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Are They Dirty? Ch. 04


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Of course. That's why he was squeezed between the couch and coffee table prepared to give her a hands-free foot rub. And now he was thankful it was a foot rub and not a true cleaning.

"I'll do my part."

"Good that's what I like to hear. So I think it's about time we got started don't you?"

"Ready when you are."

He had already agreed to do this for as long as she wanted and though the conditions had changed he was still eager to please her and enjoy her feet. But being squeezed in this space he also wanted to get on with it, for he feared this arrangement might not be comfortable for very long.

"Oh I'm ready. I'm so very, very ready. This is going to be sooo good."

As she said it her hands met in her lap and she squeezed her shoulders together. This also had the affect of her arms squeezing her breasts together, something that was hard for Steve to miss, especially from his vantage point.

"I'm really going to enjoy this; maybe even as much as my OOFs. You see they really are just so comfortable to wear."

Her hands came down to one of her boots and began stroking it. She really did seem to have a thing for them. It didn't matter so much to Steve.

"I mean I could wear these anytime, all day. They are just so comfy. So even though it's hot outside and even hotter in the attic, I still enjoy wearing them."

He already knew she liked them. Now this was turning into some sort of impromptu advertisement. Was she really trying to sell him on her boots?

"I mean I almost hate to take them off. But I suppose for a good foot rub, it's worth it."

So maybe she was just teasing him, making him wait for her perfect feet.

"So warm...and fuzzy...and comfy."

As she said it she finally took hold of the boot and ever so slowly began to pull it off.

"Really there's only one drawback to wearing them all the time. Or especially on a hot day like this."

She almost had the boot off but she was taking her sweet time. Steve began to suspect there was something else going on; something that he was missing.

"You see they do tend to make my feet..."

And then she slipped it completely off and he was struck by the odor immediately.


And she wasn't kidding either! This wasn't just some hint of a long run, or a chance encounter with a dirty sock falling out of the laundry basket. No, this was serious. It was like a wave of foot funk crashed into him as soon as she pulled off the boot.

It was overpowering. How had he not smelled it before? It was impossible to believe that this odor had been lying in wait all the time since he had been there. Surely it could not have remained secure within her boot?

"Oh dear god, that's..."

"It's what? Is it a little fragrant? Hmm?"

He had turned his head as soon as it hit him, but there was no escape. And now she was taunting him, waving her foot in front of his face. He should have known something was up.

"Okay, okay! Joke's over! Just let me breathe a second and then you can untie me!"

But she didn't. She just stopped, her foot hovering in front of his face, and stared at him. As the seconds ticked by he began to realize this was more than just a joke. Now he was getting a little worried.

"Sorry Footboy. I never joke about foot rubs. I'll admit my feet can get a bit funky from wearing those boots but that's no reason for you to bail on a foot rub. And yeah they do stink. I can smell them up here. But it's going to be so much worse for you."

She was no longer the fun-loving Lacey who greeted him at the door with a kiss. Now she was staring down at him, telling him how he was going to have to endure her awful foot odor. Now she wasn't sweet; she was menacing.

"I mean not only are you going to be down there close to my feet, but since you're going to be rubbing them with your nose..."

What! Oh my god, was she serious? But he already knew the answer. She had warned him in the ice cream shop that she would be testing him. And she had told him that besides being her foot cleaner he was going to get some practice as a 'sniffer'. But he just couldn't have imagined a scenario like this.

"Please no."

He knew it sounded weak and wasn't likely to save him, but he just wasn't sure he could truly handle what she was suggesting. A part of him was begging for mercy, while another part knew there wouldn't be any.

"Oh yes, my little footboy. I told you this was no hands. You're going to use that little nose of yours and rub my feet. And you'll do it for as long as I like. This is one of your tests."

When he learned it wasn't a joke he already figured it was one of her tests. Now there was no doubt at all. And that too was why he feared there would be no mercy. This wasn't a simple game of 'what would you like'. This was meant to be hard so he could prove himself to her.

