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Aunt Sandi Ch. 19

Story Info
Amy asserts her dominance and negotiates a new partnership.
28.4k words

Part 19 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/07/2013
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This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the previous chapters click my username above. All characters are 18 or older. Thank you for reading.

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Aunt Sandi - PART 19

Standing alone in the shower with my eyes closed I leaned forward with my hands on the wall and let the warm water rain down over me. Ever since this new facet of my relationship with my Aunt Sandi began my life had become increasingly exciting, but at the same time it had gotten vastly more complicated and chaotic.

Before that fateful event I was a completely average guy with no girlfriend and a part-time job to help pay for my university expenses without a care in the world. The events of the night of my family's reunion had taken me on this incestuous tangent that I could never have anticipated in a million years.

I certainly could not have foreseen falling deeply in love with two women at the same time, for one thing. I stood there in the shower and considered how incredibly unlikely it all was, how so many seemingly random occurrences had to happen for me to be having the experiences I was having and I truly felt my insignificance in the universe.

I thought back to all of the conversations I'd had with Amy, getting to know the woman that I now knew with full certainty that I someday wanted to marry and looking so forward to seeing her smiling face every day at work. It made me feel extremely grateful for everything I had. I had so much to feel thankful for, and yet here I was feeling glum.

I started taking slow, deep cleansing breaths. I repeated over and over to myself, 'Let it go.' I figured that if saying that simple phrase could help me to release feelings of jealousy then it might also do the same for feeling sad because I was about to lose a friend. Somewhere along the way it changed in my thoughts to, 'Let her go.'

As the minutes went by and I continued repeating the mantra and focusing on my breathing and trying to completely empty my mind of all thought, the bad feelings began to slowly dissipate. I could feel the dark cloud starting to lift and the small but pleasurable twitches in my cock were a welcome sign that everything was going to be okay. I reached down and rubbed myself and soon I was at full hardness.

My thoughts turned to Jill and Sammi yesterday morning when they had shared my cock and my hand gripped a little more firmly and it seemed to take on a mind of its own as it quickened its pace.

I took another deep breath and removed my hand as I considered that in about an hour I would need to be 'up' and somehow trying to please three young women all at the same time. If I came now then there would be that much less to give to them and I wanted to give to them as much pleasure as I knew they would be giving to me.

Lost in my own introspection I was very startled to hear the glass shower door rattle and then start to slide open. I jumped back a bit and snapped open my eyes, scaring a very tired-looking Amy. She got over her surprise quickly and giggled sleepily.

"You scared me, dammit!" she said with a wide smile. "Comin' in!" she declared.

"You're just who I wanted to see," I said, taking her hand and helping her into the big tub.

"Aw, you're sweet." She pressed her naked body up against me and we shared a long, gentle and loving kiss.

"You're way sweeter," I whispered into her ear as the kiss broke.

She reached down and took hold of my cock which was still fairly hard and rubbed the tip against her clit and moaned. "Mmm, wanna get an early start on the day's festivities?" she asked.

I laughed softly. "I'd really like to but with three of you I better conserve my strength or I'll be out of commission way before I want to."

She giggled and said, "That's true I guess." Her eyes turned mischievous when she softly said, "We can still do some other fun things... Like this."

She pulled herself in even closer with my cock in place between her labia and she started slowly rubbing herself over me when I felt a hot rush of liquid as she peed on me. I let out a low "mmmm" sound as she relieved herself and felt that we were connected at a deeply intimate level.

When she was finished she opened her eyes and brightly smiled. "You know, I never would've dreamed that peeing on someone could feel so satisfying, but somehow it does. I think Sandi's really starting to grow on me in the best possible ways. Isn't she awesome?"

I nodded and hugged her even more tightly. "You're pretty awesome yourself for being so open-minded and accepting of her kinks. I know she's thrilled with how you've gone along and let her share that side of herself with you."

Amy said, "She's been a saint when it comes to respecting my boundaries so in return I've been more willing to relax them and do more things as I get more comfortable. I love to please her and she makes everything sexy and fun. But, on another subject, I really need to discuss Kayla."

