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Alpha Male

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Lottery win - daughter comes to live with him, then sisters.
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Copyright Johnnymax 2012

I caught her, in my bed, with her boss. Came back early from fishing, wish I'd been hunting. A fishing rod isn't half as threatening as a 12 gauge. Angela was no angel, the bitch just laughed, her boss told me to go away and come back when I'm a man. Filleting knife goes through sidewalls real easy. He was pissed about fixing four flats. I had the last laugh when his brakes failed, gosh, someone punctured his brake lines. He wasn't going fast enough to do any serious damage to the car or him. Cops weren't too happy with me but the judge sympathised and only gave me 30 days.

No-one told Angela I was well-behaved and she was rather surprised when I walked in after 10 days. I'd been able to start divorce proceedings from the lock-up so she'd already been served. My cousin Sue was the bank manager so I'd been able to lock that aspect up, my Uncle Dave was my boss so my job was waiting for me. Still my family didn't control everything in the town so when the divorce case was heard she got the usual female advantages, damn near cleaned me out. Daughter Brenda, was only 15 so she had to stay with mum, even though she told the judge, loudly, in court, that she didn't want to stay with a cheating whore. The judge told her to shut up, she had no say until she was eighteen.

At least I had my clothes, my old pick-up, and my fishing gear and boat. Who am I kidding, it was a dingy with a 25hp outboard. Even so I had to sell it to get into a rental apartment. My job was OK but selling furniture on commission isn't the easiest way to make a living. Still I made enough to survive.

Angela was made a pariah in town so she moved 150 miles away. This time I got my sympathetic judge (a great-uncle) and Angela had to pay all the travel costs for Brenda to visit one weekend each month and half of each school holidays. Brenda and I got on very well even though money was tight through me not working as much when she visited. Uncle Dave encouraged me to bring Brenda in with me as he said she brightened up the place and he found some office work for her to do.

Three years of this hand to mouth existence, I'd just put Brenda on the bus back to her moms and was walking home when I spotted a brooch by the sidewalk. Picked it up thinking it might be worth something, but looking closely it was obvious that it was pretty old and probably a family heirloom worth a lot. I put an ad in the local papers Lost and Found with my phone number and when the paper came out my phone rang.

"I think you've found my mothers brooch, a Cabochon Brooch with an engraving of two children, a girl on a swing with a boy holding two apples."

The description was perfect so I arranged to meet her at my work the next day. She was so grateful to get the brooch back that she wanted to give me a hundred dollar reward. I refused to accept, so she gave me a motherly kiss and turned up the next day with a cake and some shop vouchers that Brenda could use. Also in the envelope was a couple of lottery tickets. I put the envelope on the mantel and didn't think to check the tickets until a week after the prize draw.

One ticket won Twenty Million, about twelve and half million after taxes.

I went back to work in a daze. My boss stopped me as I walked in the office and looked at me.

"Are you OK Jake, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"I.... I.... I won the lottery."

"Holy shit, about time some luck went your way. How much?"

"Twenty, About Twe.... twel... Twelve and a half million after tax!"

"ALL RIGHT. Invest it wisely and you'll never have to work again. Your cousin Susan at the bank can get you started on term deposits and sort you out with a proper financial advisor. I'll plan on your immediate retirement, and I do not expect you back this week. I suggest you collect the money, put say, ten million straight into term deposits for now and keep the rest available, buy a new house, truck, fishing boat, whatever."

My Uncle Dave made a lot of sense so I collected the money and saw cousin Sue. She nearly fainted when she saw the numbers but got me organised. Ten million at current interest rates gives an income of nearly five hundred thousand a year which is a hell of a lot more than I'm currently earning.

I went back to my apartment in a bit of a funk and just sat there. My dreams that night were.... interesting. But by morning I'd decided to follow the rest of my uncles advice.

I cleaned out my truck and took it down to another uncles' Ford dealership and traded it in on the latest Ford 250 CrewCab pick-up, with all the trimmings. I picked up the property paper and started looking and one of the pictures reminded me of a place I'd seen a while back when I'd gone fishing. Back then it had a big "No Trespassing" sign but now the picture included a smaller "For Sale" sign. The map had shown there was a lake there but I couldn't find a way in to it. I contacted the realtor who surprised me, the place had been on the market for over two years. It was a hundred and twenty miles north so he passed me on to a local agent who arranged to meet me there in a couple of hours.

