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An Avalanche of Roses

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A cuckolding/hot-wife themed 750 word story.
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There was a knock at the front door. Jenny put her cup of coffee down. She turned her head and looked up at the clock on the living room wall. The clock read 10.15am.

"There ya go," Jenny stated, turning back to her friend, Kerrie, "there's Sam, right on time, as usual."

Kerrie shook her head. Jenny winked at Kerrie. Jenny slid off the end of her barstool. She skipped towards the front door as Sam knocked again.

"Coming Sam," Jenny announced with a chuckle, her bare brown feet pattering on the floor as she raced towards the door.

Jenny reached out and unlocked the front door. She pulled the door back. An older man, the delivery guy, named Sam was standing there on the welcome mat with a bouquet of red roses in his left hand and an electronic clipboard and pen in his right hand.

"Morning Jenny," Sam said with a yawn as Jenny unlocked the screen door and pushed it open.

"Morning Sam," Jenny said, reaching out and taking the electronic clipboard and pen from Sam and signing her name to acknowledge receipt of the bouquet of red roses.

"Here ya go, Jenny," Sam stated, handing the bouquet to the smiling young married woman and taking the electronic clipboard and pen back. "Have a great morning. I'll catch ya again in a few hours."

Jenny burst into laughter. She blew kisses at Sam. The older male delivery driver grinned, turned and walked back to his van. Jenny watched him for a few more moments. She then locked the doors again. She buried her nose in the flowers and inhaled deeply. She sighed with contentment.

"Oh my God, Jen," Kerrie stated, slowly running her eyes around the living room, the dining room and the kitchen, "how can you keep living like this, how can Ken can keep living like this?"

"Oh, whatever do you mean, darling," Jenny said with an innocent tone of voice and a cheeky expression on her pretty features.

Kerrie burst into laughter. Jenny joined in. The house Ken and his wife Jenny lived in was filled with the overpoweringly pungent scent of red roses. Dozens of bouquets sat in vases across the dining table, the coffee table and the kitchen counter. Every day new bouquets arrived and the size of the bouquets increased as time passed.

"Beautiful, aren't they," Jenny enthused.

"So, let me get this straight," Kerrie asked. "You receive a ton of flowers from David every day - yes?"

"Yes," Jenny said with a grin.

"And for some reason the bouquets are constantly getting larger - yes?"

"Uh huh, yep," Jenny confirmed. "At the moment the bouquets currently have twenty six roses in them."

"Okay, so what gives, Jen?"

"It's really straight forward, it's quite simple," Jenny said, sitting back down on her stool and picking up her cup of coffee. "A new rose is added to the bouquets every time I drop my panties in front of David."

"What," Kerrie said, still confused.

"David sends me bunches of red roses everyday to remind Ken and me that David and I are having sex together. And let me tell you the sex is real good and I definitely earn em!"

Kerrie gasped, Jenny grinned, sipped her coffee and continued.

"A new flower is added every time David and I go to bed together, so..."

"So, you and David have..."

"Done it together twenty six times so far, yes," Jenny explained.

Kerrie gasped again. The two women gazed at each other in silence and then they both burst into laughter.


Jenny was on the phone with Kerrie. Their call was taking place just two months after that fateful day when Jenny explained the meaning of the roses to her friend.

"Oh my God," Jenny exclaimed. "This is so out of hand now; this is crazy!"

"Oh shit, what's happening now???"

"There are flowers everywhere! We're drowning in an avalanche of roses!"

"How many roses per bunch now," Kerrie demanded, her voice rising to a thin hysterical shriek.

"Sixty eight, Kerrie," Jenny shouted, "There's sixty eight flowers in each! Poor Ken, my hubby's just beside himself!"

"Oh God, Jen, this has to stop!"

"No dice chicka," Jenny screeched, "David and I are Hawaii bound for three weeks! The bouquet will be up around a hundred roses by the time we're home! God knows what'll happen a few months from now!"

"What are you talking about, Jen - babe, a few months from now you'll be pregnant!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kind of different, but I liked it. Jenny must be a hell of a good fuck. I wonder if she is giving her husband any or is it just David? My wife only uses one other guy to satisfy her. It is much safer that way because of all the STDs out there. My wife needs it every day and I can only deliver a couple times a week. I know some people do not agree, but, for us the lifestyle works out and has prevented my wife from going behind my back. We do not want any more children. I am cut so my wife has to be on the pill.

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