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Amanda Discovers Her New Side Ch. 01


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So the night continued. I chatted with Jack for about 20 minutes, and it actually wasn't so bad. We made small talk and learned things about each other. I genuinely enjoyed his company and talking to him. I'm not sure what it was but he was just easy to talk to and conversation just flowed naturally. But it didn't change that he was still a jerk. I was glad that I was with Alex and not someone like Jack.

My phone buzzed and when I checked it, it was Kate, letting me know I could go back to my room. But I decided to stay a bit longer since I was having an OK time. We talked about TV shows and movies and I realized we had a lot of the same favorites.

But after a while Jack decided to call it a night. He said that he wanted to take a shower before he went to bed and that I was welcome to stay in the suite until my roommate let me back in. He didn't need to know that Kate had already texted me so I didn't tell him. That would probably just feed his ego. I'm not sure why I didn't just leave then, I had nothing to do here and my room was open.

Jack went into his room to get ready for the shower. When he came out of course he was in nothing but a towel and holding some shower accessories. I waited until he was walking away from me to sneak a few glances. His back muscles were definitely something to look at and his shoulders were so defined. I felt bad because I had a boyfriend but it's not like I was doing anything wrong. Looking at someone doesn't count as cheating!

Well I was ready to head back to my room. I gathered up my belongings and started to put on my coat. But I had an urge to check my makeup again. I wasn't normally like this; constantly checking my makeup, but I guess college changes people. There's a certain appearance I wanted to maintain.

I walked over to the bathroom and I could hear the shower running. Good, at least I didn't have the chance to get caught staring at Jack shirtless again. He'd already be in the shower.

But I walked into a situation that I was definitely not prepared for. Jack was in fact not in the shower yet, but next to the sinks and mirrors. And of course he had taken off his towel since I had last seen him, leaving him fully nude. Previously I was catching glances at his body and admiring his muscles and how well defined his body was. But this time it was something else.

Right in between Jack's legs was this massive cock. I was only a few feet away from him, so I could see everything through the mirror. Everything kinda slowed down for a minute. His cock was clearly circumsized. Some of the veins were big and visible. The head of his dick was like a big mushroom. His balls were loosely hanging there and that just completed the package. I had never seen anything like it. I think that my boyfriend was probably half the size of this thing, maybe a tiny bit less. I couldn't even imagine how girls could get this monster inside of them! I'm almost certain that it was bigger than my forearm...

And of course he wasn't even completely hard by the looks of it. If this was how big he was now I could only dream of how big he was when he was hard. I couldn't lie and say that the sight of this guy didn't turn me on. But the shock of the situation left me in a dazed state; I had to get out of there quickly but I couldn't look away from Jack.

"Is there something you need?" Jack asked me with a grin on his face. This brought me back to reality. I'm not sure why I didn't just go back out the door at this point, or even when I saw him when I initially opened the door, but I guess curiosity got the better of me. Before I responded I saw myself in the mirror and I'm sure Jack was loving my reaction. The sight of him fully nude had left me wide-eyed with my mouth slightly ajar.

"Why aren't you in the shower?!" I asked, in a loud voice. "I was just waiting for it to warm up," he answered. At this point he had turned around and was facing me. I couldn't help but to keep glancing down at his crotch the whole time.

"Well put a towel on!" I said, gesturing towards his towel hanging on the wall.

"I don't have to, this is my bathroom." he responded as he calmly folded his arms and waited for my response.

"Wow. You're a pig, you know that?

"You can join me if you want, I'm sure the water is hot enough now."

As he said that I noticed his manhood was getting harder. This was getting to be too much and I had to go.

"Ugh!" I stormed out of the bathroom without another word and made my way out of the building and to my dorm. I couldn't believe the nerve of this guy! How could he actually ask me to join him in the shower like that? I wasn't that kind of girl! And to think, I thought we were finally getting along. But he had to go and show his true colors. I was probably just a piece of meat to someone like him.

