasped, but her body clutched to mine even more. I didn't know what to do and waited for the next song to save me. Unfortunately (?...) the next one was also Slow. Mom's body was glued to mine, and I thought she used the dance to gyrate her pelvis against my groin! I felt my zipper was about to rip open...

I whispered, "Mom, what are you doing?"

She lifted her face and winked, "Allen, I am having the time of my life. Feeling that I can still attract young men is wonderful. It's my birthday, let me enjoy it, please!"

"But Mom, your close contact with my body makes me horny..."

"You don't say?! What do you think I feel?..."

"If you don't let go, I'll soon cum in my pants..."

She lowered her hands, looked me in the eye, and then glanced at the bulge in my pants, "I am tired of the noise and the dancing. It's time to go home."

During the drive home, we were silent, now and then gazing at each other, but unlike the drive TO the restaurant, Mom often stared at the slowly resolving tent in my pants.


Mom smiled when we entered the house, "I'll be back in a minute. Please pour me white wine. She reappeared 20 minutes later wearing a short plunging nighty. When she walked, it was clear she had no bra on. My cock started engorging again.

She held her glass and came toward me, "Cheers to the most important man in my life." And then she kissed me on my lips. I was speechless and looked at her face.

"Honey, it's my birthday. And you remind me so much of your father... His reaction to my body coming very close to his was the same. There is nothing wrong with you being attracted to me. I am a woman in my prime, slightly underdressed and feeling happy. Allen, I am aroused too!..."

"Mom, I love you and am very horny at the moment, but we both know that what you are suggesting is the alcohol talking."

She stared at my eyes, "Not exactly. The wine gives me the courage to say what I feel. We both want the same thing..."

"Mom, you expect me to agree to do something you'll regret in the morning?"

She pleaded, "Please, Allen, I understand if you do not find me attractive. But I see all the signs you feel the same way. Please kiss me."

My will was waning fast. I still couldn't move.

She swayed toward me, lifted her face, and kissed my lips softly. Her luscious lips and the light smell of her perfume broke the last barrier. I hugged her in my arms, and French kissed her. Her open mouth sucked on my tongue passionately. Her body clutched to mine, and I felt her hard nipples poking my lower chest.

My prick sprang into life, extending quickly. She placed her hand on my bulge and caressed it gently. Instinctively, my hand moved to touch her covered mammary.

Her lips disengaged from mine, and she whispered, "Let's go to bed. I think it's time."

I was dizzy. I was aroused like never before and about to have sex with my mother!

My upper brain whispered, 'Don't do it! It's the wine. You'll feel awful tomorrow.' However, my lower brain blurted, 'Mom is a big girl who wants sex with you! Do I need to remind you how gorgeous her body is? How sexy she is? This opportunity may never come again. Take it!'

I slowly followed Mom into her bedroom. It was semi-dark. Mom undressed fast and entered under the cover. I was torn, recalling my body was a far cry from that of Adonis.

I looked at Mom and sent her a telepathic message, 'Mom, my body is similar to Dad's. You'll see me naked and admire my body like you felt about his!'

I undressed slowly, trying to see in her face what she thought about my body. The barely lit room made it difficult to guess her reaction. I finished removing my clothes and was about to enter the bed. I heard her astonished voice, "Allen, the last time I saw you naked was decades ago. Genetics worked miracles. I see that your body has become perfect, like your father's. Come to bed; I want to feel you..."

Her body radiated heat my way before I touched her. Mom moved toward me, and her soft curves raised my pulse rate. Feeling her exposed breasts against my skin made my rod lift the blanket. I was so excited... and my hands didn't touch her yet!

I whispered, "Mom, you are too sexy. I am afraid to move - I may cum prematurely..."

She chortled, "Thank you for the nice compliment. I am not concerned. Even if you climax early, a young stud like you can resume the fun after a short break. I just want to feel your body against mine, your hands exploring my body, and your lips on mine."

Mom's hand trailed from my face down to my chest, tummy, and then met my erect cock. She caressed it lightly, and I felt her nipples stiffen against my chest. I placed my palm under her pert tit, lifting it and feeling its weight. She moaned in my mouth.

My hand descended lower, exploring her soft, feminine body. When I reached her mound, Mom gasped but did not object. Her folds were drenched.

"Mom, I want to lick you."

"Honey, you don't have to do it. It's our first time. Let me feel you inside me."

"Please, I have the urge to taste your nectar. It will also give my unruly penis time to recover from your arousing touch..."

"Allen, if you do that, you'll find out that a good oral job makes me reach status orgasmic in no time... It may last for a long time! Your father knew about it, and every birthday after giving me his present, he used cunnilingus as what he called 'my dessert'..."

"Dad loved you a lot, and so do I. It is your birthday today, and I plan to renew the customary oral!"

She sighed, "Son, you are very good to me. Later I still want your beautiful organ in my vagina!"

After kissing her sweet lips one more time, I crawled south slowly. I applied small kisses to the side of her neck. She quivered and caressed my hair. My face continued downward, meeting her fantastic left breast. I sucked gingerly on her dark nipple. The mere thought of my lips on her tit for the first time since my baby-suckling time was enough to give my cock another jolt. I hurried down before climaxing. Her concave navel created the most erotic valley I've ever seen. Going further, her neatly trimmed bush waited for me. The musky smell was clear evidence of her arousal. I tasted her juice with my tongue. It was a mixed combination of floral soap, sweetness, and mild tanginess. I loved it!

