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Ashton Hill Fools


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Grayson came to stand behind her when she began to fumble with the catch on her bra. Hopeless, she thought. She was nervous, not knowing why. Naked from the waist down, she felt awkward, she had never stood as exposed as she was now to him. Yes, she'd been naked with him, of course she had, but they'd been pressed against each other, she hadn't been standing on display in a well-lit room where he could see every scar and fault on her body.

"Relax, Quinn." He soothed in a deep voice as his hands moved over hers. "Let me help you."

Relief and, oddly, gratitude coursed through her. She felt a tug and then a release of pressure on her back. She held the satin cups to her breasts and heard movement behind her. 'He's taking off his clothes without being under the same inspection as I was,' she thought. Her heart began to flutter, and she dropped the bra to the floor when she felt his hands caress her back and glide around to her breasts as he pressed up against her back.

A pang struck the pit of her stomach when two sets of fingers lifted her nipples and began to roll them. Grayson took his time with the sweet torture, nibbling her neck while his fingers stroked and plucked. She felt a current run from her hard, puckered nipples, through her stomach and into her pussy.

"On your knees now, Quinn," he said, his warm breath caressing her ear. She felt the heat of his cock on her back.

She turned around and looked at him under the bright lights of the room. He was the imposing embodiment of male sexuality, wide, sloping shoulders, narrow hips, carved muscles and an impressive cock she had gotten to know well over the last three days. She felt like a teenager again, wishing that her tits were larger and her ass rounder, knowing his eyes studied her and her imperfections.

With his hands on her shoulders, she sank to the carpet. The head of his swollen cock swayed in front of her, pointing directly at her face, producing a dull ache between her legs as she studied it.

He reached down, cupped her chin and stroked her cheek with a finger. His other hand brought his cock to her lips, which she parted, wanting to taste him and feel the hot flesh slide across her tongue.

She looked up at his handsome face and the cool gaze in his eyes. His expression gave nothing away. She bowed her head, took the cock in her hand and sucked the sweet, sticky precum that dripped from the tip. Her tongue circled the head, appreciating its shape and girth once again as she covered it with saliva. Lifting his shaft, she licked and kissed the sensitive place beneath the head, a sharp twitch in her hand registering his pleasure.

Taking her time gliding up and down his length, she heard him groan, and she revelled in her mastery of him, despite her inferior position. Finally, she dipped her head and slid her lips over the wide, mushroom-shaped head.

"Fold your hands behind your back now, Quinn!" Grayson commanded.

Her eyes shot upward. This request was not really a request, she realised. Slowly, she drew back her arms, lacing her fingers together. The position forced her shoulders back and pushed up her chest. Grayson combed her long, silky hair with one hand and bounced her soft breasts with the other. She felt the subservience he meant her to in this position for the first time.

"You need to remember our agreement and understand how it is between us." His voice was suddenly clear. "I'm not your boyfriend; we are not here to play happy families. Those were your rules, remember? You wanted it this way, no attachments, no promises. You broke the rules today, and then you tried to shut me out tonight. Well, that doesn't work for me, Quinn, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for you either." He put his hands on the back of her head and began to rock his hips as she sucked him.

"You can't have it both ways, Quinn, and if you need me to show you no mercy, no tenderness, no attachment during out evenings together, then I can do that, but let you shut me out, while you are living here in my home, that I can't do. Do you understand?" he demanded, knowing full well she couldn't answer him.

Quinn pulled back until just the head was lodged in her mouth and nodded her head, looking up at him. She understood exactly what he was doing, and surprisingly she was grateful. Not for the way he was treating her so much as the fact he had voiced her concerns, as well as his own. She began to suck him again.

"Take it deeper." He groaned and pushed his cock into her mouth and across the depression at the back of her tongue.

Quinn was beginning to lose herself. Her eyes welled with water, and a tear streaked her face. She fought the strong impulse to gag, desperately wanting to give him this pleasure. Her brain begged Grayson to push her. She was bursting with desire, wishing she could drive her fingers into her pussy or rub her clit, but she didn't dare disturb the scene he had instigated. Instead, her hands dug deeply into the crack of her ass.

