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Babysitting for Daddy

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A babysitter is deflowered by an older man.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 10/08/2014
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This is my first story. I'm doing this without an Editor. Any comments are appreciated.


I was 18 when my neighbor took my body. I was a good girl. People knew me as a shy, quiet, and polite. I was kind to my elders and did what I was told. No one ever complained about me. My parents boasted about how fine a young lady they had raised. No one knew I wanted to lose my virginity. Badly.

I had been thinking about it for a while. My birthday coming up and all. I would be 19. A 19 year old virgin? No that wasn't cool. That wouldn't make me popular. My inexperience made me feel stupid. What 18 year old didn't know the feel of a penis? What almost 19 year old hadn't had a cock shoved deep inside her teen pussy? A virgin! I needed to lose it, and fast.

I began to wonder about who I'd lose it to. Being shy in school, not many boys liked me. And the ones that did would have ravished me in seconds and bragged about it forever. No I needed someone who would keep quiet. But honestly what guy wouldn't brag about a virgin? It was obvious that it was some kind of trophy to my male opposites. Taking a virginity was some kind of dream. No I could not count on a young man my age. They just didn't know their ass from their elbow.

I decided I wanted someone mature, intelligent, and sophisticated. Someone experienced enough to know how to please my young body. And someone mature enough not to laugh at my innocence. I needed an older man. Someone not in a position to brag about having any sex. Maybe a small adventure with a taken stud? It would only be one time, after all. And if she never found out, it couldn't hurt his wife.

But how to find such a guy? Someone older, attractive, and attached. Someone who would find me irresistible. Someone I could have access to without suspicion. After all, I was a good girl. My reputation need not be tainted by my curiosity for sex. All I wanted was to know what had all the teens in my school humping like rabbits. Guys literally drooling about it.

I began to look at the men in my neighborhood differently. I began to pay more attention to them. If they smiled at me, I politely returned it. Then I began to check them out. Were they handsome? Were they well built? I liked facial hair, a nice beard would help too. A week went by before I noticed that my target was right under my nose.

He was out front in his yard. Pulling weeds in the hot sun. It was clear he was tired, and his muscles strained under his sweat soaked white Tshirt. I found myself licking my full lips as I watched him. He was perfect. He had a nice house, a car, a wife who was newly pregnant and 2 daughters.

His name was William. I called him Mr. Bill. He was about 32 and so well built I don't know how I didn't notice it before. Perhaps because my parents had always taught me to smile and greet elder men, but never linger. He turned and gave me a slow smile, parting his light beard. He called out, "Hello Violet!"

"Hello Mr. Bill! How are you? It's so hot today. I just can't take this heat! I may have to go home and take a few laps in the pool. This summer has been so hot." I called. I fanned myself and pulled out the front of my tank top, pretending to give myself some air. I knew he'd caught the black lace bra underneath when his brows raised just a fraction.

"Now I told you Vi, call be Bill. You make me feel so old, girl. But I agree with you. This heat is killing my flowers. Would you like a Tulip?" he asked. He had the prettiest garden in the neighborhood. I took this as an opportunity to let him see what he would soon be having. I needed to work him up to the point where he would burst if he didn't ravish me. I walked over sexily. I knew my curvy figure looked good in my jean cut off shorts. He looked at my hips as I walked over to his fence. He tried to look away. I bent low, giving him a good look down my shirt. My full 36D breasts lurched forward. I knew he had a good view because he was silent. Mr. Bill was a talker.

"Mmm... They are all so pretty! I think I'll take this one. Thank you Mr. Bill." I said as I picked the flower. I looked him straight in the eyes when I thanked him. I put the delicate flower to my nose and sniffed. "Mmm.." I moaned slightly. "Thanks again. Have a good night." I said in a velvety voice. I read somewhere that men like when you lower your voice this way.

"You have a good night too, Vi. And your very welcome." he replied. His smile had slipped a little, and there was hunger in his eyes as he watched me slink back home. I knew I had planted the seed in his mind. Mr. Bill now wanted to know what my body felt like under his. My tight thighs, my young soft skin. What older man could resist?

Over the next week or 2, I made a point of seeing Mr. Bill, and even his family. I payed lots of compliments to the girls, offered to show them how to jump rope. Mr. Bill enjoyed watching my breasts bouncing to the beat of the rope. I jogged by in tight yoga leggings and tank tops when he was out front. I feigned interest in his wife's pregnancy. I pretended to be eager to know the sex of the baby. I offered to watch the girls for them if they ever needed me.

