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Doing her best not to make any noise, Rashida slowly let the door knob click and gently slid the dead bolt through. She smiled and applauded herself on the inside considering how tipsy she was.
Another year, another birthday. Amy, one of her most important friends in the world, was turning in another day and she hasn't missed a party, yet. It was nice to see all the familiar faces, including her pain-in-the-ass sister-friend, Aubrey, who put this situation with her nephew into motion in the first place. Unknown to Rashida at the time, this was one of Aubrey's better ideas.
Laying her purse against the inside of the couch, Rashida flicked the nearest light switch and spotted her nephew sound asleep in the recliner. Quickly shutting it off, she stepped out of her heels and headed towards the stairs.
It felt wonderful to get out of her tight leather jacket and tossed it onto the bed. She stretched her arms out and then pulled her low cut tank over, tossing it into the laundry. Unbuttoning her jeans and dropping them to the floor, she kicked out of them, sending them into the pile. Lastly, she grabbed a random pair of specs from her desk and headed down the hall way to her bathroom in her undies.
Rashida pulled a light pink kimono from the door and didn't bother tying it after sliding it on. She pulled a scrunchie from the pouch and put her hair in a lazy pony tail to top off this usual night attire.
Quietly making her way down the stairs, she popped into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge.
"This night isn't over," she thought.
Reaching for the cookie jar, she definitely pulled out way more than she needed and threw one into her mouth. She stuck her hand in and grabbed another one and then closed the jar.
"No one will know."
Heading back up the stairs, Rashida stopped and sighed, "Shit, my phone."
Slowly heading back down, she sat the wine on the sofa and rummaged her purse. Landing on her wallet, she realized she forgot to give her nephew the forty dollars he needed for tomorrow. She glanced at the wine and nodded, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."
Rashida stepped up to him and felt around on his chest for a shirt pocket and found nothing. Now aiming for his shorts, she slid around his hips, but found out he was only in boxers. As she pulled away, the back of her hand bounced off of something and she held still.
"You would have a gigantic fucking boner at two in the morning," she whispered.
Without hesitation, Rashida's hand went upright and curled around the fabric. She squeezed her delicate fingers into all of it and took in the warmth. She let out a small sigh and started tugging on him.
"I'm addicted to this big ridiculous dick," she admitted to him silently, stroking it through his shorts.
Letting go, Rashida went to her wine and removed the cap. After a generous and delicious drink, she sat it down beside the recliner and slid down onto her knees. She leaned her face into the under side of his boxers and filled her face with warm balls and a rigid thickness that she couldn't keep herself away from.
"Been a minute since I've had a hard cock in my mouth," she thought.
Rashida pulled away and tipped her wine back again. There wasn't a voice telling her not to do this, only the voice that told her to take care of her family.
"Between me and you, I've been wanting to suck it ever since I accidentally saw it in the shower," she revealed, "That was your second day in my house. Imagine that. I was the pervert all along."
She rested her hands onto the hem of his boxers and started to pull, "That's my secret, though."
The fabric was starting to reach it's limit and she prayed it wouldn't tear.
"I'm glad you're so well-endowed, but c'mon, baby," she pleaded. Just then it popped free and slapped against her hands.
"Jesus," she smiled, pulling it down and under his bloated sack. The fat saggy balls spilled out and down against the chair.
"You don't have to worry about anything, baby," she whispered, "I'm here for you."
Rashida wrapped both of her little hands around the base and couldn't connect her finger tips. She pulled up and felt the blood pumping against her palms and slowly pulled it back down. Stretching him out, she tightened her grip and pulled up, coaxing a juicy stream to dribble out and slide down onto her hand.
"Oh, let me," she whispered.
Her nephew's throbbing head was quickly wrapped up by her warm strong muscle and continually stroked out bead after bead against her taste buds.
"Mmm," she shivered.
His salty juices were starting to mix with her wine, creating an interesting taste, but one she wasn't against having more of. Rashida pressed her wet lips onto the mushy tip and sucked in, sealing him and fluttering her tongue into it rapidly.
Rashida's hands were in a quicker and more stable rhythm, pulling more and more hot cream into her luscious frothing trap. Her head started to bob into it, forcing their mingling fluids to slush around and coat him in a moist layer that turned her lips into a velvety squeeze with a hug that cuddled every vein.
She closed her eyes and let her hands slide around his big hefty balls. They were so large. This is their third time together and she's always mesmerized by the fullness hanging between his legs.
"This is my dick," she thought to herself, "I don't know if I can let anyone else have it. I'm jealous just thinking about it. What is wrong with me? How do I explain this if we ever get caught? Does it really matter? Could I lose my career? That's silly. This happens all the time, ri-?"
