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by Pan

"Oh cool," Mike said. "You got a dorm on B-level."

"What does that mean?"

As I threw my bag onto my new bed, I hoped that I didn't sound too...I dunno, dumb. I'd only met Mike a few minutes ago, but he seemed like a cool guy. Friendly. I just wanted to fit it, but it seemed to immediately be obvious that I'd never done this before.

*No one has,* I reminded myself. *It's the first day of college. No one has done this before. Duh.*

"You don't know?" he crowed, and I felt my cheeks starting to get red. "Oh man...you are going to have a good time. Here she comes now."

I turned to see who he was talking about - in came a plain-looking girl with her hair in a bun.

"Hi," she said shyly. "I'm Libby."

"What's B-level?" I asked again, and Libby's eyes widened as Mike explained it.

"Oh," she said quietly when he was done. "Oh, I hadn't realized."

"Have fun," Mike said with a wink.

We didn't talk for the next half-hour. Unpacking our stuff in silence, I thought about what Mike had said. I mean, it didn't *sound* right...but he'd been so confident, and Libby hadn't objected. If he was making it up, Libby would have objected, right?

*She's new as well,* I thought. *Maybe she thought he was kidding and didn't know how to deal with it.*

*But...what if he's not?*

"So," Libby eventually said. "Looking forward to college?"

"Of course," I replied. "Yourself?"


The silence returned, and eventually I had to say something.

"What Mike said..."

"Who's Mike?"

"Oh, the guy...the guy who was in here earlier."

"Friend of yours?"

"Yeah, kind of. I mean, we just met. Anyway, what he was saying..."

Libby interrupted me, carefully avoiding eye contact as she did.

"I get it."

I paused, not sure if she was saying what I thought she was saying.

"You...get it?"

"Yeah," she said, and turned to look me directly in the eye. We were both blushing furiously, but her voice didn't waver. "It's B-level. I get it."


For the next few days, I didn't do anything, I just watched. I watched Libby a *lot*.

Like I said, she was a fairly plain-looking girl. Not ugly or anything like that, but...I mean, if we weren't roommates, I probably would never have noticed her. She had brown hair and an oval face, and her eyes were a bit too wide-set to be truly attractive. She had a big mouth, too. I don't mean she talked too much - her mouth was just kinda wide.

She wasn't chubby, exactly, but she wasn't really that thin either. As you'd expect, I spent a lot of time looking at her boobs - I don't know much about cup sizes, but I'd guess she was a B, B-plus? She didn't really wear much that showed them off, but...like I said, I spent a lot of time watching her.

Here's something I never appreciated when I had it - my own room. I knew that sharing a room would be a part of the college experience, but I guess I'd never really thought about the logistics of it. See, at home when I'd been horny, I could just go to my room and jack off.

When you share a room with someone - even on B-level - it's weird, y'know?

It's weird.

I considered waiting until Libby went to sleep, but what if she woke up and found me getting myself off? I even considered skipping a class when I knew *she* had a class, but something stopped me.

It might have been the fact that I had another option.


I don't know why it took me so long. I'd like to claim I was weighing up the morality of it, but honestly...that side of things never really bothered me. I mean, it didn't bother Libby, so why should *I* get upset about something that *she* didn't even care about?

More than anything, it was shyness. I was in a whole new environment - in those first few days, I met like eight hundred people, and I kept feeling this pressure. These were people I'd likely stay friends with for the rest of my life. These were people I'd build my life with - my Dad had told me (endlessly) about the connections he formed in college and how valuable they are, and so I was so intent on getting it *right*.

I wanted to meet the right people, and I wanted to make sure they liked me, and I wanted to make sure I presented myself right and it was all very stressful and I couldn't even jerk off to relieve the stress.

And so yeah, every time I saw Libby I thought about it, but there was already so much on my plate. I didn't know whether I wanted to try something.

Not yet.

But then, the weekend was upon us. Suddenly I didn't have class, I didn't have a million people to meet. I'd been invited to a party on Sunday night, but I wanted to spend Saturday relaxing, trying to get my bearings.

And by that point, I was *so* fucking horny.


Libby was reading on her bed when I entered. She didn't even look up - it's amazing how quickly you get used to cohabiting with a virtual stranger.

