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Auto Work

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Logan satisfies an urge while waiting for his car.
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Logan sighed heavily as he looked in the mirror and used a rough paper towel to wipe his angular face clean of the sweat that covered it. In the restroom of the auto dealer repair shop, he met the reflection of his annoyed, green eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. His form fitting, white tank top was nearly translucent from sweat and stuck to his lean rippled torso. His basketball shorts were little better, sticking randomly to his ass and legs, but thankfully the mostly red fabric had not become transparent to reveal that he was not wearing underwear. Freeballing was a minor saving grace as he was able to feel the cold air of the building flow around his genitals helping to cool his overheated body. Even his feet in his black slides were sweaty from standing outside in the heat, but again he reveled in the pleasure of the cold air now blowing over his large feet while he wiggled his long toes. After making final swipes across his pointed jaw and narrow nose, he tossed away the wet paper towels, grabbed a few new ones, then lifted his baseball cap to wipe his brow and attempt to dry his sweat dampened hair. The medium length locks clumped together and appeared darker than its natural light brown color but immediately felt better after a few passes of the barely absorbent paper. Finished freshening, he washed and dried his sweat sticky hands then left the restroom to take a seat in the waiting room.

Admittedly he only planned to run some nonessential errands that morning, but having his one free day in over two weeks ruined by car issues did not bode well for having a relaxing day. Thankfully, his auto club membership took care of the towing and whatever the issue was with the car, he hoped that it would be covered by the warranty seeing as the vehicle was not quite three years old.

Sitting against a wall out of the flow of foot traffic, Logan turned his head to look out the window at his car being lifted so a mechanic could access the bottom of his car. He gave another sigh, stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankles. With a height of six feet seven inches he was never fully comfortable sitting with his knees bent and legs spread wide so whenever he could he sat with them extended. As he settled in with his phone to pass the time, he reached his other hand under the waistband of his basketball shorts to adjust himself. If he had known he was going to be outside for over an hour in the late spring heat waiting for a tow truck he would have worn underwear to prevent his sweaty, low-hanging ball sack from sticking to his even sweatier thighs in the warm weather. Before tending to his sticky scrotum his first task was to free his dick from being trapped between his nuts and his leg. After moving his floppy shaft to lay across his untrimmed bush and an upper thigh he moved his hand to take care of his balls. As he separated the loose skin from his thigh, his phone rang.

"Hey, man," he answered the call from his friend, Doug. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just waiting."

While continuing his quiet conversation with Doug sharing his car issues, Logan let his eyes roam the small room. It was obviously a slow day as the dozen or so seats around two sides of the perimeter were only occupied with three other people. Two, a man and woman a few seats apart from each other, were seated on the perpendicular side from him facing his direction and the large window in the wall next to him looking out over the work area on the other side of the wall. The third guy was three seats down from him and two from the woman facing their direction. They all looked to be in their mid- to late twenties, comparable to his own twenty-two years, and were mostly focused on the TV hanging on the wall parallel to the wall behind Logan. At random intervals he saw them each pull out their phone to respond to an alert or to send a message.

"You're kidding me? She didn't." Logan laughed softly hearing about Doug's date the previous night. As he listened to the details then guided the conversation to his own plans for the evening with his girlfriend that were now possibly in jeopardy, his hand lingered in his shorts. Not thinking anything of it, he began to absently pull and squeeze his soft dick. He wasn't horny or in any way aroused, his body simply recognized the nice feeling of being manipulated as if it were no more than an itch being scratched.

Some few minutes later, Logan saw the mechanic who was working on his car enter the waiting area. While he finished his call with Doug, he removed his hand from his shorts and stood as he was approached. He saw the guy give him a strange look and it took a moment for him to realize his dick had swollen slightly and was shallowly, but noticeably, tenting the front of his shorts. Unable to do anything about the state of his dick, he listened to the mechanic tell him what was wrong and, more importantly, how much it would cost. Thankfully, as he had hoped, the car was covered and the only thing he'd have to spend was another ninety minutes or so of his time for the relatively minor repair.

