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Babylon Pt. 02

Story Info
Abby offers herself to him; someone else enslaves her.
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/13/2018
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Chapter 4

It had been two months since she'd seen him. As Abby pulled up to the restaurant and parked in front, she hoped he wouldn't show up. She just wasn't ready to see him, although she knew he wouldn't pull anything with Leo and Wendy there. She missed the days they all worked together. They were the most unlikely team, with very diverse backgrounds and perspectives, but they gelled quickly and worked well together.

Leo had been the first to leave, fortunately for another position within the company. Then Brian was fired - well, encouraged to pursue other opportunities outside the company, as the boss so artfully put it. What a farce. The day she heard that was one of the worst days she'd had. And then Wendy left... And she was the only remaining one on the team. Leo had come back to the department, but it just wasn't the same. So every few months they'd meet at this little Tex-Mex place and have margaritas and catch up. But this was the first time she hoped Brian wouldn't show up. She just wasn't ready to look him in the eyes after their last encounter. On the other hand, she had something she wanted to give him, sort of a peace offering, but if he didn't show up she could take the easy way out and just mail it.

She smiled at the host when he asked how many. "Four, preferably on the patio."

"It'll be about twenty minutes. Is that ok?"

"Sure, the others aren't here yet."

A few moments later, Wendy arrived. "Hey! Anyone else here?"

"Not yet." She tried to sound hopeful.

"Don't worry. He'll be here."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

They chatted while they watched people, speculating on whether the couple in the corner was on a first date, and if it was a blind date or not. They were absorbed in conversation when she felt a hand on the small of her back. Her stomach dropped.

"Brian!" Wendy squealed. "You look terrific!"

"Hi, Wenners! You're not so bad yourself!" He bent down to hug her.

"Hey, Red. How are you?" He turned to hug her, and although she hesitated for a second, she returned the hug. When she pulled away and turned back to Wendy, his arm stayed around her waist. She could see that Wendy had noticed by her expression. She shrugged. I have no idea what this is all about, she thought, but I'm not going to ask.

"Fine, thanks. You?"

"Can't complain. Leo coming?"

"He should be here. I talked to him this afternoon to make sure." Leo was famous for canceling at the last minute, and she'd made him promise that he'd come.

"So, what's new with you? How's the woman?" Wendy always got right down to business.

"Work's still work. Nothing new there. She's fine." He smiled.

Abby stiffened. The woman was his first love, from when he was fifteen. They'd run into each other at a class reunion a month ago and he was delighted to find out that she was in the process of leaving her husband. Wendy had filled her in on all the details that Brian wouldn't share with her. She was tall, had red hair, and was just dynamite, according to Brian's report to Wendy. She knew she couldn't compete with that, and it angered her to think that after what happened the last time they were together, he could just change gears so easily and pursue this chit.

He must have sensed the tension in her because his hand slowly rubbed the small of her back. In spite of herself, she relaxed again, and as they stood there talking, he gradually moved closer to her.

She did so enjoy listening to him, and she was close enough to tell that he was wearing Cool Water again. She inhaled deeply, drinking in the scent of him. This was dangerous, but she felt powerless.

She realized that he was waiting for her to say something. "I'm sorry, I missed that. What was your question?"

"I said, when did you cut your hair?"

Uh oh. She knew he hated it when she cut her hair - he made it quite clear in the past that she should keep it long. She had actually done it out of spite the day Wendy told her about his new woman.

"A few weeks ago."

"I see." He put his hand up to her ear and it tickled. "You have a curl that's going right into your ear and it's bugging me." As he moved it, he ran the side of his thumb along the outer curve of her ear. Abby inhaled sharply and took a step back.

His eyes caught hers and gave her a knowing glance. He knew being so close to her was pure torture for her. She finally looked away after what seemed like forever. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Just then, the host indicated their table was ready. Abby motioned for Brian to go first, and she and Wendy followed a few steps behind.

"What the hell is going on?" Wendy whispered.

"I have no idea, but it's driving me crazy. Don't make me sit next to him. Please."

They got to the table and Wendy sat down across from him at the round patio table. Bitch, she thought. Now she had no choice. He motioned to her to come around and sit on his left. It was pointless to argue, so she did as directed.