For all my watching over the last week, I hadn't really learned much about my roommate. Maybe she was shy, like me, or maybe there just wasn't that much to learn. She liked reading, she had a new Acer laptop, and she sort of kept to herself.

Generally she wore jeans and button-up shirts. When she was getting ready for bed, she had a set of flannel pajamas, which were pretty cute. They were pink and covered in cats, and didn't reveal much - but I guess that was the point. She must have known there was a chance they'd pair her with a guy.

But I'm sure she hadn't known that it would be on B-level.

That day, she was wearing a pair of black jeans and a pale blue button-up shirt. The top two buttons were undone, but you couldn't really see anything. Hanging over the back of her chair was a brown jacket, and she wasn't wearing any shoes or socks.

"Hey," I said casually, my heart racing. Was I really going to do this? What if it was a prank that Mike and Libby had concocted? What if I got arrested, or kicked out of college? What if they told my family?

"Hey," Libby replied, her eyes never leaving the page.

Just as I was about to make my way to the washroom and see if I could jerk off there, Libby shifted slightly. My attention was drawn to her ass, and I immediately knew I was going to do this.


Libby continued reading as I tried to work out the best way to do this.

"I just wanted to check: you're okay with all this B-level stuff, right?"

My roommate shrugged.

"It is what it is."

"So if I wanted to..."

I trailed off again, and Libby's attention moved from her book to me. I could see that the tips of her ears were starting to grow pink.

"Do what you've got to do, okay? It's fine."

She went back to reading, and I smiled.

Couldn't get much clearer than that.

Sitting down on my bed, I removed my shoes and socks. I carefully placed my socks in the laundry hamper, my shoes at the end of my bed. Standing up again, I lowered my pants, folded them, and returned them to the top drawer - I'd be wearing them again tomorrow.

Libby didn't seem to be paying me any attention, but I'd noticed that the rate of her breathing had slightly increased.

Since I'd begun undressing she hadn't turned the page.

I lowered my boxers, allowing my erection to come into view. Libby didn't say or do anything, but we both knew that she'd noticed.

For the first time in my life, I was pantsless in a room with a girl.

"Okay," I said, her attempts to feign disinterest giving me a weird confidence. "How do you want to do this?"

"It's up to you," she said softly, her eyes burning a hole through the novel she was reading, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment.

I swallowed.

I guess I could have pushed the book aside and made her suck my cock, but that felt...rude, somehow. Besides, she said it was up to me.

I could do anything.

I could do *anything*.

"Pants off," I said. Libby, to my delight, didn't hesitate - one hand still holding the book open, she undid the buttons on the front of her jeans, and lowered them.

My roommate was laying on the bed in front of me wearing nothing but a pair of bright pink panties and a button-up shirt.

I glanced at the door, to make sure it was closed. I was increasingly sure that I wasn't going to get in trouble, but...well, this was my first time. I didn't exactly want an audience.

Libby went back to "reading", and I reached down and patted her butt.

That's right, patted. I wasn't really sure what to do with it - until now, my relationship with butts had entirely been a long-distance one, and a strange shyness had overcome me.

But Libby didn't react, and her indifference reminded me - I was the one in control here.

I could do whatever I wanted.

With a smile, I leaned in and buried my face between her cheeks. I could feel the cotton of her panties against my nose and mouth, and the warmth of her buttocks just served to make me even harder.

I moved my face down, and tentatively poked my tongue out. A thin strip of material was all that separated me from her eighteen year old pussy - honestly, all I could taste was cotton, but I knew that the taste of her juices was there, lurking just underneath the fabric.

I couldn't wait any longer.

Standing up, I pulled her panties down - she shifted slightly to help me, but otherwise didn't react to my efforts. I threw her panties onto my bed - there was something hot about the idea of keeping them, and I knew Libby wouldn't object.

It was B-level.

Looking at Libby's ass made me smile. She still seemed to be entirely focused on her book, but I knew that she was as aware of my actions now as I'd been of hers for the last few days. Hell, maybe she'd been watching me over the last week as well - the news of the situation here must have been a shock to her too.

