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Amber 20

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Back home, a boring day of shopping leads to fun.
5.6k words

Part 20 of the 40 part series

Updated 06/10/2024
Created 02/09/2024
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When I awoke on the morning after our return from vacation, I could tell I'd slept in much later than usual. While I'm usually up before the sun, I could tell by the light and sounds from outside that it was well into the morning. Rolling over and checking my phone, I saw it was a little after nine and I rolled back onto the bed.

I had clearly been worn out from our trip but waking up this morning, I felt refreshed. A moment later, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to prepare for the day. After completing my morning routine, I went back to the bedroom and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before making my way out to the kitchen.

Amber was standing at the counter, pouring another cup of coffee when she heard me and turned around to greet me with a smile. Getting a cup of my own I said, "Sorry, I have no idea why I slept so late. I must have been absolutely exhausted."

"Are you feeling better this morning?" Amber asked.

Stretching my shoulders and neck I said, "Yeah, I feel great."

Giving me a little kiss with a grin, she asked, "So you enjoyed your visit to my spa?"

With a chuckle I said, "Amber, that was unbelievable. Seriously, your massage did everything I needed. You're really good at that." Then with a hint of embarrassment I asked, "Is it weird that I really enjoyed being pampered? The candlelight, the music, the massage oil... it was awesome."

With a laugh she said, "Uhh no... that's the whole reason I did that. What? Guys can't enjoy relaxing? No, babe, you need to stop worrying about what you're supposed to like and not. You like what you like and I'm here to provide that for you. Same goes for me with you." With another laugh she said, "I've clearly got more work to do on you."

Giving her a kiss I said, "Oh I think you're doing just fine on me. I have absolutely zero shame admitting that that last thing you did for me was hands down the best sensation of my life."

With a sly grin Amber said, "Good, because I fucking loved doing that."

With one final kiss, I took my coffee to the table and sat down. Between sips, I asked, "So what do you want to do with the day?"

Looking proud, Amber said, "Well, while you got your beauty rest I've almost finished all the laundry from the trip already. You know, I realized there's not much to do really when we spend half our time naked."

Laughing I said, "Good point. But thanks for doing all that. I really appreciate it."

"Seriously, it's fine," Amber said and then added, "I just need to strip the bed but we can let that run while we're out."

"Ok great." Then with a bit of disappointment in my voice I said, "I really don't have anything exciting for us. I really need to go to the grocery store and maybe run a couple other stupid errands."

With a shrug of her shoulders Amber said, "...and? What's wrong with that. I'll go with you, we'll just spend the day together doing normal, married people things. That's life, let's go do it."

Amber's attitude lifted my spirits a little, "Yeah, you're right. Ok, let me go do a couple things and we can head out if you're ready."

Walking back into the bedroom Amber hollered out to me, "Hey, would you mind just helping me with the bed real quick?"

Joining her at the bedside we stripped the linens. Then holding the comforter she jokingly said, "Aww, it's sad. Each of those little stain outlines is a record of all the fun we've had."

We both laughed and I said, "You're such an idiot... but I love you."

After we both finished a couple things we were ready to go. Getting into the car Amber asked, "Ok, so where to first?"

Defeated I said, "I hate grocery shopping. Let's get it out of the way so it's not hanging over me all day. We can bring the stuff back back here, put it away and then head back out."

Patting me on the leg Amber said in a jokingly patronizing tone, "What a good, responsible decision you've made. I'm proud of you."

As I started to drive away I couldn't help but laugh, "What the fuck has gotten into you today?"

So yeah, we went grocery shopping. Nothing at all exciting happened; there were no profound discussions. We just picked out food for the week while listening to the soft rock hits playing from the store's overhead speakers. As much as I enjoyed cooking, I absolutely despised grocery shopping. But after checking out and on the way back to the car, I looked over at Amber and smiled as I had a realization. Once we were in the car I leaned over and gave her a long kiss.

Surprised, Amber asked, "What was that for?"

Pulling out of the parking spot I said, "I've been feeling kind of down today. I hate going grocery shopping and other boring but necessary things we have to do with our time. But then I thought back on how much worse it was when I ran errands and then just came back to an empty apartment. But now even on seemingly boring days, you're with me and there's never anything boring about that. I've always got something to look forward to now. So thanks."