Fortunately, she was positioned in such a way that she could focus on watching for Leo. She did her best to stay out of the conversation, letting Wendy tell Brian about her fruitless job search and frustrations with unemployment.

And there was Leo. She was relieved. She knew Leo and Brian had some catching up to do, and that would leave her free to meander through her thoughts.

After Leo exchanged greetings with everyone, the waiter appeared and Wendy ordered a round of margaritas. Brian declined, requesting a diet soda instead. "Got to stick with my diet," he explained.

"How much weight have you lost so far?" Leo inquired.

Brian grinned. "Forty-four pounds. Sixteen more to go."

"You look fantastic," Leo said.

She smiled. Leo, in spite of being married, still sounded sometimes like he was gay. She knew it was just his Hispanic background, but it was funny nonetheless.

She sipped her margarita and focused now on what to order.

"What are you having?" Brian leaned over.

"Probably my usual."

"Three soft tacos, only lettuce. No cheese, no tomato."

"Would you like to order for me?"

"Nope. Just checking to make sure you were still predictable."

What the hell was that supposed to mean, she wondered.

Just then, the waiter arrived and began taking their orders. When he came to her, she handed him her menu. "Chicken fajitas for one, no beans, no rice, no cheese, extra pico."

She could see Brian's face out of the corner of her eye. Just loud enough for her to hear, he said, "I should have known better than to accuse you of being predictable."

She didn't bother to answer. He could draw his own conclusions.

"So, Red, you're being awfully quiet tonight. What's the matter?" Abby refused to look at him, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

"Nothing. I'm fine, just a little tired. So Leo - how's the new job?" She redirected the conversation effortlessly to a topic that would take her out of the spotlight.

Leo was animated as he described some of the challenges he was facing, and Brian was soon absorbed into the conversation again. She glanced at Wendy and discovered she was looking at her.

"You ok?" Wendy mouthed.

Abby shrugged, then nodded. It was awkward, but she was holding her own. Once dinner arrived, things would be easier. She could focus on her food, then, and not on the way his hand played with the straw wrapper on the table in front of him. He was rolling it around into a little ball between his thumb and forefinger, much the way he had rolled her nipple the last time they were together. She felt a flood of wetness at the thought.

After draining the last of her margarita, she grabbed her purse and stood up. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to the loo."

Abby walked inside, trying to control the trembling in her knees. She was letting him get to her, and he knew it. Once in the bathroom, she quickly peed and then stood at the sink, letting warm water pour over her hands. After washing, she turned off the hot water and then soaked a paper towel in the cold water. She wrung it out, then lay it on the back of her neck, dropping her head to her chest. She focused on the sensation of cold, breathing deeply. Relax, she told herself sternly. It's just dinner. Focus on having fun with Leo and Wendy, and forget about him.

She dried off her neck and hands, put on fresh lipstick, and ran a brush through her hair. Her husband thought her new haircut was very sexy - it reminded him of how her hair would be tousled after sex, very touchable. It was a little too trendy for her taste, but everyone else seemed to really like it. And unfortunately, she thought, so did Brian. He was supposed to hate it. It was an outward sign of her independence, her freedom from him, and it seemed to have backfired. She could still feel the heat from his thumb on her ear as he moved that curl, and she knew that was a very calculated move on his part. He knew the effect it would have on her, and he wanted her to remember it.

She glanced at her watch - better get back to the table before they send out a search party.

She turned off the light and opened the bathroom door. Her eyes hadn't completely adjusted to the change in illumination as she stepped out and bumped into someone. She lost her balance and felt herself begin to topple. Strong hands grabbed her around the waist and on one wrist and pulled her close in the small hallway to steady her. Cool Water, she thought, and then she began to make out his features.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, fine. Just a little tipsy, I think."

"Alright." He stood there holding her close to him, his face just inches from hers. She wondered if he was going to kiss her. He looked like he was considering it.

Abby decided she wasn't going to give him the chance, and she backed out of his arms. "I need to get back before Wendy wonders what happened to me."

"I don't think she's worried." She gave him a puzzled look. "I just mean that she knows where you went, and she knows you wouldn't leave."

