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An Unconventional Wife

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This wife's behavior is unconventional but forgivable.
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Helen, one of my coworkers, ambled over rather hesitantly. I was standing by the bar at the company bash put on to welcome the new company CEO. This gathering would be the first time that most guests had laid eyes on the new boss. The party venue was an ornate mansion outside of Fort Worth. The property catered to high-end executive events like this one, ridiculously lavish weddings, and other such extravagances.

Helen was a cute, small woman, smart as a whip, and married to a fine man. She was one of my team leaders in my research branch of a company that specialized in the synthesis of software, AI, and hardware for industrial applications. My wife and I socialize with Helen and her husband from time to time, going out to dinner, attending an occasional Rangers' ball game, and the like.

I took a sip of my wine and said pleasantly, "Hey, Helen, how's it going? Quite a bash, isn't it?"

My polite ploy didn't fly. Helen was agitated and obviously ill at ease. She took a deep breath and mumbled, "Jimmy,... I don't know; maybe I should just mind my own business."

After a moment's hesitation, she glanced up and looked me in the eye. She continued with a firm voice, "You are my boss, but I consider you a professional mentor and also a friend of both my husband and me. Well,..." Then Helen blushed and blurted, "Your wife is down by the pool with our division chief, George."

Now Helen's nerves got to her, and she looked away as she mumbled, "Hmm, well, I think you might want to stroll down to the pool and check on things."

I cocked my head quizzically and asked, "My wife?... Down by the pool with George?"

Helen glanced back at me and snapped with irritation, "Yeah, at the pool, and she is not acting very wifey. She's my friend and all, but... Just go see for yourself. George is a bastard. The asshole propositions me at least once a day. Enough said, I have already stuck my nose further into other people's business than it belongs."

With that Helen spun around and strode hurriedly over to the far side of the room where her husband was chatting with two other couples.

I mused to myself, "George and my wife? What in the world could Helen possibly have seen to upset her so?"

George was brought in from somewhere down around Houston to be our division chief by the CEO a year ago. Things had not prospered under that CEO, and he had been replaced with the new CEO for whom this welcome party was being held.

George was a local college jock of some sort; a running back at SMU, if I recall correctly. Good looking, athletic fellow and a snappy dresser. Women certainly found him attractive. Unfortunately, he was also a crude, arrogant jerk and had a couple of ex-wives who bled him dry

My wife's a stunning Texas blonde who would certainly put ol' George to salivating. However, she also has brains and class. George has neither. Still you never know when it comes to mixing men, women, and sex. Reckon I might better ease on down to the pool area and see for myself just what Helen thought she saw that got her so riled up.

The path to the pool wandered about a hundred yards through a landscaped garden. The sun had set, but the evening was pleasantly warm. The path had lights, but a full harvest moon was also rising and provided ample light. I turned the corner of the pool house and stopped dead in my tracks.

There was Mavis by the lit pool. Her head was thrown back and her luxurious, long blond hair cascaded behind her. George had his face buried in Mavis' exposed breasts, and she had both hands back of his head pulling him into her. George's hands wrapped behind Mavis and under her dress. The silky red fabric was hiked up high, and George was vigorously caressing Mavis' shapely bottom. Oh naughty, naughty girl! No panties and no bra for the party girl tonight!

I thought irritably to myself, "Damn it Mavis, here we go again. Woman, you just can't stay out of trouble, can you? And good lord, George! Your taste in men has certainly deteriorated since the last time you did this. When was that? Six months ago or so? Jeez!"

I sighed. I could guess where this was going, and it was going to go just as Mavis wanted. It always did. I slipped out my cell phone and took a picture of Mavis and her about-to-be lover. She always liked candid pictures of her extramarital adventures. I had done this for her a time or two before.

Mavis looked over and gave me a languid, contented smile as she winked. She whispered hoarsely, "Oh baby, I think we need to go somewhere private."

With that she pulled George up out of her bosom, hooked her arm through his, and led him out into the night. I followed at a discrete distance. I wasn't too worried about George catching sight of me as his attention was riveted on the gorgeous Mavis.