Seeing her tears, Grayson slowly withdrew his cock from her mouth. He knelt down in front of her and wiped away her tears with his thumb, then he reached around her slender body to bring her hands to his lips. She was surprised when he gently kissed them.

"Lie down now, Quinn," Grayson commanded, but in a softer, albeit, huskier voice.

Grayson knelt upright between Quinn's legs, her feet resting on his hips. He spread her knees to take in the damp, glistening lips of her pussy. He wondered why it was that beautiful women became irresistible when the illusion of perfection was peeled away. Every freckle and scar, her slim hips and shapely legs, the faint blue veins beneath the pale skin of her smallish breasts, it all made his cock harden to explosive proportions.

He breathed her female smell, the animal smell of arousal, and saw that her eyes were locked on his rigid cock. The sweet, soft feminine woman he had spent the day with had disappeared. Looking at the sexy woman on the floor, he couldn't imagine wanting her more at that moment. Grayson growled in need and hooked his hands over her thighs, pulling her closer.

Quinn planted her feet on either side of him and raised her hips high, her shoulders sinking into the deep pile of the carpet. He ran a large hand along her flat belly and caressed her hip as he drew his cock through the wet folds of her pussy. Quinn let out a quiet low moan and rolled her hips, seeking to increase the contact, wanting more. The swollen head pushed aside the flesh of her lips as it stroked upward, grazing over her hard clit. She set her feet farther apart and opened herself wide, no modesty now; she rotated her hips, grinding against the underside of the hard cock.

"I need you inside me!" she almost whined in need.

"You're one hot bitch, aren't you?" He lifted the corner of his mouth into a sneer, rocking his pelvis in time with the rise and fall of her hips.

"And you're a fucking tease!" she challenged him in return. She gasped at his words, but let out a long groan when he squeezed her clit, making her cry out.

Grayson chuckled and dragged his cock down to her opening. Her wet folds cradled him as he stroked over the entrance to her velvety inner core. He held her hips and pressed forward, feeling the exquisite resistance of her tightness that he revelled in. He fought the impulse to thrust, instead of applying steady pressure as he sank into her. Quinn's muscles tensed and her back bent into a deep arc. She sighed as the head of his cock entered her, and only then did he drive his cock into her.

"Oh yes!" she whimpered. The angle of their bodies drove his cock into the upper ridged wall of her pussy before penetrating deep inside her. He pushed until he reached her limits, and then withdrew, feeling her body shudder with the movement. His cock moved in and out to the music of her pleasure filled sounds.

He pressed a hand on her lower belly. The other gripped her cheeks as he pounded her harder and faster. She uttered curses and moved up and down, changing the angle of his thrusts. Perspiration had broken across her body, and Grayson could feel her legs begin to quiver with her impending climax.

He gently pushed down on her hips and leaned over her as she lowered her ass onto the floor and let her legs fall open. Grayson planted his hands below her outstretched arms and lowered his mouth to hers while he raked her with long steady strokes.

"Oh, fuck yes," she half whispered against his lips, pulling her knees upward as the second series of small waves crashed over her.

Her hot breath rushed across his throat. He held his cock inside her, enjoying her tiny spasms. Grayson lifted his chest and hooked his arms behind her bent legs before replanting his hands on the floor. He leaned forward, folding her in half and pulling her ass upward. He looked down at her sweaty body in absolute appreciation.

He drove downward, forcing a grunt out of her lungs. His cock slammed in and out of her, seeking his own release. Her hands clawed at his rocklike arms, and the muscles in her legs stiffened an instant before strong contractions gripped his cock. Her eyes rolled in her head as her mind exploded with the mind-blowing orgasm he'd wanted to give her, and she looked amazing as she came, her face a picture of pleasure and pain as she stared up at him wide-eyed and barely breathing.

"God, Fuck me! Grayson!" she hissed in long, breathless tones.

Hearing her cry out his name was enough to push him over the edge, and he came with a roar and buried himself deeply within her.


