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An Erotic Fairy Tale, Part 1

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Wondrous Reveals and Magic Fingers.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/14/2019
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An Erotic Fairy Tale, Part 1 (of 7): Wonders Revealed and Magic Fingers

A red plastic cup of beer in each hand, I pushed through the throng of guys standing around my date. I considered suggesting they not ogle her so openly, but that would've made me a hypocrite. I'd been ogling her since we had met up at her dorm room before heading to the Halloween party. And there was quite a bit to ogle.

My date's parent's had named her Wendy, but only professors and university officials used that name. All her friends called her 'Tink'. And she had never been more Tink than she was tonight; more to the point, Tink had never been hotter. Standing nearly a foot shorter than my own six feet, she was every inch a pixie, from her short, blonde hair to her petite frame. Well, petite except for generous curves that her costume did nothing to hide.

Her costume, what there was of it, consisted of two large leaves made out of a thin, shiny, green material. The point of the front leaf fell between Tink's short but toned legs, covering her groin but leaving her pale, supple thighs exposed. The wider top of the front leaf shape hugged her narrow waist, flat stomach, and prominent chest. A V-shaped notch, maybe five or six inches long and laced with green leather thongs, revealed the inner sides of her breasts from the top swell to the curve of her underboob.

The backside of the costume was the same shape as the front, minus the notch at the top but plus a pair of gossamer fairy wings. The back leaf attached to the front leaf by more green leather thongs. And while the laces clearly held the two leaves together tight enough to keep the costume up without the aid of straps, there was a three-inch gap between the halves, making it obvious for all to see that this version of Tinker Bell was not wearing any underwear.

"Hi, Tave. Thanks for the beer," Tink said as I handed her a cup. Plump, full lips pulled back from white teeth into a grin that sparkled almost as much as her bright blue eyes and the glitter on her otherwise pink cheeks. A small, turned up nose melded with the rest of her features into a cuteness that, while short of classically beautiful, was alluring none the less. When combined with her impish sense of humor and her large for her size boobs, flowing hips, and shapely ass, that face was sexy as hell. And ever since I'd met her, I'd been fantasizing about how it might look while she came.


Tink and I met at an orientation program for our university. The seating in the large auditorium was alphabetical in order, and Tink's last name of Barrie gave her the seat next to mine, as my last name is Barris. And I could not believe my luck when the young woman with the short, golden blonde hair turned toward me as I sat down.

I'd like to say the first thing I noticed at that point was those sparkling blue eyes, that cute little nose, or even those full, inviting lips. But I can't. What I noticed was the Tinker Bell cartoon on her shirt. Or rather, I noticed the way that Tinker Bell was stretched tight across a pair of tits much larger than I would've expected on a girl her size.

"I'm Wendy Barrie," she said, favoring me with a dazzling smile. "But everyone calls me 'Tink'."

"Oh," was all my suddenly dry mouth could manage as the blonde tapped a finger on the cartoon image on her chest, which she seemed to have thrust forward as she spoke.

"What's your name?" she went on, drawing my eyes to her face where what I took to be a knowing—and amused—expression rested.

"Um, Tavis. Tavis Barris."


"It's better than my older brother's name," I shrugged.

"What's that?"

"Ferris Barris."

"Fuck, that's harsh," Tink laughed, a melodious sound that seemed to evoke the ringing of bells.

"Yeah. That's why he goes by his middle name, Robert. I go by Tave."

"Well, it's great to meet you, Tave Barris," Tink winked, holding out her hand.

Suppressing an urge to plant a kiss on the back of her hand, I grasped and shook it, amazed how warm and soft it felt. At that moment, a man and a woman maybe a couple of years older than us called for attention. Tink sat back down and I followed suit, risking one last glance at the way her tight t-shirt molded to the side of her boobs before turning my attention to the couple on stage, who had just announced they were juniors named Todd and Celia.

At first, they took turns telling us about the history of the university, the layout of the campus, the important locations on campus (such as the student union building in which we were sitting), how classes worked, and shit like that. For the most part, it was a summary of information that I'd received in my acceptance packet. Still, several of my fellow freshmen asked questions throughout, and at one point, Tink and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes in unison at a particularly self-evident answer to a stupid question.

