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Alpha Male


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Saturday and Sunday were much the same, loving in the morning, after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, mid afternoon, before dinner, after dinner, and before sleeping. I didn't come for all of them but Brenda sure did, usually a few times.

Monday we needed groceries so went shopping. Brenda got really serious about taking responsibility for cooking and first bought a stack of cookery books. She spent half an hour sitting in the truck, browsing them and making notes before she said we could go for groceries. In the supermarket, shopping with a mission, she found everything she'd listed plus a lot of other things. This time we filled up the back seat and quite a few bags in the back. Round to the department store and got a lot of sheets and towels, the expensive ones. The sheets felt really smooth, I joked about them being too smooth and one of us sliding out of bed.

We got home and unloaded, Brenda had her nose in the recipe book all the way home and got straight into making us a different lunch. Not super fancy, but something different to burgers and other simple stuff. After I'd finished the pasta and salad I told her she was hired, it was delicious.

We had just finished cleaning up when my phone rang, I picked up my cellphone to hear my sister, one of the triplets. There are three of us, two girls and me.

"Jake, I phoned Uncle Dave and he said you should be able to help us. Paula and I have a really big problem and we really need help."

"OK Jen, what's up."

"You know our husbands got on well, well they've left us, to live together!! Paula and I just can't stay here and see them but we ......."

"Where are you right now?"

"We've booked in to the Regent hotel in Paradox."

"OK, that's about ....... about twelve hours from here so Brenda and I will be there in the morning to pick you up. Now, we'll have no problem looking after you, I won the damn lottery and I've got a nice house in the country we can all live at."

"Oh Wow, So that's what Uncle Dave meant. OK Bro, looking forward to seeing you. We can rest easy now."

Brenda and I got dressed and headed for Paradox. I drove for three hours then we stopped at a diner, ate, and then Brenda drove the next three hours while I napped. We kept swapping through the night until we got to Paradox and we found the hotel. I'd phoned my sisters when we were getting close and they were waiting outside. The welcoming hugs were, were very intense.

"Right, How much stuff have you got, do you want to go to your houses and collect more?"

"I don't really want to see them again, but there are some furniture items that mum left us that we should collect."

We worked out that there was too much to fit in the back of the pick-up so I bought a trailer and we went round and collected the furniture.

The drive back was shared between the four of us but we were still very tired when we got home. My sisters were excited by my new home and wanted to explore. I told them it was their home now and to "go for it" while Brenda and I went for a sleep.

I hadn't thought about sleeping arrangements and we just fell into bed together naked, Brenda snuggled in my arms. I woke up feeling much refreshed to find a dreaming Brenda stroking my cock. Paula and Jen were on the bed beside us with identical smirks. They were also naked!

"So that's the way of THIS world now. Even sharing with my sister and niece would still be more sex than I had with gay-boy so I'm in." Paula nodded her head, agreeing with Jen.

I thought about protesting but realized there was no point, we'd been caught. Brenda was still dreaming and holding my cock very possessively, she came half awake and slid down the bed to wrap her mouth around it. Paula's eyes went wide, while Jen whimpered and slid her hand between her thighs. Brenda opened her eyes, lifted a little, kissed the tip of my cock and realized our guests were watching.

"Oh shit. um..." She looked about to cry but before I could say anything, Jen looked at her, reached out and cradled her face,

"It's OK, Brenda, It's totally OK. Our only question is, can we share?"

"Sh .... Share?, share!, you want, .. but Jake's your broth... oh, ........ oh, ......... well ..... if you're OK with his daughter, then his daughter better be OK with his sisters."

Paula and Jen dived on top of us and the bed was suddenly full of kisses, breasts, and pussies being pressed everywhere. Brenda's mouth went wide in surprise when there was a hairy pussy in front of her face but she changed to excited and dived in to taste another female. There was a sense of urgency about both my sisters that Brenda felt also. I was soon plunging deep into their wetness and filling each of them with my cream. We slowed from the frantic pace and relaxed, looking at each other.

"Wow, I would guess you haven't been laid in a while, getting sort of raped by my sisters was a surprise. Next time can we go a little slower?, you know, foreplay type stuff"

Jen laughed "I was so wet you would have needed scuba gear to go down on me. Watching Brenda play with your cock was enough foreplay to make up for the last twelve months. I think, anytime you want me, I'll be ready."