Rashida was caught up in her own head and was unaware he was in her throat and cutting off her air. She felt her chest starting to fall in and realized he was sliding against her tonsils. Her bottom lip came down and she coughed a watery mess against his nuts. She quickly smeared it all over her hands and massaged them with the soupy mess.
"Oops," she shrugged.
"I can do this," she thought, the alcohol seeping right into her thought process.
Rashida took a breath through the nose and allowed it back in. Her tongue wiggled underneath him as she descended into his lap and touched her lavish lips to his pubes. She gently moved her head side to side, massaging him with her tightening throat, listening to her own gulps and internal gargling. She lifted up an inch and pushed it back in with a squish as it hit across her insides.
Tilting her head, she rested her chin against his balls and started bobbing. Rashida couldn't hide the audible slapping anymore as his slobbery nuts were being hit as she sucked it. She wasn't sure how he could still be asleep, but she was going to drain him, either way. In that moment, his leg started to tremble into her shoulder and she heard his breathing ramp up immediately.
Rashida was unable to see him, even with her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and didn't think about stopping. Just then, her dancing pony tail came to a stop as a large hand took the back of her head. Rashida groaned around it and he quickly started pulling her up and down. Both of them started to tense up and his hips started rising to meet her.
"I'm gonna cum, RJ," he said loudly.
"Mmmhm!" Rashida moaned, letting him take over.
Another hand clamped behind her head and Rashida was relieved of her duties. He slammed those fat wet balls against her and started pounding up into the inviting gooey hole his aunt had laid out for him. There were no coherent thoughts from either of them as he fucked Rashida's mouth with no holding back.
"Oh, god," he cried out.
Rashida felt him tightening around her head and struggled to stay still with no more air left, but she wanted this. Her hands gripped into the recliner fabric to hold steady. He was growing in her mouth. She could taste him leaking as he pushed and fucked it back and forth against her tongue. There was so much warm liquid spilling out until he shoved it down. He was pulling her along every inch until hitting her specs against his waist.
Rashida was starting to fade and he pulled her down hard. She heard his long guttural grunt and felt a hot feeling in her chest as he finally blew his load into her inner walls. Rashida gulped and sat still, feeling numerous splashes hitting the middle of her body. He held her down, fists balled into her hair and listening to her mouth suckle down everything she worked for. Splurt after splurt, Rashida swallowed the biggest nut of her nephew's life.
Rashida felt the tears trickle down her cheek, tickling her and tapped his leg. He wasn't getting it and she pulled as hard as she could to break free. A combination of their goop sputtered out from inside her jam-packed mouth and spilled over her lips in little waves down all over her chest.
She heaved for air and coughed hard, "Oh, fuck."
Rashida put her hand on her heart and breathed deep. He sat there looking at a faint silhouette of his aunt and caught his breath.
"Sorry," he said.
Rashida found his leg and rubbed her hand on it.
"For what, baby?" She said between coughs.
"I got caught up," he said, worried.
She tapped on his leg playfully and stood up. Rashida was finally regaining some composure.
"I was sucking your dick in your sleep," she said, wiping her mouth with her kimono, "You're hardly at fault for anything, love."
Resting her hand on his shoulder, she looked down.
"Did it feel good?" she asked quietly.
"I've never felt anything like that," he told her.
Rashida patted on him and picked up her wine, "Good."
"We should get cleaned up, huh?" she said, strolling to the stairs, "My shower?"
"Uh...okay," he said, his legs still trembling.
Rashida flipped the light switch and shoved the wine into her towel rack. Turning to face the mirror, she stopped and looked down at the mess that covered the front of her body. Her chin was layered in a light glaze that ran down her neck and between her tits, streaking down her belly and catching the fringe of her panties. A smile came from her puffy lips and she let the kimono fall.
Reaching over, she started the shower and called out to her nephew. The water started to run warm and she tossed her glasses into the sink and shimmied out of her damp underwear.
Instantly, the hot stream started to clear up the mess as she came under it. She slid her hands across her tender nipples and cupped her chest before pushing the sticky mess down and letting it curl down her legs into the drain.
Rashida's eyes started to shut. The water was perfect. She felt like she could stay here forever.
"Found some cookies on the floor," he said, "Must have dropped them."
She didn't respond.
With the hot steam starting to cling to her and two fingers dipped into her quivering slit, Rashida gently pushed them in and out, rubbing her palm in a steady circle. Her mouth fell open and she plunged deeper inside. She didn't care if he was coming or not until she did care and he wasn't with her.