"Your a sweetheart Violet!" Mrs. Nash explained that she would be going to visit her sister soon. Both women being pregnant at the same time was exciting. They wanted to bond over it. "Would you mind coming to help Mr. Bill with the girls sometimes? They love you. And he has to work from home once in a while and can't have them in his way." She smiled at the thought.

"I'd love to Mrs. Nash. You all just let me know when you need me. I'd be so happy to help." I all but exclaimed. This was it. This woman had given me my chance. I had been enticing him with my innocent flirting and sexy outfits. He wouldn't be able to resist me all alone. The girls would have to sleep sometime right? Now to just wait for the date to be set for my deflowering. I must remember to seem reluctant. He must feel as though he forced me for the secret to be kept.

"Well I leave this Saturday. Will you be able to come over after lunch? That is about the time he gets really into his work. I will let him know you will be helping with Mia and Sophie. He will be so relieved!" She had no idea. Poor woman.

I smiled and agreed. I had until then to prepare. Pick my outfit, and work on my act of innocence. This was going to be great. I was finally going to know what it felt like to be a woman. Finally have a story to share with girlfriends. Maybe not all the details, but I would know what they meant when they talked about sex.

On Saturday I woke up early. I had already shaved during my bath the night before. I rubbed creams into my skin to make it soft. I checked my pussy for smoothness. I ran my hand over it and it was baby soft. He couldn't resist. I brushed my hair until it fell in dark straight waves. I was sexy. I put on the pink lace bra and matching thong. My firm juicy ass ate up the thin string. I wondered if he would play with me there. It made me nervous. I would be touched in so many new places.

I chose a dark halter top and red short skirt that flowed as I walked. I knew that if I ran around the house with the girls, he would get good looks at my ass when the skirt caught the air. It made my skin tingle to think of the Hunger I had grown to know in his eyes. Today was the day! If only I could act less excited.

I walked over to Mr. Bill's house quickly. I did not want to give myself time to be nervous. I entered the gate and walked straight up the steps and knocked. Seconds later he was there. His eyes drank me in and he smiled a sexy smile. He stood back to let me in and called out to the girls.

"Girls guess who's here! A pretty lady has come to play with you today while I work. Come say hello to Violet." the girls came running and yelling excitedly. They clearly had a nap recently.

Mr. Bill tried to walk back to his study, I could tell he did not want to be caught staring too long. Especially not in front of his daughters. But I called out to him just as I bent at the waist to pick up Mia.

"Mr. Bill! What shall I do to keep them out of your way? Have they had lunch?" I turned just as his eyes were devouring my ass. I knew he had caught a peek. His pants told me he liked what he saw. He confirmed they had lunch and told us we had free rein since his wife was absent to scold anyone.

The girls were happy. They played and ran and dragged me all over the house. Mr. Bill came to check on us alot. Sometimes I didn't even notice his presence until I felt eyes on me and turned to find him staring. I know my breasts bounced as we played. And I know my skirt gave him peeks at my ass and pussy. He came out more and more as the afternoon wore on. I doubt he got much work done. Finally he came out after I gave the girls dinner to announce it was time for him to put them to bed.

"Wait for me down here please, Violet. So I can pay you for your services." he took the girls upstairs and to the far end of the big house to their room. He tucked them in and I waited. He took a long while getting back and boy, I was tired. The girls had alot of energy. I was dozing on the couch when he came down. I believe I knocked out cold for a few minutes.

I don't know how long he watched me. I was sitting with my legs tucked under me. He was over 6 foot and towered behind me before I noticed him. I felt the heat coming from him.

"Violet. You were so good with my daughters today. How can I thank you? I have been thinking about you all day. All week actually. You and I have become friends. And so have you and the rest of my family. So I began to wonder. Why now? Why has she been coming around so much now?" he came around the couch then. I was struck dumb. He knew my secret. He had to know.

He sat down on his knees in front of me and began to stroke my thighs. The warmth of his hands ignited my blood. Maybe it was not such a bad thing for me if he knew. My panties would be soaked soon if he kept this up.I swallowed the moan coming from my throat.

"Mr. Bill I like your family. But.. But please don't touch me like that. It seems wrong..."

"You mean to tell me this isn't what you came for Violet? You haven't come to seduce your old neighbor? How many men have you been with Vi? Your a good tease." he replied. His eyes were steady and dark.

"But Mr. Bill I haven't been with any men! None.. Not one at all sir. Please take your hands off my tummy. It tickles." he had begun to rub my hips and stomach. My body was on fire. My panties were moist. I knew I would wet the couch no doubt.

