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Baby Challenge - New Version

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A rewrite of a story I published a few months ago.
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I was almost as dissatisfied with my original story as some of my readers. I was busy writing my slave camp series when I got the idea for it. I decided to revisit the story. It is much longer now. Nobody gets killed or maimed. I will likely add a postscript in the comments after it is published. Many will still not like it. Too bad. It is what it is.

I thought my edited version would show up like a new submission. It was not. It took days for me to find it merely replaced the old version. I did not spend all that effort in the re-write for it NOT to be read. I am going to submit it with a slightly different name. The original version is gone.


I sat in my recliner one Thursday afternoon sipping two fingers of Gentleman Jack over ice. I'd had better whisky but this was best I could afford to drink on a regular basis. And what the Hell, after one or two glasses, the buzz was the same. Right now, I was not buzzed. I was just in a quiet mood, ready to have a conversation with the woman who had been my wife for the past fourteen years. And hopefully with her alone. I reached to the right back pocket of my jeans and felt the hard handle of my Glock 17 protruding from the waistband above it. I sincerely hoped nothing would happen to provoke me to pull that pistol out of its holster. Another, perverse thought spun through the lizard part of my brain that said action might be satisfactory as well. Thinking about it, I really did not give a fuck either way. Not right now. That might change later.

How did I come to this totally fucked up place? It started almost two weeks prior when my wife and I were invited to a weekend retreat hosted by her company. This was no big Fortune 500 but a relatively small law firm comprised of two partners, one associate attorney, two paralegals, one of which was my wife, Linda, and the office manager/ executive assistant.

The staff and their spouses gathered periodically at company expense to just have a little fun and relax. Significant holidays usually called for a barbecue or at least a sit down dinner. For the past three years the company had rented a spot at a getaway type resort at least once a year. Last year had to be skipped because of the pandemic but now things were getting back to normal. This was a combination camping ground resort. Many of the visitors parked motor homes and campers. Some preferred to rent the available cabins.

The part Linda's company reserved was only a small portion of the overall resort. We had a main cabin where the kitchen and main dining /meeting area was located surrounded by six smaller cabins where we slept. The hot tub in our main cabin was fired up and ran constantly. We had enough booze to keep a group double our size on their asses for a week. In other words we were set to relax, enjoy each other's company and have fun. Linda and I had come each year and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was certainly worth the two and a half hour drive to get there.

We arrived Thursday evening, checked in and dropped our bags in our rooms. We all pitched in to unload the boss's truck. Coolers of food. Cases of various types of alcohol, mixers, blenders, We were set to party. Previous years, dinners were catered but breakfast and lunch was on us to prepare. We did not mind. David, the other paralegal's husband and I quickly set up the bar area.

David and I were friends and got along well. He worked as an automobile collision repair and painting specialist. I'd seen some of his work. He could take a crunched up car and restore it to look like new. He was also one of my own clients. I worked as a stock broker/ investment counselor. David was good at his job and between him and his wife's income had money to spare so they invested it with me. But I digress.

This weekend was supposed to be a fun time for all of us to relax and enjoy each other's company. Which basically we did. We sat around, drank, communed and had some very interesting discussions. I would not realize until much later just how significant some of those discussions would be. The first evening we set up before we retired for the night.

Friday we began our 'fun' time. We went out on a little excursion through the swamp, hearing stories about Cajun life. That was topped off with a very nice Cajun meal of boiled crawfish, etouffee, boudin, and jambalaya. Good food and lots to drink had us all exhausted by the time we returned to the resort.

Finally, we began to retire to our individual cabins for a good night's sleep. Linda had other ideas. She coyly suggested we make love and not so coyly stripped so fast I'm surprised she did not pop buttons off her clothes. I was all too ready to oblige. Again, the significance of this simple night of marital sex would not be important until much later. I had two weeks to remember, analyze and reflect on every detail of that fateful weekend.

