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Astra Pt. 09


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She smiled, "37% these days. Better than a couple of centuries ago. The current president got them to drop it as part of her promise to the people. She shot for 10% and got 3%." John ended the call.

Astra took over while John shaved and showered. He put on his one suit which hung loose on him these days. He was down to around 80kg from his normal 100 kg frame. What he had was all muscle even though he had not been eating as well as he should have, he still worked out daily building everything. He had little in the way of body fat doing all that work as well. Astra gave a disapproving look.

John nodded, "I know we get a few steaks in me and I will feel better."

John got back in his seat as he heard, "Unidentified scout, pylon 3."

He pulled it in as they pulled back the privacy area for Astra. He stepped out to a man with 3 guards on the dock. They looked, "Some kind of laser sword?"

John nodded, "Something like that."

The guy looked, "250 TCs an hour."

John nodded, "12 hours." He handed him a cred stick and it went through and deducted that. He sealed it up. He went over to identification. "Need an ID for me, John Travus."

She looked, "No ID?"

He shook his head, "Came in from Tau Ceti. The last survivor."

She nodded, "That is 2,000 TCs." He filled out his certifications and passed them back to her. She looked up, "You can do all of this?"

He nodded, "Child Genius passed my flight exam when I was 8."

She sighed and gave him the test pad to check for qualifications. He filled it out in record time. She looked up, "Another 8,000 TCs child genius."

John paid it, "Commodities broker?"

She pointed, "The second floor." He nodded and walked inside. He looked at the board as it changed, 10,654 TCs per ml.

He walked away and went to ship registration. "I need to register my ship. Scout size is about 50% larger and it is a research vessel."

She shook her head, "Research vessel, scouts are not research vessels."

John shrugged, "What would you call a researcher scout ship yet that could get you several Billion TCs?"

She sighed, "TSM, Scout Multipurpose. Name?"

John chuckled, "Descriptive. Name it, 'The Survivor.'"

She nodded, "50,000TCs and 10,000TCs for the transponder." John shook his head, "I got a programmable transponder Just give me the ID number."

She sighed, "Programmable transponder?"

John nodded, "Researcher, remember. I forgot. Multipurpose-er."

She finally chuckled and gave him the number. He went to a restaurant and ate 4 steak meals in one go and spent 3,000TCs on a bottle of Irish Mills Mead. He paid for everything.

He went back to the ship and programmed in the transponder. He looked at Astra, "We will sell off what we get this time but we won't set up for mining it here."

She looked over, "This is a change."

He nodded, "We need to decide on what our goals are going to be. I am going to need a larger ship for a family. Else a place to live away from the ship. I put together all these bars to begin to build the larger ship, we could finance a space station out at Titan or IO. If we want to start with a lower-key presence than last time then we need to decide on how we are going to proceed. Do we take GS out again; they are more powerful now? Yet they impede mankind's ability to innovate."

She nodded, "You could build a station in earth orbit. Tera-8 will come up for bid soon."

John sighed, "I want privacy. Too close to Tera, same for the moon. The choices are Jupiter, Saturn, or Tau Ceti. But if we want to build a station or a home then we will need to do it here because I cannot jump the ships we would need."

She nodded, "Why IO?"

He smiled, "Tourist attraction eventually. That is what we can 'advertise' the appeal is for. Once we have our base then we can build out our ships."

She checked, "There is the small Starbase at Jupiter with the failed attempt."

John nodded, "But that would be linked to mining, she said they would not separate it. That gets too much attention. Gaining these resources from Tau Ceti. The mining rig used there got swallowed, which is an easy sell and harder for them to disprove. We collect once and we use it as a foundation until we are ready to compete with GS directly instead."

She nodded, "Provided we get you some wives to go with it."

John sighed, "I will not rule it out but I am a bit gun shy after my last 2 attempts at having a family I could keep."

She rubbed his cheek, "I may not have the ship but we have to get you some wives. We also will have to deal with the children."

John sighed, "Then we collect, tell them the rig went down. Then we talk of the run-in with the Drakor and what has been done to me. What we know will happen."

She sighed, "Different route to take. Leaving out the time travel pieces?"

John nodded, "For now."

She nodded, "Except for the wives."