Her butt was full and round and maybe it was the fact that I hadn't jacked off in a week, but it looked like the epitome of sexiness to me. I reached down and parted her legs, and her pink peach also came into view.

My cock twitched with anticipation. It was time.

Libby didn't say a word as I clambered onto the bed and positioned myself behind her. She gasped slightly at the feel of my hand reaching between her legs and checking that she was nice and wet, but she never put the book down, she never stopped reading.

Libby moaned as I slowly slid inside her, but that was the only acknowledgement she gave that her roommate was fucking her. She felt incredible - her pussy was snug and warm and wet, and admittedly I didn't have much to compare it to, but as I pushed my entire cock inside her, I already knew that I wasn't far from cumming.

The only noises in our small dorm room for the next few minutes were my slight grunts as I fucked Libby, and the sound of her book's pages sporadically turning. Once the tension had been broken, I guess she was able to relax enough to get back into it.

Each stroke felt as good as the last; I'd been jerking off for half a decade, but I knew it would be hard to go back to that after the incredible feeling of Libby's wetness.

Not that I'd have to.

Not on B-level.

I considered warning her that I was cumming, but she'd shown no sign of wanting to discuss what we were doing, and so with a final grunt, I wordlessly thrust forward and came harder than I've ever cum in my life.

After my dick finished pulsing, I pulled out (enjoying Libby's small gasp as I did) and returned to my bed.

For the next fifteen minutes, I just watched my roommate finish her book as my cum dripped out of her.

It wasn't long before I was hard enough to go again.


I didn't talk about it with anyone else.

I dunno why, really. I guess there was no real incentive. Either they had a room on B-Level, in which case they'd know about it, or they didn't...in which case, they'd probably just be jealous.

Not that I really talked about it with Libby, either. What was there to say? 'Hey, Libby, I really enjoyed fucking you. Thanks.'

Hell, maybe I *should* have thanked her. The whole college experience, including B-Level, was totally new to me; I had no idea what the etiquette was.

But I didn't, and Libby and I kept on living our lives like nothing had happened.

I mean, it was B-Level. It wasn't like anything *weird* had happened.

The strangest part was that I didn't do it again.

I mean, I *wanted* to do it again. God I wanted to do it again - it was all that I thought about. Every time Libby came into the room, my dick would spring into action, picturing her laying on her stomach, sliding those panties down her legs, fucking her twice, using her like my personal little sex toy...

Every now and again, I'd pull her panties out, to sniff them and remember what I'd done.

But I didn't do it again. I was just too...nervous, I guess?

I didn't do it again, and I didn't talk about it with anyone.

Until Mike came to see how we were doing.


"So," Mike asked, "how are things going on B-level?"

I hesitated, not sure how to answer. My Dad's a salesman: and I know what he would have done - put on a brave face, pretend I'd been fucking the shit out of Libby on a daily basis.

"Seriously," Mike said, staring me in the eyes. "I want to know."

My bravado died in my throat, and I told him the truth.

I don't know why I was so honest with him, but I told him everything. That I'd fucked Libby twice, then been too shy to do anything about it.

Mike was a good listener. He nodded as I told him everything, and waited until I was done before offering his take.

"That makes a lot of sense," he said, surprising me. I didn't really think it made sense to *not* fuck your roommate on B-Level, but...I dunno. The way he said it, I immediately felt better about the situation. "Sex can be a lot of pressure."

"Yeah," I said. "*Yeah.*"

"Of course, B-level is about more than sex."

I wrinkled my nose.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Can I get Libby to, like, do my homework?"

"No no no," he said, waving me off. "No I mean, like, you don't have to fuck her. Just ask her for a blow-job."

My eyebrows shot up. I hadn't thought of that.

"You think she'll be okay with that?"

"Of course," Mike laughed. "It's *B-level*."

I laughed along. Of course.

It was B-level.


When Libby got home that night, Mike was long gone. It was just me, laying on my bed, trying to act casual.

Trying to act like I hadn't spent the last few hours imagining Libby on her knees in front of me, swallowing down my cock and swallowing my seed.

"Hey," I said casually.

She didn't respond. Libby wasn't, like, *rude* or anything, she just...

Well, I guess she was a little rude.

She just obviously didn't see us as friends.