Like a lot of our sex sessions, we made out for a few minutes before I dove down between her legs and got her off two or three times with my tongue while fingering her nipples. I was hoping the cabins were well insulated to suppress her loud hollering and screaming as she came. Then after she caught her breath she grinned and said, "My turn to rock your world. I almost came as soon as she latched her lips around my cock. She was like a lamprey on a shark. She paused for a second to tell me, "Let me know when you are close to coming!" I remember moaning that that would be in about a minute if she kept that up. Suddenly she turned loose. She flipped over to her side of the bed and bringing knees up to her chest ordered, "Quick, inside me. I want you to fill me up!"

I was happy to oblige. The few seconds it took her to get into place gave me time to take a few breaths myself. I managed to climb atop and start pumping. I'm not sure why but she orgasmed right away. I could tell because her pussy spasmed and milked my cock. "Son of a bitch!" I thought. "Linda is hot tonight." and then I emptied my balls into her. I kept pumping to savor the the sensations. When I opened my eyes she was grinning.

"Stay right where you are!" she ordered as she began to kiss me, trying to massage my tonsils with her tongue. Finally, I pulled out out and flopped over onto my back. "Round one!" she announced, with a giggle.

We had a second round several minutes later. A third began after she sucked me to get me hard and almost to the point of orgasm again. Then had me ejaculate inside her again. When we were finished she was giggling. "What was all that?" I asked out of breath. "Not that I am complaining."

"You complain and I will squeeze your balls to get your cum." she said. "I've decided the time is right to start trying for a baby. This was just practice. I know I won't get pregnant this soon. I'm not even close to ovulating." I was a very happy man when we finally rolled over to sleep after we made out and cuddled for a long time.

"Last night was really something!" I said with a grin when we woke up in the morning. "Let's go again. Are you planning to get pregnant today?"

She laughed as she started stroking my cock. "It took Sue a few months to get pregnant. It is way too soon for me. This is just getting us primed to go for it. She told me how she got Dave ready. Every other day to build up a good load." Then she stopped talking and climbed atop my erect penis and began to rock as I lay flat on my back enjoying the sensations.

Linda is thirty five as opposed to my forty. We had been married for the past fourteen years. We met when she was still a college student and got banged up in a fender bender. I was the emergency room nurse who took care of her minor injuries. I flirted and wound up with her phone number. We dated for a short time and then married. After a year she told me she wanted to be a paralegal. Of course I footed the bill for her schooling. Years later, I decided to change professions and she supported us as I turned my double degree in biology and nursing into a master's of business administration and I began to work in investments.

Shifting career fields like that might seem strange but I was already heavily involved in investment. My parents, now long deceased, had left me with a significant trust fund. I had professionals managing it for me but I caught the bug. Learning new things was no big deal so at thirty six I changed careers once again.

The only glitch in an other wise happy life was Linda and I never stopped to have kids. We both said we wanted to have a few someday. The problem was 'now' was never the right time. Linda had her career to develop. Then I started a new one. We frequently would stop, consider our circumstances and talk about having a baby soon. Linda's folks pushed us as well. Her younger sister already had two kids. Recently Linda had come around to decide the time was right. Her biological clock was counting down. She still had to work in an office on a daily basis and could not take time off for motherhood. but as she pointed out, I could.

With the recent pandemic, I had begun to work from home, only going to the office for paperwork and to meet an occasional client in person. I picked up some of the duties of house-husband simply because I was home. I had once said that as a nurse, I knew as much or more about taking care of a baby as any woman. The better nurses in pediatric care during my training were all male. She suggested I could stay home and be the baby's primary caretaker. I agreed. I really wanted a child or three. I had been a single child myself. When my parents died in a car crash, I was alone. I often regretted I had no siblings.

Now Linda and I were openly discussing the very real option of her getting pregnant. We made plans. We began to set money aside for our children's future a few years ago and the 'baby ' account was well funded. I was ready to start to actively work on getting my wife pregnant. According to her now she was also.

But starting later that Saturday morning, only hours after we had such hot uninhibited sex, we hit a roadblock. Not so much a block but a speed bump. She seemed to be spending more time with Gary than I thought she should. Something began to rub me raw. My 'spidey sense' was working overtime.