I found the property and the agent arrived at the same time. He unlocked the gates and we drove up a long winding drive to find the house on a rise beside the lake. Woooheee the house was fancy.

The house had cedar sidings and a tile roof, the master bedroom had an ensuite that could have damn near fitted a football team in it, there were four guest bedrooms, each with a small ensuite, a large kitchen, a formal dining room, super large living that opened onto a huge redwood deck. There were sun sails over parts of the deck with plenty of sunbathing areas. The house was nearly fully furnished although it had been vacant for a year.

By the lake was a dock and boathouse big enough for two with a proper launching ramp. The garage could fit three and still had plenty of workshop area. The place was off the grid and had a great setup of solar panels, wind turbine and battery storage. All this on 160 acres of land that was mostly covered in trees with a state forest on the other side of the thirty acre lake.

It was perfect.

The valuation wasn't too far different from the asking price of 1.2 Million so I pulled out my checkbook. The agent was dumbfounded when I gave him the asking price. We headed back to his office and he got busy on the phone. He cleared the check with my bank, and arranged for settlement in two days. I asked him to get a cleaning crew to go through it as I planned to move in Monday.

I headed back to town with a sense of purpose and dropped round to see my uncle. He liked the new truck and patted me on the back when I told him about the property.

I spent the weekend packing up my apartment and Monday morning I handed my keys in and drove off. I got to my new house and met the agent there. He handed over the keys and all the paperwork.

He drove off and I moved my gear in. Didn't do much to fill in the space. I headed out to the nearest town and the supermarket. Going from watching the pennies to millionaire meant I could buy the good stuff and I stocked up. Filled the back seat right up. On the edge of town was a boat yard so I stopped and looked around. Makes and models weren't that important on such a small lake but they had a really nice 2002 30' Boston Whaler with twin Yamahas giving 450HP that could even sleep four in comfort. Only $69,000 so another check, hooked it up and towed it home. The heavy trailer was real easy to launch with and then I moored the boat at the dock.

I unloaded all my shopping and realised that there would be quite a few more shopping trips to replace my somewhat worn wardrobe and all my linens that were also threadbare. I could finally buy quality rather than cheap. I was unpacking my apartment stuff and found the envelope with the vouchers in it. I suddenly remembered Brenda – I hadn't told her yet!. I thought for a bit then looked around outside. I picked the right tree and climbed a little way up until I could get a good photo that showed the house, lake and boat as well as my new pick-up. Brenda turned eighteen next weekend so I sent the picture to her cell phone with a note "Happy Birthday". I didn't expect to hear from her until after school but within the hour she phoned me.

"DAD! What do you mean, "Happy Birthday"? Sending me a picture for my birthday present is a bit strange. So unlike you, so I have to ask, what's going on?"

"Well Brenda, It's like this, I won a bit of money and everything in that picture is now mine."

There was stunned silence, "Are you still working?"

"I don't need to any longer."

"How ... how much."

"About twelve and a half million."

"Oh my God."

Silence. "Dad, you realize when I turn eighteen I can make up my own mind where I live, can't I."

"Oh, that's right, I forgot about that."

"I've been counting the days, Dad. I turn eighteen on Friday. I know mum doesn't have anything planned to 'celebrate'. She'll be at work and so will her boyfriend, I WON'T be at school. Could you come and pick me and my stuff up. I was going to wait until I graduated in six months but if you're willing and able to support me, I would rather live with you."

"NO PROBLEM, I'll be there around 10am. Actually I'll drive over Thursday and stay in a motel so between 9 and 10 OK?"

"YES, Dad, that is so OK. Um, I might need some big bags, and..... no I think that's all I'll need."

"Right, I'll see you Friday."

Yee-haa, oh, I'm so going to love going one up on Angela. I went through the house in detail and started to make up an extensive shopping list. I realized that there was nothing urgent and that I'd rather wait for Brenda so we could shop together. A simple meal, shower and bed.

Waking up in a new bed had me wondering where I was for a moment. Morning pitstop then a coffee out on the deck. Added an outdoor table and chairs to the shopping list. Had to eat inside.