"Mom, I adore your taste. I intend to stay here for an hour or two and drink as much as possible!"

"Honey, please don't..." but her hands pushed my face into her exposed cunt.

I lapped on her tasty nectar for a moment, and then my tongue began circling her labia, now and then penetrating her pussy. She groaned and lifted her pelvis to meet my tongue.

I added two fingers to the party, lightly rubbing her puffy folds and occasionally invading the entrance. Mom's groans increased, and her lower body lifted desperately, trying to force my tongue deeper into her. While my prick got a short break, Mom's arousal peaked. It was time to let her orgasm.

I inserted both fingers deep into her moist pussy and lightly massaged the anterior wall, hoping to apply pressure on her G spot. At the same time, my tongue moved slightly up and touched her clitty. She shuddered. With my tongue, I flipped her nub from side to side and, simultaneously, increased my fingers 'come-here' movements.

It took Mom a few seconds, and then her body started convulsing. I continued my manipulations and added pinching her rock-hard nipple with my free hand.

The unrestrained convulsions continued as long as my hand and tongue dug into her body. Her mouth opened wide to breathe harder, and whimpering frequently escaped her lips. Her eyes were shut, and her hands shoved my head deep into her cunt.

I loved feeling in control of her massive orgasm and was willing to continue indefinitely. After long minutes, I felt her skin beginning to sweat. It was time to let her regain her composure. I felt great - I didn't cum yet, but I made Mom reach a powerful climax.

I slowed down gradually and lay beside her, softly caressing her body.

Mom opened her eyes ten minutes later. She smiled, "Allen honey, was your plan to make me orgasm or kill me? My climax was so strong and lasted for so long, I thought I was dying!"

"Sorry. You looked so sexy and perfect during your climax... It's time to rest. Shall I bring you something to drink?"

"A cold one will be nice. You'll find a couple of beers and a pitcher of cold lemonade in the fridge. Put everything on a tray and bring them here."

We sat on the bed and sipped our drinks. Mom seemed tired, and I thought she'd go to sleep soon. However, the cold beer gave her extra energy. Her eyes looked more open, and her chatty personality returned as well. Twenty minutes after I opened the beer for her, she blurted, "Allen, I rested enough. Come on, show me what you've got!"

My dick comprehended her message before my brain digested it, and it expanded in no time. Mom stared at it and grinned, "Oh, darling, I see your monster is very interested... Come to Mama!"

She lay on her back, spread her thighs for me, and signaled to me to mount her with her finger. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I wished more than anything else to have sex with Mom, to conquer her body and make her mine! But what if I failed? If she didn't like my performance? Unlike sex with my former girlfriend, I couldn't risk it with Mom. A disappointing performance with her may ruin everything I ever had!...

I mounted her slowly, sending her an instruction, 'My body is perfect! My cock is the best one you ever had sex with, and even better than Dad's! When I tell you, you'll experience a more massive orgasm than the one you had half an hour ago! Be ready, here I come.'

I knelt between her legs and gently moved my tumescent member along her wet labia. Then, I shoved it in using a single powerful stroke. I stopped there. Her breathing intensified, and she looked at me pleadingly.

I started long, slow, hard strokes, and my hands kneaded her beautiful heaving tits. Her vagina felt somewhat tight, yet much less so than my former girlfriend's. No surprise there - Mom delivered two children through the same tunnel...

The friction my cock was feeling was very pleasant. Mom had a lusty look, quietly hinting to increase my pace. I gradually shifted gears and used my right hand to tweak her clitoris.

As I touched her clit, a cry escaped her mouth, and her body jolted like a missile upward. She underwent a second orgasm. Her hands moved uncontrollably this time, and her mouth mumbled incoherent words, "Oooh, yeees! Fuuuck me haaard youuu son of a biiitch! Oh, Goood! I cannnot taake it anymooore... I am dyyying!!!..."

The grimace on her face was of an infinite pleasure!

I closed fast on my climax and whispered, "Mom, is this what you wanted? You wished I'd fuck you senseless?!..."

She cried, "Yeees! Fuuuck meee haaarder! GOOOOD! I looove it!!!"

I pounded her tortured cunt as fast and hard as I could. Seconds later, I erupted deep in her womb, one hand squeezing mercilessly a hard nipple and the other pinching savagely her ultrasensitive clit. Loud cries alternated with deafening screams, and I was concerned that the neighbors would arrive to check on us... I leaned down, and French kissed her open mouth, drowning her loud noises.

My cock remained erect after ejaculation, and I continued ramming her body. Her orgasm didn't show signs of abating. I used one of her side-to-side movements to turn her on her tummy and shoved a pillow under her pelvis. I spread her legs wider and humped her pussy forcefully from behind. Her round ass cheeks jiggled erotically before me, exposing her puckered hole each time she pushed up against me. I lubed a finger with her juices and gently massaged her anus. Mom's jerking movement increased, and her ass countered my finger motion. Carefully, I inserted my finger into her back hole and massaged it gently. Mom's high-pitched scream suggested she reached another high with my double penetration.

I thought I could cum again, but it was not to be, and eventually I began to slow down. Her body crushed onto the mattress, and she remained motionless with her eyes closed for a long time.

I went to the bathroom to clean up and returned. Mom was still out. I had time to think about the evening events. The alcohol played a significant role, though mutual attraction was also evident. I knew Mom had two powerful orgasms, but I wasn't sure how she'd feel about it the following day...


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