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Always Open

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A nasty woman is about to learn customer service...
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"We're closed, you asshole!"

Abigail snarled as she snapped her head away from the convenience store entrance back to her till. With a shaking hand, she opened the next roll of quarters. Abigail continued to mumble under her breath with the kind of language that made immature gamer men blush.

"That rough of a night?"

Abigail raised her head, her lips still in a snarl, to the young man holding a cash tray. His smile quickly disappeared and he hung his head.

"Weirdo," he mumbled under his breath.

More pounding at the door caused Abigail to tense up. Although petite and thin, dehydrated from the previous evening's party and lack of sleep caused that tension to make it look like she had unseen muscles clenched. She turned and marched to the front door where an old man clutching lottery tickets pounded.

She opened the door.

"Open up," the old man, stinking of old cigarettes, said.

"Get lost you old fucking man! We don't open for ten goddamn minutes and if you stay here for every time you pound on the door I'm leaving this door closed another minute. Do you understand you stupid, stupid man?"

The man narrowed his eyes. "Place down the block treats me better. Good coffee."

"Then, go there you idiot! Go! Go!" Abigail said, shooing the man from the entrance. He shuffled off, mumbling under his breath. Abigail rolled her eyes and prepared to lock the door.

"Excuse me, when do you open--"

"After you die!" Abigail shouted. She looked over to see a young man with glasses, neat hair, wearing a professional suit standing with a smile. After her vile response, however, that smile melted.

Abigail, noticing how cute the young man looked, frowned. She slammed the door closed and locked it tight.

"Good going Abby," the young man at the other register said with a chuckle. "Not only are you probably going to get fired, but you just blew your chance with that cute guy."

"First off, they're not firing anyone considering they can't get anyone but losers like you to work here. Second, fuck you, at least I get out there and get laid unlike you and your anime collection at home."

The young man's face turned beet red, and he turned back to counting the money in the register. Abigail stuck her tongue out at him and returned to her register.

She looked at the clock and sighed.

"Great, another fucking day wasted here where nothing is going to happen."


As the morning's sun rose up through the buildings and trees, Abigail attempted to block out the horrible music playing through the speakers. She walked down the aisle and grabbed a small bag of chips. She popped it open and started to eat them as she walked down the aisle.

"You are something, aren't you."

Abigail turned to see the young man in the suit from before standing there with a smirk on his face. Abigail shot him an unimpressed glance. In full sight of him, she grabbed a chip and ate it in front of him. Then, she dropped the bag on the floor and kicked it to one side of the aisle. Seeing the young man continue to stare, she licked her fingers suggestively one at a time. When that got no response, she sighed.

"You're a lot of fun."

"Do you regularly scream, swear, and steal like this?" the man asked.

"Is it any of your fucking business?"

"Not the last one, fuck capitalism," the young man said with a smile, adjusting his glasses. "The other two, however, yes. Because you involved me."

Abigail sighed and slumped her shoulders. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'm sorry you're such a crybaby. I had a long night, and now I'm here in the armpits of hell dealing with idiot customers."

The man shook his head. "You are something else."

"Awesome. I thought you were kinda hot, but now you're coming off like a prick. Go buy something or get out of here."

Abigail turned and started to walk away. She heard footsteps behind her. She rolled her eyes once more.

"Oh my god. Go away you little creep. I get it, there is not a lot of people here and you obviously need attention. So, go talk to the weirdo up at the front. He loves attention."

She received no response, and she still heard him following her. She stopped and clenched her fists.

"Okay, asshole, I think it's time I kicked you to another aisle--"

She turned to confront the young man only to have a phone, flashing a dazzling array of colors quickly into her face. She grunted, unable to process the flashing, bright lights. Her eyes opened wide and her body relaxed.


Abigail blinked. She saw stars and leaned on the shelf nearest to her. She wiped a bit of drool from her mouth. She glanced around the aisle only to find herself alone.

"Where the fuck did that--" She grabbed her head as a bout of dizziness claimed her. She spat on the ground. "Fuck. What did that little creep do?"

"Abigail, where are you? I need help up front!"

"Fucking little dweeb," Abigail said. She took a few steps, finding her footing with each step. "I'm coming! I'm coming. Damnit."

She staggered to the front. The piercing sunshine through the windows made her groan. She reached her register and put on sunglasses. She looked at the so-called lineup only to see two people.

"Get over here!" She barked at the next person in line. Grumbling under her breath what a useless man her partner was, she finished the two customers by the time he finished his. As the little bell signified the last one leaving the store, she turned to her partner.

