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Anna Ch. 07

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More sexual adventures with older women.
4.4k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/30/2008
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I opened the door of the sauna and could hear two familiar voices talking.

"Hi" I said with a sort of look-its-me tone to my voice. Anna and Rachel fell silent. I knew almost instantly this was a mistake. It was obviously a deliberate invasion on my part and they confirmed my worst suspicions.

"What are you doing here?" asked Anna in a unfriendly voice.

Now I couldn't think of a clever answer that didn't make me look a total twat so I just said, "Thought you might be in here so I came to join you."

"Why?" asked Rachel in a puzzled tone that made me feel really uncomfortable. I then started to think it through. Did I think I was going to get laid? Why was I interrupting their time alone together? What would two forty something women want with me? I sat down with my towel still round me. Both Anna and Rachel still had their towels on as well. This was hardly a repeat of our first sauna. I didn't answer Rachel's question but instead just leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I had gone to the sauna wondering how I might play things with the two of them but it was clear I was out of my depth and they were going to play me. I got the silent treatment and both women just ignored me. I didn't bother to make the situation worse by speaking. This was partly through choice and partly cause I had nothing to say. Where had my fuck buddy Anna gone? What about the flirt in Rachel that wound down the window and suggested I call round to see her?

Then I remembered my trump card. Both these women had complemented me on my cock; Rachel in her diary and Anna just that morning after we had fucked. Here goes nothing I decided and stripped off my towel. I stood up but neither of them even turned to see. Rachel was laying face down and Anna was laying face up. Both women were still in their towels.

"I'm sorry I came here today, so I can either leave or offer you a massage for a couple of minutes." I didn't wait for an answer and walked over to Rachel, perched on the wooden bench next to her and started to massage her shoulders. There was silence. Anna suddenly started paying attention. Her naked lover was massaging the best friend she was constantly jealous of. This would either backfire big time or develop into a favourable outcome for me.

"Mmmmmm, that feels so good," purred Rachel without opening her eyes. These were the first friendly words I had heard since I walked in. Touching her skin aroused me and I started to get hard. I was leaning forward so it wasn't obvious but I'm sure it was on their minds. After about five minutes of massaging Rachel across the shoulders and upper back she stopped me and said, "I never knew you were so good with your hands." Anna stayed silent. I was sure she was getting annoyed and considering her next words carefully. She wouldn't want to give Rachel any indication how jealous she was. "I'd love to stay and enjoy more of this but I've got to be somewhere," announced Rachel suddenly and got up. "See you both later," she said and walked out.

This left me to face the music. Anna didn't say anything. She sat up and then stood up. Without a word she walked over to me and reached her hand between my legs. Her fingers wrapped against my stiff cock and she gave it a couple of very deliberate strokes. "Turn you on did it?" she whispered in my ear referring to the massage I had just given Rachel. She was pissed off with me. I had blown it. I said nothing and Anna walked out of the sauna leaving me naked and a little cross with myself. Truth is, it did turn me on and I decided there and then that I was going to try and bed Rachel very soon.


Three days later I was at a loose end. After the sauna disaster, I had decided to keep away for a little while. I didn't hear from Anna and saw nothing of either of her or Rachel. I still wanted both of them for different reasons. I hoped Anna might get in touch to make sure I wasn't with Rachel but she didn't and I started to think that I had got the jealousy thing all wrong. In all probability, I was guessing about what both women were thinking and was probably only right one tenth of the time. Complicated things these older women. But very fuckable! So being at a loose end I decided I wanted some sex. I wanted Rachel but I didn't know how to approach her. In the end I just decided to go right round to hers and try my luck.

DING DONG. "John, what are you doing here?" asked Rachel when she answered her door.

"You suggested I call round sometime," I answered with my prepared reply.

"That's right! I did." Her voice was a little friendlier.

"Is now a good time?" I asked. I looked her up and down. She had a tracksuit made of that velvety stuff, I'm not even sure what its called but it looked good on her. The top was a zip up and the bottoms look like they would fall down with less than half a tug. My cock started to swell.