"Fine, I'll see you back at the table."

"Actually, I'm on my way back myself. Ladies first." He guided her in front of him and held onto her index finger with his, ensuring they wouldn't be separated.

He dropped her finger as soon as they reached the patio. Nice, she thought. Don't give the others a reason to raise an eyebrow. He really was going to play this for all it was worth.

Their food had arrived while they were gone, so they settled down to eating.

After they finished dinner, Leo ordered one more round of margaritas. She protested, saying she really needed to be able to drive home, but she was overruled.

She choked on her first sip. It was almost pure tequila. She started to cough, trying to catch her breath.

"Are you ok?" Wendy was concerned. All she could do was nod in response.

He reached over to grab her napkin and handed it to her, whispering under his breath "So you gag on straws, too."

Abby gave him a swift kick under the table as she regained her breath. Now she was mad. The battle lines were drawn and it was clear this was not going to a gentleman's war. She began reconsidering the gift she had brought along for him. Perhaps this was all a big mistake.

Wendy gave her a concerned look but said nothing. Leo seemed oblivious that anything had even happened. They finished up dinner with no further incidents.

Leo was the first to leave, and Wendy indicated that she needed to be going, too. The three of them walked to the door together, but she hung back slightly. As they said their goodbyes, Brian pulled Wendy close to him in a one-armed hug.

"Take care, Wenners. We'll have to do this again."

"You, too. It was great to see you again. We'll talk later?" Wendy directed this last statement to her.

"Of course. I'll be around. Drive safely." She looked at Brian.

"Come here," he said, and held his arms open for a hug. She hesitated, glancing at Wendy, before complying. His embrace was tight, and his lips pressed against her forehead before releasing her. "It was good to see you again, Red."

"You too."

"See you later, guys!" She watched Wendy walk away, and she silently cursed her for leaving them alone together.

"I'll walk out with you," he said. "Come on."

"I'm just parked right out front."

"That's fine. I'm going that way."

He walked her to the car, and seemed surprised that she stopped at the passenger side door. "I have something for you. Wait a minute."

She wasn't sure why she was going through with this, but she had no other choice now that she'd said it.

Abby reached into the car, pulled out a small white bundle, and handed it to him.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Open it up. You'll see."

He carefully unfolded the white fabric, and she studied his face. Would he understand?

He looked at the white silk scarf for a moment, then put it around his neck. The contrast with the black coat he was wearing was striking. She lowered her eyes as he stepped closer to her.

"Look at me."

She slowly raised her eyes to his.

"Thank you." She had a feeling he was talking about more than just the scarf.

"You're welcome." Her voice faltered. She wasn't sure what to say or do next.

"I'll talk to you soon."


"Drive safely, Red." He touched her arm briefly.

"I will," she said, wishing he'd just kiss her.

But he turned and crossed the street. Abby walked around the front of her car to the driver's side, thankful that no one in the restaurant could see her as a tear slid down her cheek. An overwhelming sense of sadness came over her like a flood. She fumbled with her key but managed to get it in the lock as she watched him walk down the sidewalk. He never looked back, his new scarf peeking out from around his waist, trailing behind him in the breeze.

Abby started her car and heard the end of David Gray's song, Please Forgive Me. "Please forgive me if I act a little strange for I know not what I do. Seems like lightning running through my veins every time I look at you." Boy, did that fit her to a 'T', she thought.

The tape continued to play. Babylon, his latest release, was next. She sang along with the chorus, trying to get him out of her head. "If you want it, come and get it, for crying out loud. The love that I was giving you was never in doubt. Babylon. Let go of your heart, let go of your head, and feel it now..." She ejected the tape. There was no point to this. The ball was in his court, and it was up to him to make the next move.

And after his comment tonight, she was ready to tell him he could go fuck himself. She only hoped Wendy hadn't heard, because she had omitted some details when they had talked the following day, and that comment was sure to raise questions.

Her cell phone rang, and she answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"What the HELL was that all about?"

"Hi, Wendy."

"Where are you?"

"In my car, heading toward Hampton on Clayton."

"Why don't you just come over to my house."

"Sorry, I can't. I need to get home."