Down to the dock and on my new boat, fired up the outboards and went for a cruise around the lake. Saw no-one, zero, zilch. Quite a few bends and curves in the lake that looked like good fishing spots. Found a couple of sandy beaches that were interesting.

Text message from Brenda showed "3", took me a moment to work out what she meant. The countdown had begun.

Did a bit of fishing and managed to catch a decent sized bass, enough for dinner for one. Spent a lot of the day chilling out, just looking around. A lot of really good trees, trails among them made a really pleasant atmosphere. A quiet evening, added a TV or two onto the shopping list.

Wednesday was a repeat of the day before except I spent a lot of time lazing on the deck. Poked around some of the storage areas and found a couple of deck loungers. Able to get comfortable in the sunshine. The text from Brenda, "2 ******", figured she meant kisses. Cooking for one is a bummer, drove into town to have a pizza and a few beers.

Thursday I woke up eager to get busy. An early text, "1 ********", I think Brenda's getting eager also. After lunch I headed out, nearly three hours to Brenda's town. Stayed in a motel just on the edge of town and breakfasted at Denny's. I got up so early I had to have two extra coffees or I would have been there before Angela left. 8:55am the message said simply "Now", I was there in ten. Brenda raced out and hugged me. Looked at the tonneau covers on the pick-up and told me to open them up. By the time I had them open she was back with the first two bags. Five minutes and she had six big bags in the back.

"I've written Mum a letter telling her that I'm going to live with you, now that I'm eighteen and legally allowed to choose. I have absolutely no idea where you live now so I haven't told her. Now I need to go to school and sign out."

She's organised! We went round to her school and they accepted that she was eighteen and could sign herself out of school. Fifteen minutes and that was complete. There was a sense of urgency about Brenda and it wasn't until we crossed the county line that she relaxed. We stopped in my old home town for lunch and then we dropped into the bank and I picked up the credit card I'd arranged for Brenda. She looked at the card, gulped, and looked at me.

"Th .. Thanks Dad. But I plan on shopping WITH you."

I laughed and gave her a hug, "I'm not planning on coming in to that Victorias Secrets with you, and there'll be other shopping you'll want to do without me."

"Victorias Secrets huh, OH you naughty man, you want a full fashion show when we get home. Actually, I would love to give you a lingerie fashion show."

I pointed to the shop down the street, but she shook her head and told me "no hurry". We went back to the pick-up then drove to the Ford Dealership.

"Choose one honey."

Her eyes went wide as she saw a Barbie car, a Mustang convertible in red, not pink. She looked at me so I nodded. Asked the salesman when she could have it and he promised it would be ready in an hour. Wrote another check and he scurried off and got the guys busy.

Brenda and I wandered over to the mall and wandered around holding hands.

"I don't need to shop, Dad, I've got everything I could ever want right here beside me." She stopped, turned and wrapped her arms around me. A big hug and she raised her face for a kiss, that wasn't no daddy-daughter kiss! That was an open mouth, tongue twisting, full of promise smackeroo!.

I gasped for breath and looked at her. Her eyes held my gaze,

"Daddy, I have wanted to be with you since, since I could think about it. When that stupid judge sent me to live with Mum, I cried for a week. But every day for the last three years, I have planned what would happen when today came. The car isn't important, where we live isn't important, I just want to be with you. Although they're nice, can we go straight home next."

"Right sweetheart. Pick up your car and you follow me STRAIGHT home. Remember, the Mustang is quicker than the pick-up so keep a light foot on the pedal."

"Yes Daddy, I'll follow close behind, I won't tickle your butt, ...... Yet."

I looked sharply at her but she just looked innocent. We headed back to the dealer and collected her car. We headed home with Brenda a safe distance behind. I unlocked the gate, we drove in, and I relocked the gate, then Brenda started goosing the throttle. I laughed and slowed walking back to the pick-up, stopping to pick a flower to give to her. She pulled out and accelerated past me, leaving me to follow her. I got to the house to find her car parked but no sign of her. I walked around the house to find her on the deck looking out over the lake. I found her, but I couldn't see her clothes. She looked at me, and stretched, her arms reaching for the skies, her breasts pushed forward for my viewing pleasure. My God, she had definitely grown up. I stood there as she presented herself, twisting slightly so I got a profile view, about a B cup, with erect nipples that seemed to harden as I looked. Her legs were parted and she tilted her pelvis to present her mound. My body reacted.