"Not only are you going to be rubbing them, but you're going to be my odor eater. Well okay, you're not going to be eating the stench. You're more like my odor sniffer. Point is, I want you to sniff up all that odor so my feet smell fresh and clean again."

Was it possible she was asking - no, demanding - even more? It wasn't enough that she expected him to rub her stinky feet with his nose? Now she was telling him he had to sniff her stinky feet as well, as if he could somehow inhale all that foul odor and remove it from her feet.

"And remember, this is a graded exercise. So don't disappoint me. And since you'll be rubbing and sniffing use your nose right. Don't do this; do this."

As he sat there dumbfounded her explanations only made things worse. Now she was making it clear just how he was to use his nose. He didn't really think there was a good way, but when she told him to do it the right way she demonstrated that pushing his nose down and squashing it against his face wasn't allowed. Instead she pushed the tip back, making a sort of pig face. So he was going to have to rub his open nostrils against her stinky feet.

"Now then, let's begin."

She pulled back her toes as the ball of her foot landed on his upper lip. But it didn't stay there long. Her sweaty, stinky foot soon pressed into his nose and then slid up and over as she pressed her entire foot against his face, his nose dragging from the ball of her foot all the way to the heel; where it stopped.

"I don't hear you sniffing."

He wasn't sniffing, but he could smell her foot all the same. There really wasn't a way not to. But still that wouldn't fulfill Lacey's expectations. She wanted to hear him sniffing. She supposedly expected him to sniff up all that foot funk so her feet didn't stink anymore; something he wasn't sure was possible. But he did know that she was watching him, grading him, and so he had to try to do more than just sit there and endure her aroma.

He took a deep sniff and regretted it immediately. He felt the odor traveling deep within his nasal passages. And once there it didn't want to leave. Another deep sniff and he knew the odor was being sucked further into his body. And this was only the beginning.

After a couple of deep sniffs Lacey began to move her foot once more. She slid it back down until the ball of her foot once again pressed against his open nose and her toes curled over the top, securing his nose in her foot prison.

"That's better. Now keep sniffing. This is your nose's new home. Sniff Baby."

He sniffed again inhaling her foot scent. He experienced the evidence of hours trapped in those fleece lined boots; hours building up sweat and stink, waiting for him to arrive.

A few more sniffs with his nose trapped and he felt a little dizzy. And then her foot was in motion again. It rubbed and pressed against his face, now roaming further than just his open nose; all the while rubbing her foot odor into his face and into his nostrils.

When he first heard her request for a foot rub he imagined being able to spend time with her bare feet; just not like this. He didn't want a five-minute foot rub, and indeed was hopeful for at least an hour to touch, rub, and caress her smooth silky feet. He was eager to learn more about them, to get to know them better.

But now, less than a minute into this no-hands foot rub, he wasn't so sure he could last more than five minutes. But he had to find a way. He wasn't prepared for this, but he wasn't going to lose Lacey over it either. He simply had to endure.

"Okay this is fun, but I'm not supposed to be rubbing your face, you're supposed to be rubbing my feet. Time for you to get to work Footboy. Use that nose to rub my feet and don't forget to keep sniffing."

Well she was right. It had been her foot rubbing against his nose and then across his face. He was simply taking it the best he could without really moving. Now he was being called upon to get more involved. He shook his head from side to side, wishing he could expel the odor but knowing it wasn't to be.

But doing so he was wiping his nose back and forth across her foot, rubbing it side to side, and that's what she wanted. Then, with a little concentration he began to rub her foot with his nose. He didn't think he was really going to be able to relax her feet or work out any stiffness just with his nose, but he was going to try.

He already had figured this wasn't really about a foot rub but about tricking him into a foot smelling session. And he was certainly smelling her foot now. And while he hadn't been sure before, now he knew she was right when she had mentioned her feet could get stinky. Still a foot rub is what she had asked for.

He also figured if he could focus on that, on rubbing her foot, even with his nose, it might help to distract him from the odor that was enveloping him. So he set his breathing mode to deep sniffing and focused on rubbing her foot the best he could with his open nose.

