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Alternate Earth Pt. 02

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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/11/2015
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*** I wrote this story shortly after "Brothers?" my first story about Michelle. There are a few more coming, both about her and her world, but they're not quite ready to publish yet. I welcome comments and suggestions. ***

** All characters in this story are depicted as 18 years old or older and no sexual activity features underage characters. **


I'm not your typical average, American girl. I'm actually about as far from being typical or average as a girl can get since I'm technically not really a girl.

My brother Sean and I are identical twins and we were both born as boys but because of a very rare condition where my body doesn't produce hormones in the correct proportions, I'm actually a girl everywhere except where it counts. My brother and I have the same color hair, eyes, and skin but that's where all similarities stop. He's a lean and muscular 5'11", with short, shaggy hair and a very masculine appearance. I'm 5'3" with wavy hair a little longer than shoulder length, a naturally slim but curvaceous body with real, C cup breasts and very feminine features.

My family has always been very supportive of my condition and the choice to live as a woman was obvious when my breasts began to develop during puberty. Of course, I could always get a surgery to make it complete but something about losing that part of my body really bothers me. Besides, I really like that particular part of me and my lovers tend to agree (often enthusiastically).

I'm sure you can imagine that growing up wasn't exactly easy for someone with my unique condition but luckily, I had some really understanding and supportive people around me which made it much easier than it could have been. In fact, my brother Sean has been awesome. He's my best friend and I couldn't ask for better. He even introduced me to my first boyfriend, Joseph, when we were in high school.

He and Seph were both on the football team and were best friends. What I love about Seph is that he's not really gay, he just loves my extra parts. He and I came up with the phrase, "...love the cock but just not what it's usually attached to." Seph and I started dating during high school and we were a serious item until we went to different colleges on opposite sides of the country.

My brother and I have both been very open with each other since my condition was discovered and it's been really good for our relationship. Of course, we've never done anything with each other because that's just... ew! Seeing as how I grew up as his brother, he still kind of sees me that way, which works fine for me because I'm kind of a tomboy. We hang out all the time, talking about stuff and doing things like shooting, playing catch, working on his truck, and mudding. Of course, sometimes he teases me when I get all girly on him but mentally and emotionally, I'm pretty much a girl anyway. Besides, what makes our relationship so awesome is that we tell each other everything.

I know some people consider that a little weird but, to be honest, it's awesome. Sean is my twin and I feel more comfortable around him than anyone else. I've told him things that help him pick up girls and then become an awesome boyfriend and he's done the same for me with Seph.

I think the best illustration of how close we are would be the story of our senior prom. At the time, Sean was dating my best friend Valerie and, of course, I was dating Joseph. Sean and I both worked over the summer but Sean has worked construction since he turned 15 and made a lot of money each summer. The summer before our senior year, he made more than usual and was able to set aside enough so that he could pay dad back for everything he owed on his car and insurance. With that taken care of, he carefully budgeted everything he earned so that he could make the year really memorable. We even took a few weekend road trips to New Orleans that year, which was awesome! My job wasn't near as lucrative but Joseph and Sean both worked construction, so when Prom rolled around, I ended up having an amazing time.

I was elected to the Prom Committee at the beginning of second semester and we started planning shortly after taking office. The committee was made up mostly of my friends so we had a blast planning it that year. Our theme was "Magic Moments," which I know sounds a little corny but there were some really cool ideas for decorations.

About a week after I was elected, Seph made a big deal out of asking me to prom and I was so flattered that he didn't take it for granted that we would go together (which we were but the gesture really made me feel special). Sean asked Valerie that same night. When I told him about it, he suggested we do like a double date and I loved the idea.