After Todd and Celia, a parade of professors and university officers addressed us, telling us about various assistance programs and courses of study. Again, it was all stuff either in the welcome materials or online, and I let my attention and my eyes wander to the girl sitting beside me. Throughout most of the presentations, she had been chewing on the end of her pen, and I found myself staring until she caught me watching her. Meeting my gaze, she sucked the top couple of inches of the pen into her mouth and hollowed her cheeks. I dropped my eyes, my cheeks burning with sudden heat.

After that, I focused as much as I could on the people talking. At least, I focused my eyes on them. My mind was racing with thoughts of what Tink had done. I eventually convinced myself that she could not have possibly been trying to suggest what my mind had leaped to, even though my stiff dick seemed to think otherwise. Luckily, my mind and body both had the chance to relax before it was time for lunch, and I was no longer hard when noon rolled around.

"Be back right at 1:00," Celia called out as the audience stood. "We have a very important topic to address after lunch."

"And you can leave your stuff here if you want," Todd added, although most people had already done so.

"Let's go eat," Tink told me as she closed her notebook, revealing a large cartoon Tinker Bell on its cover.

"After you," I motioned, getting my first good look at her ass. Like her boobs, it was fuller than I might have expected on such a petite girl, but it was by no means too large for her frame. Rather, her rounded butt, which seemed to bounce underneath the skin-tight jeans she was wearing, complimented her hips where they flowed from a small waist. A vision of a short, compact hourglass flitted through my mind, and for the first time, I understood why men in past had been so attracted to girls with that kind of figure.

"Chinese okay with you?" the blonde asked when we reached the food court.

"Sure," I nodded.

"Great. Here's a ten. Get me a bottle of water and a bowl with chow mein and orange chicken. I'll find a place to sit."

After about a fifteen-minute wait, I got our food and started looking for Tink. I found her at a table for two near the back of the dining area. She was doing something on her phone but grinned up at me when I put the tray on the table.

"Here's your change," I told her as I sat.

"Thanks, Tave," she replied, touching my forearm in a way that sent a tingle along my skin.

"So, what's your major?" she asked after we had both eaten a couple of mouthfuls of our respective meals.

"Chemistry, probably," I told her. "Maybe physics. I'm undecided right now."

"Mine's anthropology," the girl said, a look best described as mischievous on her cute face. "Because I love studying men."

I opened my mouth but didn't speak, as nothing clever came to mind. After a couple of seconds, Tink had mercy on me.

"Kidding. Well, mostly. I am fascinated by human culture, especially myth and folklore and shit. Studying men is only a hobby."

"Oh, I see," I said, trying to make myself laugh, since she was clearly joking.

"So, you're taking all math and science classes?"

"Calculus and chemistry, yes. But I want to get some general requirements out of the way, so I'm taking English, psychology, and art history as well."

"Don't take psych for your social science credits," the blonde suggested, leaning closer to me. "Take Anthro 101 on Monday and Wednesday mornings with Jakobson. We'll be in class together."

"That's an idea," I agreed, but I wasn't sure being in a class with Tink would help my studies. On the other hand, I didn't want to lose contact with her, and a class together would make sure that didn't happen.

"Here, give me your schedule," she said, holding out her hand.

"It's with my stuff back in the auditorium. But that doesn't matter. I know it. My psychology class is on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8:00 a.m. and I'm free the rest of those mornings. I can make the Anthro class work."

"Great," a smiling Tink said before she took another bite of her food.

For the rest of lunch, we ate and chatted about where we had grown up. Tink was from a small town in the mountains, just across the state line. But because it was less than a hundred and fifty miles from the university, she only had to pay in-state tuition. I'd lived in the state all my life, but my home was over four hundred miles to the south in the largest city in the state. Her graduating class in high school had been fifty-three people. Mine had been almost three thousand, more than the number of people who lived in her small town. Yet, as we talked, it seemed clear to me that it was TInk who had more life experience between the two of us.

"We'd better be heading back," she announced a few minutes before 1:00. "We don't want to be late for the sexual assault stuff."

