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Aural Sex

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Nothin’ but sounds of intercourse between spouses.
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Aural Sex

Nothin' but sounds of intercourse between spouses

I always appreciate your constructive opinions and suggestions. Just so you know, every character portrayed here significantly exceeds the minimum age of 18.

Dialog Legend: -Spoken Words-

-Internal Dialog-

-FOR EMPHASIS (not yelling)-

Devon: "I'm closing the front door, forever! Make that 'Shutting The Front Door' on the rest of the world tonight, especially that blasted office of mine."

Chloe: "HONEY, is that you? I'm in the kitchen. Italian tonight. Come kiss me."

D: "Love to, my darlin' wifey. Just let me get the work day off me. I'll be there in a minute... after scrubbing the day away in the bathroom!"

C: "OK. It'll be ready soon, so no beating off before dinner!"

D: "Who needs to do that when the world's sexy woman in the house?"

C: "Tell her she has to wash her hands before the meal, also!"

D: "Wash your hands, sexy! And, that's an order!"

C: "I give the orders 'round here. Now hurry, I'm starved."

D: "Me too, for you. Darn this bathroom door! Sticks so tight when it gets hot inside.

(D: And, I'll be sticking it inside Chloe and get HER hot!... Done washing, time for din, if I can get the door to open... Dang, she looks so hot with her ass peeking out through the back of her apron. I just want to squash them buns together. Make her crack pop out. Then I work my fingers into that crack of my third hand, graze her starfish, then slide downwards. I'd then glide along her taint, and push an inch into the bottom of her soaking slit. I continue upwards to nudge her excited bud at the very top of her gash. By now she's under my control, and latches a hand on my groin, desperately seeking out my tool. I'd end the tease at the height of her passion by taking a two-handed slap on both cheeks. Better stop pontificating, lest I finish before even starting tonight.")

C: What's taking you so long, already! Probably rubbing one out, just watching my sexy body wave to and fro. Perv! My perv!

D: "Ummm, staring at this beautific butt is what's taking me so long. Oh, how I love opening your apron and running my hands all over these unwrapped precious globes.

C: "I'm going to burn the puttanesca sauce if you kiss my neck like that. Oooh, you know how to hit all the spots on the right, don't you? Huhhh, don't you dare start on the left! Oh! That's no fair. Kiss me under my chin. That's the way. Now I've completely lost my appetite, MISTER! Get YOUR butt in a chair over there, please.

D: "I brought home something nice for you. It's your fav, soft buttered salty pretzel from Cinnabon's. Have a bite, sweetie. I've read in your Cosmo that salty things makes a woman get horny."

C: "The only salty thing around here is YOU... mmm, that is good, though... Oh!, double no fairs, squeezing my hooters when I'm eating AND cooking!"

D: "Sure you want me to stop? Cuz I won't until you say otherwise. That's what I thought, you want more, don't you... DON'T YOU?"

C: "Yes, yes, my husband. Pinch my nipples, too. Huhhh! Ummm hmm, pull a little... like that. More."

D: "These mature titties are the perfect handful, not too big, not too small. Papa bear like! What happens if I do this?

C: "Oh! You bad man. Don't you know how distracting you are, sliding your hands down my sides, tickling my hips, and curving into my bush... Ah Huh... Now you've done it, I'm dripping on the floor!

D: "Tell me what this does to you, mon chéri. Do you like it when I gently slide my finger down your pussy lips? Hmmm? How about this? Yeah, now I'll slide my finger deeper and up into your v-jay-jay."

C: "Ahhh! You wicked, wicked man! Fuck! finger fucking my pussy. Then, circling my clit. Damn you!"

D: "So I should stop then? Even though I'm gonna do that again, and again, anyway? Oh! You're turning around to face me. I can see the flame of desire rising in your dark eyes. Here's a smack for enticing me with that smokey look of those falsies."

C: "Shut up and kiss me, fool! You better finish what you started. Dinner'll just have to wait."