"You know, you're just about the most useless person who has worked here in I don't know how long," Abigail said.

"Why are you so mean?" The young man asked.

"Why are you so stupid?"

The young man rubbed his arm. He mumbled a threat under his voice.

"Yeah, you go tell the boss. And he'll fire me. And then beg me to come back for the weekend like he always does. And then, the next time I work with you, I'll open your register and slam your head in it again and again until you realize to leave me the fuck alone."

The young man shook his head. "You are vile."

"Then why do you keep staring at my tits and ass."

He blushed hard.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Can't get what you want, so you decide I'm horrible. Grow the fuck up."

"Hey, I'm not the one who decided to hurl obscenities at an old man who asked are you open?"

Abigail froze in place. Her eyes opened wide and something invaded her mind.

"I'm always open, for you, Master," she said in a high, floaty voice.


Abigail turned. She did not see a string bean of a man. She saw someone who could satisfy her. Deeply. She licked her lips as her nipples poked through her shirt. As her pussy started to lubricate itself at the thought of bouncing on his cock.

She leaped over her register. The young man's eyes went wide as she approached. He put his hand on his register.

"Please don't slam my head."

She leaped over his counter and tackled him against his register. She kissed him like someone she loved and adored. She grabbed his cock through his pants and started to massage it until she got the desired effect.

The young man broke the kiss, confused and scared. "Abigail, what the fuck?"

"Fuck me," Abigail panted, humping his leg. "Fuck, I need it so bad. Come on, I know you fucking check me out. Give it to me."

"B-b-but customers--"

"Fuck them. It's mid-morning. They're all having coffee."

She dragged the young man toward the ground. She stuffed her chest in his face until she felt his body relax and give in. His mouth started to lick and kiss her nipples and Abigail swore she would cum right there.

Except, she needed that cock. She tore open his pants and found a thick cock greeting her. She removed her pants with a smile and wasted no time.

The young man grunted in confusion. Abigail did not care. She needed that cock. She needed to please this man. She took his cock easily inside of herself. Something popped into her head. She let out a loud moan. Abigail moved her hands up his chest, feeling the smooth skin as she started to bounce on his cock.


"Shut up," Abigail said through gritted teeth. "I need to feel it. All of it. I need to please you. I need to please you. I need to please you."

Abigail continued to chant as she fucked the young man on the floor. Her chants grew erratic as his cock pounded her to an orgasm. She screamed the last one, digging her nails into his skin as she felt his cock pour out inside of her. Her own orgasm followed a moment later and she squirted hard onto the floor.

She saw stars and slipped off his cock, woozy and confused. Something that gripped her so hard and gave her direction, a clear purpose in life, now left her like a foggy haze. She looked down at the young man and did not see a Master, or even an attractive man. She saw a silly thin man with a cock covered in cum and her pussy juices.

She readied herself to slap this man into the next life when she heard clapping. She looked over to see a man clapping at the register. Abigail narrowed her eyes.

"You like the show you sick fuck?" Abigail said, trying to get to her feet but failing. She clutched the counter to brace her wobbly legs.

"Hey, I'm not the one fucking a co-worker in the middle of the day," the man said.

"No, you're the perverted little worm that is watching it. Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops and tell them you were jerking off at us."

The man's eyes went wide. "You fucking little--"

"I'll do it, asshole. And what, you're going to say, no officer, I just watched two young people fuck at a convenience store. Yeah, okay, sure they'll believe you," Abigail tried to sound intense as she sweated and her legs continued to tremble from the amazing orgasm.

"You--you--this is fucked. All of you, fucked in the head!" The man yelled, flipping them both off and leaving the store.

"Shit," Abigail said, putting her forehead on the counter. Slowly, she lifted a leg over the counter. She rolled back over the counter. She nearly fell as she slammed into her counter and rolled over back to her cash register.

She felt his cum ooze down her leg. She whined and felt dirty.

"So, wow."

Abigail removed her sunglasses to glare at the young man standing and doing up his pants.

"Fuck you."


"You heard me. Don't talk to me. Don't touch me."

"B-but, but you--"

Abigail put back on her sunglasses and scoffed. She turned away from the young man, attempting to figure out what happened.


"Excuse me?"

Abigail wiped her lips and closed the bottle of pop she drank from the cooler. She turned to see an older man, old enough to be her father, standing there holding a carton of milk.


"I didn't see anyone up front. I want to--"

"Did that dipshit go for a break?" Abigail said, walking toward the man.

