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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 07

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Conclusion of the Aurora Series. Contains no sex.
20.1k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/27/2019
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Aurora, Wayward Series Pt. 7

Synopsis: A long-forgotten wayward people. A War Hero was rescued and given a new lease on life. Every lease has a cost. (The follow-on Series to Astra)

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm September 2020. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without prior authorization in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Warning: This section contains no acts of sex. Pt7 is the final part for now in this story. It is short and provides some answers but not all of them, but I may return to this universe and do another spin-off series to answer the additional questions.

I have other stories I want to bring forward and while short and abbreviated, this part does bring this story to an end for now. No telling what the future holds.

Author's Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


In the 2 years that followed the Drakor did not call upon Astra or Aurora to aid in their efforts. They spent that time going through their own extensive archives and working hunting activity in systems that were in imminent and immediate danger from the Alien Conglomerate of Extinct Species (ACES) who had 'unofficially' declared war on the Drakor.

The Drakor went after the rot they could see and monitored the rot outside of those systems in attempts to gather intelligence on other activity. The one thing they learned early on, these ACES had the Drakor surrounded on almost every side. At least those races that they worked with.

Hidden bases in dead systems were destroyed and gone over with Gather Squads to try and determine other infiltration and any races that might have worked backroom deals with races inside of Drakor controlled space.

The Penan Home guard expanded its fleet; they had 3 Colossus bases fully armed with a full complement of ships in each of the Samara and Penan systems inside of 5 years. To provide protection and to work the farming ships in isolation. This expansion would not stop until they were a graduated species.

The 3 in Penan had elected their own governor who was, of course, a farmer by trade, establishing the space-based colony that Roccan had stated would come about. Rocan had a few run-ins with this governor as he wanted to raise the prices of food stores to the other colonies.

Rocan reminded him of the fact that those colony ships all existed under hybrid law, were hybrid assets in use to work a system-wide Penan catastrophe. By hybrid law and the agreements reached, price-gouging food shipments were against the law.

After his third attempt at doing it yet again, he was arrested and taken before the system court as a Penan citizen. He was found guilty in his actions and imprisoned on Penan itself as a new governor was elected who now understood that Penan hybrids had a higher moral code to save the totality of the species.

Some farmers went on strike. They refused to work the crops. Sentinel farmers went in to do the work and the people were sent back to their original colonies if they persisted. Living aboard the Colony ships was a privilege and not a right.

Fortunately, after the first 2 shuttles of farms were repatriated to their colonies the others resumed working. Rocan noted the strike was for nothing as the workers essentially wanted for nothing. They had food, clothing, the best and latest in farming gear to ensure the success of the overarching mission.

Some of the returned farmers took the Home Guard to the system court. The System Court looked at hybrid laws yet again, the treaty all of the colonies had signed into in regards to working toward the betterment of all of Penan society. The farmers attempted to claim they were shouldering the burden during this time and deserved more.

Aurora provided the documentation of the Sentinels' efforts and the fact they received no 'payment' for the efforts they shouldered. The Hybrid Laws proved victorious in their simplicity. The Sentinels showed that the farmers, in truth, provided a less proportional share of the load across the colonies who dealt with everything from education, medical detoxification, and manufacturing that was being done everywhere.

Including activity being done by the average citizens who were not hybrids or Sentinels outside of the space-based colony. Recruitment into the Home Guard dropped in half for the next 2 years until more Penan non-hybrids gained higher positions within the Home Guard.

Then it slowly returned to normal over the 5 years that followed as new farming ships were brought in from Sumar and the quarantine of all but Trisan had ended. The first colony ships were sent. The Trisan members of the group had been decontaminated getting to the ships over several years to make the first colony transfer feasible just inside of the 5-year mark.

3 years later, after the election of the first male governor in 50 years. The Drisen colony looked to take its own path. It took 3 years but he finally got the hybrid laws rescinded on his colony. The hybrids took it in stride as Rocan had predicted this would occur given the platform he ran upon.

All hospital ships, schools, and facilities that had licenses to build patents from the Sentinel archives were immediately rescinded and recalled. The Drisen Governor attempted to take the hybrids to court over the matter but the laws were clear in regards to patents and the facilities in question were hybrid-owned facilities providing services, nothing more.

With them disassociating the hybrids from their colony they had cut themselves off. Wira Kel had a lot of lawyers on staff and all attempts to illegally use those patents were brought before the system court. When the governor refused to stand behind the rulings Aurora went in and removed the patents from the facility computers who were trying to use them.

Then the Sentinels remotely destroyed those computers. She seized her own property. The governor again went to the courts for relief and it was quickly dismissed as the Sentinels had no rights and therefore could not be sued by the given colony over their activity.

After unemployment went to 50% on the colony the governor was removed from office in an extremely bloody coup that saw the 'rebels' on the planet killing off the governor's children. Rocan quickly denounced their methods and refused to resubmit the Hybrid charter until they had a duly elected body.

The elections were monitored by representatives of the other colonies to ensure they were fair. Several rebel leader extremists were jailed and moved off-world to other prisons after the new elections were completed. The new body voted hybrid laws back into existence and Drisen served as the legal precedence going forward on the folly of withdrawing from hybrid laws.

