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An Endless Competition F/F Ch. 31-35

Story Info
Jennifer starts her life as her aunt’s slave 24/7.
13.1k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2024
Created 05/07/2024
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Ch 31: Biscuit

My tongue continued to move frantically on my cousin's soft soles and I was so busy with that work that I could not follow well the conversation between my two Mistresses who kept giggling. At that moment my mind was so foggy that I could not think of anything and the only things that mattered were those two wonderful feet in front of me.

"Perhaps I'm really turning into a dog" I thought, realizing that at that time I was not able to think how a human being and my brain seemed to be able to process only the taste of Kaley's feet which for my disappointment was not very intense.

While my tongue was playing with her toes, I saw my saliva slide along her sole and immediately my tongue moved on her heel to prevent it from dropping on the floor. Relieved that I had not done a mess, I went back to work on my cousin's toes, sucking them vigorously and making a noise that made laugh my aunt.

- What do you think about the name Dory? - Kaley asked her mother as she pushed both of her big toes deep in my mouth.

- It's such a banal name for a dog. Lady is a nice name - Aunt Emma said.

- A lot of dogs are called Lady - my cousin replied.

As the two women kept discussing the name I should have had when I would have been in dog mode, I continued to suck Kaley's toes and I marveled at how little I cared about that discussion, and yet it should have been of interest to me, it should have had some effect on me, I mean, the name is perhaps the most important thing that a person owns and remove your name it is how to remove your humanity. After a quick consideration I realized why I was almost completely indifferent to the choice of my new name as a puppy dog. For quite a while I got used to be called "Slave" and in the last few weeks I rarely heard my real name.

Suddenly I felt my aunt's feet on my shoulder and after watching her for a moment I knew what she wanted. I moved myself so that I was parallel to the couch and as I continued licking my cousin's feet, my aunt put her feet on my back using me as a footstool.

- I do not know, there are hundreds, thousands of names - my aunt said, beginning to make a list - Nana, Molly, Ruby, Roxie, Bella, Biscuit, Minnie, Sassy, Trix... -

- Wait, wait, what did you say before? - Kaley yelled, interrupting her mother.

- Hmmm...Sassy, Roxie, Biscuit - repeated my aunt.

- Biscuit! Yeah, it is perfect for her, isn't it? - my cousin said, taking her foot out of my mouth and patting me on my head.

I barked many times, looking at my cousin straight in the eyes. Kaley looked really happy and for a moment she looked just like a little girl who was unwrapping her Christmas gift. She approached her hand to my face and I licked it with devotion as a good puppy, while she said:

- Good doggy, that's my Biscuit -

Without realizing it, I moved my butt as if I was wagging an invisible tail.

- It seems she likes her new name - Aunt Emma said as I continued to lick my cousin's fingers who enjoyed playing with my tongue.

Soon Kaley's hands were covered by my saliva and my cousin wiped them on my hair without succeeding in concealing a new yawn.

- It's late, you will play with your new dog tomorrow. Now I have to prepare her "dog house" Aunt Emma said, taking off her feet from my back and getting up from the couch.

I can not deny that I was a little disappointed with her words, I was hoping to sleep at the foot of her bed as I did in Paris and in the night that I had spent at my aunt's house a few weeks earlier. Once again, Aunt Emma seemed to read my mind because she patted on my head and said:

- This night I need rest. Maybe the next time, if you behave, you can sleep with me or with Kaley -

Mother and daughter were about to leave the living room and I did not know what to do, could I get up or I had to follow them like a dog? In the end I picked up for this last solution and when I reached my aunt in the corridor I saw with amazement that she was not walking up the stairs to prepare the guest room but, instead, she headed toward the basement.

- Go to sleep honey, tomorrow morning you have to go to school - Aunt Emma said to her daughter who after giving her the good-night kiss, approached me and patted on my head, saying:

- Goodnight Biscuit -

My answer was a loudly bark, I kissed frantically her feet and with disappointment I saw my beautiful cousin leaving. I would have liked to follow her, spend the night with her, kept licking her wonderful feet and curl up next them to sleep. But my aunt had decided otherwise, so I followed my Mistress to the basement.

