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"That." Is all he said, and I continued doing that. I fucked him and let his hands curl around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His legs slowly wrapped around me and he started to meet my thrusts with his own. We tried fucking harder, grunting as we tangled our lips and our hands and our limbs, losing where each other ended and began. He started to shake and his mouth opened in pleasure. I reached for his dick and he batted me away, taking it in his own hand and jerking it furiously. "Oh god... don't stop... fuck... yes, Teddy yessss..." I lost myself in him and started fucking hin ruthlessly, pounding his ass hard and grunting in his ear.

I reached the point of no return just as he started cumming over us, pulling me in tight so I could barely move. His nails were digging into my waist as he groaned.

"Yessss..." I grunted as I felt myself throbbing in his soft boyhole. "Oh Mick."


I fell on top of him, sweaty and exhausted, basking in the afterglow as his arms wrapped around me.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Mick moaned. "Holy shit. Teddy." I moaned in agreement.

I lay prone until he started to wriggle underneath me and I let him up. He whined as I withdrew.

"God that's weird." He muttered. "I feel so empty."

"Mmmm." I said. He laughed at me.

"You've gone stupid." He teased.

"Your stupid ass." I muttered. "Making me stupid." I moaned and rolled off him, pulling his arms around me. "Ugh I need a nap." Mick laughed and squeezed me.

"You were gonna make me dinner." He protested.

"5 minutes." He sighed and cradled me. I reached one arm behind me to hold him close. "You ok?" I muttered.

"Yeah." He said. My arm drifted to his ass and I gave it a squeeze. "Mmph." He grunted. "Bit sore." I winced.

"Sorry. I was too rough."

"No." He said. "I think I need to shit though." I laughed and sat up.

"Alright." I pulled myself together and started getting dressed again. "Flatmates will be home soon." I warned as he watched me. "Clothing optional but highly encouraged." He laughed and got up, pulling his clothes on slowly.

I showed him the bathroom and got started on dinner. He took his sweet time, but I wasn't going to ask questions. I'd done it once or twice, and I definitely needed to give myself some serious aftercare so I left him to it and started to fry the dumplings. It wasn't really cooking. I'd bought a pre-made slaw so all I had to do was heat up a pan really. Thank god for modern day conveniences.

Richard arrived home and we talked about our days.

"What on earth are you doing?" His eyes bugged out as he watched me. "Is that real food? Can I have some?" I swatted his hand away.

"I have a guy over." I said. Richard sat down.

"A guy over?" He repeated. "You don't have guys over." I shrugged.

"Mick." I said. "You met." Richard frowned and started into the distance as Mick himself walked in.

"When do you think I'll start walking normally agai- oh hi." Mick blushed as he realised we had company.

"Mick, Richard, Richard- you remember Mick?" Richard stood up and shook his hand.

"Oh yeah!" He said. "How are you?" He laughed. "Well, apart from being on the receiving end of Teddy's particular brand of-"

"Rich!" I glared at him. Mick was frowning at Richard and he glanced at me. "The last time you met he had fake tits and a wig." I explained. Mick blinked.

"Oh!" He said. "Uh. Hi." He glanced at me. "Sorry, you look..."

"Normal?" I suggested and Mick blushed.

"Different." He said. Richard laughed.

"Well, good. I'd hate to hear the thousands of dollars on makeup and clothes did nothing for me." Mick perched awkwardly on a stool and helped himself to the beer he'd brought over. "He looked at me and I could see he was burning up with questions. I sighed and inclined my head.

"Sorry..." Mick started to say. "So is cross dressing like... your job?" Richard laughed.

"My job is IT." He said. "But I perform on the weekends."

"The girls are pretty big." I said. "They tour sometimes."

"Oh!" Mick stared at Richard. "Is it a sex thing?" Richard and I choked on our beer simultaneously.

"Uh, no." Richard said. "Just a... thing."

"You're in a band." I said. "You get it."

"It's not quite the same..."

"Sure it is." Richard said. "You don't walk around with a guitar slung around your hips everyday. It's like that."

"But..." Mick frowned. "You could?"

"It's not super professional." Richard said, grinning at me.

"Well not... the whole thing... but you could be a woman right?"

"No thanks." Richard laughed.

"Don't you want to be?"

"No." Richard said firmly. "And Maddie is straight so that would be a whole thing even if I did want it. Which I very much don't, thank you." Mick blinked.

"You're straight?!" He asked. I sighed.

"This guy bothering you?" I asked Richard as I slapped Mick playfully on the back. Richard laughed.

