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Aphrodite's Kiss Finale


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"Sure, and you can pick whichever hole you want, Lord Hermes," Madeira didn't even hesitate, somehow knowing that I would be very cool with it already ... and unable to resist the idea of bedding a God.

Not surprisingly, Dionysius had some wine in his hand as he danced and he poured it all over Maria's naked flesh as he rubbed his body against hers. Then he licked it all off her skin as he danced and cavorted with her, not that I minded at all. Nor did I worry about Madeira grinding into Hermes with her ass and letting him dry hump her repeatedly. Both pairings were clearly ready for sex, but I had plenty of chances to fuck everyone present. Why would I worry about who fucked them now?

I was far too busy twirling Mom around the floor, showing her off, the Goddess of Love who I now loved so deeply and to whom I felt so much gratitude by then. Her love was still one of the purest that I had ever experienced in my life, full of sweetness, kindness, and selflessness, even if she was still capable of being selfish like all of us at times. She hadn't shown that to me, though, just her kindness, care, love, compassion, and generosity. She had moved Heaven and Earth to get me here, to this point, to find me so much love, so much power, even to make me a God like her and thus save my life. The least that I could do for this Goddess was to lead her on the dance floor at my reunion, take her in my arms, and show everyone what she meant to me. She was my mother and I loved her so much that it hurt. She was Aphrodite and she loved me with a love that I had never quite understood until now.

"Mom ... I really love you more than I truly articulate, just so that you know. I owe so much to you, right now," I started to tell her, but she silenced me with a kiss that took my breath away, it was so fucking intense.

"That's my job, honey. Both as your mother, as your lover, and as Goddess of Love. It's what I do. It's not gratitude that I want, baby. It's this, to be held in your arms and told how much I mean to you. That's the kind of reward that matters most to me," Mom told me as she grabbed my naked ass, "well, that and using your body, of course. The only thing stronger than my lust for you is my love for you. Nothing else comes even close. Ironically, the same is true with my husband, but with nobody else."

"Well, if a Goddess of Love can't be polyamorous, I don't know who can," I winked at Mom, making her blush and laugh in accord with me.

"True, it kinda comes with the territory. Speaking of which, brace yourself, honey, because you're in for the ride of your life," Mom told me as she pushed me to the dance floor and climbed on top of me to ride the hell out of me.

Her breasts swayed gracefully and effortlessly over my face as she took her pleasure from me and my cock. She also poured more wine, beer, and whiskey down her bosom to feed me from her nipples along with her breast milk, and I was soon in some kind of daze or haze. It was soon a blur and I lost track of who did what to whom. It was the single most intense sexual encounter that I ever had and I didn't even know who I was with at any given moment.

When I came to, I really had to piss, though, so I rose from my slumber in a kind of mental fog and went to relieve myself in what I thought to be a toilet. I emptied my bladder and truly opened my eyes, only to be hit with the blinding rays of the Sun from a very blue and cloudless sky. I looked around me and didn't see a clock or any kind of building for miles. I was not in a forest clearing or near a lake or river, but I faced the open sea on some kind of beach. I was naked and I suddenly wondered where I had peed. Where was everything and everyone? What time or date was it? This didn't seem like Cyprus, West Virginia at all, not even in the past.

"It's not, dear son. You're in Cyprus, alright, but not that one. This is my birthplace. Cyprus, as in the island thereof. And the year isn't 1719 AD by your silly Christian calendar, but 1719 BC. I have a confession to make, honey. I overruled you, just a little bit. Mother's prerogative, if you will. At the last minute, with approval from Zeus, Hera, the Fates, etc. You're now home for good, sweetie. My neck of the woods, as it were. This was my doing, and I hope that you can accept and understand why. And trust your mother, who has always looked out for you as best she could," Mom explained, the lightbulb quickly going on in my head.

"To stop a lot more than just fossil fuels. You're protecting the pantheons, all of them, from the rise of Christianity. If this works, there soon won't be a BC or AD at all, will there? You're preserving Hellenistic civilization itself, among others. As a God, I will still be able to rule as a God-King here than anywhere else, and where better to have a city named after you than on the island where you were born? Plus, no risk of quarrels with the natives. Or less risk, at any rate," I smiled and pulled Mom in for another kiss.

"Bingo, my love!" Mom told me, seeing once again how much I loved and trusted her as she slipped me a good deal of tongue.

"So ... where is everyone?" I wondered aloud, "and just what all did I do last night?"

"Everyone. You did us all. Who do you think swallowed your piss, babe?" a very familiar female voice spoke up behind me.

"Samantha?" I took my old teacher in my arms, but refused to let go of Mom, both of them kissing me very fiercely now.

"And in answer to your other question, we're all over the place. Mostly sunbathing, surfing on very crude surfboards, being lazy for the moment while waiting for you to wake up, loverboy. Drinking wine, rum, whatever suits our mood. Hanging out with a bunch of very hip Pagan Gods. I told you that you were meant for greatness, didn't I? I knew it!" Samantha Cohen gave me a very intense kiss of her own.