After signing the required paperwork, Logan sat back down and returned to his phone. There was some ridiculous talk show on the TV that he couldn't understand why the others in the room were watching so he opted to do the equally ridiculous action of checking his various social media accounts. Unlike many of his peers, he wasn't a social media junkie and didn't often look at his accounts. After about five minutes, he was reminded why and opted to read some of his favorite blogs and to do some web surfing.

It wasn't until a soft shiver ran through his body and he suppressed a moan that he realized his hand had found its way back into his shorts and had been slowly stroking his now fully erect dick. It felt too good to stop but he knew he couldn't continue. He didn't think his activity had gone unnoticed yet he slowly pulled his hand out of his shorts. With his boner now free and pointing down the leg of his shorts, the straight length of his nearly ten inches rose to tent the fabric obscenely as it tried to fall back against his abs. The outline of the blunt, circumcised head was visible pressing up against the fabric and, exacerbated by his own movements trying to get comfortable, it flexed and twitched almost angrily with its need to shift to a more natural position.

Logan uncrossed his feet then sat up and bent over to rest his elbows on his legs which he had to spread wide to accommodate their length in the short chair. Glancing down, he saw that his cock had become caught in folds of the fabric and was just as noticeable as before rising above his leg. Despite shifting his legs and trying to move it with his elbows, he finally had to openly use a hand to reposition it so it wasn't as prominent. With his erection finally decently concealed, he sat back and exhaled with relief.

Even though he was sitting still, Logan could feel his cock bouncing erratically against his leg. The sensation of his sensitive crown rubbing along his slightly hairy thigh was doing nothing to enable the decrease in blood flow that he was waiting for. In fact, it was doing just the opposite. Like a feedback loop, each time his cock twitched it stimulated him and made his dick flex. The momentary swelling and stiffening caused it to jerk upward to rub against his thigh again which further stimulated him. Because his legs were spread wide, each time his cock moved he could see a good portion of his length press against the loose fabric causing it to tent momentarily. While he wasn't certain that anyone else would be able to see it happening between his legs, the movement distracted him and continued to prevent a diminishment of his arousal. As subtly as he could, he adjusted his shorts again while shifting on the chair. Along with decreasing the wide spread of his legs, he succeeded in completely rendering his erection invisible though it continued to bob and twitch inside his shorts.

A few uncomfortable moments passed and he felt cramped and unnatural because of the position of his legs. And because his legs were not as wide now, his cock continually rubbed against his leg. It didn't take long before he felt precum begin to leak from the tip. While he knew there was no hope, he prayed that his cock wouldn't leak too much but too soon he felt it trickle down and around the underside of his cock head. A short time later, he could feel the resulting wetness in the fabric of his shorts reach his thigh. Involuntarily he began to open and close his legs to try to find some comfort as well as to deal with the hardness of his dick as if he were a child doing a pee-pee dance. The rhythmic motion worked against him. Each time his thigh came into contact with his cock it provided more stimulation. And as he continued and his cock was pushed against his leg, precum was deposited and began to lubricate the skin allowing his cock to easily rub up and down his thigh.

Feeling more than a little frustration, he pushed a hand back into his shorts. With no way to be tactful he grabbed his cock and adjusted it so that it was pointing up along his abdomen. Intending to secure it in his waistband, he removed his hand and for a moment his bullet and some of the shaft below it were exposed to the other customers in the waiting room as he adjusted his shirt to cover the part of his cock extending out of his shorts. The tight fabric of the now dry white tank top, though it covered him, did little more than frame the hard ridge stretching up his abs and the thick bullet at the end. Feeling more comfortable physically, he stretched his legs out again and briefly lifted his ball cap to run his fingers through his hair as he sighed with relief. As he pretended to refocus on his phone he glanced at the other customers and saw them eyeing the TV tensely, obviously attempting to ignore what he had been doing. Embarrassed by his unintentional display, Logan pulled up an innocuous site on his phone to get his mind off his erection and the fact that everyone in the room knew he had one.