Gary was the associate lawyer in the firm. He was a nice guy for the most part. He presented himself well, but something told me he was trouble. I'd heard stories about how he was a 'pussy hound', one of those guys who had a different woman to date every couple weeks. He changed girlfriends more often than I changed shoes. The same girl would be around for a few weeks then gone only to be replaced quickly. Some of the girls were sweet, girl next door types, some the type you'd pay by the hour. He'd always been friendly to me and Linda but now he was being overly friendly.

He was totally trying to monopolize her time and what really got my goat was she was letting him. After the hottest night of sex we had had in weeks, I thought this was strange. I had no idea. When we sat to eat lunch, he sat to her left while I sat to her right. She spent more time talking to him than to me. I could hear some of the conversation and it seemed to be mostly about a recent case they had handled together but still.....

Every time I turned around he seemed to be there. I objected to Linda briefly once when she emerged from the bath room. "Nothing to it." she said. "We are friends and work together. I like him. Back off."

To say I was on edge would be an understatement. I drank like every body else did, but instead of getting drunk I became almost hyper vigilant. But because of the booze I still questioned my judgement when I walked into the kitchen and saw Sue, David's wife, step back from what I though was an embrace with her boss, Greg. Had his hand actually been groping her breast like I thought?

I thought I must have imagined it. Dave was over the world happy that Sue was pregnant with their first child. They were the epitome of the happy couple.

I looked around. Every couple seemed very happy. Greg and his wife talked and joked. Nothing seemed out of place. I began to question my judgement. Well, until.....

Linda and I retired to our cabin. I was looking to forward to some of the activity we had shared the night before. She had other ideas. "We need to talk." she said. I dumbly sat as she explained.

"I want a baby with you but I need to do something." she said seriously. "I really need your support here. This is IMPORTANT." I told her 'of course' before I realized there was something going on. "I have an aching need to have one final, well not fling, but encounter before I settle down." she said. She said 'need' and 'important' and now she was talking about something else.

"Settle down?" I said, completely flummoxed. "We've been married for fourteen years!" She explained how she wanted to have sex with another man once before having my baby. She wanted my blessing and permission. I could only sit and stare.

"I know you love me and I love you but I need to do this. One time." she said. I started to zone a bit, in shock. "I am going to spend the night with Gary to get it out of my system. Then tomorrow I will be back with you. And we will make a baby."

I snapped out of my funk or dissociative whatever. I forgot all about how she said need. Now it was all want and wanting something I was NOT ready to go along with. "You want to go fuck Gary and then come back to me and have a baby?" I asked incredulously. She nodded and smiled. She wanted to experience sex with him once before settling down.

"First of all, you are supposed to have already 'settled down." I said. "If you want to fuck him so bad, why don't you just tell me you want a divorce and then go fuck him to your heart's content and my feelings be damned?" I gritted. I was angry as hell but did not lose my temper, which later surprised me. "How long have you been fucking him?" I suddenly asked.

"We never had sex. We just flirted a bit. I am attracted to him. But I don't love him." Linda said. "I just want the experience,,, you know, the thrill. Then I'll come back to you and we will go on. And have a baby like we planned. I'll fuck your lights out like I did last night."

"If you want to have a baby and fuck him at the same time. Just have his fucking kid!" I growled. "You two go make a family." Somehow I was no longer angry. This was so totally unreal I could not process it. I felt numb and cold.

"Oh, no! Gary might be a stud, but he'd be a lousy ass father." Linda said. "I need somebody like you for that."

"Do you seriously expect me to let you go fuck some guy?" I asked. "And accept it?"

"Yes." she said simply. "Look at your buddy, Dave. He is going along with Sue messing around with Greg. And that has been going on for a while. She did the very same thing before she decided to settle down and have a baby. You see how over the moon the man is.." I stared at Linda incredulously. 'Now don't go and embarrass him by asking him about it," She added quickly. "It's supposed to be a secret between the three of them. But he let her scratch the itch."