"Hello?" Melody called through the house as she wandered through the house looking for Quinn. She had hoped that she could talk to her before going to confront her son after leaving him to sort out the issue of hiring a proper nanny. Melody had seen the initial awkward attraction between them, and had hoped that being forced together they would act on it. Her son had been alone for far too long, and Melody wanted to spend more time with Paul and be a grandmother rather than the mother figure for her grandson.

"Grandma!" Noah cried and ran through the house to greet her, launching himself at her and wrapping his arms around her legs. He dragged her into the kitchen where Quinn stood preparing his afternoon snack while starting dinner.

"Welcome back," Quinn smiled. "Did you have a good trip?" she asked with a smile, feeling a little disappointed that she wouldn't be needed as the temporary nanny now that Melody had returned. After her attempt to draw away from him over Easter, their sex life had only improved, and they had spent the last week exploring even more of each other than before. They were more careful about social outings and dinners with friends. Outside of the bedroom they were friends and made sure to keep each other at arm's length, but their insatiable desire for each other late at night had only grown.

"Oh, it was wonderful!" Melody gushed. "I've never been happier! How have things been going here? I am glad you decided to stay." She smiled and touched the golden curls on April's little head.

"You mean, you're glad Grayson and I haven't killed each other yet?" she laughed.

"Well, that too," she grinned impishly. "Noah, tell me everything that's happened while I have been gone," she winked at Quinn, who laughed as the little boy who had been waiting so politely to speak launched into a recount of everything that was important in his world, including cupcakes and dinosaurs and Easter eggs.

"Me, me, me!" Noah reached out his hand for Quinn's phone as it's familiar ringtone sounded, and she scooted it across the kitchen countertop to him after checking the screen.

"Hi, Dad!" he said happily. "Yes, she is, yes, just an apple, she's making it now, but, Dad, guess what?" Melody raised an eyebrow at Quinn, who rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Grandma's home! Okay... yup... Great! Bye, Dad!"

"He didn't want to talk to me today?" Quinn asked the little boy, not sure what to make of the one-sided conversation she had heard.

"He's coming home," Noah grinned. "He's excited that Grandma is home too!"

"Oh, dear," Melody said softly, bracing herself for the inevitable conversation with her son about abandoning him when he needed her.

"I should change the baby," Quinn smiled. "I'll let Noah catch you up on everything that's been happening while you've been gone." She passed him a peeled and cored apple and picked up April from where she had been sitting on a rug playing with toys.

Quinn's immediate disappointment at seeing Melody here grew. She knew that she was no longer needed to look after Noah, but she consoled herself, now she could head back to the city and start looking for Rheagan herself. She'd spoken to her producer twice this week, once about his contacts in the police department and the second time about a slight change in her role with the network. The Network executives didn't want to send her back out on assignment overseas, in light of her injuries and subsequent trauma, and planned to offer her a documentary style current affairs show that she could have a hand in writing and producing herself.

She'd earned the right to create something of her own that she could put her unique stamp on. It was a reporter's dream, but instead of embracing it she had felt like the network was clipping her wings and trying to ground her here in Australia. Keith had been enthusiastic and, assuming she would agree, hadn't asked her, but told her that, while she was on vacation, she could come up with some ideas for the pilot and that they would meet with the network executives in a few weeks when she returned to the city. 'It was as if it was a done deal,' she thought bitterly, and what choice did she have if they wouldn't send her back overseas as a correspondent?

She needed peace and solitude, even if just for one day. She needed to just stop and think about everything in her life and put it in perspective, Rheagan, Grayson, work, and... she sighed, her growing love for these two children and the strange little family they had here. Adding to her disappointment was the strange conversation she'd with Roland, who said he would be in Ashton Hill next Sunday but had nothing concrete that he would be happy to discuss over the phone. He needed to update her in person.

Maybe she and April could go for a picnic down by the lake tomorrow while the family caught up with Melody. She considered her options. Finding some peace and alone time wasn't as easy when there was a baby to consider, not that she minded, April was so sweet and easy to manage. She was still upstairs when she heard Grayson's car, and then the door bang open as he arrived home. Would he want her to leave immediately? she wondered. That was the plan before his mother had dropped her bombshell and left for her trip. She found herself torn about having to leave this house and the man who owned it.