John nodded, "Also the Planetary President when she contacts me. You can explain all of that but we will not get wives until we have a roof to put over their heads with sufficient security."

Astra nodded. "It is still part of your code."

John pointed at the storage containers, "That you are taking care of for now. It is not a priority. I wrote that code and I know that is another method of satisfying that requirement. Your requirement for the ship's crew died with Excalibur."

Astra frowned and took a cred stick from him, "Then I will need to get an ID as well. Astra Travus for a name?"

John chuckled, "No, Astra Future. Too many, 'legality' issues with 'are you or are you not my wife,' and not being human. Let me get this sold and then we can look to get my ID straightened out with a judge first. Then deal with your ID on the planet."

Astra sighed, "Alright. Get the 7 tanks sold and get back. I will get the sperm samples set for pickup. Then tie it into your account when it gets created from selling the tanks."

Jack nodded at her. He worked over getting things situated inside so they could get them out without exposing the rest of the contents of the ship. He went back to the second floor.

He looked at the board as it changed, 10,802 TC ml.

He walked toward the 2 bodyguards who looked to stop him. John asked, "3 or 4?"

One of the bodyguards looked at him, "What?"

John stared, "Places you want those arms broken? 3 or 4." The guy looked back and John was waved through. John looked at him, "They almost cost you some serious business."

The man nodded, "My commission is 15%."

John looked at him, "No, it is 13% the reason being is this deal is worth 151,228 Million TCs. I can go to another station and get someone to accept that. That leaves my share at 82,888,066,800 TCs."

He asked, "What is it?"

John smiled, "Do we have a deal?"

He nodded, "If it is worth that much."

John nodded, "14,000 liters of metallic hydrogen in 7 pressurized tanks. Which I expect you to pay to replace."

He asked, "Where?"

John looked over, "Tau Ceti. Another failed rig; this is the last of the cargo from it. I managed to salvage it before it failed to gravity."

John waved him on to his scout "Heavy Gravity lifts, no forks." He let him scan the 7 cylinders on the ship. He looked up, "14,000 liters."

John nodded, "John Travus. Open an account for me as I just got here. Pay the taxes and your fee from that."

He sent for men. The men came over and tried to move the tanks, "We need forks."

The man looked, "Don't you rupture those! It is worth Billions. Get some more men."

He walked away while John watched the dock workers struggle with the cargo. After they got it onto the gravity lifts, they watched the lifts start to short out. John shook his head and stated sarcastically, "GS industries finest products. Living up to their quality reputation." The man nodded.

John was given his account number. He boarded his ship. Astra got the account associated by sending the message to the courier. The sperm service that had come and left already now had the account to forward funds to.

John programmed the transponder. He called out, "TSM-158475 requesting to depart pylon 3." He released his docking clamps and he was freed, "Tera-7 TC, you are free to depart TSM-158475. You have a 5-hour balance remaining."

John sighed, "Hold it for me as I will be back to one of these stations soon."

He took it into the atmosphere. He looked at her, "Get me a security firm."

Astra nodded, "You want bodyguards?"

John nodded, "I want a private hanger, A private shuttle purchased and registered. Name of 'My Little Nymph' and a second named 'Divine Grace.' The same model with docking rings on opposite sides so we can dock them both and jump them all."

Astra smiled and nodded, "That explains the size you put into the pylons. Shuttles ordered. Collins Security. We need a location?"

John sighed, "Tokyo, Japan."

She nodded, "Understood. They have offices there. You want a weekly or monthly contract?"

John looked at her, "A year and with the guards being top of the line and vetted by you. Including 2 personal bodyguards when we take a shuttle out."

Astra nodded, "There are cheaper places to get a shuttle in place and stored."

John looked at her, "Where?"

Astra sighed, "Australia. There is a remote field there."

John shook his head, "Remote has not worked for me on Tera. I want another as a pilot driver as well as the two bodyguards."

Astra nodded, "Very well; the two 9-man shuttles will support that. Hanger C-45, Collins Security."

They flew into Japan, "Tokyo TC, this is TSM-158475 inbound for the secure hangar, C-45, owned by Collins Security."

He heard back, "TSM-158475, Your glide path is set. Welcome to Tokyo."