At the mention of her name I felt my body tense with anxiety and my frown returned, sensing another lecture was coming. She quickly said, "Oh, it's nothing bad. I actually want to say I think I was behaving really poorly yesterday. What you did hurt me but I really overreacted. Like, a lot. I've known for a while that you're attracted to her and I've seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you and it just drives my jealousy into the stratosphere and I don't know exactly why. I know you love me and aren't going to leave me and I know she of all people can't steal you away, but just... ugh... I'm really sorry."

"Why would you be sorry? I was the one who messed up."

"I know you did, but you didn't mess up enough for me to lose it like that. I should be a lot more upset with the way you and Mom are connecting than worrying about you fucking Kayla or even lusting after her. I mean, she is really beautiful and she does have one of the best asses I've ever seen on a woman. I mean... I'd fuck her in a second." She giggled loudly.

She added, "I don't know how I'd feel about sucking milk out of her boobs but I can see how you would think that's hot because you pretty much think every bodily function's hot. I... I understand, okay? And I know you and her were pretty good friends and I feel terrible that I'm the reason you're losing her. I kind of want to go back and do things differently and tell Sandi that I don't wanna do the nuclear option. Maybe I just need more time to accept it and let my jealousy go because I know it will. To be honest it's mostly already gone right now."

I looked down into her face and shook my head. "I can't tell you how relieved I am you said that. Thank you." I felt a huge rush of emotion wash over me and before I knew it I was leaning my head down on her shoulder with my arm wrapped around her head and lightly sobbing. "I love you, Sweetness," I whispered.

She brought her hand up to my cheek and very softly said, "Oh honey it's gonna be okay, don't cry. Don't cry... I'm sorry. I love you too."

It was only a few seconds but it felt good to let some of the pent-up angst flow out of me. I sucked in a deep breath and quietly said, "I'm okay. Are you saying we don't need to quit now?"

"No, not exactly. I still think there needs to be some separation from her but we don't need to completely cut contact. If you keep seeing her every day she's going to cheat on her husband, I just know it. I would be willing for you to stay friends and maybe at some point we could all get together if her husband somehow gives his blessing and we explain all that stuff Sandi said about possibly screwing up their marriage. If she was willing to take the risk then I would be willing to let you... and me be with her because I know that will make you happy."

Once again I was floored with Amy's willingness to make compromises. I backed up slightly so I could look into her eyes. "What did I ever do to deserve you, Amy Patterson?"

Before she could answer, Sandi's voice from out in the bathroom called out, "Hey my loves, is there room for one more?"

Amy smiled and pulled open the door slightly and said, "Get your hot ass in here, woman." She and Sandi both giggled as Sandi made her way in.

Once she got in Amy repeated what she had said and Sandi seemed relieved. She said, "I think him being apart from her for the time being is a good idea after what happened. It'll give her time to think about how close she came to cheating and maybe work on her marriage a bit before considering opening it up. But just to be clear, you'd be okay with Danny fucking Kayla at some point in the future? Are you really sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure, as long as I'm there too. I know I have a lot of jealousy issues with her and I just needed to kind of reflect on everything to realize how much I was overreacting. I know she isn't gonna steal him away so the only other reason is me being pissed because she's so much prettier than me."

I wasn't about to let that go. "Whoa, no. You think she's prettier than you? I don't think that at all. Amy, you are so beautiful. Why would you even think that?"

"You don't have to say that just to be nice," she replied in a defeated tone.

"I am not just saying it to be nice. I'm saying it because I believe it. I mean, yeah, she has an amazing ass, but you have an amazing... everything. I love your ass. And I love you. All of you. I don't love her."

For several long seconds she stood there in silence, pondering what to say. Finally, she hugged me tightly and said simply, "Thank you."

Sandi hugged her from behind and said, "I love you too, sweetie." She put her hand up and felt the water. "We'd better get finished up because it feels like the hot water's running out."

Everyone laughed and got busy with actually washing themselves and just a few minutes later we got out.

