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Aphrida's Book of Spells

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Hera & Jenny use sex magic to explore the limits of pleasure.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/08/2023
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--------- Excerpt from Aphrida's Book of Spells, 2nd edition

Note: These spells can all safely be used in tandem, however they should not be performed on any person shapeshifted into a non-humanoid form, e.g. werewolves. This is due to the shapeshifting magic augmenting a non-human brain structure to simulate a human one, which reacts poorly to many of the below spells. See each spell's casting instructions for specifics.

Runic configurations are included for some spells, and can also be safely used in tandem. More runes will be included in future editions.

Table of contents:

Plesurio - a spell which stimulates sexual pleasure in the target. Not created by me, this spell dates back to the Romans, but is included for the sake of completeness. Combines excellently with Sensora Magnifica.

Sensora Magnifica/Sensora Magnifiçimon - My Magnum Opus, a spell to magnify the sexual pleasure experienced by the target by a stated amount. The spell can safely support an increase in pleasure up to three thousand times the received amount. The spell artificially increases the brain's capacity to process this stimulation beyond the natural limit, while also preventing the target falling unconscious. This edition's spellweave includes special magic to avoid addiction to the pleasure. The runic configuration can be toggled. Suitable for runic tattooing.

Sensora Reflectus - a spell that links the sexual pleasure of two individuals, causing them to experience any physical pleasure of the other. Due to a spell limitation, this iteration currently requires a third person to cast it. Warning: this spell can sometimes cause 'pleasure feedback loops', resulting in unconsciousness of one or both individuals. Only use it when safe.

Climactus - a spell that causes immediate orgasm in the target.

Climactus perpetua - a spell that causes constant, unending orgasms in the target until the spell is ended. This can be safely stacked up to ten times, causing multiple simultaneous orgasms. Warning: The spellweave will ensure the target keeps breathing even during climax, but it is still not recommended to use for more than 3 hours at a time. This spell can quickly cause overstimulation and physical exhaustion.

Climactus desolatio/Climactus desolatimon - a spell and runic configuration that denies orgasm to the target. While they can reach the very edge of climax, they will be unable to pass over the hurdle. Suitable for runic tattooing.

Lapis - a spell which causes the target to be unable to move specified limbs from their current position. They will still experience physical sensations.

Lapis totallum - a spell which causes the target to be unable to move their body. They will still be able to experience physical sensations, move their eyes, and perform basic bodily functions like breathing. With practice the target can be granted the ability to talk; see spell casting instructions for details.

Androgymorphia - a spell which temporarily shapeshifts the genitals of the target to be of the opposite sex. Warning: casting on individuals with intersexed or permanently shapeshifted genitalia can cause unpredictable changes unless practiced. Such changes should still be safe and temporary, but might spoil the mood, so prior practice is recommended in these cases. An intersex variation of this spell is currently being worked on, and will be included in future editions.

Androgymorphia totallum - a spell which temporarily shapeshifts the entire body to become the opposite sex, optionally excluding the genitals. Note: This is unsuitable for permanent or semi-permanent sex transformation. For that, I would instead recommend reading Madame Morgana's 'Androgynomicon', which features far more indepth and configurable spells for human shapeshifting.

Seden Masria - a diverse utility charm, capable of altering multiple qualities of the target's semen production. Can modify quantity, viscosity and flavour of the semen produced by the target. Not created by me, credit goes to the lovely wixen Ashersen. Note: consumption of additional semen created by this spell can be consumed as nutrition, but only if the person producing the semen has eaten something not affected by this spell in the last 24 hours. In other words, the target cannot feed themselves exclusively with their own semen.

Succubimon - a runic configuration intended for clothing, which can put the wearer into a state of constant sexual arousal. It can range from a mild arousal all the way to causing the wearer to be unable to think of anything but sex. Warning: this should only be performed by an individual experienced in runecraft. Not suitable for runic tattooing.