- Go down the stairs normally, I do not want you to break the bone of your neck - my Mistress said, turning on the light and beginning to step down the stairs.

The temperature in the basement was definitely very different from the rest of the house and I thanked it was still September, I was sure that in winter I would have freeze to death down there.

- For tonight you will have to settle for this - my aunt said, throwing on the floor two small pillows which were inside the old wardrobe near the washing machine and pointing to an old orange carpet that would have been my miserable and uncomfortable bed.

- Thank you Madame - I said and I bent down to kiss my Mistress's slippers.

- Tomorrow you'll have a bit of work to do, so you will not go to school. Put the alarm clock at six in the morning and start cleaning the ground floor. Then prepare breakfast for Kaley and serve her breakfast in bed. I think it's useless to tell you how you should wake up your cousin... right? - my aunt said lifting her eyebrow.

- Yes Madame - I replied, knowing perfectly that I should have used my tongue on her wonderful feet.

- Good. Once your cousin will be awake, you will be at her service until she goes to school and immediately after you have to start cleaning her room. But do not make too much noise, I'm tired and I want to sleep late tomorrow. When the rest of the house will be cleaned and not before 11 am, you can finally prepare me a light breakfast and you can wake me up. Did you understand everything, slave? - she said putting her right foot on my head.

- Yes Madame - I replied with a weak voice.

- Good. So...goodnight - she said, removing her foot from my head.

- Goodnight Madame - I replied, looking at her while she climbed the stairs.

I was lying on the large orange carpet and I rested my head on the two pillows which were so thin that I could feel the hard floor beneath them. It was not easy to find a comfortable position and it took a long time before I could fall asleep. But my sleep was short-lived, in fact, I woke up a little more than an hour later with several chills. Having nothing else to cover me, I used the same rug as blanket and I thanked God that it was so big that I could wrap myself in. For a moment I could not help but think about my pitiful conditions. Only two months before I was one of the most beautiful girls in the school, I was rich, I was the captain of the soccer team and I was about to get my first part in a movie. Now, I had lost everything, I no longer had a mother, I no longer had a home, and I did not even have a mattress on which to sleep and a blanket that kept me warm.

"This is my home now" I said to myself, trying to think that just a few meters above me there were those beautiful women who had completely changed my life and when I closed my eyes again, a small smile appeared on my face.

When the alarm sounded I jumped because the noise was much stronger than what I expected and when I got up from my "bed" I was more tired than the previous night and my whole body was hurting me. But I knew I couldn't waste time, so I ran into the tight bathroom near the kitchen and after a quickly shower, I started to sweep the floors as my aunt had ordered me. Once again I noticed how clean the house was and I could not help but be impressed by my aunt's job that unlike my mother did not have a maid, even if she could afford it. The only dirty room was the kitchen but only because some crumbs must have fallen on the ground the evening before and my aunt had not had time to clean it yet.

At some point I felt my stomach rumble and after checking that I had enough time, I quickly ate a banana hoping I did not break some of my Mistress's rules. Aunt Emma had not told me to have breakfast but she did not even forbid me to eat, so I thought I had not disobeyed any order, but I promised myself to ask my aunt if I could have breakfast in the morning, to know how to behave in future. When I finished eating I started preparing breakfast for Kaley and following the instructions that my aunt had written on a note that I had found on the kitchen table, I prepared a cappuccino and a biscuit pack.

When I arrived at the door of my cousin's room I had to place slowly the tray on the floor to open the door and once inside the room I had to be careful not to stumble upon something because as usual Kaley's room was totally in the dark. After putting the tray on her desk, I approached the feet of her bed and I knelt. I put my head under the blanket and I almost immediately found myself with my cousin's feet on my face. Compared to the evening before, they had a much more intense smell and as I felt the excitement growing up within me, I started gently licking her feet. I remembered well what had happened the last time and I did not want another kick in my nose.

- Biscuit, is that you? - Kaley asked after a few minutes with a squeaky voice.