D: "But I was going to have your pussy as an appetizer. Let me grab hold of your hips and guide you into our marital boudoir. And, chow down on YOU."

C: "You know, 'boudoir' is really an archaic term for a ladies personal dressing room, NOT specically a bedroom?"

D: "Always the smart ass college professor. That'll earn you three fanny slaps."

C: "That's DEAN of the English Department, to you! Now, hush and deliver my punishment!"

D: "With pleasure, ma' lady. I'm going sit right here on the edge of our bed and watch you SLOWLY disrobe for me. That'll be your just desert... Keep going... Yeah! untie that apron... lose that flimsy bra, too... now the panties. Oh! It's a thong. Extra naughty. Now lay down right here. Better yet, sit on the corner of the bed. OK, I'll take off my shirt. You like my hairy chest, don't you?"

C: "Ummm, you know it... How do you like me now? You want me to keep my 'fuck me boots on'? Okay... but it'll cost extra. Yes, I know you'll make good on it. How about you do a little show for me?"

D: "As you wish... Should I loosen my belt first? Oh... YOU want to do it, eh? Lemme get closer, then. Now the button... and zipper... Ah huh. Oops, I popped a 'woody.' Oooo! I like it when you trace a finger along my erect cock, still trapped within my briefs. Yes, they are a bit tight and skimpy, aren't they? That's for you. How 'bout when I gyrate my hips like this? And, bend over. Ouooo! That hurt! Don't slap my ass so hard. I know I did the same to you, but you like it. Whatcha doin' with my balls? I love that, keep caressing them, yeah."

C: "I'm gonna take it reaeeel slow takn' off this bad boy underwear. Oh! It almost hit my nose when I slid it down your ankles. Yes, you can step out of them, but bring it here for me to kiss. Unnn, I just wanna lick it back and forth, hold the tip between my teeth. Whose got control now? Me, that's who! And I'll take full advantage of it, too."

D: "Yeah! That's good. Suck the tip! Ohhh! Why don't you try to fit all of it in your mouth? Oh, come on. You've done that plenty of times. Getting back at me for teasing you in the kitchen, huh? I guess I had it coming... Speaking of which... Part those gams of yours. Nice and wide, yes. I'm gonna kneel right here in front of you and lick you silly. It's my sushi appetizer. Lemme just maki roll my tongue on it."

C: "Such a pleasing husband. Not every girl gets hers to go down on her. A.. that's nice. Run your tongue up and down my pussy lips again. Yup, just like that. Huhhh, you touched my clit... and now you're circling it with your pointed tongue. You know that drives me crazy! AND, licking all around my cunt hole... Damn, that's so good!

D: "You like that, baby? I like doing this... flicking my tongue around your anus. I knew you'd like that, too. I wanna hear you squeal when I drag just the tip of my tongue up your ass crack till reaching the base of your coccyx. You love it when I speak dirty science words, don't you?"

C: Ummm Hmm, you know that's my spot, bad boy... Huhhh! That's it, makes me tingle. YEAH! Suck my clitty, NOW! Oh yeah! More, more... again!... Shit, that was a good one, made me quiver. Get yer mouth over here on mine!"

D: "I hear and obey my sweets... Ummm those lips are even sweeter than the one's down there. Here, let me at them perfect titties... Just lightly lick around your nipples... Yummm nummm... Can't get enough... What about if I do this with my teeth?"

C: "Ayyy, don't bite so hard... but yeah, you can pull 'em... twist, toooo... like that. Now the other side... Uhhh Huhhh."

D: "You want my coccyx in you yet?... do ya?"

C: "Yeah... sigh... Give it to me big boy... and don't spare the pistons."

D: "Gonna rub my cock head up and down yer slit... D'ang, you're so wet. Can't help it! Here's the rest of my cock. Uhhh! Yeah, my balls are up against your bush. Want more?"

C: "Damn straight! Give it to me! Bang those balls against my clit."