"Did they say that's what the important topic is?" I asked as I again followed her, feeling a little guilty for how often my gaze dropped to her jiggling ass.

"Nope, but I'd bet it is. You know how it is these days."

"Um, yeah," I agreed, making myself raise my eyes. That did not help, however. I saw the outline of her bra through the thin material of her t-shirt, and I wondered what size it was.


Tink and I were among the last students to return to our seats. Todd and Celia were both already on the podium, serious looks on their faces.

"Settle down, everyone," Todd said as soon as the clock behind them hit 1:00. "We have something shocking to tell you."

"That's right, Todd," Celia took up, her voice low and grave. "Young women, please look around the auditorium. See all the other young women? More than half of you will experience some kind of sexual assault before you leave college. And see all the young men sitting with you? A third of them, maybe more, will be your rapists. It might even be a guy sitting next to you."

I turned to look at Tink, who was looking at me. For a moment neither of us spoke, then a wicked smile spread across her face.

"Only if I said 'no'," the short-haired blonde laughed before turning her attention back to Celia and Todd.

The program went on another two hours, during which time Celia and Todd both talked about affirmative consent, her from the perspective of the woman and him from that of the man. They went through a number of scenarios and took questions from the audience, and all the while I tried to concentrate on what they were saying rather than on my probably inappropriate thoughts about Tink, especially given the context. For her part, my new friend appeared to be paying attention, although I thought I saw her roll her eyes a few times.

"Okay, that's the end of orientation. Guys, remember 'no' means 'no', no matter what. Always stay respectful, and you'll be fine," Todd called out to scattered applause and a spattering of boos.

"And young ladies, remember that you have the power over your own bodies," Celia added. "Make the men in your life respect that."

"You think they're going to go screw?" TInk whispered in my ear as the two juniors left the podium. "I'd give anything to see him smack her bony ass as they go out the door."

"You don't think this is serious?" I asked the blonde, trying to sound shocked in case this was some kind of test on her part.

"I've never had a problem with guys knowing when I was saying 'yes' and when I was saying 'no', even if I never said either one."

"Oh," was all I managed before Tink changed the subject.

"Hey, give me your phone," she said, hand outstretched. "And unlock it first."

I did as she asked, certain she was going to call her phone with mine so we'd have each other's numbers. Instead, she held my phone up, turned her body about forty-five degrees, pushed out her chest, looked at the camera, and snapped a selfie. Then she typed something into the phone and I heard hers buzz.

"Okay, here's yours. Now, smile and don't move," she instructed as she raised her phone. I stared at the small camera lens, smiling, until I heard a shutter sound.

"Text me when you get your schedule changed, okay Tave," Tink continued after typing on her phone. "I've got to go. One of my roommates is going to the store, and I'm gonna catch a ride with her."

"It was great meeting you, Tink," I said just as she started to turn away.

"You too, Tave," she beamed at me, her hand touching my forearm for a moment, like she had in the dining area, and then she was walking away.

I tore my eyes away from her incredible ass long enough to look at the contact she had made on my phone. Those incredible blue eyes stared back at me from her picture, and for a moment they held my attention. Then I focused on her thrust forward chest, and her boobs were all I could see.


Tink winked at me over the rim of the plastic cup as she swallowed a mouthful of beer. Orientation had been back in mid-August, and here we were at the end of October and I was still limited to fantasizing about her. Sometimes, I thought she was teasing me, keeping me interested in case she ever became interested herself. More often, however, I worried that she might really be interested but I was too insecure, too uncertain, to act on it.

The problem was not that Tink was amazingly hot. I mean, that was a problem for me in making myself believe she was really interested in me. But it was secondary to my real problem, which was my complete lack of experience and my shame at being a virgin. I was certain that Tink had much more experience than I did, and the thought that she would be able to tell I didn't have any if we got together was something that mortified me. And yet, every time I looked at her, I wondered how her body would look, how it would move, how it would react. Would it be like the girls in porn? Would her eyes close and her full lips open as she moaned through an orgasm. Would her body shake? Or would it writhe underneath me?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tink calling my name. Blinking, I saw her with one hand on the bare chest of a guy dressed as a caveman. In her other hand, she held her drink to the side as if ready to throw it in his face. He was maybe a year or two older than me, and while I had a couple inches on the guy, he looked to have several pounds of muscle on me.