I barked in response and my cousin giggled and started rubbing her feet on my face. The smell was wonderful and when she realized that I was sniffing with passion her feet, Kaley trapped my nose between her big and second toes. The night was very difficult, and cleaning the house is not what you would like to do first thing in the morning, but if every day, shortly after I woke up, I could smell and enjoy those wonderful feet, then my choice had been right. I would have done everything for those feet, even sleeping every night on the floor. After a few minutes, Kaley noticed the tray on her desk, she snapped loudly her fingers and said:

- Biscuit that's enough! Bring me my breakfast -

I went out from under the blanket and I brought the tray to my Mistress who was playing with her cellphone and I knelt beside her.

- It's really useful to have a puppy with a pair of hands - Kaley said, bursting out laugh when I replied again with a bark. Then she maneuvered me so that I was kneeling in parallel to her bed, with my face toward the feet of the bed - Now stand still - and saying so she leaned the tray on my back.

While I was being used again as a mere furniture, I could hear Kaley while she dunked the biscuits on her cappuccino. My cousin, however, was still not satisfied and bending her leg in a way uncomfortable, in my opinion, she approached her foot to my face and once again she trapped my nose between her toes.

- Take a big whiff, I want to hear you. But be careful not to move, if you drop the cup you will be punished severely - Kaley ordered imperiously.

I started sniffing her foot while being careful not to move too much and it was not easy at all because I was so excited that I would have smelled and licked that foot eagerly. I could not help but think that my cousin was right to treat me that way, I was no different from an animal, humans were able to put a stop to their instincts, but I had handed my life to my greatest rival just to be able to worship her feet and those of her beautiful mother. As Kaley continued to eat her biscuits, I thought again about my new name and my pussy started to drip when I said to myself:

"I am Biscuit, Kaley's dog arf arf"

Ch 32: Jennifer no more

When my cousin finished her breakfast, she resumed playing with her smartphone and, having received no order, I remained in the same position with the tray on my back and her foot on my face. I continued to sniff Kaley's toes loudly as she played with my nose and time seemed to have stopped. How could there be something so wonderful like that scent that bewitched me every time and made me a mindless slave? In a brief moment of lucidity I wondered if there were other people like me in the world, if other girls enjoyed being humiliated and loved feet of other people. My thoughts, however, were swept away as soon as Kaley trapped again my nose between her big and second toes and I resumed sniffing, forgetting everything else.

When my cousin's phone rang for a moment, I was brought back to reality and I saw with dislike Kaley take away her foot from my face. Without being able to restrain myself, I barked hoping to be able to smell it again. My cousin burst out laughing and putting her phone on her bedside table, she said:

- I'm sorry Biscuit, but it's late and I have to go to school. Bring the tray in the kitchen and wash the cup while I take a quick shower -

I barked in response and I waited for Kaley to remove the tray from my back but she did not move and I turned my head with difficulty to look at her face.

- What are you waiting for? Go go, stupid dog - she said giving me a slap on my butt.

Wounded by those words, I slipped slowly toward the door trying to figure out how I should have reached the kitchen in that way, realizing that there was absolutely no hope of getting down the stairs without dropping the tray down and doing so much noise to wake up my Mistress and suffer a severe punishment. After a few meters I found my first obstacle, the door that unfortunately I had not left open and not knowing how to open it, I barked trying to attract the attention of my cousin who puffed loudly and got up slowly of the bed, approaching me.

- It seems that I've overestimated you. You're really useless - she said opening the door and when I was out of her room, she added - From here you can walk normally but when I'll get out of the bathroom I want to find my little dog near my bed - and saying that, she banged the door violently.

With much difficulty I removed the tray from my back and I almost risked dropping the cup on the ground but in the end I managed to tighten firmly the tray in my hands and after I got up, I headed to the kitchen as a normal human being. It didn't take me long to wash the cup and put the biscuits in their place and when my gaze fell on the note with the instructions, which had remained on the table, I feared I had made the same mistake that I had done in the past and I ran to check if there was something else on the back. That time, fortunately, there was nothing and after I breathed a sigh of relief, I headed to my cousin's room again.