Unfortunately because of his positioning, his erection lived at the bottom of his peripheral vision as he navigated around his phone. As much as if he were alone getting ready to stroke one out or with his girlfriend, his cock continued to twitch like it was begging for attention while it pushed out precum. As it had with his shorts, the substance quickly soaked into his shirt making a portion of his cock head visible through the fabric. Despite the public setting, he found the sight arousing and watched the wetness continue to slowly spread revealing more of his hard, pink flesh below. Cutting his eyes around the room, he was thankful that everyone else was still steadfastly ignoring him as he began to embrace his unflagging arousal.

Logan raised the hand on the side closest to the other customers to adjust his cap then allowed it to come to rest on his abs on top of his cock. He rubbed his thumb over the wet fabric covering his cock head with slow movements that he hoped would go unnoticed by the others while he continued to absently manipulate his phone with the other hand. He occasionally glanced at his phone to make sure he wasn't inputting any commands he would regret but kept his focus on his cock. He could see and feel his cock flex periodically beneath the fabric but the motion was confined because of the weight of his hand. After each one, a bubble of precum would leave his piss slit and seep through the fabric of his shirt. There was enough wetness now that whenever he pulled his thumb away a thin, silver thread stretched between them.

Eventually, the simple pleasure of his thumb was not enough. Trying to remain stealthy, Logan curled his fingers around the top of his dick and gave it a hard squeeze. Though he released the pressure, he didn't release the hold on his cock. His fingers remained wrapped around his concealed hard flesh and as he continued to thumb his crown, he began to rhythmically squeeze it with gentle pressure. For as much as he knew it was a bad idea, he didn't stop himself when the motion of his fingers transformed to a slow, short stroking motion. He felt his cock swell in acknowledgement of the attention being paid to it and resisted the urge to thrust up into his hand even as he continued to work his cock.

Needing more, Logan used his fingers to surreptitiously move his shirt out of the way, allowing his fist to directly touch his cock. While keeping it obscured as much as possible, he resumed slowly stroking himself and rubbing his thumb over his crown. Movement out of the corner of his eye drew his attention and he quickly cut his eyes over to see the guy seated down from him shift uncomfortably. Beyond him on the other side of the room, the two other customers were stiff with their discomfort. The woman had her head turned away from him with a hand up against her face as if holding it. The guy simply stared hard at the TV though it was obvious he wasn't watching it and likewise didn't want to watch him. Logan knew that their demeanor should have been enough to make him stop what he was doing but his cock was now too hard to quit. Effectively deciding to ignore them as they were ignoring him, he continued to slowly stroke himself.

"Mike? You're all set."

Logan was startled as the door opened and a mechanic stepped into the room. He stopped moving his hand but didn't otherwise change his positioning. As if he had been doing nothing more than looking at the phone still held up in front of him, he glanced up at the mechanic and gave an upward nod in greeting as the man glanced at him and greeted him. Logan watched the man seated against the wall next to the woman rise and cross the room. Their eyes met briefly and Logan saw embarrassment cross the man's face though he said nothing. As the customer followed the mechanic outside, Logan watched them through the window even as his hand began to move again. When the customer got into his car and drove away and the mechanic moved to another vehicle, it became obvious to Logan that he hadn't been discussed. After turning his head to glance at the two other customers remaining, he returned his focus to his cock.

Emboldened, he slightly lengthened his strokes while keeping them slow. As his hand moved down his length he was unable to keep his crown concealed but didn't care. He watched his thick crown push out of his fist on each down stroke, shiny from being covered with his precum. The sight of it heightened his growing arousal and he used his moving fist to push against his waistband to get more contact and further stimulate his dick.

"Hey, Jen," another mechanic called to the woman as he entered. He walked passed Logan stroking himself without noticing. "We found something else while we were under the hood."

As the two of them had their discussion, Logan continued to stroke himself, undeterred. He saw the woman glance at him a few times out of the corner of his eye but other than slightly blushing, she didn't react. When the mechanic turned around to walk toward the door, Logan stopped moving his hand but it left his cock head exposed. As the mechanic passed in front of him, he glanced over briefly but continued out of the room without seeming to have noticed Logan's cock sticking out of his fist. The man's head had barely turned forward again when Logan resumed stroking himself as the man left the room.