As the weeks went by and we got ready for prom, Valerie and I went dress shopping and found the perfect dresses. Valerie found an amazing one for me while we were looking one Saturday. It was a simple, elegant green evening gown that really brought out my eyes. The moment mom saw it, she offered the most beautiful emerald teardrop earrings and matching pendant to go with it. Valerie was more difficult to shop for simply because she looked amazing in most colors. She had piercing blue eyes with shimmering black hair so we wanted to get her a blue dress that wouldn't clash with my green one. What we found two weeks after she picked out mine was nothing short of spectacular and I had to admit I was a little jealous. It was a long and flowing dress that seemed made for her slim figure in the perfect, pale blue color. She was so excited about it because she said her mom had the most amazing jewelry to go with it. We also found the perfect shoes for both of our dresses that day and I couldn't wait for prom.

Everything went smoothly over the next couple of months and soon, it was the day of prom. Seph knew all about me and we had slept with each other before so I wasn't nervous at all but I wanted this night to be memorable so I spent extra time making myself ready. Of course, it's not quite as easy for me as it is for real women since I have to prepare a... different area, which takes time and work (which I actually really enjoy). Shaving is the least of my preparations and even it's more involved (even though my hair does grow just like a girl's and, being a redhead, it's light most places) since I have a little more complicated area to shave.

After my intimate preparations, I got into the shower so I would be clean inside and out. I shaved my legs, washed and conditioned my hair, and used a scented oil infusion on my hair and skin to make me smell great and feel soft and silky all over. Once out of the shower, put my hair up loosely and dressed in some practical underwear (that does a great job hiding my extra asset but doesn't exactly look sexy) and some really cute, pink sweats. I grabbed the dress, shoes, undies, and jewelry so I'd be ready when the girls showed up.

The girls and I were supposed to get our hair and nails done and I had about fifteen minutes to kill before Kelly showed up with the rest of the group. I watched some TV until I heard Kelly's 4Runner honk outside and then got up and ran out to meet her. We made it just in time for our appointments and it was so much fun gossiping with the girls while we had our hair and nails done. Kelly had her gorgeous blonde tresses done in a cascade of ringlets with strands of shimmering silver woven in. Natalie, one of my best friends (and the first person I ever slept with), had her silky brown hair put up in a simple but elegant twist woven with shining gold that brought out the highlights in her hair with a few loose, silken brown strands framing her face. Valerie put her black hair up in a simple, loose twist but had silver and sapphire beads woven into the elegant design, making it sparkle. Lisa had her blonde hair put up into a beautiful, intricate design that looked amazing and went perfectly with her round, soft features. Finally, my wavy red locks were styled in intricate ringlets similar to Kelly but smaller and without the woven silver strands.

By the time we were done, Valerie and I only had about an hour and a half to get back to Kelly's and get dressed before our dates showed up to pick us up for dinner before going to the actual prom. Kelly, Lisa, and Natalie were being picked up together in a limo that their dates pitched in for. They had a reservation at Fernando's around the same time my brother and Seph were supposed to pick up Natalie and me. I really liked Fernando's but I had no idea where we were going. Seph said it was a surprise and my brother wouldn't tell me anything.

At Kelly's I put on my underwear in the bathroom and changed with my back to everyone (at least until I got myself hidden away and covered enough that the other sexy, half naked girls in the room didn't make me give myself away). Since I have a little more to fit into my panties than most girls, I special order my underwear. Hiding everything can be embarrassingly difficult if the fabric is too weak. What I put on to go with the dress were sexy black satin and lace panties that made me look really sexy and did a great job hiding my extra parts until I was ready to show them off. Instead of hose, I decided on matching stockings which I hoped Seph would appreciate later. Because of the low back in the dress, I didn't wear a bra, which I knew Seph would appreciate. The dress was made for wear without a bra so I wasn't really worried about popping out (even though it did show a lot of cleavage) and it was sexy without making me look like a total slut.