As expected, it seemed like Kate was done since there was nothing hanging on the door handle. I quietly let myself in so as not to wake up my roommate. I went to my mirror and wiped off all the makeup off my face and stripped down to my underwear. I slid into my pajamas and got into bed. Even though my mind was swimming with thoughts (and images) I fell asleep relatively quickly.


When I woke up the next morning it felt like I had a good night's sleep. My hand made its way down underneath my panties as I tried to recall the vivid dreams I had last night. It was clear that it was some type of sex dream because my pussy was already wet before I even touched it. While one hand absent-mindedly rubbed my clit, the other pinched one of my nipples. I didn't masturbate often but I was so horny at that moment. I noticed my roommate was gone so I had the room to myself.

Then I remembered what happened last night, and what must've been the cause of my dreams. I had seen Jack completely naked, with his big cock in full view right in front of me. I wondered what it would be like to be with him, I thought of licking his big mushroom tip and stroking the rest of his cock. My mouth would then go deeper down his thick shaft as I tried to fit more and more of him in my mouth.

The thought of all of this disgusted me but I didn't stop playing with myself. I know I should've been thinking of Alex, my boyfriend, but I just couldn't get the pictures of Jack out of my head. I had this pressure in between my legs that just needed to be released. Something needed to fill me up and stretch me.

I pictured Jack on top of me, spreading my legs with his muscular arms. He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down my lips, teasing me. Then he put just the tip inside me and came down to kiss my neck before he thrust further into my wet pussy. In my fantasy he filled me up completely and I took all of his massive cock, but I'm sure in real life I could never fit it all in me like that. He kept this up as I imagined holding onto him with my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck, with me begging for him to fuck me harder and faster.

It was only a few moments of this as I felt myself get close to the edge. I felt a huge wave of pleasure as my hips bucked up and down as I came. I don't think I had ever masturbated and had an orgasm that quick or powerful before.

I became aware of how loudly I was breathing and I slowly came back to reality. I felt bad for what I had just done. I couldn't believe I had just gotten off to the thought of letting that asshole fuck me! Sure, he had a great body and a huge dick, but he was such a pervert. From this point on I'd have to be better; no more dirty thoughts of that jerk. Of course I'd never tell Alex about the dream...or about my session this morning...but I'd make it up to him somehow.

Today would be an easy day for classes. It was Friday so that meant I only had one early class and then I had the rest of the day free. I got really lucky when I made my schedule, it made me feel like I had a longer weekend than normal.

So I did my morning routine which took about 40 minutes. I did my makeup, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and fixed my hair. I picked out some clothes for the journey to class. It was winter so I wasn't too picky. I decided on the usual outfit for winter, long sleeve shirt, leggings, and a pair of fuzzy boots. I liked the way the leggings made my butt and legs look. It made me want to go back to the gym; I made a mental note to make sure I went today sometime after class.

On the way to class it was definitely cold but at least it wasn't windy. I noticed a small group of guys along the way and one of them looked familiar. As I got closer I noticed it was Jack. I increased my pace as I tried to walk by them without him noticing. It looked like everyone was paying attention to him so I didn't think it would be that hard to sneak by. But of course he somehow noticed me and caught up to me before I got out of his sight.

"So did you enjoy the view last night?" he asked me as he laughed a little. "No you're a pervert and I think you should stay away from me."

"Wow, relax, I was only kidding."

"Pfft, yeah I'm sure you were. You were probably telling your friends all about it."

"Listen I just wanted to apologize for last night."

"Oh yeah I'm sure you're sorry."

"No really, I am! I didn't mean for you to walk in on me like that. I thought you were gone. And I didn't meant to be so rude to you when you came in."

"Oh you mean like when you asked me to join you? That was gross. I have a boyfriend!"

"Well I was just really nervous! I mean how would you react if you were naked and a hot guy walked in on you? It was awkward and I didn't know what to say. Again, I'm really sorry."

I couldn't be sure but I sensed that he was actually being genuine in his apology. I also noticed he implied that he thought I was hot.

"Alright. It's not a big deal. I have to get to class," I said as I walked away. He said goodbye but I didn't respond. I wanted to make it seem like what he did didn't bother me and that I was unphased by his actions. I was really put off by that whole shower experience but I didn't want him to know that.