"So you did. Fun in the sun, right?" I said as more of my companions walked up to me.

"Don't worry. You're a God, remember? You can't get sick or anything and your piss isn't really automatically piss anymore. It transforms into whatever you wish. You must have done something, even if accidentally or subconsciously, because your piss turned into mead. Yeah, like the honeyed brew. Delicious! Just like your mother's breast milk! Also quite yummy. Creamy, babe. Though I would still have done it, even then," Samantha explained to me in front of others, "for you, there just isn't much that I wouldn't do at all. Never has been."

"My sentiments exactly!" Mom declared and kissed us both before adding, "that's why I changed your piss into mead myself, when I saw that she was willing to drink your pee to relieve you in spite of what that meant. That woman would drink your piss! She would walk on hot coals for you! That's what I call devotion! Unconditional love, if there ever was truly such a thing."

"And you guys, all of you, I've seen it in your hearts, your heads, all of it. The Kiss worked, but so did other things. Several of you held a torch for him, many of you for years, others more recently. Some of you were never initially Kissed in that sense, but that was toward the end. By now, all of you ... all of you, I can see it in your eyes, are madly in love with him. That's good. That's how it should be.

"Take Madeira here. And I do mean, take her, dear. Make her your wife, right here and now, in front of all of these Gods and mortals as witnesses. Well, your first wife. We all know that you have plenty of wives to come. Who wants to officiate the first marriage of the King of Aphrodisia to his first Queen, the lady Madeira?" Mom proposed to set up a wedding first, "oh, I should point out that this whole area is protected by my magic. It is quite safe from attack for now at least, not to mention the sheer power of so many Gods in one place."

"Thank you, Mom. Well, Madeira, care to get hitched?" I took Madeira's hand as she beamed with her love for me, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes ... yes ... yes!" Madeira held out her hand to put in mine, her other hand clutching the original tip money.

"Mind if I officiate?" Zeus, the All-Wise coughed as he appeared behind us.

"Father, that would be a great honor indeed," Mom told my grandfather, the King of the Gods.

"Indeed, my lord," I told Zeus.

"Call me Grandpa," he grinned as he took up his position and Hephaestus showed up.

"If you will allow me, I wish to give her away," the God of Fire smiled as he took a lovely Greek woman who was a bit older in his arms along with Charis and his nymphs.

"In loco parentis, that's the phrase, I believe," Mom noted, winking at her husband, sister-wife, and Talia Poulas.

"Indeed. Who gives this woman to be joined to this man?" Zeus showed that he really knew the customs with which Madeira and I would be most familiar.

"I do," Hephaestus, my stepfather, announced loudly and proudly, which had Madeira tickled pink.

There wasn't a dry eye among the many naked folks on the beach as Zeus incorporated some Pagan customs with our more modern ones. Madeira became my first consort and Queen, to be followed by Heather, Janine, Marlena, Neha, Jessica, Tracy, Gina, Maria, Lisa, Michelle, Missy, Samantha, Lauren, Dani, Carlita, Amy, Jackie, Ashley, Marjorie, Adrienne, Becca, Stacey, Kara, Maggie, Philippa, Summer, etc. All of the men, women, futas, celebrities, etc. joined me in Hieros Gamos, as Zeus preferred to call it.

"I ... really fucked all of you?" I blushed and grinned, even as I felt Gillian Anderson, Emmanuelle Beart, and Charlotte Gainsbourg surround me with kisses.

"Hell, yes, or rather Hades!" Hera commented, "you did them all. You're a walking poster boy for polygamy. For the record, Zeus and I are very much on better terms. It was just hard to go from a three hundred year honeymoon to sharing him with mortal women. That's a major adjustment. I had bonded very much with him, and you get the idea. In any case, I'm about to bring the youngsters here whenever you're ready for them, or I can keep them asleep a bit longer."

"You ... you made them take a long nap!" I realized with gratitude as the Queen of the Gods put a hushing, conspiratorial finger to my lips.

"Indeed. Now, which is it to be? If it helps, they're in stasis, so they won't need to piss or anything really bad as a result. I like you, grandson. What you're doing for us, it means a lot to me," Hera told me as Zeus took her hand and they waited for my answer.

"Well, it's no three hundred year honeymoon, but let's give it at least a week. They won't be harmed by that, will they?" I said, sensing that we could all use at least that much time to settle in with our new plural marriage, decompress, before taking on parental duties again.

"Let's just make it a month, shall we? Smart man, pampering his harem. The youth aren't going anywhere, after all. They'll be just as we left them in a month's time, no worse for wear. Come, sis ... I think that we're due for a second honeymoon," Zeus winked at his wife, the Queen of the Gods, like this.

"Oh, Zeus, honey, if only you'd done this sooner ... Can we make it four hundred this time, at least? You can take Ganymede with us, if you wish," Hera gave him her best trembling lower lip she could.

"Now, now, who could say no to that face?" Zeus chuckled as they both vanished at last.