Amber smiled and then with a mischievous grin asked, "So what are these things you're looking forward to?"

I laughed and said, "Well, that's the best part! I have no idea. I just look forward to our time together and something pretty fun usually ends up coming from that."

Teasingly Amber said, "Wow, that's a lot of pressure to put on me."

I chuckled and said, "Nah, I'm learning."

We both smiled, knowing that I was in fact getting better at asserting myself as Amber had suggested. Soon we were back home, where we started the process of carrying the groceries inside and then putting them away. After a few minutes that task was completed and Amber came and put her hands on my hips, "See? That wasn't so bad. Come on, you need to eat. Let's go get lunch out and then you won't need to make anything for dinner. That will free up our evening for something... more fun."

I managed a smile, knowing she was right. I had been pretty grumpy all morning and being hungry definitely didn't help. I gave her a kiss and said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so miserable. I don't know, I'm just having a bad morning."

Amber smiled and kissed me before we headed back out. Getting in the car I said, "Please do me one huge favor though. Can you pick where we eat? I can't handle all that responsibility right now."

Amber laughed and said, "Yeah of course. Let's go get Thai food."

I perked up just at the suggestion. Thai food was one of my absolute favorites but probably the one thing that I hadn't learned to cook at home yet. Pulling into the parking lot, I was already in a better mood and felt even better when we got to the table and ordered. As I sat there, taking a sip from my Coke, I felt myself relax and I said again, "Amber, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be miserable this morning."

Amber chuckled and said, "Honey, we live together now. Not every day can be as perfect and exciting as the past week has been. Sometimes we have bad days. Trust me, you'll see me grumpy at some point. We just try to help each other out of it, ok?"

With a relieved smile I said, "Deal, thank you."

The waiter came and brought us our spring rolls, which we immediately started in on. As we ate our appetizer, Amber mentioned that she had gotten a message from her uncle's realtor. He apparently had a few places picked out that he wanted to show us.

Surprised I replied, "Great! Did he say when he wants to meet?"

Between bites she said, "Yeah, he said he can either do tomorrow or next weekend."

With a shrug I said, "I mean, we might as well go tomorrow. No point in waiting unless you had something else you wanted to do."

Shaking her head Amber said, "No, I was thinking the same thing. Cool, I'll message him back after we're done here."

A minute later, the waiter came out with our food. Amber got a vegetable and noodle dish while I got a plate of basil fried rice. Seeing the pepper flakes all throughout mine and getting a smell of the chili, Amber leaned back coughing, "Holy shit, how do you eat that?"

Taking a big fork full into my mouth, I chewed then swallowed and said, "It's great. It makes my mouth feel like you made my dick feel last night when you rubbed that oil on it."

Her eyes got huge and surprised she said, "Oh my god, babe! I didn't even think about that."

I laughed, "No, it's fine. Honestly it felt really good..." Taking another bite I added, "...just like this."

"You're insane," Amber said as she ate her mild noodles.

We continued verbally teasing each other throughout the meal. When we were done, I felt great again. I reached across the table and, rubbing Amber's hand, said, "Thanks, I feel much better now." I paid the bill and we headed back to the car.

Closing her door Amber asked, "So what other errands did you need to run?"

Suppressing any annoyance I said, "Ehh, well we need things like paper towels, toilet paper, soap... exciting stuff. Luckily we can grab all that in one stop."

"And then we're done," Amber said cheerfully.

I couldn't help but smile at her exuberance and said, "Yeah, and then we're done."

We made a stop at a big box store. As we strolled the aisles, we got everything we needed as well as a few extra things along the way. Checking the cart to make sure we hadn't left anything out, we then cleared the checkout and loaded up the car. Getting back in, Amber looked at me and said, "See? Free at last. Shit, when we have more space we're going to need a membership to one of those price warehouses because I can't go through this every couple weeks."

I laughed and said, "I promise... I'm better!"

Amber grinned and said, "I know, I'm just fucking with you." Then she added, "Hey, can we make one more stop on the way home?"

"Sure, where?" I asked.

Cryptically Amber replied, "I'll let you know. Just turn when I say so." A few minutes later she said, "Ok, next driveway on the right."