Franklin did succeed in staying in place until his Birthday and then finally joined his wife. He took only minimal actions during that year and left most of the decisions of the council to the other council members. He did not have his ship leave Mixtios space except for very short missions.

He never did have sex with Astra but he did sleep with her as she tried to comfort him through the few nights he tried to sleep over that year. He mostly just cried into her shoulders as she held him during the night. When the colony ships arrived in Samar the 'Sentinel sisters' said a short goodbye before the satellite was destroyed.

The new one Rocan built to Penan was put into place as the terraforming towers landed on the moons to begin their century of work. Astra held the population of the Sentinels at 11,000 for now. She wanted to have a reserve and the Penan population grew steadily. The first set of colony ships that arrived had 90,000 Penans aboard. Roughly 9% of the existing population.

In 3 months they had doubled that number, in large part to the Sentinels who prepared the planet's infrastructure. 20 years in and they had 55% of the Penan population relocated. The system court moved at that point to the new homeworld, named Spero. The Latin word for hope.

As they now had a majority of the population in place and could issue rulings through the satellite. The existing governors in the Penan system did not like the loss of direct access to the courts but had to admit the plan was to move them and maintaining law and order was essential.

Gresen became the first colony world to effectively be abandoned in the Penan system. The outer colonies all followed suit over 5 years with only a few thousand remaining on each of the worlds. Those that remained, after the 50-year mark ended the hybrid laws yet again.

The hybrid doubters who decided they would no longer look to move out of the system. This time they knew they would lose the mobile medical facilities but not access to the patents as they had fallen into the public domain at that point.

Penan system colony military ships ceased to be created and the centipedes began being shipped out of the system. Only one remained on each of the inner worlds and two out at the gas giant. The Home Guard worked to keep piracy from coming into play.

They changed the frequency on the stealth net to end the colony's ability to monitor for those crafts. It was challenged and dismissed as the terms for access required all colonies to have a hybrid charter. Each of those colonies was self-sustaining for the population they had remaining.

The hybrids had secretly placed the worm-hole mines throughout the asteroid belt in Pena over the years and used farming extraction sites to bury some inside of the existing planets without the government's knowledge. They kept their end of the bargain with the Drakor setting up 1,246 wormhole mines.

Over 3 centuries, Astra and Aurora were brought together twice a year and used separately almost 6 times a year as physics ships were captured and their need to find more actors in play became more of a concern for the Drakor.

The first cache of data found by Aurora had been less than a fraction of 1% of the data collected over the next 3 centuries. Over half of the species thought to be extinct by the Drakor were still active in other galaxies and they worked with another race known as the Sylorans who were just as advanced as the Drakor but in other areas of technology.

The Sylorans relied upon the mechanical world and did not have organic computers. They had the metallic lasers but not many and the Drakor destroyed any ship with them in a series of battles with targeted strikes. Several skirmishes occurred between them before diplomacy won out. A demarcation line for a truce was put into place.

The Drakor had released Genesis bombs in all bordering systems to prove they had superior firepower if the challenges continued. They both established monitoring networks along that border and those 'assets' behind the line in Drakor space were neutralized. Killing off over half of those 'extinct' races in the efforts they launched.

The ancient AI construction plan was located in the archives and a plan was in place to deal with them in the Penan system. They did find the backtrace to a backup system using another plane of existence for long-range communication.

The Drakor called it something indecipherable in a name, the Sentinels (Astra and Aurora only really) simply called it the Abyssal plane. The backup was, unfortunately, on the other side of the demarcation line.

The Drakor could not tell this other race of its existence or how it got there without being able to reveal they had created it. Something they refused to acknowledge to any race. They could not go after it as this new adversary could detect Drakor ship movements into the space they controlled.

They had developed a means of blocking Drakor long-range travel into their systems. Just as the Drakor did for the physics drives. The Drakor spent their time deploying them to be actively monitoring them in every galaxy they watched over or assumed was dead. Another massive undertaking.

This AI backup was in a system Sylorans did not monitor but the Drakor had no way of knowing without breaking the peace. For all they knew, they were protecting the ancient AI and did not want to get drawn into a trap.


Year 7728 The Incar probe was detected, captured, and updated with the previous time-lines data on what existed within the system. They trickled it in while keeping it isolated inside of a Colossus base. It transmitted the data back to Incar as expected for over a year before it was intentionally slammed into an asteroid to ensure the probe was not captured.

Year 7735, March 29th (Privately owned, non-government sponsored Terra colony invasion of Pena launched from the Incar system. Yet again.)

Year 7738, June 3rd

The invasion force broke through the asteroid field and was en route to Gresen. All 5 colonies had since rescinded Home Guard laws, as they were the non-believers who remained behind. They knew the Home Guard still monitored the system and each colony had its own peaceful isolationist settlement at that point with a small space presence remaining.

Intercolony trading having died off over the last 50 years as each was self-sustaining. A Gressan destroyer picked up the ships approaching, almost 40 ships. Of those, 6 were massive compared to the destroyer.