"Of course. Some company would be very nice, come on in." Rachel led me into the kitchen. Her diary was open and she walked over to it to close it. "Do you keep a diary John?" she asked as she put it on a shelf next to some cookbooks. I explained that I didn't and she started to tell me that she was just writing up the last couple of days and they seemed a little boring. She hoped to have something interesting to write about soon. At this point I realised she was flirting with me and leading me on. I walked up to her. She turned to face me leaning back against the counter. I smiled and she smiled back. This was it. I was alone with her.

"Write about me," I said and pulled the zip on her top. She didn't stop and just stared at me. She flicked her head slightly and lifted her chin. I stared back at her and continued to undo the zip until it was open. I pulled it from the shoulders and the top pealed off her. She moved to help me. Underneath was a white t shirt. I lifted it up to reveal a white bra. As it lifted it caught her hair tie at the back and I pulled that out as well. Rachel's beautiful natural blonde hair dropped to its shoulder length. Next I was on my knees and I pulled her tracksuit bottoms down leaving her standing in just a pair of white knickers. To my surprise, Rachel pulled these down herself. I was still on my knees and I buried my face in her pussy. My nose made contact first but I soon adjusted so my tongue could start to stroke her lips that were already swollen.

Rachel put both hands on my head and pulled me into her, opening her legs. This had all been too easy but who cares. I just sucked and licked on her red-hot pussy. It wasn't long before she was lying on the floor of the kitchen and I was undressing too. Then I was on top of her and without any need for a helping hand, my rock hard cock was inside her.

"Oh ohhhhh, fuck me, I need you, fuck me, that's it, fuck me, give me what Anna gets." She was lost in her own pleasure. I was lost in the feel of her body and the sensation of my cock pumping in and out of her warm wetness. We fucked for at least ten minutes in the missionary position. Her legs moved up above me and then back down to the floor as she adjusted the angle that I entered her. "Keep still," she ordered and then started to buck beneath me in total control. She was sort of riding me from underneath and I just held still until she came. Her moans were soft and lasted several moments. There was no eye contact as she looked into the distance in her own little world. Then I picked up the pace again and fucked her hard. Just before I came, I pulled out and let my cock twitch about 3 inches above her. She stretched her neck to look down across her belly at my cock and we both watched as my cum spurted out and shot all over her. She stared in silence and smiled as my cock twitched its remaining drops. Rachel sat up and checked out my cum all over her. She rubbed it into her lovely tanned skin and we bathed in the afterglow of both our orgasms. I just stared at her, panting for breath. Her nipples were hard.

Rachel stood up and got a glass from the shelf. She stood with her back to me at the sink, filling it with water and then drinking it. I walked up behind her and put both arms around her. We were still both naked. She offered me a drink from the cup without turning round. Whilst still pressed close against her back, I took the cup and drank. Then we just stood there together, her facing the sink and me behind her. A hand slipped between us and I felt her reaching for my cock. She found it and wrapped her fingers around it. A few little strokes later and I was getting hard again. Rachel pushed her lovely shaped ass into me forcing me back half a step. This allowed her to step backwards and bend over the sink. Then she guided my cock between her cheeks and beckoned me to fuck her from behind.

This time we fucked for longer; in the same position the whole time, doggy up against the sink. Rachel again withdrew into her own little world. She gripped the edge of the sink and moved in rhythm with my thrusts. She moaned quite a bit and made noises with every thrust. This just encouraged my fucking even more. We continued for a while. She lowered her hand between her legs to stimulate herself as I kept fucking. My hands alternated between resting on her hips and reaching round to her tits. For some reason I didn't cum and after a while she pulled herself off my thrusting cock and turned round. She dropped to her knees and just stared at my cock. She didn't move to take me in her mouth and I didn't try for a blow job. Instead I just jerked my cock with my own hand. Rachel knew what was going to happen and it was almost as if she wanted it. After a minute of expert jerking off, I shot my cum all over her face. She closed her eyes but clearly took real pleasure in me doing this. I stepped back all spent and she opened her eyes although one was partially covered in a large drip of cum. After passing her a towel, I watched her wipe her face and stand up. She smiled and reached for her clothes. It was as if she suddenly just realised she was standing naked in her kitchen with the friend of her son.