D: "Listen to that heavenly sound of slapping wet flesh. I wanna hear you scream, Missy."

C: "Almost there! Fuck me, fuck me... FUCK ME!... Shit, there goes another one, keep it up! I'm just getting started."

D: "You can come all day, can't you?"

C: "You know it!... Deeper! Umm hmm... Here I go again... Ahh!"

D: "Damn you, woman. You squeezed my cock right out of your clamping puss when you came."

C: "Stop complaining and get back to fucking me with that hard cock!"

D: "Won't do it unless you let me doggie ya."

C: "You got it... wait a minute till I get some pillows under me... I said wait, my dear impetuous lover! I'm not even on my knees yet."

D: "Can't wait a whole minute... gotta have that warm wet kittie of yours to sink my dick into... Ready or not..."

C: "Ouo... Slide that puppy in... That's it, you like when I fuck myself by pushing my ass back and forth?"

D: "Hell yeah! Dance for me, girl."

C: "Fuff mmmeee... yuhh! zlab you cock innnu..."

D: "What's that, dear... Can't hear what yer saying when your face is buried in the mattress."

C: "Shuuu fuff up an make me cmmm!"

D: "Not before I get a good luck at that prettu asshole winking st me when I hit it with my thighs. Ummm, dat azz wiggles so good. Don't wanna fuck it, just like watchin' when I pound your puss. I'm grabbing and lifting your ankles and fucking you like a wheelbarrow. MY sexy wheelbarrow. Uhh, uhh, take that! Yeah!"

C: "That's it. Hit me harder! Ooo shit! Here I go again... Ahh..!"

D: "Damn that pussy is tight. Just like a teen's twat. It's hugging my cock good... Now it's squeezing the tip as you cum. Uhh, yeah."

C: "That was a good one, boy. Let's do missionary so I can see your face as YOU cum in my pussy."

D: "OK. Hold on a sec... There we are, back inside your love tunnel. Feels even better now. Bet it's gonna be even more better when I..."

C: "Yah! Grab my ankles and spread my pussy... and plunder it!... Ouuu, you're sucking on my big toe... so naughty. Huhh, that drives me nuts. Keep licking between my toes... yes, all of them."

D: "I'm pushing your legs up to and over your head. You like that, I can tell. Gonna cum for me again?"

C: "D'anggg... I can't... breathe... any more. But don't stop!"

D: "No intention to, until I cream that vag full... it's gonna happen... reeeal soon."

C: "Oh yeah, baby. Give it to me... your seed belongs to meee!"

D: "Careful for what you wis... "WATCH OUT! I'M CUMMING!... Uhhh!"

C: "Makin ME cum, too! FUCK ME, FUCK ME, Fu...!"

D: "That's my gal. Squeeze that cum out!... Ah oh! Think I'm cumming again... Aaaa!"

C: "Ohhh baby! That was so awesome. I think I squirted a lake."

D: "Can't... tell. Too wet here. Don't know if that's your milky cum or mine."

C: "Matters not. But, boy, that was good fun. Rest up, Hubby dearest, you'll make good on your debt for the other half of my orgasm quota."

D: "I need to refuel. You gotta give me some time, and that fine smelling pasta. Too bad I don't like oysters."

C: "Oh, you want my food now that you've quenched your "wild oats'."

D: "Hmmm, I seem to recall someone asking me to, 'Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me'."

C: "That slap on your butt was for taking my words out of context."

D: "You did not just do a 'Claudine Gay', ex pres of Harvard, did you?... DEAN!"

C: "Don't remind me. My school was ready to fire everybody after that. Then they took their knee-jerk heads out of their butts."

D: "Like 'Beavis and Butthead go to college?"

C: "Clever, as always. Now, go and set the table for dinner. And, HANDS OFF THE CHEF... till after dessert!"

D: "You got it, 'Honey bunches of oats.' But I'm thinking of something warm and moist for dessert."

C: "Perv!... But, my perv."

🦩 will 🐉

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