After a few minutes walk, the amorous couple arrived at a circular gazebo on the edge of a pond. A cloud drifted in front of the the moon, so I took the opportunity to stealthily ease up to the gazebo in the dark. I was sure Mavis would want more pictures of what was about to happen.

There were no walls on the gazebo so I secreted myself behind one of the five chunky posts that held up the roof. Peeking around the post I saw that there was a large circular padded seating area in the center. That brassy hussy certainly knew a convenient location for her tryst!

The cloud still covered the moon, and I could barely make out dark shapes on the seating area. However, the pair had obviously not tarried. I could hear Mavis' enthusiastic "Oh, Oh, come on, come on baby, Yes, yes," interspersed with George's hearty grunts of effort.

The cloud drifted off the cloud. The full moon was still near the horizon and reflected its light off the pond surface. The inside of the gazebo was now bathed in a golden glow, bright enough to make shadows.

Mavis was on top concentrating on mighty downward thrusts to meet George's upward heaves. Her eyes were closed tight as she swept onwards toward an orgasm.

I raised my cell phone and took another picture. My movement must have caught her eye somehow. She sat up, stock still and straight, astraddle George.

Mavis stared steadily at me while a sultry smile teased at her lips. She was breathing heavily from her carnal exertions causing her breasts to rise and fall delightfully. The golden moonlight made the sweat coursing over her ample bosom, elegant neck, and lean loins glisten. Her skin seemed to shimmer and glimmer with each breath. She appeared to be some sort of tawny fertility goddess from an ancient, dark civilization who was about to consume the male sacrificial victim buried in her flesh. I snapped a photo of this, exquisite erotic pose.

Then Mavis drove herself down, taking George deep inside her as she cried out excitedly, "Fuck me baby, fuck me. The copulation was frantic now with Mavis driving herself downward furiously and George heaving upward mightily. The slap of flesh on flesh mixed with the moans and cries of the thrashing couple as each strove toward their climax. Finally, a happy "Oh God, yes, Oh yes," streamed from Mavis as her orgasm sent her body into undulating spasms. George was roaring underneath her as he heaved and emptied himself deep inside Mavis.

Mavis bent over supporting herself on her arms and gasping from her sexual exertions. She lifted her head to give me an appraising stare. She broke into a mischievous grin with her lovely face and twinkling smoky-blue eyes framed by her tangled locks. I took one final erotic picture of the panting, smiling Mavis astraddle George. Then I slipped back to the party.

A band had started up inside so I stopped at an outside bar where it was quiet and got another glass of wine. I wandered off to one side, and soon George and Mavis slowly ambled back up to the party. Mavis stopped to chat a minute with a couple of women en route, and George went to the bar where he ordered a scotch and soda.

He walked over to me with a smug smile. He moved in close, pushing into my personal space and sneered, "Well, well, Jimmy, I just fucked your wife. She's a delightful piece of ass, I must say. She let on that her husband knows that she fucks other men. I guess that makes you into some kind of wimpy cuckold who lets his wife fuck around. Just too much woman for you to handle, huh? Good thing I was here to help you out!"

I just smiled and said quietly, "Oh, that's not my wife, George. My wife is a bridesmaid in her cousin's wedding down in San Antonio tonight."

A confused look flickered across George's face, but he laughed it off cackling, "Don't give me that shit, you cuckold. Of course that is your wife. I met her at the Labor Day picnic and see her around the office every so often. Man, I know for sure that I just nailed your wife's ass down by the pond not fifteen minutes ago."

Mavis walked up then and gave me a peck on the cheek saying brightly, "Hey ya, Jimmy."

I smiled back and replied, "Hey Mavis."

I turned my attention back to George and said conversationally, "You just fucked my wife's twin sister, Mavis. My wife is Mabel. Mavis is married to our new CEO; they call him old-hard-ass Teddy 'take-no-prisoners' Truman."

I switched my attention back to Mavis and asked, "So Mavis, has Teddy been naughty again?"

Mavis laughed, "Oh yes. Last weekend with that trashy country singer, Jolene, over in Nashville."