"You okay, Tink?" I asked as I approached them.

"Sure, babe," she said, dropping her hand from the man's chest and backing up until she stood beside me. "I think I'm ready to go."

"You could stay here with a real man," the guy sneered, flexing his pecs and arms.

"Oh, I'm leaving with the real man," she shot back. "Even if he is dressed as an elf."

"I told you that I'm a man of Gondor," I reminded her once we were out of earshot of the fuming caveman.

"It doesn't matter, Tave," she purred, her arm linking in mine. "Man or elf, you're getting lucky with a fairy tonight."


While I lived on campus in a more traditional dorm, Tink lived at one of the private student apartment complexes just off campus. She was one of four girls who shared a kitchen and a common room. Each had their own bedroom suites, complete with sitting area and private bathroom, so going there made much more sense than to the room I shared with my always at home roommate. But even so, I was terrified of being alone with my obsession, terrified she would laugh when she realized I was a virgin.

"Come on," she told me, taking my hand and leading me through the dark common room to her bedroom.

"Is anyone else here?" I asked as TInk closed and locked the door behind us.

"I don't think so. None of the other rooms had a light under the door," she said, her body mere inches from mine. "We're all alone, Tave. Finally. I was beginning to wonder if you were even interested."

"Um, what do you mean," I asked, stumbling back a step, trying to buy time to think.

"There's only so many times a girl can throw herself at a guy and not get anything in return before she starts to wonder if he's not into her," she shrugged, eyes locked on mine. "Or maybe not into girls at all."

"I'm into girls," I blurted out.

"Just not into little old me?" Tink pouted.

"No, I am. Into you. I just wasn't sure... um... if you... um..."

"How could I be more clear, Tave?" she asked. "If this costume doesn't say come fuck me, I'm not sure what does. The caveman sure thought that's what it said."

"It does," I said, licking my dry lips. "I mean, you look incredible in it."

"I made it myself, you know. A couple years ago. It's specifically designed to accentuate my boobs and hips. I was too shy to wear it back then. But not tonight. Not for you."


"And it takes forever to get it laced up just right. It has to be tight enough not to fall off but not so tight my skin bulges out through the side lacings. Luckily, it's much easier to take off."

Her eyes never leaving mine, Tink reached to where the leather thong tied at the top of her chest. With a pull to either side, the knot came undone. Next the young woman tugged at the V-shaped notch, loosening the leather lacing before letting her arms drop to her sides. For a moment nothing happened, then with an almost musical rustle of fabric, the leaves slid down to bunch around her waist, revealing her creamy, full boobs.

For several heartbeats, all I could do was stare at the first tits I'd ever seen in person. But it wasn't just that they were to first. I'd stared at enough pictures and videos to know that Tink's boobs were incredible. Despite their prominent size, sag was almost nonexistent. Rather, they stood out from her chest with only a small undercurve at the bottom. And as I stared, it occurred to me that they might not be real. I dismissed that thought as unlikely, however. Her obviously hard nipples—a darker pink against the dusty pink of silver-dollar sized areolas—were too perfectly placed, too perfectly formed, to have been subject to displacement by implants.

"You should really breathe, Tave," the girl laughed, which caused those wonderful boobs to bounce in such a delightful way that the notion they were fake was pushed from unlikely to impossible. Of course, the real test would be the feel, I told myself, although I had no idea how fake breasts would feel, or even real ones for that matter. And with that, I had to admit that what I really wanted was to touch her. But that realization did nothing to help me start breathing again.

"You act like you've never seen a girl's boobs before," Tink said, her expression bemused, at least at first. But something in my face must have given me away because I watched her features fall to surprise.

"Shit, you haven't," she breathed, blue eyes wide. Then, as the object of my sexual fantasies smiled and started laughing, I felt all warmth drain from my body. The worst thing I could've imagined was happening.


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