With his arousal no longer being held in check Logan gave up any pretense of modesty. He gradually lengthened his strokes, moving a good portion of his cock through his fist. Needing more stimulation, he placed his phone on the chair next to him and moved that hand into his shorts to tug on his balls. It was exactly what he needed and soon his fist began to move slightly faster as he worked himself in earnest. The increase in motion caused his precum lubed crown to make regular, soft, wet sounds that seemed loud to him but probably didn't carry to the guy seated closest to him. Aware of the others in the room shifting uncomfortably, he kept his sounds of pleasure to a minimum but was open about pleasuring himself. As he manipulated his genitals, most of his cock was exposed as he stroked it and there was no way to disguise the fact that his hand was pulling on his balls inside his shorts. Though the two close calls had aroused him, he began to keep an eye on the large window next to him watching for anyone else who might enter or otherwise spot him.

After a few minutes he knew he needed to change positions in order to finish. As he sat up he thought about pulling the front of his shorts down to hook them under his balls but knew that, even though the two people in the room with him weren't saying anything, it would be difficult to hide let alone explain his junk being completely exposed with precum dripping from his cock and his hand fondling his balls if one of the shop's employees walked in. Instead, he moved his dick back down to its original position inside his shorts and pulled the hand out of his shorts that was playing with his balls due to the lack of space to maneuver both hands. As he resumed slowly stroking his cock inside his shorts, through the window he saw a new customer approach. Not bothering to stop what he was doing, he watched the new guy who appeared to be slightly younger than him enter the room.

The guy took a seat next to the one that had been vacated. He looked around the room and did a double take upon seeing what Logan was doing. With an expression of disbelief on his face, he glanced at the other two people in the room then shrugged and shook his head at the realization that they apparently had opted to ignore what was happening and promptly did the same.

Counting on the new guy ignoring him as the others had, Logan intensified his stroking. As his fist moved along his length, though everything was concealed, there was no disguising what he was doing. The outline of his fist could be seen moving with determination beneath the fabric and occasionally his dick would shift position and tent the fabric. The sound of his precum slicked crown began to crackle loudly in the air and he was sure everyone could hear it. The sound and the knowledge that he was stroking one out next to a bunch of strangers made his dick feel harder and larger than it ever had and he let out a quiet but unrestrained moan from the wave of arousal that washed over him. He used his free hand to pull up the leg of his shorts not only to expose his cock and moving fist but to allow his balls to hang over the side of the chair. He began to pull on them again, massaging them to enhance his pleasure. Without consciously thinking about it his fist sped up, moving faster along his length matching the speed with which his orgasm approached.

Logan let out a groan that was a combination of relief, pain and full on arousal as his groin tightened and his cock swelled and hardened with intent. A split second later the first shot of cum left him and flew across the room to land about two feet away. It hit the floor with an audible splat and the velocity and force with which it was launched caused it to form a thick streak a few inches long. Even as it landed, a second, slightly larger volley issued from his cock that came to rest just beyond the first. As that one hit the floor, a third shot left him that was smaller than the two previous ones. Even before it settled on the floor at about half the distance as the others a fourth volley was exiting his cock. Two more volleys left him, each diminishing significantly in size and power to form a broken trail of cum back to him. The last one barely had enough force to clear his body and it landed on his sandal clad foot.

As it flowed between his toes, he flexed them in reaction to feeling the hot but rapidly cooling sticky wetness. With the bulk of his orgasm over, he released his balls and held his cock near the base as it continued to drool cum. Feeling the stream initially hit his lower leg, he moved it out of the way as he leaned back and let out a satisfied sigh. It was a few moments before the flow slowed and he milked his shaft a few times to push out the remaining dregs of his load before lowering the leg of his shorts to cover his cock and balls. Glancing at the floor, he saw the marbled white puddle between his feet and others stretching out away from him that were evidence of what he had done and felt his cock twitch in appreciation. Despite the large mess and his proximity to it, the chlorinated odor of his cum was barely perceptible in the air as it was overpowered by the smell of grease, exhaust fumes and other car related scents. Never had he done something so bold and he knew he'd be reliving the event for weeks—if not longer—in his head.


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