"It's ok." He said as I lay the table for three and set the meals down. "Oh thanks." He glanced at the table. "Not... totally ruining date night?" He checked as he sat down.

"No more than my closet case and his barrage of questions." I muttered. Mick squeezed my shoulder as he sat beside me.

"Richard doesn't mind." He said. "I guess I assumed you would be gay."

"Well Teddy thought you were straight." Richard shrugged. "So maybe we all try not judging on appearances."

"You were wearing makeup!"

"I like makeup." Mick looked thoughtfully at him.

"You think I could do it?" Richard laughed.

"Well... sure..." He looked at me and I sighed.

"Great." I muttered. "Another baby drag queen." Richard looked Mick over.

"Here's what I think." He said. "You'll need a tan, and some big smokey eyes and lashes and a breast plate... and then I'm thinking we do a nice brunette wig down to here..." He gestured just below his shoulders. "And we get you in some revealing leather and armour and damn Ted, you are gonna have a short, muscled little warrior princess on your hands."

"Oh shit!" Mick grinned. "That would be so cool!" Richard laughed.

"What do you think, Teddy?" Richard teased.

"Another one bites the dust." I muttered.

"Have you ever done it?" Mick asked me.

"Absolutely not." I said, just as Richard nodded enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah." He spoke over me and laughed as he saw my expression.

"Once." I said firmly.

"You looked good." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"For halloween." I explained to Mick. "We went with Beth and Érica, it was a group thing. Not for me."

"You loved it." Richard teased. "You wanted to hold on to that red wig." He winked at Mick. "He looks good as a ginger."

"Oooh." Mick said. "What, like Jessica Rabbit?" I laughed.

"Well that says something about your wank bank." I laughed. "No. Daphne from Scooby- Do. Rich was Velma and Beth was Shaggy." I glanced up at the door as the others arrived. "Speak of the devil."

"Smells like real food!" Beth cried out as she entered, laden with shopping bags. "Oh hey team!" She looked longingly at the stove. I glanced at Mick.

"This looks like it's becoming a flat thing." I muttered. "Is that..." Mick squeezed my thigh and nodded.

"Help yourself!" He gestured to the stove and Beth started loading two plates. Érica appeared with the rest of Beth's shopping and moaned as she saw the food.

"This looks amazing Rich. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Richard smiled and I kicked him under the table.

"Hey!" I said. "I'll have you know I opened the packets all by myself."

"What?!" Erica laughed. "You can't cook."

"It wasn't really cooking." I admitted. "Erica, this is Mick." Erica looked at the table and nodded at Mick.

"Oh hi." She said absentmindedly as she took her plate off Beth and opened some wine. Beth nudged her in the ribs and muttered something. Erica widened her eyes and sat down with a smile. "Mick." She said, suddenly very interested. I rolled my eyes at Beth who shrugged. "How do you know Teddy?" Mick looked at me.

"Are we going with the Uni thing?" He said. I sighed.

"He got lost and wandered into Peaches and Cream one day." I explained. "And after my world famous dildo tour he somehow managed to get my number." I glared at Richard who shrugged.

"I helped." He said proudly to Erica. "I'm the world's best wingman." Erica laughed.

"Nice to meet you." She said. "What do you do?"

"I study." He said. "Sort of got stuck in an academic feedback loop and now I think I'm like permanently attached to Uni."

"Nice." She said. "So you're the breadwinner huh Teddy?"

"Oh yeah, minimum wage going up is gonna really elevate me to sugar daddy status." I laughed.

"You could try finishing your degree and get a real job?" She suggested.

"A real job as what, dipshit? An artist?" I did air quotes around the word.

"Gallery curator?" She suggested. "Art department at Weta? Teacher?" I sighed. "Or failing that, some people actually become artists Teddy. It's not unheard of."

"Shame to waste such comprehensive knowledge of dildos though." Mick said. "Open your own sex store. There's always Etsy for the art." I scoffed.

"I don't make cross stitch or hand painted succulent pots." I rolled my eyes.

"What do you make?" Mick said. "I've never seen it." Beth laughed.

"Almost everything here." She said. "The plates. That rug. The cushions. These cups. My necklace. That naked lady on the wall, who's me, if you didn't notice. I'm his muse."

"You wish you were my muse."

"Ceramics?!" Mick looked at the plates in surprise. "Oh wow. I guess I assumed you did..."

"Furry porn?" Erica suggested. "Oh, he'll do that for the right price." I laughed. Mick grinned at me.

"I've seen student art." He said. "It's all... Fake deep quotes and fabric stretched on frames and machine printed grid patterns..." I tried to shush him as Beth started laughing.