John chuckled, "They know if we are going there, we have money."

Astra nodded. He flew it straight into the hanger and looked over the shuttles as they finished delivering them. "Astra listening devices and tracking devices."

She fried several, "Done."

He walked in and shut down the shuttles and pulled the power core and the engines. He went back to his ship and created his versions. Including incorporating space-worth engines into the design.

He looked it over, "Better than GS quality on the frame design but still GS crap for parts."

He had guards who stood around and watched him as he installed a new power core, relays, heatsinks, and engines. Then used the ship's tractor beam to perform the external work. He then did a sensor upgrade on both shuttles." He nodded when he finished. He had been running 32 hours straight.

He put a little picture of a nymph on the side of one that reminded him of Sprits, scantily clad on the left side. Then the same for Divine Grace on his right side. Once he was satisfied, he spoke with Brandar Collins. A nephew of the company owner, "I take it the shuttle did not meet your standards? We could have had it customized for you."

John shook his head, "Not with what I installed. All who work for me must sign an NDA. This has teeth and if your people violate it, we will come after your company. Nothing about me or my research can be released."

He nodded, "Our employees are already under such an agreement. Our customers pay for privacy."

John nodded, "That was why we destroyed 6 listening devices aboard each of the new shuttles."

He sighed, "I will look into that issue."

John signed and got the other 8 members of his security detail in place. He docked Divine Grace to the Scout. "Astra, arm all weapons and PD weapons on The Survivor. Nobody goes near it or the ship will kill them."

The man nodded, "Understood. Not the first time this has happened."

John nodded and boarded the shuttle, My Little Nymph, with Astra, "Chiba, Dragons' Mall."

The pilot nodded, "Doing some shopping?"

John nodded, "Yes, need a suit or two that fits."

Astra sighed, "You ate right more often that suit would fit just fine."

John kissed her, "Need one for today and you need a new dress. Appropriate for court. Maybe a few of them. Low-key is not working with the listening devices. We have another security lapse and it will go out the window."

Astra nodded, "Alright."

John thought to her as the shuttle flew along, "Status of my family during this timeline?"

She groaned and thought back to him, "I knew you would eventually ask. All dead from that disease I told you about. You have no past life here."

John nodded to her and thought, "Thank you for being honest with me. Another reason why I don't belong here anymore."

They went in and shopped at a couple of high-end stores and got tailor-made suits and a few dresses for Astra. She loved the attention of the saleslady she flirted with. John ignored her playful nature to try and get him interested in the woman. They walked out and he looked at the driver, "Courthouse."

He nodded and took them to the courthouse. He went and grabbed forms for marriage, name change twice over, and filed them all out on his pad. He walked into an available Judge.

John thought to Astra, "Background. Trustworthy?"

She simply nodded. He walked into the judge's chambers with just her. He thought, "Phase 1."

15 little popping noises occurred around the office. John looked across and spoke in Japanese, "My Apologies, your honor. First, my associate disabled all the listening devices in the room. Second, our being here is under a slightly different and more complex motive."

The Judge looked across, "Might I ask how she disabled all of those devices?"

John nodded and thought to him. He started with his first meeting with her to how he ended up stranded in Tau Ceti. The Judge looked a little shocked. John was glad he was still seated.

He sighed, "What do you want with me?"

John held out the forms for him, "The first will clarify my legal name change. With the extenuating circumstances, we would like the details of why this was approved sealed along with my birth name. The second is to establish an identity for Astra Future. A wannabe holovid star who has changed her legal name from Astra to Astra Future. Also sealed."

He sighed, "You want to pass her off as being human?"

John smiled, "The IDs do not state species on them. Only name and qualifications. Her qualifications are listed. She is very talented obviously."

He nodded, "If questioned she would own up to not being human?"

John smiled, "If questioned by authorities she would. To a person on the street, not likely."

He nodded, "Very well. Your age presents a challenge."

John nodded, "I know. I listed the real age, the lady at the ID counter did not pick up on it when I put it on my new ID. Let people ask why I look so young it will come up. But my new name will be required to keep up all the legality on existing and future contracts. I have one for security only now. Also, the registration on my bank account, scout, and two shuttles."