So off to class I went. After it was over I went back to my dorm and remembered that I wanted to go to the gym today. But I also wanted to relax a bit before I headed out and maybe take a nap.

I hopped on my bed and lazily started to watch some TV while I noticed I got a notification from facebook. It was Jack requesting to be friends. Ugh! Well honestly he didn't really bother me much anymore, even after the shower incident, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. So I let the friend request sit for a while.

Then he started to send me messages through Facebook too! He said "Hey, just wanted to say again how sorry I am for yesterday. I'm hoping we can get past this and just not be so awkward around each other. I really enjoyed your company."

I ignored that message for a while. I didn't want him to feel like he won so easily. After a while I gave in and messaged back. But I made sure not to add him as a friend in case Alex saw it.

"Hey. It's ok. It's not a big deal I just wasn't expecting that."

"Haha its ok, a lot of girls say that too ;)"

Ugh I can't believe he just said that! I had just forgiven him and everything too. I thought we could be friends but that's probably not an option with this guy. He probably only wants one thing from me.

"Yeah whatever I'm sure they do."

"Haha I was only kidding, I'm sorry I couldn't resist."

I didn't respond and after a while he messaged me back.

"So what are you doing tonight? I was wondering if I could show you around the gym. I go there a lot so I pretty much own the place."

"I'm not sure, I haven't decided yet. And don't worry I know my way around the gym. I don't need you to show me."

"Ok well if you decide you're going you should let me know. It'd be nice to have a workout buddy. I'm thinking of going around 7."

I just responded "Ok" and left it at that.

Well this changed things a little. Knowing that Jack would be at the gym made me think about not going anymore. He just made me uncomfortable. He knows I have a boyfriend but he still hits on me! A guy like him probably only uses girls to get in their pants anyways.

Well I decided I wouldn't let him bother me or let him affect my schedule. I was determined to make it to the gym despite the fact that he would be there. I would NOT humor him by working out with him. But I knew a way to make him feel like crap. I'd show him that he couldn't just get whatever girl he wanted. I could just be casual friends with this guy while still having a boyfriend. I'd show him that he did not bother me, and that I was in a relationship and he'd have to respect that.

Oh I knew how to make him jealous alright. I picked out my favorite gym clothes, the ones I looked best in, and put them on. The yoga pants I picked out were neon blue. They really hugged my ass and showed it off in a great way. I had a nice butt even though I thought it was a little big, and these pants always turned heads whenever I wore them. I picked out a sports bra and a low cut shirt, one that showed off a little bit (just a little!) of my tummy and provided a great view of my cleavage.

Alex texted me asking what I was up to. I let him know that I was going to the gym. He said he'd be hanging out with Dave in his room playing video games. Which was good since I knew there was no chance running into him on the way to the gym and he wouldn't see me in these clothes. Not that I was ashamed or hiding anything; a girl can wear whatever she wants. But it was probably for the best that he didn't see me in this particular outfit, especially since I was trying to make someone jealous with it.

7 o'clock came and went as I intentionally waited to make my arrival. Jack said he'd be there at 7 and I didn't really feel like having our times overlap so much. The idea was to give him just a little tease.

When I got to the gym it was almost 8 so it wasn't really that crowded. It wasn't hard to spot Jack; he easily had the most defined and ripped body out of all the guys in the gym. He was wearing one of those sleeveless shirts that was cut so you could see their torso and chest perfectly. He was in a corner of the gym next to all of the dumbbells talking to some guy. It didn't look like they were working out too much but just talking.

So I hopped on a treadmill and did my warmup for a few minutes before starting my workout. I didn't really go for guys like Jack, but I have to say I didn't really mind watching him work out. His muscles were just so defined and I loved watching them while he lifted heavy weights. My warmup lasted a few minutes longer than it normally did. I'm pretty sure he didn't see me yet or else he would've started talking to me.

After that I went over to the vacant squat rack. This happened to be right next to where Jack was working out. I started to get the squat rack ready for my workout when he came over. "So I see you decided to take me up on my offer after all. But you're a little late. It's a shame you couldn't make it earlier, we could've had a full workout together," he said.