When Sandi was drying off she seemed to be thinking to herself and said out loud, "Hmm, I wonder if Lisa would mind bringing Dee along on the trip."

Without waiting for either of us to answer she had picked up her phone from the bathroom counter and sent off a quick text to Lisa, and within a couple minutes she had a response. She sent another reply and said, "Oh shit please let Dee be awake."

She sent off more messages, this time apparently to Mom and got another positive response while I was busy brushing my teeth. She announced jubilantly, "Oh yeah, baby! Today's gonna be even more fucking awesome now! Dee's coming. Too bad Bethy has to work or she'd be coming too."

I quickly said, "Probably more than once."

Sandi giggled and hit me with her towel. "Oh ha haaa, you're such a funny boy," she said.

I went back out to the bedroom and found my phone and woke it up to see what time it was and thinking that we really didn't need to be in a rush because I didn't need to worry about being on time for work today. The entire screen was filled with angry-sounding texts from Kayla.

'Oh fuck,' was all I could think as I quickly scanned them. I unlocked my phone and read them all from the beginning.

"You're quitting??? QUITTING???!!!"

"This is so unfair!"

"I can't believe this! WHY"

"I am so fucking upset!"

"You fucking coward!"


It was like she was sending every random thought that came to her. I knew she'd likely be upset but I wasn't quite expecting this.

The last message she sent was about twenty minutes later than the first set and it said simply:

"You've broken my heart, Danny. I can't stop crying."

My heart sank and this time I actually said the words out loud. "Oh fuck."

Both Sandi and Amy heard the tone of my voice and they both in unison asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"Kayla's very upset."

Amy came over and looked at my phone and said, "Jesus. Okay, let's just call her right now. I wanna get this settled before we go to the apartment." She sighed loudly.

She thought about it for another moment and said, "Actually, let's see if we can Skype her. I've seen her on it in her office a few times."

We quickly got dressed while I texted her to see if she could Skype with us and her reply came quickly. "Um... okay, fine. Wait, I need 5 minutes to go fix my makeup. I'll text you in a few."

Sandi said with concern, "If you're going to Skype can you go down to the guest room? I don't want her seeing me because she'll know right away I'm not Lisa. And please, be careful with what you say to her. If you need help just ask me over text. I'll see if I can wait to leave until you're done."

In a few minutes Amy and I were sitting on the end of the bed in the guest room with the iPad and waiting quietly when my phone buzzed with the text that she was ready. Luckily she had thought to send her Skype username so that saved me a step.

When she answered it was pretty apparent that she had been crying. She sniffled and said with dripping sarcasm, "Well if it isn't the happy couple. Where's your girlfriend?"

Amy avoided the question and the snide way she was speaking and said calmly, "Hey, we got your texts. I know you're really upset but last night when Danny told us all the stuff that happened with you I kind of flipped out and decided the best thing to do would be to get some distance between you before you cheated on your husband. I know you don't wanna do that, especially with Mia in the picture."

Kayla shuffled in her chair a bit and looked down and began sobbing again. "I know, I really fucked up. If he really told you everything then he probably told you I haven't had sex since before Mia was born and I really let things get out of hand and I'm so sorry but then I saw your email to Joe first thing this morning and I'm just... beyond devastated." She dabbed her eyes with a tissue but continued lightly sobbing.

Amy continued, "I want you to listen to me, okay? I'm sorry too. I overreacted because I was feeling crazy jealous and I was also pissed that every woman he's friends with seems to want to fuck him. I know he likes you and he's mentioned how amazing he thinks your ass is enough times now where it's starting to get under my skin and make me feel really inferior. You know how us girls are when it comes to our own imperfections. But I slept on it last night and while we are still quitting I want us to stay friends, and by us I mean me included. I've told myself that I hated you for outing my relationship to people at work but honestly it wasn't as big a deal as I was making it out to be in my head. I was just being a catty jealous bitch, honestly. I want us to still be friends but I really think you need to tell your husband what happened just like Danny did. Before we can even think about taking this any further I really think you should work on whatever issues are going on in your sex life and... What is it?"