When I was done getting dressed, I slipped into my shoes and asked the other girls what they thought. They all said that they loved it and I could tell that Kelly was a little jealous. Her dress was beautiful but since I filled mine out better and it showed off my curves more than hers did, I understood. Each girl looked beautiful. Kelly wore an elegant, simple black dress with silver accessories that looked wonderful on her. She had amazing silver strappy heels that accentuated the silver accents in the dress and the silver jewelry she wore. Her dad bought her a pair of dangling onyx teardrop earrings and matching teardrop pendant that went perfectly with a silver tennis bracelet her mother gave her and accentuated the simple elegance of her dress. Lisa's dark blue dress and matching sapphire jewelry made her look like a princess, especially with the fuller skirt and tight bodice of the dress. I was worried that it would be a little too much but she pulled it off perfectly. Natalie looked amazing in the red evening gown she picked out. It was similar in cut to Kelly's but made for a fuller figure (since Natalie and I have similar builds). Her jewelry was understated gold to match her shoes and the gold strands woven into her hair to bring out her natural highlights. Though all of the girls in the group looked amazing, the only one I was jealous of was Valerie. Even though she didn't have my curves, her dress looked like it was made for her. With the twinkling light blue and silver beads woven into her hair and beautiful diamond and bright aquamarine jewelry she wore, her eyes stood out like shimmering beacons. Everything accentuated her eyes and sharp features, making her look almost ethereal. Seeing her like this, I almost wished she was my date.

I was barely ready when Kelly's mom came to let us know that my brother was here so I rushed to help Valerie get her shoes on and we went down stairs. Outside, my brother and Seph were standing next to a black limousine. I was thrilled (even though I had a feeling that's what they had in store for us).

Joseph was wearing a basic tux but with a dark green vest that matched my dress instead of a cummerbund. My brother's tux was very similar but with traditional coloring that gave him an understated elegance. With the simple blue rose boutonniere that matched the blue and white corsage Valerie wore, the two of them looked amazing. Seph and I had agreed on red roses since they would go perfectly with my dress and coloring and always looked great as a boutonniere. Later, looking at pictures, I thought we all complemented each other perfectly.

Once the driver closed the door for us, we were off. We chatted and flirted with each other as we rode to dinner (which they still wouldn't tell me about) and Sean closed the privacy window, letting us feel a little better about the direction our conversation was going. By the time the limo stopped, I knew that standing was going to be a little difficult for me. Luckily, the dress hid my growing bulge long enough for me to get myself under control. My brother and Seph knew all about me but Valerie was still in the dark and I was a little nervous about telling her since we were so close and I set her up with my brother.

It was so easy to quickly get myself under control because, as we climbed out of the limo, I noticed where we were eating. Les Fleurs was the nicest and most expensive restaurant in town and I had been hoping that my brother and Seph were taking us there. I was so overwhelmed that I completely forgot my physical excitement of the moment before. Les Fleurs was an elegant French bistro style restaurant that required a coat and tie just to get a seat and was far too expensive for most people to eat at regularly.

The reservation was under my brother's name and we got an excellent table in an intimate corner. Our dates told us to order whatever we wanted and when the food came out, it was amazing. We talked and flirted again and there were a few times I wished I could adjust without calling attention to my unusual condition. I could hardly wait for the evening to be over so Seph could use me so thoroughly I probably wouldn't get hard for a week.

After dinner, we got back in the limo and drove to the convention center, where prom was being held. Initially, we weren't going to be able to afford it but after a few of the students got their parents to donate some serious money, we finally reserved it. Since I had been there every day last week decorating, I already knew what it would look like but seeing all of the other seniors dressed up with the lights and effects on, I was stunned at little by how great a job we had done.

Everything was perfect. The band we picked out was a local band called Cradle that my friend Mary played drums for. They were really talented but their sound was pretty generic so they weren't really going anywhere. Mary and I only got to know each other earlier that year because we looked a lot alike and ended up getting into UC Berkeley, which I was super excited about. She also has red hair but her eyes are blue and she's a little shorter than me with a harder, more toned body from playing drums. It's funny that when we go out, people tend to think we're sisters. We're not related at all and don't even have many of the same tastes. She's into the rock scene and already has three tattoos (even though she has been 18 less than a year). The reason that I like hanging out with her is that she's so different from most of my friends. I also have to admit that I'm kind of crushing on her a little.