"No I didn't take you up on any offers. I told you I'd be coming anyways, remember?"

"I guess I'm just an added bonus to your workout then. We'll c'mon, let's see what you got."

"Are you really gonna just sit there and watch me while I squat?"

"Yeah what's the big deal? We're just two adults working out together. There's nothing wrong with watching each other and critiquing each other's forms."

I guess he had me there. I rolled my eyes and said "Yeah whatever. Just don't get in my way." He didn't say anything to do that but just winked.

So I started my first set. Of course Jack was watching me as I went up and down. After a few reps it was apparent that Jack's eyes were glued to my butt. This was obviously very predictable behavior on his part; I knew he wouldn't be able to resist looking. In a way it made me feel good knowing he couldn't get what he wanted. When we made eye contact he made one of those stupid grins that he usually makes. I'm not sure what happened but I guess I lost concentration. I was on my last rep when I lost my balance a little. I didn't fall but it was obvious that I almost did.

I saw myself in the mirror as I racked the weight and my face was beat red! It wasn't from over-exertion but rather form embarrassment. Jack handled this all really well however. He just laughed it off and made a small joke about something similar he did once. I was grateful that he didn't make a big deal out of it, which is what I was expecting.

I resumed the rest of my workout by finishing the squats and moving on to other exercises. Jack lingered around and kept me company while I moved from exercise to exercise, determined to show him that I knew what I was doing. Honestly he was really good company. The time flew by and before I knew it I was on my last set.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" Jack asked me while I finished up my workout. "Oh I'm not sure," I replied, "I was going to see my boyfriend was doing and probably tag along with him.

"You don't have anything planned for the long weekend?

I didn't realize until Jack reminded me but I forgot that next Monday we had a holiday, which meant that a lot of kids were going home for the weekend. "Shit, I guess I forgot. Well I don't have any plans so I'm not sure. I'll have to check with Alex and see what he's doing first.

"I didn't realize you had to check with your boyfriend before you did anything."

"I don't have to check in with him. I just wanted to spend time with him. It's not like he's my dad and I need permission to do something."

"Yeah well if you decide you want to have a good time this weekend you should text me. I'm busy but I could find time for you."

"Oh and what does a 'good time' entail?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. Just a good time. Nothing inappropriate obviously, I know you have a boyfriend."

Oh I'm sure he didn't care about and was just saying that. He couldn't fool me so easily. "Yeah I do and I like him a lot. Anyways if I'm free and I'm not doing anything, maybe I'll let you know."

And with that we split ways. On the way to my room I decided to text Alex to see what he would be up to this weekend. I had already decided I would stay on campus either way since it was already so late on a friday night. It would be a lot easier to just stay and relax anyways.

When I got back to my room, Alex responded and said that he was already home and that he was sorry that he didn't tell me and it must've slipped his mind. He said he'd give me a call over the weekend so we could chat and stuff.

Oh well. I mean I wish he would've told me sooner but it wasn't a big deal. Honestly most of my friends were probably going home too since no one really mentioned plans for the weekend. Plus, it looked like my roommate packed up some clothes and was gone too. So I guess I'd be all alone this weekend with nothing to do.

Of course there was always Jack. He did say to let him know if I wanted to hang out. But it's not like I was gonna text him straight away, that would make it seem like I was desperate for attention, which I wasn't.

I took a shower and got settled in for the night. I didn't have much homework but I wasn't going to do it tonight anyways. I was already staying in and doing nothing on a friday night anyways, no need to make it even worse. I lazily lied down on my phone so I could watch some netflix while I scrolled through social media on my phone.

As I did this I contemplated hanging out with Jack over the long weekend. I didn't have anything to do so I didn't see the harm in it. I knew my boyfriend was away but we were just friends. But it didn't help that it was obvious Alex didn't really like Jack, and probably wouldn't like me hanging out with him. Well I would just have to break the news to him next week and make it up to him then. I could do what I wanted anyways, it's not like I had to ask permission and report to my boyfriend.

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