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Is there anything that makes you think I will go along with you fucking Gary?" She nodded and told me we've had fourteen wonderful years together and she knew I loved her. I nodded dumbly to agree to that part. Then she said I would never hold a single night of indulging herself against her.

"Yes I would. I am telling you now. Don't do it." I said. "You aren't really willing to destroy our marriage over some fantasy are you?"

"Silly. We love each other too much for that." Linda said. "Just look at the others. They get along fine. You know Greg has screwed Sue. Bob has had sex with Julie as well.. Their spouses don't mind. Well, I am guessing they all had a few issues to get past at first but now look at them. I only want one night. If you love me, really love me, you will let me do this. I will be back to being your loving wife in the morning. I will rock your boat and drain your balls like never before. But I have decided." With that she abruptly turned and walked out the door..

I sat numbly for a few moments then stepped to the door. I watched her walk across the patio and turn the knob to the Gary's cabin. She held out her arms and stepped inside. I honestly did not know if I wanted to throw up or cry or both. My life ended right then. I stepped back inside and sat down. My reflection did not last longer than a few seconds. I grabbed my backpack and a trash bag and began to pack my clothes. I left Linda's in the suitcase.

My head was pounding. I hoped Linda had packed some meds like she usually did when we traveled. She had. I took three ibuprofen then saw something else. It was her packet of birth control pills. Three pills were missing. I knew her last period had ended over a week ago. I counted the days....ten. I remembered because we had sex when she announced her period had finished. More pills should be missing. Did she wait a couple days before starting this pack or did she simply stop taking them a week ago?

"Where are you going, guy?" Dave asked me as I passed him on the way to my car.

"You honestly don't know? I asked. He looked at me and shook his head. "Linda just told me she is gonna spend the night with Gary. She'll be back in the morning to carry on as my wife but tonight she is gonna fuck him. She said she has to scratch an itch." To give him credit, Dave was appalled.

"I saw them flirting but shit! To actually fuck the guy is way out there." Dave said. I looked at him and realized the man was genuine. He did not act like he was in the loop of any cheating /cuckolding activity. I did not want to come right out and ask though.

"I am leaving." I said. "I need to know something. How happy are you with Sue? And how do you handle Greg?"

"What are you talking about? Sue is finally gonna have my baby. And Greg? He is giving her as much time off as she needs while she is pregnant. On the days when the morning sickness was bad he let her stay at home until it subsided. He really impressed me by being so generous."

"Dude, we need to sit down and have a serious talk. Right now is not the time though. I am about to blow my top, ya know? I need to get out of here before I do something stupid. Like stick my Glock up Gary's ass and pull the trigger." I said. Wide-eyed at my graphic description he said sure we could get together any time and for me to call when I was ready.

As I drove away, I tried to calm myself with deep breathing exercises. I knew if I did not I'd be reckless and kill myself or worse right now, someone else. I began to imagine myself sitting behind my rifle staring through the scope at a target downrange. Within seconds I felt an inner calmness, not peace. I was still angry, I just felt able to handle the anger or at least quell my shaking and concentrate.

One of my few hobbies is long distance shooting. Some men like to play golf. They say planning the shot is as key to the game as hitting the ball. I like to put rounds down range. I am no expert but much better than average. I could hit an eighteen inch target at 800 yards almost ninety percent of the time. Reaching out to the next 200 yards dropped my accuracy to fifty percent. I was working on it. To do this I had to learn to calm my body and my breathing. I employed the method whenever I began to get aggravated. I had to calm myself several times during my trip home. I began to formulate a series of plans.

As plans go, they sucked. They started with going back and shooting Gary while he screwed my wife. I had my Glock in the car as I always did when I traveled and it would be SO easy. Maybe cathartic. But I really did not want to wind up in jail. I also could not shoot him from a distance without getting caught. I did enjoy planning the shot in detail in my imagination from selecting my shooting position to watching his head explode. I knew I had to get out of town, cool down and think things over like a sane man.

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