It was getting on to dinner time so we climbed out of bed and sorted out some steaks for the BBQ. I got them on the grill while the girls sorted out salads and trimmings. We'd just finished eating when Jen realized what she was looking at outside.

"Holy Shit, there's a fucking enormous boat by the dock out there."

"Yep, you want to go for a cruise on my lake?"

It was a rush to get out to the dock, but I had the key. By the time I got ready Jen was standing on the very bow with her arms outstretched,

"What do you think guys, am I just like that girl in the Titanic movie.?"

"I don't think she was stark naked."

"Yes she was, well she was later when he drew that picture of her. What do you think Jake, want to draw a picture of your naked sister."

Brenda had been enjoying art at school and her eyes lit up. "I'll draw you, and paint you."

I liked that idea. "Next trip to town we'll get art supplies, maybe get some decent cameras too." I could see the house walls getting covered with home done art.

I started the boat and Brenda untied us, I moved out slowly while Jen tried to keep her balance, eventually she gave up and came laughing back to the cockpit. I made sure everyone was holding on and gave it full throttle. Paula nearly fell overboard but Brenda caught her just in time.

"Holy shit, this is fast enough for water skiing."

"I bought it for fishing but, yeah, it should be great for skiing and other stuff. This lake is only thirty acres but if we want we can load the boat on the trailer and take it elsewhere, hell we can even go off-shore with it."

I could see their minds thinking of myriad possibilities. "The point is, dear ladies, NONE of us have to work, if we want to sit around painting each other nude then we can, if we want to go on a holiday cruise, we can. I know Paula and Jen used to fish, I've taken Brenda out a few times and she seemed to enjoy it, hell, we could get an RV and travel around trying different fishing spots. Think along those lines, if we don't work then someone else who needs a job can get one."

Brenda sucked in her bottom lip, "What if, .. um... what if we want... children?"

Hadn't thought of that but still "On current income we could support... I don't know, probably forty kids if you get married."

"What if I can't get married?"

"What do you mean 'can't'?"

"Not legal to marry my daddy."

My sisters wrapped Brenda in big hugs. "We won't tell on you if you won't tell on us."

Brenda looked puzzled, but only for a moment then she grinned. I was a bit slower. I caught on and managed to shut the throttle down before I sat down with a thump.

" you all want..... to... to have..." They were nodding their heads very definitely.

"Our useless husbands were too gay to get us pregnant, so you're the Alpha male for us. I would like nothing better than to have your children. Between the three of us, with our family history of multiple births we might make forty. Probably have to build a bunkhouse though."

"OH SHIT. Let me get my head around this. My daughter wants to have my children, my sisters want to have my children." My heart expanded to embrace them all, I stood up and wrapped them all in a big hug.

"I love you, I love you all. I would be delighted to father your children." I smacked Jens bottom lightly, "When shall we start?"

"We may have started already, We didn't use birth control before and I'm at the right point of my cycle."

Brenda's face dropped, Paula saw and immediately hugged her tighter, "You'll have your turn, little darling. Actually I'd suggest you wait until you're about twenty before breeding. Having triplets tends to stretch you a bit more than singles and being a bit older means your body is a bit tougher. BUT there's nothing stopping you practicing."

Brenda thought for a moment and nodded her head. "OK, I can see the wisdom of that, so I need to stay on contraception."

We cruised quietly back to the dock, each of us thinking of a future surrounded by children. We tied up and walked up to the house, hand-in-hand. We sat outside and watched the sunset and then went inside and into the shower. We carefully washed each other, three washing one and making sure they were totally clean before swapping. Needless to say, by the time we dried off and moved to bed we were all aroused. The master bed was a standard Queen size and I resolved to get a superking as soon as possible.

Our bodies writhed against each other, kissing whereever came in reach. Hands roamed, touching each other, caressing, no matter whose. Fingers slipped inside, teasingly, mouths sucked on breasts, nipples, clits, cocks, and everywhere else. A pussy raised itself and a cowgirl slipped onto my cock, another pussy pressed against my mouth while a mouth sucked my balls. My tongue was busy and I soon tasted juices as she climaxed. I fired soon after as the one on top came together with me. She slid off and a mouth moved from my balls to clean my cock.