"That's it Footboy, get in there. Sniff that stinky foot. Rub my foot with your nose. I think you're starting to get the hang of this."

He was encouraged by her words. This was definitely a test but she was pleased with his efforts thus far. He wanted her to be happy. And he was willing to suffer a little to make it so. He pushed his nose into her sole and ran it down the middle of her foot, before moving to her arch and swinging back and forth along the arc.

"Yeah that's it! Now you're getting it. But this isn't just about one foot, this is about both feet! Time to bring in the other one; ready or not."

It had so far just been the one foot, the first one she pulled from her boot. The one that shocked and stunned him with its odor upon its release from fleece-lined confinement. But she was right. This was never going to be about just one foot. Her feet were a pair, a perfectly matched set, and he was going to have to care for both of them.

He was sniffing and rubbing her foot, but out of the corner of his eye he was watching as she pulled her second foot back and began to remove the boot. He was already well acquainted with the scent, but as her second foot escaped, it was like a fresh wave of foot sweat crashed into him.

And very soon it was more than her fragrance crashing into him, it was her bare foot as well. It soon joined the first as they played over his face, fighting for which one could pinch his nose. Now her feet were actively rubbing his face while his nose tried to keep up.

"Alright now let's hear some big sniffs! And don't just tease my foot. Rub it! Rub it hard! Put that nose of yours to work!"

She was getting into it now and Steve was trying to match pace. He took a few really deep breaths, just to prove to himself he could do it. And he mashed his nose into her foot and rubbed hard against it, her foot fighting back with equal force.

But there was something in her voice when she was giving those last commands; something different. When next his nose ran under her toes and then back across the toe pads, he looked over her foot and at her face, checking to see if all was well.

And that's when he noticed Lacey had a hand on her breast over her tube top. She was squeezing it! And once he noticed that it took only a second to see that her nipples were already poking through the pink fabric, making their presence known.

He felt a squeezing of his own within his shorts. Not only was this more of her breasts than he had ever seen, but clearly she was getting aroused; aroused by him on the floor sniffing her stinky feet. Now this was a whole new game and his sense of duty was renewed.

He didn't want to look her in the eye for fear it might break the spell. Was she really aware of what she was doing? But he now pressed his nose harder against her foot and took a very big sniff. And as he continued to rub and sniff her feet he now stole peeks at her when he could.

"That's right Footboy! You better sniff up all that stink!"

She was getting more vocal, and Steve guessed that increase was matching another. She was getting off on this. It sounded like she was holding back, but he wasn't sure that could last for very long. Especially if he put his nose to work and pushed her forward.

Now he was still watching her, getting a better look at the outline of those nipples as her breast squeezing grew more aggressive. His dick now throbbing in his pants, he was determined to increase her excitement. Now his heavy breathing was being matched by the pounding of his heart.

He kept going. He didn't want her to hold back; he didn't want to let her hold back. He remembered how she had given him that footjob at the ice cream shop. Now it was his chance to return the favor. He sniffed and rubbed her feet; hard!

"That's it! That's it! Rub your fucking nose against my foot!"

'That's it alright' he thought to himself. She had crossed the line. She wasn't holding back now. Her swearing told him that he had gotten to her and that she was indeed on the way to her own orgasm. He felt some pride in that and next he caught her eye, he gave her a knowing smile.

She seemed to read his thoughts, but instead of congratulating him she reminded him who was in charge. He may have noticed her excitement and he may have even added to it, but Lacey was the one running the show.

"What the fuck are you looking at Footboy! The only thing you should be looking at is the bottom of my fucking feet! Now get that fucking nose to work and rub my feet! Rub my FEET! Sniff! SNIFF! Sniff my stinky fucking feet!"

She punctuated her outburst with more than a few foot slaps to his face. Steve was still proud of his role, but he wasn't smiling now. Now when he rubbed his nose in her foot he was begging for forgiveness. And yet they were both still determined to reach her climax.

Steve noticed her other hand had made its' way inside her shorts. He didn't dare mention it or show he was aware but he knew this was more than a little tit tweaking now. She still had her clothes on, what little she was wearing when he arrived, but she was also clearly masturbating in front of him. Masturbating while her feet rubbed against his face and his nose rubbed back, all the while sniffing her smelly feet.