"Well, ladies and gents, I guess that we have a month before we really have to get to work. Parenting and otherwise. Who's up for some Truth or Dare?" I turned to my harem, hearing some soft laughter in response.

"Now we're talking! Too bad I got work to do ... but I'll take a rain check," Mom winked at me before she left.

"I'll hold you to that, Mom... , " I smiled broadly, even as Hephaestus kissed Jackie on the top of her head.

"Don't worry, I transferred two of those curses from the intended victim and now I wish that you would make them, before I have to go, too," the God of Fire told us.

"Oh, I can think of a few names," I grinned wickedly indeed, making several folks shiver.

Talk about your first day in Paradise!

Nine months later...

"Oh, fuck, my water just broke!" Anne Hathaway complained to me before kissing me very hard.

"Yeah, well, at least you're not like them... , " I reminded her as I made her swap spit with me, not that she minded much at all.

"Yeah, no thanks. Once as Ella Enchanted was quite enough, thank you very much. I don't envy those people at all," Anne blushed as she lay down and prepared to give birth.

Mom was especially helpful as the midwife, which was good, because the mortal women were all drained from their own deliveries. I had so many children by now that I felt like Father Abraham from that silly Christian song from Tracy's old church.

It was good that I had enough coin to pay for building my new city and still spare plenty for housemaids. No, not slaves. I didn't stomach that. Dani would never have forgiven me in that case, nor should she, and I wanted the mother of little Aphrodite to forgive me, that was for sure.

This latest baby was brought to me and she looked so much like Anne that it wasn't funny. A very drained Anne sleepily called for her, so I held the baby while her mother caressed her tiny face. She was in no shape to hold the girl, but she was able to proffer a name.

"Ella. I've always wanted to give a baby girl that name and NOT have her be enchanted."

I grinned, kissed both Anne and Ella on the forehead, and handed the child off to Mom, who held her latest grandchild very close to her bosom.

"Then Ella she is, my sweet bride," I told Anne, who nodded gratefully and dozed back to sleep, snoring like a pig.

"How in the world did I manage to sire so many handsome children? Even with such lovely women?" I asked with considerable fatherly pride.

"What else did you expect? You're a son of Aphrodite," Mom answered me with a kiss and a wink.

"Are you going to be okay staying like this? Not that I mind your company, Mom, but I don't want you getting on Grandpa's bad side," I asked Mom, who simply laughed as she nursed little Ella.

"Honey, this isn't that kind of job. It's a family thing. I'm a Goddess, not a secretary. Trust me, Dad very much will more than understand. Besides, this is part of love, thus automatically in my purview. I can take a leave from my regular duties now and then, and why not to help guide the building of the first colony named in my honor? Not to mention acting as midwife for my own grandchildren? Don't fret your pretty head over that."

"How do you like Aphrodisia so far?" I asked her now while tickling little Ella under her chin.

"Oh, I like it very much. How do you like being a God-King? I think that it agrees with you myself. You're more than stepping up to that role. I've seen you of late, the way that the locals as well as the transplants all look up to you. Your refusal to use slave labor has especially pleased local workmen, I noticed, and Hephaestus is very pleased by it."

"As am I," Dani told me with a quick, if weak squeeze.

"You're supposed to take it easy, dear. You gave birth just last week," I pointed out.

"That's the caliber of women you have, dear son. They work hard, play hard, and don't rest nearly as much as they should. That's how a wife and mother is. Look at me. Admittedly, I'm a Goddess, but I did just deliver seven children of my own. Yet here I am, midwife to everyone. A mother's work is never done."

"Yes, I have great tastes in women, but I can't claim all of the credit for that, can I?" I asked, even as I rested my hand on Philippa's shoulder and pecked Janine on the lips.

"No, but you're smart enough not to look a prize horse in the mouth," Janine added.

"That he is," Philippa grinned at me.

"Backing each other up, eh?" I teased them, even as Mom kissed my forehead.

"Hey, we biracial girls have to stick together, right?" Janine fist-bumped Dani and Philippa alike.

"Miss your old job yet?" I laughed as Janine nestled our baby girl Mariah at her breast.

"You're kidding me, right?" Janine giggled, "I'm a fucking Queen now. So are dozens of other women, but everyone local treats each of us as royalty, even if confused by our marital status and our constant nudity. My old job can kiss my ass!"

"No offense, but my sentiments exactly!" Heather spoke up while Dani and she led me away to the latest beach barbecue, fish again, but very well-seasoned and grilled.

Marlena and Neha were such excellent cooks, especially since the latter started eating meat ... another benefit of pregnancy. I just hoped that they didn't give birth right in the middle of serving dinner.

In case you wondered who got the two curses, well, let's just say that there are likely, in my old universe, some very embarrassing videos going viral of a certain former Alaska Governor and said Governor's daughter. Think lesbian incest with plenty of rimming and watersports ... lots of interracial gang-bangs.

Never annoy an Italian. Not even indirectly ... on TV.

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