Waking the next morning to find Brenda's pussy sitting on my cock, sliding gently up and down, practicing those Kegel exercises with her pussy clenching my cock as she lifted. I think she could have made me come just from the muscle control. I lay there looking up at her then reached up and started tweaking her nipples. It wasn't long and she was panting and then throwing herself back and forward until she screamed and came.

I slipped out and got to the bathroom to empty my bladder, Brenda was waiting for me to finish and was seated and peeing while I washed up.

I stood there looking at her, then she reached out and caught my cock, pulling me closer. Her mouth opened and took me inside, she just held me there, running her tongue around the head. Then she stopped and laughed,

"You better wait till later, I need a shit and I can't concentrate. Go and make us a coffee while I stink the place out."

I laughed and gave her a kiss, walked out to see Paula sleeping on her side with her knees pulled up. Her legs were pulled up far enough to expose her cute little ass pucker and I couldn't stop myself. I knelt by the bed, wet my finger and gently rubbed around her opening. She whimpered and her cheeks flexed. I wet my finger again and rubbed it around her ass-hole again and again. She whimpered and grunted, her ass twitching at the stimulation. I teased right at the entrance. She woke, froze, her ass tightened, then she suddenly relaxed and pushed her ass at me, relaxing her opening.

"You want it, it's yours."

I slid my finger in, Alpha male claiming his territory. She arched her back to open herself further, this took her pussy exposure from a tantalising glimpse to fully exposed. Paula suddenly found herself with my fingers in her, front and rear. She lay there, pushing her bottom towards me as my fingers slid in and out. My finger in her pussy found that rough place that's known as the G spot and very quickly she was grunting and moaning. With a scream she climaxed, clamping her legs down on my fingers.

Her noise woke Jen who laughed and kissed her.

"That's an interesting alarm clock, how do I set it for me?"

"Easy, I think, just sleep with your knees up and the alarm clock starts by shoving a finger up your ass. Sure woke me up with a start. I've never had anything up there before so it took me a bit to accept it. Jake, are you planning on sticking your cock up there?"

"I get the impression that you might be looking forward to that new experience."

"You're my Alpha, you want it, I cannot deny you. And after that climax, I do want to try."

Brenda had come out of the bathroom and was leaning against the doorpost laughing.

"That's my attitude too, but Dad hasn't got to my ass yet. I think we might need to get some special supplies, what is that stuff? ... OK jelly? ... no, KY jelly. Hey, we need a sex toy shop. I think they have other things we could have fun with."

Jen and Paula had identical expressions of surprise at their nieces suggestion.

"You... um... bloody hell..... YES, I'm in... anything Jake wants to try, I'll do."

"OK girls. We have lots of things to do, BUT we don't need to do them all today. After that road trip, I want some relax time so how about the next couple of days we laze around, relaxing and planning. Right now I NEED some breakfast."

Brenda was first in the kitchen and her and I had started sorting out food when Paula and Jen came out. They had stopped to put on shorts and a T shirt. A naked Brenda stopped and glared at them.

"THAT will not do! The Dress code on Daddys Estate is bare skin, 24/7."

My sisters looked surprised, then Paula sucked in her bottom lip. She hunched a little and slipped her top and shorts off.

"Of course, Mistress. I forgot that we are very private here."

Jen laughed at her sister as she stripped,

"MISTRESS! Yes, she is being bossy, let's get her."

They dived for Brenda and she was suddenly getting tickled by both sisters. Lots of squealing and squirming and then Brenda yelped and froze.

"DADDY!, there's a finger up my ass!"

"I know, I put it there. They had you bent over with your butt in the air and I just couldn't resist."

"Oh, ... OK then, as long as it's you..... Actually it's not as uncomfortable as I expected."

Brenda spread her legs to make it easier for me while Paula and Jen watched closely as I got fingers in Brenda's pussy as well. She stood there, bent over, holding her ankles, as I finger fucked both holes. Jen got a bit too close when Brenda came and got a facefull of juice when she squirted.

"She's a squirter! My second boyfriend made me squirt – once. But he was the only one. I bet Jake can make me squirt lots."