Steve was masturbating too, in a way. He couldn't bring his hands around as they were still secured behind his back, but now he knew had they not been he would have already taken his dick in hand. She was right to have secured his hands if she didn't want him playing with her dick.

Still he was squirming on the floor and as much as he could he was humping the air as he sat cramped between the couch and coffee table. Now his nose chased after her foot, as he chased after his own orgasm. He desperately wanted her to cum; he did. But maybe, just maybe, they could both cum together.

So now the scent of her feet was no longer a thing to be avoided. He sought it out. He worked to sniff up all the scent to push her over the edge. He sniffed hard, knowing her stinky feet might just send him over the edge as well.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep going! Don't stop! Don't you dare fucking stop! Fuck! Do it!"

She was definitely on her way. He didn't know what he could do to help her. He didn't have any tricks. Hell he had never done anything like this before in his life! So he just kept going. He kept sniffing her feet; loud sniffs. He was breathing hard, both from foot sniffing and his own increasing excitement.

And he kept rubbing her feet, with his nose. At this point his nose had already taken a beating, but that didn't matter. He was going to rub his nose raw if it would get her an orgasm. She had already claimed his dick as her own; now he was offering her his nose.

"Oh yes! Yes! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Don't stop! Don't fucking stop!"

And he didn't. He knew this was a crucial moment. He still wished he had some trick, some assurance he could get her across the finish line, but one thing he knew for sure, was at this moment, stopping was NOT an option. He just kept going, hoping it would be enough and waiting to see if they would be successful.

And it didn't happen right away. What happened next was her feet did a series of slaps on the front of his face; it was like she was running in place on his face. Then she went back to some hard rubbing of her feet.

But when the moment truly arrived she slipped one foot behind his head, her foot hooking the back of his skull as the other one landed squarely in the middle of his face, her toes squeezing the outside of his nose as the ball of her foot held his nose back and open, as if she could push his nose back into his skull.

And when she did that she gave him a stare. It was a hard stare. She was looking through him, or maybe deep within his soul. She was claiming him as her own. She held her gaze as she held his head and face. And then he noticed the rest of her body spasm and shake. She was cumming!

They had done it. Or she had done. He hoped he had helped but he really wasn't sure. But what was more important right now was that she had made it. Eventually the piercing stare gave way a little and her eyes rolled back. And that's when she let out the breath she had been holding.


It wasn't a complete collapse after that. There were a few aftershocks. But soon the grip on his head lessened and she let her body fall back into the couch. Her legs now rested on his shoulders and her hands were still in place; one on her tit and the other inside her shorts.

As Lacey came down Steve checked himself. He was still hard inside his shorts. He may have leaked some precum, but he was pretty sure he hadn't dumped a load. He still squirmed and thrust, knowing he was close, and he kissed her calf.

"Damn, I needed that."

She didn't say it to him so much as the room, but he was still pleased to have been a part of it. She let go of her tit, pulled off her bandana, and ran her fingers through her hair. The other hand she slowly pulled out of her shorts, shorts which now bore a dark wet spot on the front.

At first that hand just rested in her lap. But then she wiped it a few times on her shorts before bringing it up to her mouth. Slowly she inserted her fingers and began sucking them clean. Steve was still waiting for his own orgasm, and that sight was nearly enough to push him over; nearly.

"Bet you'd like a taste wouldn't you? It's really good. Maybe someday. For now I'll give you something else to taste."

She pulled one of her feet back off his shoulder and placed it on his mouth. He wanted her to put her foot lower, in his crotch. He knew she had the skill and it wouldn't take much in his current condition. But he didn't really know how to ask her.

And it didn't really matter as he couldn't really ask her as her foot worked its way inside his mouth. She was serious about giving him something to taste.

"Just suck on that for a little while."

He had little choice to do otherwise. They were much more salty and sweaty than the first day he had licked them in the park. And the odor, less offensive than when this game began, hadn't fully gone away.

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