Rachel and I both dressed and spent a few minutes chatting about Paul, who was Rachel's son. Paul was an old friend of mine who was now away at university. Then we got onto the subject of Anna. Rachel was clearly quite competitive where Anna was concerned and was asking me about the two of us. She wanted to know how often I went round to her house and what we did. When I told her it was just that morning before badminton she seemed surprised. I wasn't going to give any secrets away even though there weren't that many. It didn't even enter my mind to mention how I'd fucked Anna the night when her husband was too drunk to perform. Rachel then started to tell me how Anna's attitude towards me had changed. According to Rachel, a year earlier when Anna and me had our first sexual encounters, Anna had been quilt ridden and angry with herself. The recent encounters had opened up a new Anna. Rachel told me how Anna seemed to be free from guilt and more interested in exploring her sexuality with me. Rachel even went as far as to say Anna seemed a little hooked on me. Rachel seemed to quite enjoy telling me this. She also said that she could see why Anna enjoyed me so much.

"You're an excellent lay!" she complemented me in a joking way that deliberately used a naff phrase. It was meant as playful and flirtatious.

"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself!" I responded. We both smiled. Rachel was giving me the tilted head looking through the eyelashes look that was both calculated and utterly charming. "Can we do this again some time?" I asked.

"What about Anna?" Rachel asked in a teasing way.

"None of her business!" I answered.

"Good!" said Rachel as she smiled again and gave me a peck on the cheek. I put my arms round her and kissed her fully on the lips. She responded and we kissed fully for a few minutes in some sort of acknowledgment of our agreement to keep things secret from Anna who was one of Rachel's closest friends and my married lover. As I kissed her I became aroused again and she soon noticed.

"No way José! No more. Not today." Rachel broke off our embrace and stepped back in shock that I was ready to go again. "Come back soon but give me time to recover first."

I left her house and went home. The house was empty and I had time to chill out and think things through. I loved to daydream and recent events had more than filled my little brain with plenty of subject matter. Sex with Rachel had been very different to sex with Anna. I felt like Rachel was just using me as a fuck machine -- not that I minded. With Anna there was a connection between us. It sounds clichéd but it's the only way I can describe it. Rachel was new and I couldn't wait to call round and explore more ways of making her cum. Anna on the other hand was like a drug and I was determined to hold onto what we had as long as possible. My mind slipped back to thoughts of Rachel on the kitchen floor and I soon found my hand inside my trousers rubbing myself. This soon developed into a nice healthy wank. I was really jerking myself nicely when all thoughts of Rachel faded and I could only think of Anna. Anna in the sauna, Anna on the bed, Anna by the sink. Anna's legs, Anna's tits, Anna's pussy. Anna was all I could think as I came. Even after I came I could only think of Anna.

Clearly Anna was a hard habit to break as the old song goes. I didn't see her for at least another week.


Supermarkets are not my favourite place. My mother had sent me off to a large Tesco near where we lived to get a few things. As I parked the car I spotted Anna getting out of hers. She didn't look over to where I was so I decided to follow her. She was wearing a nice short dress that ended just above her knees. Her legs looked nice but the best thing about this dress was the way it showed off the shape of her tits. It had no sleeves and her bare arms were stylish and attractive. She just looked smart and sexy and I wondered if she might have lost a little weight. I was planning on pinching her on the bum or something at the earliest opportunity but before I knew it she was off pushing a trolley down the aisles. I could hardly keep up and I was quite a distance away when she stopped and checked out a shelf.

Without looking round, she carried on without noticing me. I held my breath ready to say hello but I didn't get the chance and now I was following her oblivious to the other people in the supermarket. I even picked a few random items up as I followed her so as not to arouse suspicion. Anna suddenly found what she was looking for in the toiletries section. She spent a moment browsing and then chose something and put it in her basket. I couldn't make out what it was so when she moved on and I got to the same shelf, I checked out the item on the shelf. It was condoms. "What the fuck did she want with those I thought?" I turned to see where Anna was next.

She was in the same section but this time bending down not 10 feet from me but facing away. Her arse looked fantastic. This was my chance to pinch it but the condoms had thrown me and I decided to hang back and see what was next. It was lubricating jelly. A bit like KY but the stores own brand version. "What the fuck!" again I thought. The next thing she chose really set me off. A pregnancy test kit. Oh my god. I followed her for the next 5 minutes. Always at a safe distance but it really didn't matter because she never looked round. She bought some whipped cream, two bottles of red wine and some strawberries. Maybe she was going all out to turn Ken on I thought. I kept following and we ended up at the start of the store in the fruit section. She was checking out the melons. She lightly touched a couple and then chose one. Holding it for a moment, I was able to compare it to her own natural melons that looked so good in her dress. My cock was starting to swell. I had seen those tits of hers too many times not to remember how good they looked. I loved the way they bounced as I fucked her.