She spent the next ten minutes deciding where she would go and what she would do now. In the city, there were only hotel rooms and strangers, which, for the first time in her life, didn't hold the same appeal it always had. She wanted more for April than a portable cot and a few toys that could be packed and transported easily. She couldn't stay here now, she knew that much, even if she wanted to. Melody was back now, and she was sure his mother would push Grayson to find a more permanent nanny to replace Jo. Maybe she could stay with Mary Delaney for a little while, she had offered once, and perhaps wouldn't mind the intrusion, if just for a little while. She had to at least stay until she saw Roland on Sunday, and the Delaney family had been so welcoming to her.

It was at that point that Quinn realised she had lost her mind. Two weeks, almost, of good sex... Great sex. she corrected, and she had lost her mind. She'd gotten too attached to this family and these children, no matter how hard she had tried not to be. She had to find Rheagan before she got in any deeper and it hurt too much to move on, because that was what she did. It was who she was, she wasn't a stayer, she was a traveller, a free spirit, a rolling stone who gathered no moss, no ties, no family connections.

She knew she couldn't avoid the moment any longer, and she gathered up the baby who wound her chubby little arms around her neck and happily pulled her long hair, giggling and making Quinn's heart ache. She went slowly back downstairs and into the kitchen and living area where Noah was sitting in front of the television and Grayson was talking in low tones with his mother. Not wanting to interrupt them, Quinn placed April on the floor and sat beside Noah to watch another thrilling episode of the Night Ninjas, a children's program that Noah loved at the moment.

Moments later Melody walked past her on her way upstairs, and Quinn looked to where Grayson gripped the kitchen counter in obvious frustration. She knew now was not the best time to talk to him, but if she needed to make other arrangements, the sooner she knew, the better. She stood and approached Grayson, and he looked up, the hardness in his eyes softening slightly at the sight of her.

His mind had been clouded by her all day. The things they had done and the things he still wanted to do to her and her perfect body. He felt himself harden at the thought of it again as she moved close enough for him to breathe in her perfume. God, it didn't matter how much of her he had, he still wanted more. She was a dangerous woman for him to be around when they both knew they had no future together.

"She's not staying," he said simply. "She's just here to collect some of her belongings. She's going to stay at Ashton Hall with Paul!" he said disgustedly, and Quinn felt a little guilt at the relief she felt that she wouldn't have to leave immediately. "She has invited us there on Sunday for lunch," he continued to fill her in on the details of what he had discussed with his mother.

"That sounds like fun for you and Noah," she smiled. She knew it would be a family affair, and she had no intention of crashing that party. Not after what happened over Easter. She wasn't family, and couldn't be family to these people. Her link to them as Noah's Aunt was tenuous, at best.

"The invitation was extended to you as well!" he scowled at her.

"Roland is coming Sunday to discuss Rheagan with me," she said, not wanting to argue with him and seeing his mood was stormy.

"Roland is like family, he will be going to the lunch as well," he stated, wiping away her reason to refuse the invitation.

"It sounds like a family thing, and I can talk to him after the lunch," Quinn said, still not prepared to put herself in even more danger of losing her mind and becoming too attached to these people and this place. She had few ties here now, coming home had been a mistake, except she couldn't call April a mistake, or even Noah, for that matter, she had fallen in love with them both.

"You are Noah's aunt, that makes you family, and regardless of whatever else is going on, that fact doesn't change," he looked at her with hard eyes. He took her by the wrist and pulled her into the open pantry where they could still hear the children. He pressed her body to his and kissed her, hot, hard and wet, and felt her body surrender to his. "Regardless of what is going on with us, Quinn. You're Noah's aunt, and you are part of this family. Your other family may have forced you out, but we are not like them. Regardless of whatever this is, and no matter how temporary it is between us, you will always be his aunt."

Quinn melted into yet another searing kiss. He had pulled no punches. He had made no overtures of love or a future together, he had just stated the fact that she was family, related by blood to his son. A fact she couldn't dispute. Having realised they disappeared, April began a soft cry, and Grayson groaned as Quinn disengaged from him and reappeared to walk over and scoop the little girl up from where Noah had been patting her hair gently with his eyes glued to the television.


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