"So you saw my exhibition at the Adam." She laughed. "Ouch. You know I actually had a lot of good feedback for that." Mick glowed red. "But yes, we all know Teddy's very talented." She rolled her eyes.

"I... just meant generally..." Mick stammered.

"It's ok baby, you're a metalhead. No one expects you to get art." I winced as I realised I'd called him baby out loud in front of my friends and quickly tried to find a distraction from them all grinning at each other. "More?" I asked Mick, noticing he'd put away more dumplings than anyone I'd ever seen in record time. He blushed a little.

"Thanks. Really hungry." He muttered. I glanced at him as I went to refill his plate. I knew cooking way too much was a good idea. I had a feeling he might not have eaten much today. He smiled at me as I returned and our legs caught each other under the table.

"So you all do art?" He said dubiously. "Except for you, you're in IT..." He glanced at Richard and Erica shook her head.

"I study law." She said.

"Nice. What year?"

"Third." She shrugged. "We'll see." Mick leant over the table conspiratorially.

"So between you and me... how did you end up in a house with all these people?" Beth and I made noises of disgust as Mick laughed. Erica gestured at us.

"We went to school together." She said. "Weirdos gotta stick together."

"Speak for yourself." I grunted. You could almost hear the eye rolling that went on around the table. I groaned. "Last time I make a nice dinner if you're just going to sit around rolling your eyes at me." Mick smiled.

"You work in a sex store and have naked pictures you painted of your flat mates instead of a tv honey." He smiled. "You're a total weirdo." I blushed. He'd called me honey. I quickly cleared my throat.

"At least I didn't buy a tiny packer because I don't know how to walk out of a store without buying something and apparently the condoms were too hard to locate."

"Was it at least comfortable?" Beth asked.

"What?" Mick looked confused.

"The packer." Beth said as she sipped on her wine. Mick looked confused.

"I don't know." He said. My brain clicked into gear.

"He... doesn't actually pack Beth." I said slowly. "He got flustered and brought something entirely and utterly unnecessary."

"Oh right." Beth said, unfazed. "Oh well, I'm sure we know someone who needs one." Mick picked at his dumplings, oblivious to the conversation. It was weirdly sweet to have someone so totally out of our world he had no idea what Beth had meant, and to have someone as accepting as Beth who really didn't give a shit either way. I felt warm as I looked over the table at my half baked family and smiled.

"What are you grinning at?" Richard said accusingly.

"Your dumb haircut." I said.

"Have you actually looked in a mirror since you got that done?" Richard said.

"This looks cool." I ran my fingers through my mullet. "That looks like blonde broccoli." Mick laughed.

"I can settle this." He said. "You both look dumb but Teddy, yours is way worse."


"Yeah like short back and sides is soooo cool." Richard said to Mick. "Show your barber a picture of any white boy and say I want that, did you?" Mick laughed.

"Yeah he offered Joan Jett or generic e-boy but I stuck with a classic." Beth and Eric's rolled their eyes and helped themselves to more wine. Mick grinned and sat up. "Na- uh." He said. "You're not exempt. Beth sighed and looked at him.

"Go on." She challenged.

"Is it an actual rat tail or did you just like the idea of a rat hiding under the bird's nest on top?" Beth laughed. Erica looked up.

"Do me!" She grinned. Mick looked at her thoughtfully.

"No you have nice hair." He said. Erica grinned triumphantly but Mick wasn't finished. "At least I assume so once you take that dollar store witches wig off." Erica cracked up and threw a dumpling at him.

"He's so mean!" She laughed. "Almost as bad as you Teddy, no wonder you get along." Mick giggled and looked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him- but he saw through that and relaxed next to me, leaning in a bit so our bodies were touching.

We finished dinner and everyone helped with the washing up.

"So annoying." Beth said. "We have to hand wash everything because Teddy gets upset when his plates get chipped."

"No one is stopping you from buying some cheap second hand plates and using those." I sighed.

"I like them a lot." Mick said. "I like that you make practical stuff. I think art should be in the hands of the working class."

"Ugh." Erica said. "What do you study again? You sound like an art history lecturer." Mick blushed and wrinkled his nose.

"Nothing so useful." He said. "I study Latin."

"Oh Jesus." Richard said. "And you were so smug about being normal." Erica grinned.

"Looks like I get to retain most close to a normal human for another night." She crowed. Beth raised an eyebrow.

"Or do we tell Mick how exactly you know Teddy will take commissions for furry porn for the right price?" Erica and I glanced at each other. I frowned at Beth.