Andrecta/Andrectimon - a spell and runic configuration respectively that allows target to reliably orgasm multiple times, and retain full sensitivity. Note: does not prevent the target from experiencing overstimulation. Suitable for runic tattooing.

Imfertilus/Imfertilimon - a spell and runic configuration respectively that disables the fertility of the target indefinitely, avoiding both pregnancy and periods. Effective on both men and women. Can be easily reversed, and the runic configuration can be toggled by the user. Suitable for runic tattooing.

Chastus - a conjuration spell that creates a chastity belt or chastity cage for the target. The chastity device will automatically vanish itself for non-sexual cleaning or the use of a toilet. The spell will only last up to 2 months, after which it must be recast. Note: magical methods of causing pleasure will still work. In future iterations I will attempt to remove this flaw in the spell.

Chastus Plesura - A modification of the chastity belt spell, which also creates a constant sexual pleasure, similar to the plesurio spell. Amount and types of pleasure can be configured; see spell casting instructions for details. Combines excellently with climactus desolatio.


Deep in the mountains of the Lonely Goddess, lies the great academy of sorcery and runecrafting, Draconica. Here, sorcerers from across the world gather, to learn the secrets of magic.

Lately Hera had been spending a lot of time in the forbidden section of the academy's library. Now that she was legally an adult, she was free to peruse the shelves as she wished. Naturally this meant a campaign to work her way through the entire catalogue, absorbing all the knowledge and secrets she'd been tantalisingly denied for so long.

Each evening, she had dedicated a couple of hours to this task, as a way to wind down before bed.

Tonight however, Hera had found something interesting.

'Aphrida's Book of Spells, 2nd edition' was the name of the book. From the outside it was fairly innocuous, no hint to its contents. Hera had found it hidden underneath one of the bookshelves in the forbidden section, perhaps dropped accidentally.

When Hera had opened it to see the contents, she had blushed a deep red - the book was a book of sex spells! Apparently all original spells created by the witch Aphrida. Surprisingly, she realised she actually recognised a couple of the spells - Lapis totallum, a common spell that Hera had learnt in her first year at the academy as a child, and imfertilus, a contraceptive spell that every witch learnt sooner or later, since it stopped periods.

It was a bit of a shock to find out that the spells she had learnt in first year had originally been created as sex magic. But there were many more spells she'd never seen before, as Hera looked down the table of contents. Some of them quite exhilarating.

Looking around discreetly, she put the book into her bag, heading back to her dorm room. It was earlier than she'd normally finish, but she wanted to examine the book closer.

Making her way up to her bed, she quickly closed the curtains and cast a silencing spell, before pulling out the book in private. Opening it up, she examined the table of contents again.

There were a few spells that Hera thought sounded interesting, but the first one she wanted to try was the plesurio spell.

Hera wasn't a stranger to pleasuring herself, having discovered that joy relatively early, but up until now she'd only ever used her hands. She was curious if the spell could do better.

Reading the instructions carefully, she realised the spell was actually very simple - and quite well designed. It worked largely on intent, creating pleasure in whatever manner the caster desired. The caster could choose the strength as anything from the slightest touch to 'pleasure beyond measure'.

Pulling down her jeans and underwear, Hera tapped her wand against her pussy and muttered 'plesurio'.

The effect was instantaneous, and her pussy suddenly experienced an intense shockwave of pleasure, far beyond what she was expecting. With an "Eep!" she released the spell, falling back onto the bed panting. She had goosebumps.

"Okay, that was... something. It must default to the strongest setting, if you don't specify the level of stimulation. Let's try a little less intense..." Hera said to herself, focusing on creating just a light, pleasant touch against her clit. This time it was more manageable, and she relaxed back, sinking into the gentle pleasure.

After giving herself some time to warm up, she started turning up the pleasure, allowing it to build up. It was fun, playing with the different sensations the spell could provide. It wasn't just her clit, it could even provide a deeper, satisfying pleasure that felt a little like butterflies in her tummy.

She gradually let the pleasure from the spell grow and grow, sending her closer and closer to a nice orgasm.