"Gonna stand out there all night?" She said suddenly, breaking the silence.
Rashida felt his presence and grabbed for his hands behind her. She latched onto him and pulled his arms to embrace her. With a guiding hand, she led his fingers between her weakening legs and nestled them against her soaking lips. Pushing on his middle finger, she forced it deep and sighed. Nothing needed to be said and he held her tight, sliding his large digit back and forth along her slick walls.
"Everything you have is thick and fat," she mumbled through the falling water.
He didn't hear her and leaned in close, "Didn't catch that."
"I said, 'We should probably lather up,'" she lied.
Rashida felt him pull away and felt a hint of regret as he left her empty down below. The cap of the body wash popped and she stepped back into him. Those big arms wasted no time coming around her and he smeared a handful of mango soap along her breasts. He quickly lathered them and strung it down across her belly.
"Slowly," she instructed him.
She slid her hands on top of his and pulled them up her slippery skin until filling them with her perfectly round tits. He did as he was told and massaged them with gentle full circles while pulling her nipples through often.
Rashida felt it between her buns and pushed her ass up. That familiar bulge was creeping in and the head split her apart until grazing her little bead and appearing between her legs. Rashida's thighs squeezed around it and started gliding her moist lips across the hardening veins.
"Gonna fuck me hard like you did last week?" She blurted out.
Her nephew was still fixated on her lovely breasts and started pumping his hips against her ample chocolate butt. Rashida was melting in his arms and bit her lip every time he pressed against her cheeks.
Suddenly, she gasped and shuddered as he accidentally penetrated her, driving it to the hilt.
"Ooh, fuck," she trembled, "You gotta warn me, baby. Your dick is so big and I gotta adjust, you know."
"I'm not sorry," she heard from behind her.
Rashida was about to give him a piece of her mind, but he stuffed her again and she grit her teeth as he rested his nuts against her legs. She felt relief as the feeling drifted away from her until he buried it up into her once more. She winced as he latched onto her pony tail and dipped her forward. Rashida nearly came from his aggression towards her. He wasted no time and gave his aunt the dick that she wanted.
The bathroom was getting loud from Rashida's wet bubbly ass being slammed into and she struggled to keep her moans under control. Her nephew was cramming it balls deep every time and she had nothing left in her legs.
"I'm slipping," she belted out in between her groaning.
Her nephew yanked her up by her hair and turned her to the wall. He let go and pushed his large frame into her neck and back while intertwining his fingers into hers and stretching them across the tile. His thighs resumed beating into his aunt's backside and thumped her long legs against the wall.
Rashida had nothing left and gave into her nephew, grunting through another body shaking orgasm.
"How you like that dick, bitch?" He said with a slow and deep rumbling voice.
She was caught off guard, just like last week, and her eyes fluttered while he plunged into her creamy dark crevice in long broad strokes until slapping her ass with his pumped thighs.
"I...I think I love it," she mumbled.
He raised his chest away and held her up by the hair and a hand between her shoulder blades. He changed his tempo and started pumping it in slowly.
"I think you need this dick," he said, analyzing her.
"Maybe," she smiled.
"I think I need to cum on that pretty face," he told her.
"Oh yeah?" She said, somehow managing a small chuckle into the wall.
Rashida wasn't expecting this behavior from him, but she was in another world right now and was loving it.
He pulled her down gently to her knees and towered over her with his gigantic meat, slapping it onto her beautiful skin. With every hit came a profound thud and he beat it up and down onto her face repeatedly.
He wrapped a hand around it and started jerking it at her.
"Gonna cum?" She asked, looking up.
She heard a grunt and caught a glimpse of a thick fat rope that shot above her. She felt it land in the middle of her scalp and then a hot feeling across her face.
"Mm, cum for me," she said, encouraging him.
Rashida closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Those enormous nuts, chock-full of hot seed, tensed up and he scribbled her smooth skin with long meaty strands of his nut butter. Rashida opened her mouth to breathe and a fat glob spilled from her lips and latched onto her teeth before falling onto her tongue. He dipped it down into her gaping hole and let his splattered aunt slurp on it, making sure he drained himself completely.
Rashida sat quietly while sucking slowly, the feeling of his hot lava sliding down her neck tickling her and giving her a shiver. Her nephew stared down at her and watched the tendrils coming from her face and hitting the shower floor.
He pulled it from her mouth and flung it at her, shaking the rest out.
"I can't see shit," Rashida laughed, "Help. Please."
To be continued...
All the breath play and choking parts are amazing! Please do more!
Thanks for your support on the stories! I am a big fan of Rashida and am trying to give her love on the net. Check back for more as I'm always cooking up ideas.