As soon as I pulled in I realized where we were and a feeling of dread set in. With a smile she said, "Come on. It'll be fun."

Swallowing my embarrassment and apprehension, I went inside with Amber. I'd never been to an adult store before. The only such shopping I'd ever done was online. Squeezing my hand with a smile she said, "Let's look around."

We began on the side wall, where all the various sex toys were displayed. I was amazed, I had no idea there were so many types. Amber seemed to know each and every one and explained how their shapes generally defined their function. Intrigued, I asked if she was in the market for one. Arriving at the standard, straight smooth vibrators, she reached up and took down a box. Then looking sheepishly at me said, "Mine's uhh... getting worn out."

I chuckled and said, "You're right; this is fun. What else is there?"

With an excited smile at my sudden interest, Amber lead me on. Next we came to a case of higher-end toys. Amber explained how the various remote-controlled devices worked. Excitedly I said, "Oh hell yeah. I can get you to wear one of those to work and control it from my cubicle!"

Amber laughed but also looked scared, "No fucking way. If that shit hits too hard and I make a mess I can't be walking out of the office looking like I pissed myself. No way."

I laughed and gave her a hug, "I was kidding babe. I already know you're much to loud to be able to discreetly get off at work."

Giving me a playful punch to my arm, Amber continued on. I thought she was going to die laughing when I asked, "What the fuck are these deranged looking chess pieces?"

Between gasps for air she said, "They're not chess pieces... they're butt plugs."

"Ohhhh, that explains the one with the raccoon tail." I said.

Looking at the selection Amber said, "Honestly, I've always wondered how one would feel. But really, now that I have you, I think I much prefer all the ways you have to please me back there."

Giving her a side hug and a kiss on the cheek I said, "Anytime you want it."

Turning around and seeing the racks of lingerie Amber suggested, "Hey, how about you go over and look at the guy's section while I look here. Then go up, pay for whatever you get and I'll meet you back at the car. No peeking though!"

With a nod I headed over to the men's section. Passing the silk robes, banana hammocks and lots of leather, I found a section of silk shorts. Knowing ahead that this is what Amber liked, I picked out a black pair and a maroon one. The red one just seemed too over the top.

On my way to the front, I passed a shelf of massage oils, I stopped and got some more of the warming oil and another bottle of lube. The lady behind the checkout was friendly enough and as I hurried from the store back to my car, I thought how that wasn't the awkward experience I was anticipating. A few minutes later, Amber emerged from the store with a big smile on her face and a shopping bag in her hand. After putting her bag in the back, she got in the car and could see the smile on my face. "See?? You had fun didn't you?"

Giving her a kiss I said, "Yes. You were right."

On the way back to the apartment, I did my best to ask her what she picked out but I had no success in getting anything from her. When we got back home, we first unloaded all our earlier purchases, doing our best to put away the spare paper towels, toilet paper, etc. Then each of us retrieved our bags and took turns hiding our new items in our nightstands.

Amber moved the linens from the washer to the dryer and then we both made our way to the living room and slumped down on the couch. I put my hand on Amber's knee and thanked her again for helping me out of my funk. Amber just smiled and gave me a kiss. I put my arm around her shoulder and we just sat there together on the couch. Looking to me she said, "You realize this is all I need, right?"

I hugged her tight against me and said, "Yeah, me too, honey. I think the past week had been so big and exciting, I felt like I was letting you down today." I gave her a kiss and said, "This is all I need too."

A moment later I said, "Wait here a sec." I got up and went to the kitchen to retrieve a beer from the refrigerator. I opened it and brought it to Amber saying, "Here, relax. Let me go get a shower. Then when you're done, we can find something to watch and just chill."

Taking a sip she said, "Thanks. Yeah, that'd be good."

I bent down and gave her a kiss and then went back into the bathroom. Stripping off my clothes from the day, I felt free. After warming up the water and getting in the shower, I stood under the water and immediately felt better. I was feeling completely back to myself by the time I washed, got out and dried off.

When I left the bathroom, I got dressed in my usual shorts and a t-shirt and went back out to the couch. Amber had her almost-finished beer in one hand and the TV remote in the other. Flipping through the channel guide she said, "There's not shit on. Here, maybe you'll have some better luck."