When I opened the door, I immediately put me on all fours and I crawled into the room not like the slave Jennifer Martin but as Biscuit the dog of my cousin. Kaley was still in the bathroom, but without hearing any noise, I imagined that she had already finished her shower. As I was ordered, I crawled near my Mistress's bed and while I was waiting for her return, I carefully watched the room that I was supposed to clean shortly after her departure. I had never considered myself a neat girl but compared to my cousin I was the neatest person in the world. Her desk was full of books and notebooks, most of which were open and her PC was about to fall to the ground and I realized that it was my fault, in fact resting the tray on the desk I had pushed something that before I could not see because of the darkness. I wanted to get up and put the PC back in its place but Kaley could go back at any moment and I did not want to get caught in a different position than I was ordered.

I continued to look around the room, now lit by the sunlight, and I saw that there were at least three pairs of sneakers on the floor and I had to give me a slap in my face to avoid throwing myself on them, just like a real dog would have done. Despite all my efforts, I knew I could not stand for long and I received gladly the arrival of my cousin who came out from the bathroom already dressed. Kaley was wearing a pair of high waist jeans that highlighted her gorgeous butt and a very elegant pink shirt, that was also very expensive. I followed with my eyes her feet getting more and more close to me and when she stopped I did not resist and I rubbed my face on her black socks. Kaley lift one foot and allowed me also to reach her sole, but after a while she pulled her foot away and said:

- Take my shoes, the white ones - and she pointed to a pair of Converse which were almost on the other side of the room.

I crawled towards them and I gently grabbed the shoes with my mouth and when I came back from my Mistress, I was rewarded with a caress in my hair and these words:

- Good doggy -

Once again I was ashamed to feel so proud of that praise, was I really happy to receive compliments for behaving like a good dog? My pussy immediately gave me the answer and while my cousin was putting on her shoes, I took the opportunity to quickly slide my hand between my legs but I was forced to remove it immediately when Kaley looked at me with her beautiful green eyes. She kept looking at me for more than two minutes without saying a word and I could not help but wonder what she was thinking. After a while she looked away and her gaze fell to her shoes and immediately she snapped her finger and said:

- Biscuit there is a stain in my right shoe, lick it clean -

Without hesitation, I stuck out my tongue and I approached my cousin's shoe and when my tongue touched the green spot, I realized that it was a grass stain but despite all my efforts it was impossible to remove also because they were canvas shoes. Kaley kicked me roughly and said:

- You are really pathetic -

Sorry for failing to obey her order, I crawled back to the feet of my Mistress who was putting some books inside her backpack and I began kissing her shoes hoping to be forgiven. Kaley, however, kicked me away once again and my eyes filled with tears. My cousin looked at me for a moment with a strange expression and after a few seconds, she said:

- All right all right, I forgive you. Come here -

Full of joy for being forgiven, I crawled quickly to her feet and I covered her shoes with kisses, barking every now and then but trying not to make too much noise to not wake my aunt. Kaley patted my head and after a while she walked away saying:

- Okay, I got a little gift for you. I'm sure you'll love it - and she gave me a wonderful smile and immediately I felt as if I had butterflies in my stomach.

Curious, I followed her on all fours to the bathroom, trying to imagine what my gift could be and when Kaley waved her black panties in front of me, my mouth started watering. Without realizing it, I pulled out my tongue and I started to pant like the dog I had become, making laugh my cousin who brought her panties close to my face but when I was about to catch them with my mouth, she moved them away. Kaley had fun teasing me for a few minutes but then, after looking the time at her phone, she threw her panties across the room and she took her backpack as I crawled in a hurry toward my new toy. When I was a few inches from her panties, I approached them with my nose to find out what perfume had the most precious part of my beautiful cousin. When that wonderful smell came to my nostrils I forgot about everything and I almost did not notice my cousin who bent next to me, watching me intensely.

- You really like to be my little dog, don't you? - she said, looking straight into my eyes.

Without losing the eye contact and still sniffing her panties, I barked affirmatively trying to make it clear that I believed that answer with all my heart.

- You love everything that's happening to you, isn't it? You love to lick my feet and those of my mother, you love to be our devoted slave and obey all

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