Anna moved along the fruit section and stopped at the bananas. "Here we go" I thought to myself. She chose the biggest bunch she could find and pulled one off the bunch. Then without looking round to see who was watching, she opened her mouth and slowly brought the banana up to it in a very sexy and suggestive manner. She was giving a banana a blowjob in the middle of a busy supermarket. I was just dumb struck and routed to the spot until she burst out laughing and turned to face me. I had been caught red handed. I smiled and shook my head, walking up to her. No one had noticed her little show but she still blushed a little.

"Are you stalking me?" she asked.

"No," I said hoping she believed me. "How long had you known I was there?"

"Since you arrived you idiot. I followed you into the car park and couldn't resist," Anna was open and friendly and I was enjoying our exchange.

"Unbelievable!" was all I could say. My cock was still a little hard and being right up next to her in that dress was turning me on. "It's a good job there are lots of people in here" I said.

"Why's that?" she asked all sweet and innocent.

"Because all I can think about right now is what I want to do to you." I replied.

"I'd say it's a shame there are people here then cause I've missed you doing things to me." Suddenly her voice had changed. She was a little more serious and even assertive in her tone.

Suddenly we stopped talking and stared at each other. I knew what was coming next and so did Anna. We both left our trolleys and walked out of the supermarket together straight to where I had parked. All I could think about was her body underneath that dress. As soon as we got into the car I ran my hand up her leg. She held onto it as I stroked her inner thigh right up to her pussy. With my little finger I rubbed her and she opened her legs. We were in a supermarket car park in full daylight and anyone could have seen. I didn't care and slipped my fingers into her knickers and then into her pussy. It was only a little wet but soon became even wetter. Anna shuffled in the seat to allow me better access but it still wasn't enough. "Here, let me take them off," she said almost panting the words instead of speaking. She sounded as turned on as I was feeling and soon hurried the panties down around her ankles. Her feet struggled to kick them off so she gave up trying, grabbed my hand and returned it to her now naked pussy. The dress just about covered Anna's bush but her legs were on full view. My hand was lost in between and my fingers explored her soaking wet pussy.

"Drive!" she ordered. Anna wanted to fuck. I had seen her like this before and it was the side to her I was most addicted to. I drove. Quickly thinking of a spot we could find that would be more private I drove round the car park searching for the exit. Then I had a brainwave. On the way out there was a petrol station, which also had a large automatic car wash. I drove over to the car wash and parked in front of it. As I got out of the car to go and buy a ticket Anna asked, "Where are you going?" I told her to wait there and within two minutes I had bought a ticket and was back in the car. We drove into the wash and within seconds it started and the car was covered in soap. No one could see in and Anna soon realised it. She went straight for my belt and trousers and soon had them round my knees. Then she climbed over me and lowered herself onto my cock. At first it missed but with a little guidance from my hand it was inside her and she was rocking on me in a frenzied passion.

She grabbed my head and pulled it to her tits as she rode my cock. Her panties were still hanging off one of her shoes as she kept thrusting herself onto my cock. I lifted the dress up so I could get to her tits. She was so consumed with passion, Anna offered no resistance and was soon completely naked riding me in my car with only the soap from the car wash blocking out the view of the passing world. The noise of the washer drowned out her cries as she reached her orgasm with me sucking on her tits. She stopped moving but I bucked beneath her as I needed to shoot my cum into her. She leaned back as far as the stearing wheel would let her and I fucked her slightly raised body. Her tits bounced and I stroked them with my right hand. My left hand was under her ass to hold it steady as I fucked her until my moment came and I shot my cum into her. We didn't have long and Anna quickly climbed off and struggled to put the dress on. It's quite a sight seeing a married woman you have just fucked, trying to get dressed quickly in the car. The car wash had just about finished and I sensed my revenge for her little game in the store. She had still not got the dress on right and was trying to get her arms into the right place when I drove out of the car wash into full view.


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