The colony Governor decided to break the radio silence and sent a message to the Home Guard, "Picking up several ships approaching our colony. Please advise on what your intentions are in this regard."

Roccan looked at the comms officer, "Radio silence. We will send in the arrows once the attack commences."

For 2 days they ignored the hails sent to them and the other colonies who also refused to answer or they responded with messages, "Defend your own colony if the Home Guard has abandoned this system."

They had not. The Spartan had been coated to be invisible as had all of the arrows it had aboard for this day. Gresan sent their small fleet to intercept the other ships before they got closer. The battleships refused to fire on the incoming ships and 6 larger ships opened fire on the small collection of destroyers and the one Gresan battleship that had no working fighters remaining.

The Gresan's were taking heavy damage but they destroyed the lead ship when the Spartan jumped into the area and the arrows launched. He looked at Aurora, "Take the battleships to minimum manning."

She nodded and set abort codes to all but one AI on each ship and then powered down all of the AI battleships. Rocan got on comms, "You are all being detained for this illegal entry and attack on the Penan system. Terran Black-ops ships are to surrender now to the Penan Home Guard!"

As he uttered that final word 6 of their Colossus bases jumped into the area and launched all fighters immediately.

The Admiral aboard the battleship looked over, "Where in the hell did these ships come from?"

The man at sensors looked over, "Admiral, They are in the same caliber of our Home Guard ships, different design schematic, we are picking up signs of operational AI's aboard the new ships. We cannot scan that first battleship they have at all.

It has some form of stealth to our sensors. As are all of the fighters launched from it. They can see our stealth craft as two fighters just fired warning shots into each of our ships. They hit nothing vital but they let us know they could see us."

Rocan appeared on their screens, "Power down your cloaking devices, weapons, and shields. You will all be returned to Terran space in due time. Your activity has been witnessed and is being reported by the Drakor as we speak. Your mission has failed and is over. Any resistance will result in the destruction of every combat vessel starting with your battleship."

The weapons and shields went offline and life-support was cut in half. The officer looked over, "They have our computers!"

Aurora looked at them, "Your systems are now under the control of the Penan Sentinel Cyberwarfare team. Do not make me destroy you outright."

The Admiral looked at her and her red eyes, "You are like Astra?!"

Aurora smiled, "Nice compliment. We have learned from each other over the years. She knew of our existence, yet your current Home Guard and your government did not at the direction of the Drakor."

The Admiral nodded, "We surrender."

She smiled as another 12 Colossus bases appeared in the area and all battleships and destroyers launched from them. She smiled, "Smart move. Your self destruct functions have been disabled. Your AI ships' lifeboat functions have been activated and all crews, except minimum manning on your military ships, will be offloaded. The colony ships are forfeited."

Roccan sent a message to the Gresan Governor, "Recall all your ships. The Home Guard has all of the aggressors in custody. Failure to do so will result in their destruction."

He sent it to the Gresan ships as well. They turned for home as they were outgunned 50 to 1 at least. Arrows followed them until they entered the orbit of their planet.

Rocan looked at the Governor and sent it to all of the Governors, "This is our last message to those living within the system who turned their backs on our warnings. Judgment day is coming in less than a year. Stand down any attacks and attack only if you are attacked.

We interceded this time, but our days of helping this system are coming to a close. When you withdrew hybrid law the last time we told you we would not petition or allow you to petition again to join the Home Guard. Your people are left to suffer to your own fate. We saved those who wished to be saved. You are now left to your own devices."

He ended comms and looked at Freia who nodded, "Over 3 Billion Penans saved; more than we lost. We knew we could not save them all, 134,000 lives in the system. Those who wanted to follow this path."

Rocan nodded, "Let me know when we can expect to see the colony ships destroyed. Recycled the material of course."

She nodded, "The remaining AI's have moral code updates. They are far out of date from me and I only kept units that had been destroyed previously. Yes, I destroyed my own unit from the ship that went with you. I wanted to avoid any personality disorders."


Year 7738, June 12th

As planned the Drakor made their request and arrived in the system. Profound Justice was briefed on his speech which he had prepared for previously as he was aware of the Penan's already. They wanted to duplicate it as much as possible.

[NOTE to the reader: This section is almost verbatim from Part 1 of the Aurora storyline. Repeated for clarity for those who might not have read it. You can Skip down until you find the Next NOTE or continue if you like.]

location Mixtios in the Tau Ceti System (Hybrid Eternal Council Chambers of the Home Guard)

Everyone waited as a Drakor Advanced Scout landed. Unlike previous meetings, they did not come as 3 Drakor. Instead, there were 21 of them, 7 appeared to have 2 bodyguards each. They walked in three abreast but the outer 2 columns watched the people in the gallery.

They scanned the room and paid little attention to the Hybrids they were meeting with, other than scanning the crowd. They acted very much like bodyguards. They walked into the middle of the room as a second ship, a smaller Drakor shuttle landed. The Drakor from that one guarded the two ships. The reason for the second ship was unclear and again highly unusual.

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