Brenda got her breath back and then hugged me. A big kiss,

"Thank you Daddy, like I promised, I'm all yours. I thought it was one of them that was taking my anal virginity. ........ Would you be OK with full interaction between all of us or are there some things you want to reserve?"

"I.. I guess I'm OK with interactions. Yes, I am OK with playtime. I've got the only cock here so I think that would be my reserve. Can we keep between the four of us, that anything, anything at all is ok."

Paula and Jen quickly put a hand out each, Paula on the top. They waited for us and Brenda and I added a hand each to the stack. Paula led the vow,

"Between the four of us, it's one for all and all for one. Anything, anyhow, no holes barred."

We each repeated the vow, it felt like quite a solemn event even though we were standing in the kitchen, naked. I guess it was kind of – no secrets.

Paula had one question, "That's both Brenda and Jen you have had your fingers up their asses, when's my turn? Plus I really think I want to try your cock up there."

"I'll make sure your little butt is not forgotten today. As for my cock in your back-door, first we have to get some lube, and then I'd like to do each of you, but make it special seeing as you are all virgins there."

A group hug, then on with breakfast. After we'd cleaned up the girls wanted to go for a cruise around the lake so onto the boat. It took us five hours to go right around the lake. I showed them the beaches I'd spotted and we stopped at a few to explore. It took so long because each beach we stopped at one of them laid on the beach and DEMANDED that we all fucked her. Two girls sucking and licking while my cock was buried deep in her hole. Paula's ass got a lot of attention with all three of us getting a finger in at the same time, boy did she come! Finally made it back and I staggered up to the deck and demanded they fix a late lunch because I was fucked.

They laughed and made lunch and after eating we all laid around on the deck. Brenda started twirling Paula's pubic hair

"What's the best way to get rid of this stuff. Shaving, we'd be like a guy, have to shave every day wouldn't we?"

Jen looked over "There is a laser treatment that is supposed to be permanent, we'll have to do some research. Why do you want it off?"

"I don't want anything blocking Dads view or access. Actually after the way we were playing before I can imagine getting hairs in my teeth and I don't think that's the best idea."

Paula had an interesting expression, "Hmm, nothing blocking access, ... hmm ..... I can agree with that. Actually totally smooth sounds real sexy. Jake, where's the computer, I'll start researching."

"Don't have one, YET. Let's spend today going through this whole house and sorting out everything we need or want. I've got a bit of a list but there's your ideas that need to be added."

We spent the afternoon talking about different things we could be doing for our lifestyle. By the time we stopped for dinner we had three A4 pages filled with shopping ideas.

Four in a queen size bed is not a good fit, but love making that night was .. was close. Fortunately no-one fell out of bed.

Wednesday morning we all woke bright and early. Didn't get up until ten though. They each required a full load inside them. I was desperate for breakfast when we finally got moving. Quick but filling feed then off to town with the trailer hitched on the pick-up.

We went through town like a plague of locusts! Sports shop for kayaks, surf skis, all new fishing gear, and arranged a full gym setup. Furniture shop arranged a California King size bed and outdoor furniture. Craft shop had the art supplies we wanted, canvases, drawing folios, pencils, paints, everything. The biggest sale they had ever made, nearly emptied them out. Electronics store for computers, software, printers, digital cameras, TVs, and arranged them to revamp the sound system in the house. Paula spotted a beauty shop and found out all about hair removal, booked all three in to get the laser treatment the next day. Farm equipment store had a small tractor and attachments, chainsaws and gardening equipment. Brenda and Jen spotted the adult store and spent two hours in there. By the time we finished the pick-up was full, the trailer was full, and there was going to be a stream of delivery vehicles the next day.

We stopped at a fancy restaurant for an early dinner and then raced home. Parked the trailer and pick-up in the garage to be unloaded tomorrow and I just flopped on the sofa. The girls stood in front of me with huge grins. Jen held her hands out to show me a big tube of KY. Paula held her hands out to show me another, Brenda couldn't stop giggling as she showed me another. I nodded my head,

"I can guess what you girls want."

I stood up and started emptying my pockets, four pockets in my jeans with two in each pocket, two shirt pockets with another two in each, Another twelve tubes!. Party time tonight. Brenda got dramatic and, with a theatrical back of the hand to her forehead and a fake southern accent,

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