"I, uh, guess so. I walked in here, and I didn't know if you were open or not. You are open, right?"

Abigail froze. Her eyes went wide.

"I'm always open for you, Master."

She turned and grinned at the older man. She liked older men. She liked men who could be her father. She ran her hand up his arm, startling the man. "Hey."

"Uh, are you okay?"

"I mean, my pussy still hurts from fucking, but if you give me a chance, I got something for you," Abigail said, sinking to her knees.

"What the fuck?" The man said as she started tugging on his pants. "Hey, this isn' this some sort of setup?"

He looked around the store.

"Shh, shh," Abigail said, unzipping his pants, "Someone could walk in."

"Yeah, but--oh, oooh," the man sighed as her young mouth engulfed his cock. "Oh, you're serious."

She worked on his cock like a reward hung in the balance. She licked his shaft and teased the head of his circumcised cock. As his cock stiffened and grew, it slammed into the back of her throat. Abigail worked past the tears to take it all, never slowing down or stopping.

"Jesus, fuck, I can't," the man huffed and puffed, grabbing her head and pulling on her hair. He closed his eyes as his knees buckled. He shouted and thrust his cock down her throat, dumping his large load into her mouth.

She took every last drop, taking extra care to meet his eyes as she slowly removed her mouth from his cock. Thick trails of saliva and cum mixed as she broke her embrace of his cock. She wiped her lips.

"Fucking great service here," the man said, leaning against a shelf to get his balance. He stuffed his cock into his pants.

Abigail finished wiping her lips and got to her feet. The fog lifted from her brain and she looked at the old man who may have, in years past, looked attractive, but right now repulsed Abigail.

She cursed into her mouth and stormed away from the old man, feeling the thick, sticky cum in her mouth. She grabbed her water bottle at the register and slammed down the entire liter of water.

The man wobbled to the register and bought the milk, cheeks flush and a happy smile on his face. He patted her on the head and called her a good girl before he staggered out of the store.

Abigail fumed, unable to process what happened to her. Her co-worker appeared and took his spot at the other register. She jabbed a finger at him.

"You! You ever take a fucking break again without clearing it with me I will rip your head off and drink your blood. Do you understand me?"

"What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem is I had to...service the customers while you were away," Abigail said, wiping her lips.

"Well, that's your job."

The last word echoed in her head. Her eyes went wide and an unknown memory slipped into her brain.

This morning. Flashing lights. Swirling lights. The young man in the suit standing there, chuckling.

"You think you're so special," the man said, taking away the phone. "Now. What is your job."

"To service any customer who asks me when we're open," Abigail heard her past self say in a monotone voice, "To service them with my mouth, hands, pussy, or ass. Nothing is off-limits. No person is off limits. I will make them cum. That is my job. Always open. Always open to serve."

"Good girl," the man said, patting her cheek. "If you remember this for some reason, understand it's not permanent. It should go away in about a week. Until then, anyone that asks you if you're open, well, you will be. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Abigail blinked, feeling a rush of drowsiness overwhelm her. She clutched the register and gritted her teeth.

"Are you okay?"

"Shut up," Abigail said, full of rage and frustration. The memory she experienced did not seem possible, but it made sense based on her behavior so far. Fear and anger raged in her blood for dominance over what happened to her.

The door chimed. A woman, Abigail recognized her from the church down the road, walked in. Middle-aged, plump, nothing extraordinary about her.

"Well, I'm going to go stock shelves," the young man said, hopping the counter.

"Get your ass back--"

"Unless you want me to start telling everyone what a cock-hungry slut you were earlier."

Abigail glared at the young man. "I'll tell everyone how long you lasted with a real pussy and not some toy made to look like a cartoon woman."

The young man's face went beet red. "Th-they're anime women," he meekly said before taking off.

Abigail thought about hurling something at him as he walked by. Instead, she stayed in one spot.

"Excuse me."

Abigail turned to the woman who smiled at her.

"I know tomorrow is a holiday. I was just wondering if you'll be open."

Abigail whined. Her mind started to obey her instructions.

"I'm always open for you, Mistress."

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Master_DoctorMaster_Doctorover 1 year ago

not enough show, too much tell. I love how one second both of them are fully clothed in Work uniforms (I presume) and they are done having full intercourse in under 30 seconds. Hell she never even took off his or her clothes! The concept was good. The expression left a lot to be desired.

freznelfreznelover 1 year ago

Very nice. The setup could have been long, but the story was worth the read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Way too nasty.

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