Seph paid for pictures and we spent the evening dancing and talking and just having a great time. The other girls in my little clique arrived around the same time we did and most of their dates did what Seph did, getting unique vests, bowties and cummerbunds that matched their dates' dresses. We drank punch and hung out for a while until the party started winding down. Mary came over during their breaks and we talked about going to college together. She even suggested we room together and I was totally into the idea except for my worry that she'd find out about me and things would get weird. After her last set, my brother and Seph decided they were ready to leave so I said my goodbyes and we got back into the limo.

After a few minutes, I realized that we weren't going home and I commented to my brother about it. He told me that they had other plans and shared a look with Seph. I turned to Valerie and shared an excited look with her. A few more minutes went by and we found ourselves at one of the nicer hotels along with other members of our group.

Apparently, the group all went in on the largest suite in the hotel, inviting a few more friends as a BYOB party. Joseph and Sean had both gotten their own rooms as well so we could leave the larger group and spend some quality time alone (which I was really craving right then and a little worried that someone who didn't really know me might notice).

We hung out for a little while drinking with the group but I was so horny I was about to tear my underwear so I grabbed Seph and whispered that I wanted him to show me the room he got us. In less than a minute, we were alone and trying really hard not to tear our formal clothes as we undressed each other. I got Seph's jacket, tie and vest off and had his shirt mostly unbuttoned when he finally had my dress unzipped. Even though he was a big guy, I managed to pull away and push him hard enough that he plopped down on the bed, looking up at me with open lust on his face.

Smiling coquettishly, I stepped back out of arm's reach and turned, exposing my back as I made sure the dress was unzipped all the way. Reaching up and proving that I wasn't wearing a bra, I pulled the pins out of my hair, setting them on the bureau next to where I was standing. When I had the last one out, I ran my hands through my hair and looked over my shoulder at the man sitting only a few feet away from me, giving him a coy smile.

Still with my back to him, I let the dress slide slowly off my shoulders and down until all it covered was my ankles. I held it there for a heartbeat before I let it drop to pool around my feet. Keeping eye contact, I bent over slowly with my legs together to unbuckle my shoes and slip out of them. I watched as his eyes roamed all over my body, taking in my sexy, feminine curves. I could feel his eyes on me and I felt so beautiful as he gazed at me.

Once I stepped out of my heels, I turned slowly, letting him drink in my body with his eyes. When I faced him, I hid my naked breasts from his view, crossing my arms sensually in front of my chest. Gazing into his eyes, I slowly moved my hands down my body, accentuating my curves as I watched his eyes roam across the naked curves of my breasts and then travel lower to the growing (and now painful) bulge in my panties.

Slowly, I moved into arms reach and watched his hands move to my hips and then slide teasingly up my body to lightly cup my breasts. His touch sent electric shocks down to my core, making me tremble. Moving his hands to my back, he pulled me down to kiss him as his hands continued down further. The kiss started light but ignited a fire between my legs. As I pulled back from the kiss, he followed me until we were both standing, still locked in the kiss as his hands roamed all over my body. My need was as painful as the growing member that was cramped in my tight panties.

As we kissed, I finished unbuttoning his shirt and slid it off his muscular body. Once it was in a heap on the floor, I reached between us and started working at his pants. His hands gripped my ass when he felt what I was doing and slid up to work themselves into my already tight panties, putting painful pressure on what was tucked into the front of them. Sliding around to the front, he reached inside and grasped me, releasing the pressure of my cramped member and letting it swell quickly to full size in his hands. Giving it a brief squeeze and tug, he slid his hand out and rubbed it through the smooth satin of my panties.

I was hard as a rock by the time he began rubbing my stiffness through the fabric of my panties and throbbing with need by the time his pants finally joined his shirt on the floor. Right then there were few things I wanted more than to bury myself inside of him but I had promised myself that tonight would be special and I was determined to tease him until he fucked me so hard I would forget my own name.


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