From the time Amy had been telling Kayla she needed to tell her husband what had happened she had been shaking her head no. "How can I ever tell him what I did? I mean, I rubbed myself up against another man like some kind of animal and then tried to kiss him and then just blurted out that I wanted him to fuck me and had to basically be pushed off and then went in my office and masturbated thinking about him. There's just no way I can tell him. He would never forgive me. My marriage would be over, can't you see that?"

Amy was nodding and softly said, "Okay, yeah, I know it's all a lot. Now you understand why I was so upset when I found out. But like I was saying, if the three of us are ever going to get together your husband has to be on board. We're not gonna go sneaking around behind his back because that'll ruin your marriage for sure. If you're gonna get what you want then you have to do it the right way otherwise I'm just going to walk away and go back to my original plan of cutting all contact with you, okay?" Amy had settled into a very confident and authoritative tone that really impressed me. Sandi was definitely having a lot of positive influence on her as well.

For almost 30 seconds Kayla didn't respond. She wiped her eyes several times with a tissue and finally took in a deep breath. "You're right. I know I owe it to him to come clean and see if we can work on things. Part of the problem is that we work completely opposite schedules and I only see him for maybe a couple hours on Sunday morning and he's always tired. Plus... um... god this is getting personal."

While Kayla had been speaking my phone buzzed with a text from Sandi saying that she couldn't wait anymore and was leaving for work and to update her when we were finished. I told her we loved her and to have fun later. I showed it to Amy and she acknowledged it with a quick glance and a subtle nod.

Amy prodded, "Go ahead, it sounds like you have a lot to say. We're listening. At this point I think we're way past the point of things being too personal."

Kayla looked down in embarrassment and took several deep breaths. Finally, everything came pouring out.

"My husband's been having some issues. He can get hard but when it comes time to put it in me he goes soft and no amount of touching or sucking will get him hard again. It's been happening since I was about six months pregnant, I think. I've told him it's okay and it'll probably work itself out but honestly I can't stop feeling hideous and unattractive and unloved and that it's somehow all my fault. And I'm really pissed because he won't even think about going to the doctor to see if there's some hormonal thing going on. I feel like I'm the only one who cares if we even have sex. He never initiates and lately when I've tried all I get is rejected because he's afraid his dick won't work, and honestly it probably won't, and secretly I'm starting to think less of him as a man and I'm filled with all this bitterness and resentment. Plus it seems like even though I've literally worked my ass off to lose all the baby weight he's gone and put on about 30 pounds and it's... it's not attractive at all. I've tried with subtle hints and nothing seems to get through. All he does is laugh it off and tell me he still thought I was attractive while I was pregnant so why can't I do the same. Trying to explain it doesn't work the same way for me doesn't seem to register with him."

Amy looked at me with almost a panicked expression but took a breath and said, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I had no idea all that was going on, but somehow I knew there had to be a good reason you would do what you did yesterday and why you were so upset about the thought of him cheating on me. How long have you been considering cheating?"

That question set off a flood of new tears. A few seconds went by before she squeezed her eyes tightly and managed to get out, "A long time."

Amy quietly said, "I hear you. Fuck... I wish I was there so I could hold you."

Kayla was furiously nodding in agreement and sniffled and said, "Me too. I could really use a hug right now. Yesterday with him was the first real hug I've had with an adult in... I can't even remember the last time."

"Oh my god, that's awful. Well, listen, when Danny comes in to drop his stuff off later I'm coming too and I'm gonna hug the shit out of you, you hear me?" She took a deep breath and went on. "Hey, have you considered maybe going to couples counseling? If you're having trouble talking about this stuff with him then maybe a therapist could help guide you and get everything out in the open. I know you said you were dropping subtle hints but it sounds like he needs something way more direct. He sounds like he's just gotten apathetic and lazy and assumes he has you and you're not going anywhere. Maybe a little fear of him losing you will get him off his ass and in the gym."

Inside my head I wanted to pipe up and say that diet was substantially more important than exercise for losing weight but decided that now wasn't the time and stayed silent.


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