I smiled at George and explained, "You see George, Teddy and Mavis have a sorta F. Scott-Zelda Fitzgerald relationship thing. You know, a compensating affairs sort of arrangement. Mavis can give just as well she can take in the sexual arena."

Mavis chimed in with a laugh, "Yeah, it's crazy. When we get home tonight I'll cuss Teddy out about Jolene, and then I'll tell him all about tonight." Mavis glanced at me and said "By the way, thanks for the pictures you texted me. I love having visual aids to beat up on Teddy with." She shifted her attention back to George, "Anyway, Teddy will scream and shout, and then he will throw me on the bed and fuck my brains out. He is really passionate and a lot of fun when he is outraged."

She shrugged her shoulders, "So a couple times a year one or the other of us will initiate a torrid affair just to set off some marital fireworks. A bit unconventional, I know, but it works for us."

My wife Mabel and I had discussed her sister's unusual approach to marital bliss a number of times. We are very fond of both Teddy and Mavis so why rock their boat? In the end, we just gave up and decided that they were adults and could do as they pleased.

I said, "Mavis, you usually only play with the A-List. You know pro-athletes, actors, artists, writers, even the Louisiana governor that one time."

Mavis replied with a pert smile, "Oh yes, the governor AND the lieutenant governor. Both within an hour of each other in the same back room at the Mardi-Gras party." She waved her hand dismissively saying with a snarky smirk, "I have given up politicians, though. All hot air and ego without any performance to match their hype."

I gave George a hard stare saying quietly, "You know Mavis, Teddy tolerates your shenanigans with the celebrities, but he's not going to be thrilled about the hired help screwing his wife."

Mavis laughed, "Oh God no! He can be such a stuffed shirt. He is going to blow a gasket."

Mavis shrugged nonchalantly, "I just found out about Jolene this morning and was hoping to find some action here tonight with which I could beard Teddy. I stepped outside to find some fresh air and get away from everybody mobbing their new boss, Teddy. Soon as I stepped out on the patio, George, here was all over me. I thought 'why not?' I auditioned him at the pool, decided he could do the job, and you know the rest."

She laughed again and whispered seductively, "Bet I get a real world class fucking from Teddy tonight. Well, ta-ta boys, I have to go clean up and mingle with the guests some before Teddy and I head home."

With that Mavis sashayed off out of sight to tend to her affairs.

George looked like a dazed soldier who has been through an artillery barrage and is still unsure if he survived.

I chuckled, "You know George, fucking the boss' wife right after he takes over really shows a total lack of judgment. You are going to be fired tomorrow and terminated for cause."

George looked at me desperately and blurted out, "But Jimmy, I didn't know she was the boss' wife. I thought she was your wife. It was an accident, I swear."

I just laughed. "George, trying to fuck your employee's wife is an abuse of your position and then fucking the boss' wife, for whatever reason, still shows a gross lack of judgment. Those crones down in human resources are going to love this. Your ass is toast."

George groaned, "Shit man, what am I gonna do?"

I smiled, "If you are smart, you will go home now and email your resignation to the company tonight. Then you better leave town as quickly as you can. Teddy might just let bygones be bygones if you disappear. If you don't resign and leave town, Teddy will terminate you for cause and ruin you in the industry."

George thought for a minute, and said slowly, "Yeah, I think that is what I had better do."

I watched as George made his dejected way towards the parking lot. I was a shoo-in to replace him as division chief. Then I think I'll appoint Helen to my old branch chief position.

This night certainly turned out well for Mavis, Helen, and me. For George, not so much.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well she certainly lives up to the story's title. Hey, if it works for them, that's cool. I just hope her lifestyle doesn't influence her sister's because that's obviously no bueno for the MC.

Also, "the cloud drifted off the cloud." What?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Could have been a great story. The narrator's stupid attitude and miserable morals toward the sister-in-law's pathetic lifestyle just kind of ruins it.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


XluckyleeXluckylee8 months ago

I loved the switch. 5 stars from Xluckylee. Thank you for sharing your story

tralan69ertralan69er8 months ago

I don't believe there are twins, just one gal named Mavis. The other was made up to get the position he wanted.

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