"If we're talking about things we all agreed not to talk about then why don't we talk about your Only-" Beth slammed the fridge door shut loudly and stood up.

"We should watch something!" She said. "Anyone heard of anything new?"

"Ooh yes." Richard said. "Hellbound with Chuck Norris."

"That sounds awful." Erica grinned. "I'm in."

"Weren't we doing The Roomate next? With that chick from gossip girl?" I interjected.

"Which one has a lower IMDb score?" Erica said and Richard started looking them up.

"Hellbound by a hair." He said.

"Perfect." Beth said. "You in?" She asked Mick. He frowned at me.

"I'm lost." He said. "You watch bad movies for fun?" I laughed.

"Absolutely! And mostly bad horror. We like to guess who dies, where the plots going..." Mick shrugged. "Like... so bad it's good." I explained.

"Like Sharknado?" We all winced.

"No, no, no." Erica said. "It has to be a real earnest attempt to make a film. The actors have to be completely unaware they're in a shit show. The directors have to believe that they're making something earth shattering. That's why Troll 2 works."

"Troll...2? Like the little troll dudes?" Beth's mouth fell open and she gasped wordlessly at Mick.

"Wait..." Erica said.

"You haven't seen Troll 2?!" Richard shook his head in wonder. "Oh fuck. Guess Hellbound Can wait." Mick looked at me.

"Do I have a choice?" He said. I smiled and took his hand.

"Yeah we don't have to watch Troll 2." I said. He smiled up at me and I put my arm over his shoulder and grabbed the rest of the beer to move to the couch. "We can always break up." I called out as I started setting up the projector. He sighed.

But naturally he loved Troll 2, and I think he loved my flat mates. I asked him to stay the night and we cuddled and talked way into the morning about nothing in particular.


We weren't quite joined at the hip- but close enough to it that I saw him almost every day. I laughed at him when I saw him in his tutor outfit- he ditched the shorts band t shirts in favour of an ill fitting shirt and jeans. He rolled his eyes.

"If word gets out I'm a gay stoner in a metal band I'll never get any respect."

"They're a bunch of Latin nerds, you're probably the coolest thing they've ever seen."

"Probably." He smiled. "But I get that a lot." I rolled my eyes.

"Dare you to wear your normal clothes tomorrow." He laughed.

"Dare you to get in drag again." I rolled my eyes but I realised it wasn't the first time he'd brought it up.

"You'd be into that wouldn't you?" I teased. He blushed furiously. I laughed. "Hmmm." I wrinkled my nose. "Maybe you are straight." He laughed.

"Maybe I like the fact that I'm dating a fem-boy with a big dick. Maybe I wouldn't mind taking that a step further." I nudged him in the sides.

"And here I was believing you barely had any fetishes."

"You're awakening things in me." He said, blushing again. I laughed and squeezed his hand before dropping it. We were close to campus, and he sort of wasn't really out, despite being a full five years older.

"See you tonight?" I asked. He grinned.

"Grave Encounters 2 right?"

"You got it." I started walking away. "You should come out!" I yelled at him. It was my parting greeting every day. He rolled his eyes and pulled the fingers at me.


It was always mine. Apart from the two times I'd barely met his flatmates I never saw them. I didn't pry, but it sounded like he wasn't quite there yet.

"I know 5 years isn't much." He said quietly one day when I'd tried to invite myself over for dinner. "And maybe it's our crowds, I don't know..." He sighed. "Your friends are just so... open and accepting." He said quietly. "I like hanging out there- I just feel..." He trailed off and looked at me. I took him in my arms.

"Safe?" I guessed. He nodded against my chest. "I cocooned myself with the best people I ever met." I said. "We give each other the confidence to be ourselves because we're all weirdos. I got really, really lucky. If I went to private school like you I'd probably be studying architecture and still secretly jerking off to Sharok."

"Who's Sharok?" Mick muttered.

"Don't look him up." I warned. "You'll never want to have sex with me again."

"Oooo." Mick sat up. "What does he look like?"

"Absolutely nothing like your boyfriend, who you deeply admire and desire and want to be a good little slut for." I said firmly.

"Maybe you and Sharok could double team me." He laughed. I shook my head.

"Oh no. Sharok would have me on my knees." I laughed but Mick was sitting up and looking at me thoughtfully.

"Would you?" He said. I guess I'd seen that coming. He'd never been with anyone that way, of course he'd want to try it. I looked him in the eye.

"Yeah." I said. "I'm not opposed."

"Hmmm." Mick said. I swallowed.

"I'd need two days' warning." I said slowly. "Mentally and physically." Mick nodded.

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