He nodded, "You plan on doing the same in this timeline? Becoming a military leader?"

John shook his head, "No, I want to build a business base to take on GS head-on in competition. I never set out to become a military leader. The Home Guard mission is a given, but they are more of a moving colony or colonies with a base of operation. That just happened as a side effect of being an inventor and being attacked repeatedly in the first colonies."

He nodded, "I am personally tired of seeing GS clutter up our courts with all of these lawsuits."

John nodded, "I am tired of all the death they cause."

The judge nodded and shook John's hand. "I thank you for what you are trying to do for humanity. That was a lot to take in and you carry all that weight on your shoulders. Find others to help carry that water."

John nodded, "I will, eventually."

He signed the forms and sealed the files. They left his office and got Astra Future her ID created. Astra smiled, "Thank you."

He thought to her, "Still my hidden wife if you will."

She hugged him. They went back to the shuttle. "Scan for listening devices and explosives."

She scanned, "I did find a tracker." He nodded, "Locate and relocate it to another shuttle." She smiled and did as he asked. He looked at the guard, "How did a tracking device end up being placed on the shuttle?"

He looked at what she found, "A traffic cop came by and did a routine inspection on the shuttle. We did not see them place anything on the shuttle. We will be more careful about that."

John nodded and got back into the shuttle with his contingent. "Astra check messages." She laughed, "I have 30 requests for interviews."

He nodded and thought, "You want a wife and wife candidates who, in the list, have more than a journalism degree and a pretty face."

She looked and she displayed 3 of them. He read through them all and then selected one. A local one in Japan. John looked at her, "Find me a patent attorney and business manager."

She looked through and she stopped. "John, give me a second."

She ran a check. "I found one in Australia but I am not sure if this will upset you or not."

John asked, "Why?"

She sighed and showed him all the information on the woman and then her picture. John felt gut-punched and conflicted. Also concerned about Astra pushing him twice now toward Australia, though it could be a coincidence. "Give me everything about her."

She pulled it up and he found she had a girlfriend who had some aboriginal roots. He looked over, "I want to dock this shuttle to my scout and take it to Sydney to one of your facilities there."

He nodded, "Will make the arrangements."

John looked over the reporter's information. "I want to get the lawyer and business manager locked down first."

Astra shook her head, "Reporter first."

John sighed, "I want the lawyer first."

Astra sighed, "You asked for a reporter first and then a business manager. Don't you want to do what you told me to begin with?"

John shook his head as Astra brought up the reporter. John was annoyed that she did not follow his directions. Yoshida Kiru, 27 single, Bi-sexual, never married, she had no children. Military service as a fighter pilot for 2 years. Degrees in journalism and engineering. Martial arts experience including Kenjitus, karate, and Shito-Ryu style. Black belt level.

Kiru popped up on the screen and smiled, "Did I win the interview lottery?"

John chuckled, "Maybe."

Kiru smiled, "I am recording now. John Travus walked into Tera-7, sold 14,000 liters of Metallic Hydrogen, and made billions. Then simply left the station. No records of you exist."

John nodded, "Yes, that is true."

Kiru laughed, "Who are you and where did you get this fortune from?"

John sighed, "The name of my ship is 'The Survivor.' I am the last survivor of Tau Ceti. Pirates were a problem there. The man I worked with had a mining rig on a gas giant. I was tasked with trying to protect it. I failed. I destroyed the pirates but they damaged it enough that we could not arrest its fall. The man I worked for was killed in the attack. Explosive decompression in the area and I assume his body went into the Gas Giant. I salvaged several cylinders of Metallic Hydrogen and hydrogen.

With nothing holding me in Tau Ceti I came to Tera. I sold the cargo not knowing its exact worth until I arrived. That caused me to pause and think about how I would approach my security. The first thing everyone would ask me is how did I do it? Can I do it again? Even though I was not the one doing it. You get the idea. I made some money. If I was interested in or could do it, I would have looked at buying up the leases here. I have not done that."

She nodded, "I have to ask, you look to be in your early to mid-20s, yet your ID lists your age as 50?"

John smiled, "An investigative journalist. The age on the ID is correct."

She smiled, "How can that be?"

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