"Did he really say what I think he said when you were choking?"

Damn it. She had heard. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I know what I heard, and I think you left out some details from that night. What's going on with you two?"

"Absolutely nothing is going on."

"I saw how he touched you tonight. He made the most of every opportunity."

She decided to play dumb anyway. "What are you talking about?"

"He hugs you, plays with your hair, follows you to the bathroom- speaking of the bathroom, what happened there? You were both gone an awfully long time."

"What are you talking about?" Abby bit her lip as she turned south on Hampton.

"He left right after you did. Said he wanted to be sure you were ok."

So he had been waiting for her outside the door. Damn him. That was no accident. He had been in control of the whole thing, had planned it, even.

"I have no idea what's going on, Wen. Absolutely no clue. He's still playing games, I think, and I'm taking myself out of the arena. He can go play them with his new bimbo."

"He still wants you."

"I seriously doubt it. Besides, I'm sure he's getting it from HER. Or maybe Missy is still spreading her legs for him. I don't really care anymore."

Wendy wisely chose not to argue. She could tell that her friend was having a hard time sorting out her emotions, and given tonight's events, she couldn't exactly blame her.

"I'll call you tomorrow, ok? Just be careful going home."

"Thanks, but I'm fine. You be careful, too."

"I will - I'm almost home."

They exchanged goodbyes and disconnected.

She was on autopilot as she drove home, her mind a sea swollen with emotions. As she pulled up to a stoplight, her phone rang again. This time, she checked caller ID. Jeff? What was he doing calling her?


"Hi, sexy."

"Hi..." Her voice trailed off. She felt her inner muscles contract and the butterflies fluttered in her stomach. He was her married lover, and there was only one reason he was calling.

"What're you doing?"

"I just left Chuy's. What's going on?"

"Sarah's gone tonight, and I've been thinking about you. I miss you."

Damn him for calling tonight of all nights. He always seemed to know when she was most vulnerable, and chose then to call.

Abby sighed. "I miss you too."

"Any chance you can come over tonight?"

She considered this for a moment. She really didn't have to go straight home. Her husband would never know. He wasn't expecting her back at any particular time, and she could always tell him they'd been drinking and then stayed to sober up.

"I want you soooo bad," he whispered. "She won't be home until at least 11. She's at the hockey game with some clients, and the kids are asleep."

She crossed two lanes of traffic to get on the highway. "I'm getting on 44 now. I'll be there in about 20 minutes."

"You won't be disappointed." She thought that was debatable, but chose not to argue. He was a gentle, considerate lover, although he had never succeeded in bringing her to orgasm. Until the last two times with Brian, she had thought the passion she felt with Jeff was incredible. Now, she was sure there was so much more she was missing, and she wasn't going to find it with Jeff. Unless...

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You know you can, babe. What do you want to know?"

"Have you ever tied Sarah up?"

"Yeah, once."

"How was it?"

"She wasn't into it, so we didn't do it again." He paused. "Do you want me to tie you up?"


"Have you been a bad girl?"


"Well, we'll just have to see when you get here, won't we."


She was trying her hardest to play along, but it wasn't working. She just wanted to get there, let him suck her pussy until she couldn't wait any longer, suck his cock for a few minutes, and then ride him until he came. It was safest to stick with the usual tonight. No sense in getting caught up in something she couldn't handle.

"I'm going to hang up now so you can drive. Park two houses down and come in through the garage. And while you drive, I want you to imagine how my tongue is going to feel in your pussy. Bye." He hung up. She increased her speed to 70 and watched for cops.

Fifteen minutes later, she opened the door from the garage and walked into his kitchen.

Chapter 5

Abby had an overwhelming sense of déjà vu when she walked into the kitchen. Candles were burning in the family room, and the scent of vanilla beckoned her. She sensed him before she saw him as she closed the door to the garage.

Jeff was standing to her right, in the shadows of the dining room, and she could tell he was holding something in his hands.

"Close your eyes," he said with a low voice. She was dying to kiss him, but she did as he asked. She felt a blindfold being tied around her eyes. "Ssh. Don't ask any questions, " he said, anticipating the query forming on her lips.

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