"Hey Her- Oh, woops..." Jenny suddenly burst through the curtain, and Hera jumped out of her skin, staring at the shocked Jenny.

Jenny was her best friend at the academy. As kids, they'd been rivals, but since Hera had saved Jenny's life after a spell-gone-wrong, they'd ended up becoming close friends.

Unfortunately, the shock of Jenny's appearance caused Hera to lose control of her spell. Without her focusing on maintaining the pleasure level, it suddenly spiked back into the original extreme pleasure before she could stop. Not ready for it, Hera involuntarily fell into an incredible climax, horrifyingly aware of Jenny staring at her as she came.

It was easily the strongest she'd ever cum before, far better than her hands had ever achieved, and for a moment her mind went completely blank. It took all her will to focus enough to stop the spell. The fact that her friend was stood watching that wonderful high, however, had Hera wanting to crawl into a hole and die.

"J-Jenny, close the curtain!" She panted weakly. She wanted to shout it, but her body just could not summon the effort at the moment.

For some reason, Jenny took that as an instruction to close the curtain behind her rather than leave, crawling onto the bed with Hera. Her face was bright red, as she sat down awkwardly.

Hera needed a moment just to recover from the sudden orgasm, and Jenny was belatedly realising that she probably shouldn't have entered the bed, but now didn't know how to escape.

"W-Wow... W-Was that a spell..?" Jenny asked faintly, unable to look away from the wand still resting on Hera exposed crotch.

Hera's hands moved to cover herself, as her strength recovered. She struggled to pull up her jeans, her face red with embarrassment.

"Y-Yeah. I, err... I found this book." She mumbled, pushing the book over to Jenny. She couldn't bring herself to meet her eyes.

Jenny opened the book onto the table of contents, and her eyes widened. "Oh wow. And you tried one of these?" She asked faintly.

"The first one, plesurio." Hera said.

"... It says it combines excellently with the second one, sensora magnifica." Jenny said after a moment.

Hera snorted. "I can't even imagine that. I just tried plesurio by itself, and that alone was more intense than anything I've ever felt."

Jenny stared at the book for a long moment, reading the spell descriptions. "... I wanna try it."


"Not just that, it combined with sensora magnifica." Jenny looked up at Hera intensely, her face still blushing. "Will you cast it for me please?"

Hera stared in disbelief. "Jenny, that spell by itself almost had me blacking out, and you wanna combine it with a pleasure multiplier? That's honestly insane. Dangerous, even."

"The spell prevents blackouts, and the book says it's safe. We can keep it low, maybe... 10 times?" Jenny said.

Hera blanched. "Ten times what I just experienced!? Are you crazy? No way."

"Come ooon, Hera! It even prevents addiction to the pleasure. If anything, it's probably safer to use Sensora Magnifica!" Jenny begged.

Hera bit her lip. "... fine. But only tw- but only three times." Hera said, curiosity compelling her to give Jenny just a little more. Three times wasn't too much, right?

"Alright. But... but don't stop until I tap you or tell you to, okay? Just keep going." Jenny said. Something in her eyes shone bright, and compelled Hera to nod in agreement.

What the hell am I about to do to my best friend? Hera thought to herself, dazed. She watched Jenny lie back on the bed, pulling her jeans and panties down to expose a hairless crotch.

"You shave?" Hera blurted out, unable to help herself.

"I-I use a grooming spell. It prevents body hair, this is just a side effect really." Jenny explained, her face red from embarrassment. "Now... now cast it. Please."

Hera looked through the instructions of Sensora Magnifica. Honestly, it was pretty easy. Surprisingly easy, given how complex the effects of the spell were. It must have been designed for someone to cast safely on their own.

"Sensora magnifica, three-fold." Hera cast.

Jenny felt goosebumps as the spell washed over her.

"Did it work?" Hera asked nervously.

Jenny tentatively touched her clit, gasping as even the light touch sent a pleasant wave through her. "Oh wow. Umm, yes. Yeah. It worked. Cast the plesurio spell now, full power. Don't stop until I say."