"Daddy, all these years you've given me everything you can, I give you everything I can. My breasts, my pussy, you can look at, you can touch, anything. Oh, I will have to get rid of this bush so you have better access, but all of me is yours."

She stepped over to my spellbound body and wrapped her arms around me. Another big hug, then her arms moved, up around my neck and she pulled me down for another kiss. This was another promise kiss, a seal that everything she had said was meant with all her heart. She pressed against me and I knew she could feel my hardness, she pressed her mound against me and rubbed herself up and down.

"If you do that, I'll have to change my jeans."

She did it again "I've got a better idea, leave the jeans off. We're private here, the gates locked, I decree that the dress code in Daddy's Estate is an undress code."

She reached out and undid the buttons of my shirt, slipped it off my shoulders and let it flutter to the ground. She undid my belt and zip, looked me in the eye and slid my jeans down. I stood spellbound as she knelt and tapped me on each knee to lift while she took my jeans right off. She looked at my briefs and took them by the sides, she started sliding them down but they caught on something. She smiled in triumph, looked up at me, and reached out to bite the waistband. With her teeth she pulled my briefs out, freeing my cock, and allowing the briefs to follow my jeans. I lifted my feet as she finished undressing me. She knelt there, looking up at me, then leaned forward and kissed my cock. My cock went from hard to super-hard,

"Daddy, I'm still a virgin, but I won't be for long. Can we go inside so I can fulfil my promise."

I picked up the keys and unlocked the house. We went inside and, apart from a brief look around, Brenda had one destination in mind. Into the bedroom she pulled me and stopped by the bed. Again she pulled me close and hugged, her lips lifted for another kiss, no longer of promise but now of fulfillment.

"Daddy, I need you to make me complete."

I took the lead and kissed her, running my hands over her body. I could smell her arousal even before I caressed her, my caresses had her head tilted back and her eyes closed. I picked her up and gently placed her on the bed. My kisses now, moved down her body, around her neck, along her sides. Up her legs from her feet, her legs parted to allow full access, her breathing shortened as my kisses approached her center. But no, I moved on, across her stomach and circling her breasts, causing her to whimper. Her nipples now were hard peaks, as I circled them, flicking them with my tongue. Smoothly I took one into my mouth and sucked, sucked hard, then soft, then hard. She yelped and pushed her chest up for me, wanting more attention. I alternated between her breasts, nibbling, sucking, with my hand busy on the other breast. She writhed, moaning, and whimpering as my mouth slowly moved southwards across her body. My tongue in her navel, as a brief stop, but then onwards. She knew what was coming as my tongue entered her forest. She opened her legs wide as I used my hands to part her hair, revealing her opening flower to my delighted gaze. The aroma was stronger as I ran my tongue down the edge of her lips. My tongue teased her, circling her entrance, then flickering up, and around her clit. That little nub peeped out of its hood and received some direct attention. She bucked and thrust herself at me. My tongue continued its explorations, flowing from top to bottom, teasing around to her little star pucker before suddenly sucking at her nub again. She bounced, she thrust herself up for me, she twisted. She came with a scream and a squirt, her juices straight into my mouth. I drank deep, then moved up her body. I looked her in the eye as I lined myself up with her entrance.

"Yes Daddy, I'm ready."

I entered her, feeling her cherry pop and she twitched. I held still and it was only a moment before she nodded. I started that ancient dance, sliding in and out of her

"Oh Yes, oh yes, oh yes, Oh my God,, oh my, oh yes, ...... oh Daddy. YES."


We walked naked down to the lake and waded out, the water was, shall we say, refreshing.

A lazy walk then back to the house for dinner. Brenda's cell phone started ringing and it was her mother on the line telling her to get her butt back home, Brenda laughed,

"Mum, I'm at my new home, I'm eighteen now and I don't have to stay with you any longer. I'd prefer you to be pleasant on the phone so we can stay in contact, but if you're going to go crazy I'll get a new phone and you'll lose me completely."

Her mother settled down a bit but still sounded shitty. I was proud of Brenda for keeping cool.

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