As she got up to go to the bathroom, I went into the kitchen to get a beer of my own. When I heard Amber go into the bathroom and start the shower, I went over and turned off the TV. Taking my beer, I went into the bathroom and sat down on the closed toilet lid. Amber looked over and smiled, "Hey, what are you doing?"

I took a sip of beer and said, "You're right. There's nothing on. And yeah, this view is much more interesting than scrolling through that damn channel lineup." I watched as she got washed off and then stood to leave saying, "Alright babe, I'll give you your privacy. I just wanted to remind you that your body is still incredibly sexy. I'll see you back out on the couch. Love you."

"Thanks, babe. Love you too," I heard as I made my way back into the bedroom and then back out to the couch. I sat and waited a few minutes. I could hear the hairdryer and then some shuffling around in the bathroom. A moment later she emerged looking stunning in that pink pair of terry cloth shorts and a small white tank top. She had a blanket in one hand and what appeared to be a deck of cards in the other.

After tossing me the blanket, I spread it out on the floor while she went into the kitchen and retrieved two more beers. Bringing one to me, I clanged my bottle to hers and said, "To enjoying the little things."

She smiled and said, "Aww, don't sell yourself short; you're at least average."

I couldn't help but laugh then she leaned down and kissed me saying, "Sorry, couldn't help it. But no, you're right. Let's just enjoy this life together. The whirlwind of the past week had to stop at some point but this never has to end."

I gave her another kiss and she sat down next to me. I looked at the deck of cards in her hand and asked, "So what do you want play?"

She grinned that mischievous grin of hers and said, "This is a little something I picked up today. I thought it would be a good way to spend some time together. It's a game of Would You Rather. We'll shuffle the deck and take turns. Old rules apply, both of us answer, ok?"

"Sure, let's give it a try," I said taking another sip of beer.

Amber shuffled the deck and placed it between us and said, "You have the honors, ask away.

I drew the first card, "Would you rather watch porn with me or read an erotic novel out loud while touching each other?"

"Damn, that's a good one," Amber said while giving it serious thought. Finally she said, "Both sound good but I'll go with watching porn. Reading while trying to touch each other sounds like a lot of work."

I nodded in agreement and then said, "Yeah, as it's written it's kind of awkward. If I had to choose, I'd read an erotic novel out loud and watch you touch yourself."

Amber looked interested and said, "Mmm, now that would be hot." Then with a smile said, "We'll have to remember that one."

"Ok my turn." Drawing a card Amber said, "Aww, you get an easy one. Lights on or lights off?"

Without needing to think I said, "On, definitely on. I want to see you."

Amber just nodded in agreement, "Same."

Reading the next card I asked, "Ok, do you prefer morning sex or sex at night?"

Amber thought for a second and said, "We have great sex at night, of course. But there's something extra spontaneous about morning sex. Plus, we definitely don't do it as much so it's exciting when it happens. I'm going with morning."

Thinking back on the times when we did have morning sex, I felt myself getting mentally excited at the memories. "Yeah, mornings are definitely special."

Amber smiled at me, knowing what was going through my mind. Then reaching for the next card she asked, "Hmm, so would you rather give or receive oral?"

It didn't take much thought for me to answer, "Give. Don't get me wrong, you give absolutely amazing blowjobs but there's something about being down there, all my senses being stimulated while bringing you pleasure? Fuck yeah, I'll choose giving every time."

As I talked, I could see Amber was running through memories in her mind with the faintest smile on her face. She then said with a hint of embarrassment, "Receive? I love going down on you too but fuck, it feels so good when you do what you do. Plus seeing you enjoy it so much? Ugh, it's the best."

I smiled and said, "I'm pretty sure that can be arranged on short notice."

Amber just smiled back and nodded. Then reaching for the next card she said, "Man, you get all the easy ones. Do you want to be on top or bottom?"

With a smile I said, "Easy, bottom. There's nothing much sexier than watching you ride on top of me. Oh my god, when you start playing with your tits? Fuck... that's so hot."

My answer made Amber smile again and then she said, "I'm going to pick bottom too. I love lying back, felling you penetrate me and then wrapping my legs around you while you slowly increase the speed and end by absolutely giving it to me. When you really get going and your balls slap against my ass? Fuck..."


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