"Plesurio." Hera cast.

The effect was instant, Jenny gave a strangled gasp, her back arching as a truly unimaginable amount of pleasure ripped through her. If her previous touching had been a candle, this was like the sun, a fiery ball of unending pleasure, her body unable to withstand its heat.

More than a normal mind could even handle, it was only seconds before Jenny had the most powerful orgasm of her life. But the pleasure just kept coming, not stopping for even a moment.

Jenny wanted to scream, but her breathing was too shallow to even allow that as a second orgasm suddenly ripped through her, and then a third.

Oh god, maybe I didn't think this through. Jenny thought hysterically, sobbing from the overstimulation. A fourth orgasm forced its way through her, her body shuddering and clenching.

The pleasure was so overwhelming. She could barely think, everything just felt dwarfed by the tsunami of sensation that continued unabated.

"S-Sto-uhhhgh" Jenny tried to say, the fifth dreaded orgasm attacking her poor body before she could get the word out. She desperately tapped Hera's thigh.

Hera bit her lip, considering for a brief second whether she should pretend she didn't hear, before she chastised herself and stopped the spell.

Jenny collapsed back onto the bed, soaked in sweat and tears, aftershocks of pleasure convulsing through her. Her breathe was heavy, her eyes glazed over.

"J-Jenny..?" Hera said tentatively.

"Glad... *huff*... glad you talked me down from ten." Jenny said weakly. "wow. That was... by the goddess. That was something else."

"How was it?" Hera asked, curiosity peaked.

"I-I don't... a lot. Good. I think. Difficult to describe." Jenny said, suddenly sobbing despite herself.

"Jenny!? What's wrong?" Hera asked anxiously, reaching out to give the half-naked girl a hug.

"N-Nothing, sorry. Just *sob* j-just overwhelmed." Jenny said, unable to stop crying.

For a few minutes, there was only the sound of her crying, as her brain tried to process the tide of emotions. Hera felt a bit awkward, but not knowing what else to do she just kept hugging Jenny.

Once Jenny had finally calmed down and composed herself, she self-consciously pulled her jeans back up. But when Hera tried to stop hugging her, she grabbed her tightly.

"Don't stop. I just want... just a little longer, please." Jenny mumbled.

Nodding, Hera lay down next to Jenny, pulling the girl close.

"So. How come you jumped straight to using the pleasure amplifier? I'd have thought most people would want to start small." Hera asked, fidgeting with Jenny's hair.

Jenny was silent for a long moment.

"It's... actually how I get to sleep, most nights. For as long as I can remember I've had nightmares. From, umm, experimentation, I eventually realised that if I exhausted myself by cumming a lot beforehand, the nightmares weren't so bad. I think the pleasure sort of counteracts them or something. After a while, it sort of just turned into a fetish. Overstimulation, cumming over and over, that sort of thing." Jenny quietly explained.

"You gonna try it again?"

"... yeah. Maybe not quite that intense every night, but yeah. I feel so relaxed, I could go to sleep right now." Jenny said sheepishly.

"Hmm... you can spend the night here, if you want. It's bedtime anyway." Hera offered. Given that she had just brought her friend to multiple orgasms, Hera was feeling decidedly tender towards her.

Did... this count as losing her virginity? Hera was actually a bit unclear what the boundaries of that were, when it was with another woman. Did she technically just have sex with Jenny?

In response to her question, Jenny just gave a small nod, curling up into her side. With a huff of amusement, Hera conjured a blanket for the two of them, since she couldn't be bothered to move.

It wasn't like it mattered, Hera decided. Just semantics.

Wrapping her arms around Jenny, the two of them fell into a peaceful sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not bad. Adding the ToC at the beginning was unnecessary and ate up a lot of the word-count for such a short story. It was an unnecessary addition since all that info could have been included when/if the protagonist used the spell, showing how she read the entry and decided it sounded good to try.

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