I had no idea what she *did* see us as.

"Libby," I said, and she turned around to look at me, blushing slightly. She wore glasses - I don't know if I ever mentioned that - and she stared at me through them, waiting to see what I wanted.

After Mike had left, I'd decided to go for it. If I beat around the bush, I knew what would happen - I'd build it up into this whole big thing, and it would never happen. I'd never have the courage to act, and I needed to act.

God I needed it.

"Libby," I repeated, before taking a deep breath. "I'd like, uh...how about, um."

"What?" she said softly, looking everywhere in the small dorm except my face.

"I want a blowjob," I blurted out.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh!" she said, but she didn't sound upset, or insulted. Just...informed, I guess. 'Oh,' like now she knew a thing that she didn't know before.

"Yeah," I said back, and there was a long pause.

Just as the silence was threatening to get awkward, Libby glanced around.

"Now?" she asked. Again, not like she was annoyed or reluctant, just like she...wanted to know. The question wasn't defiant or annoyed, it was very matter-of-fact. Like she was asking if I wanted the door closed.

"Yeah," I repeated.



"Okay," she said, and nodded. "How do you want to do this?"

"It's up to you," I stammered. So much for the cool cat act.

For the next minute or so I watched my roommate as she flitted around the room, getting everything ready. She closed and locked the door, grabbed the pillow from her bed and put it on the floor. She pulled a bottle of water out of her bag, took a swig, and then set it beside the pillow.

And when she was ready, she knelt beside me.

"Ready when you are," she said coolly, looking up at me.

When I'd fucked her on the bed, she'd been so much more...passive. As much as I'd thought about it, that's what I'd expected the blowjob to be as well: me acting upon her, y'know?

I'd never gotten head before, but I'd seen a lot of videos. And only then did it occur to me that in all of those videos, the blowjob giver was not a passive role. They weren't just laying there, like Libby had been on the bed. They were running the show, I guess.

And when I unzipped my pants and pulled my erection out, Libby began...running the show.

Looking up at me through her glasses, she slowly began. With one hand, she grasped the base of my cock. Her small pink tongue tentatively poked out, and started licking my head.

I throbbed as soon as she made contact, and she jumped. Shooting me a nervous grin, she surprised me by speaking.

"Sorry," she said. "I'm sort of new to this."

"Me too," I grunted. I didn't know how obvious it was that she was one hundred percent of my sexual experience so far.

Maybe I was her first too.

Her tongue returned to the head of my cock, and I started to suspect that she'd done this before. Before long, her tongue was swirling around the entire length of my erection, stimulating me in ways that my own hand - and her pussy - never could.

I swear, if she'd just kept on using her tongue like that, I would have been shooting my load within minutes. But as if she knew I was getting close, she abruptly changed up her rhythm - her mouth closed over the head of my cock, and her hand began softly pumping.

As Libby enthusiastically blew me, her gaze never left mine. The entire time her mouth worked its magic, I stared into her brown eyes, enjoying sensations unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

When her mouth began swallowing more and more of my cock, I again felt like I was about to cum. But every time I got close, she'd slow down, her eyes burning into mine. I could tell that she was taking this seriously.

Not for the first time, I wondered exactly what Libby thought of the whole B-level situation. I mean, I knew she was cool with it. She had to be - it was B-level.

But beyond that. What did she *think* of it?

As if she could sense my attention wandering, my roommate brought her tongue back into the action. She was bobbing up and down on more than half my cock - in combination with her tongue swirling around my sensitive skin, I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Cumming!" I gasped, and Libby pushed her mouth down, gagging slightly as she swallowed as much of my erection as she could.

We maintained eye-contact as she dutifully gulped down my seed. When my cock was done pulsating, she quickly ran her tongue around my shaft, then pulled her head away.

"Thanks," I said softly, and was surprised when she smiled in response.

She took two large gulps from her bottle of water and stood up.

"Don't," I commanded, as she went to pick up her pillow. Libby shot me a quizzical look.

"Leave it," I said. "Just in case."

She obeyed, of course.

It was B-level.


I don't know what strings Dad had to pull to get me a B-level dorm (hell, I didn't even know how the system worked - it might have just been luck of the draw) but I can honestly say that it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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