"If this is the truth, then you are in for a bit of a shock baby girl. I have been watching you for weeks. I must have you now. Tonight. I'll try to make it enjoyable for you. But Violet you are so fine. And your legs are so silky..." Mr Bill replied. He almost moaned the words as he was moving up to my breasts. His blue eyes were so dark now. This made me tingle deep down inside.

He grabbed my full chest and squeezed each breast in his strong hands. It hurt and felt good at the same time. My back arched. This was going to be so good. He found my nipples and rubbed a thumb over them in circles until they were

noticeably peaked even through the fabric. He begun to reach under my shirt. "Take this off Violet. The skirt too. Slowly."

I got up and removed my halter top. I turned to the side and slowly pushed my skirt over my hips. I looked down to see the huge bulge in his pants. It turned me on even more to know he liked it. I put on a hurt face and some tremble in my voice. "M-Mr. Bill, what are you going to do to me? I promise I never meant to lead you on."

"I'm going to make you feel good baby. This fine body of yours is a prize. I'm going to love you as you should be loved. Sit down now Vi. I promise you will leave this house happy you cooperated. " His dark smile made me shiver.

"Ok" I replied in a tiny voice. Mr. Bill spread my legs wide in front of him. He began to rub and kiss my thighs. I couldn't help but lean back. It felt so good. He kept going until he met my thong covered pussy. He began to lick my pussy through my panties. I almost lost it! I had never felt anything like this. The heat from his mouth was intoxicating. I loved every tingle. My hips followed his rhythm. I found myself lightly placing my hands on his head. "Ah, Ah! Oh Mr. Bill! That feels so good. I've never felt this way. Please. Please stop. I don't know what to do."

"Just relax baby. Call me daddy if you must call me something. Enough of that Mr. Crap. Understood?" he asked with a squeeze of my ass.

"Yes... Yes daddy." I breathed. I was nervous to say the words, but now that they were out they felt right. Mmm.. He was my daddy. He began to pull my panties from my body. I was a bit shy but I let him. He placed his head back between my legs and began suckling my virgin clit.

"Ah! Daddy no. That's too much. What are you doing! Oh God!" he was sucking and licking all over my pussy. I couldn't handle all these new sensations. It felt too good. He licked in slow circles. How did girls do this and not explode? His finger found its way inside me and I arched my back involuntarily. After years of wondering what it felt like I was being fingered. And it didn't hurt!

"Mmm daddy wants to feel this on his cock baby. Let me have that pussy baby." he was squeezing and kneading my full ass as he spoke. I was so high on the sensations I only whispered, "Yes daddy."

Before I knew it he was on his feet. Mr. Bill was pulling at his basketball shorts. He already had thrown his tshirt to the ground. I finally got the first view of his body. How toned he was! His muscles rippled as he struggled with his clothes. His toned chest and abs made my mouth water. I found myself reaching a small hand out to touch him.

"Yes baby. Touch daddy. That's it girl. Lower now. Don't be shy." he had gotten his pants down around his ankles. Along with his boxers. His angry red member was about a foot away from my face. Oh my was it big! How did that fit inside a woman? It had to be at least 8 inches long. And it did look the same width as my wrist. My eyes bulged. What was this going to feel like?!

"Touch me baby. Grab hold of this big cock. Love me back." He took my hand and lowered it to his thick member. It felt strong and soft at the same time. The veins in it were so wavy. I wanted to trace them with my tongue. He moved my hand up and down. His mouth became a big O from the pleasure. Mr. Bill encouraged me to keep going. How strange this was, pulling on his thick length made me squirm.

I kept stroking and he got redder, the head seemed sensitive, and it looked purple. I had the sudden urge to kiss his big purple head. To relieve some of the pressure. I leaned forward and kissed him. He let out a loud grunt. I liked that sound. It made me tingle between my thighs. I put my lips around him the way I'd heard and sucked. He moaned out louder. This was fun. And slightly salty in taste.

I began sucking him deeper and more forcefully. Mr. Bill lay his hands on my head. "yessssss" was all he could say. I felt so powerful! I was sucking this delicious large cock. And this man was enjoying it.

He suddenly pushed me off by my shoulders and pulled me up. "I'm sorry. I promised to be gentle. But your innocence is too hot. I have to take you. This is going to be quick baby. It might hurt a bit. Just rub your little clit ok? It will get better."

He lay me on the carpet on top of his clothes and got on top of me. Gosh was he heavy. When I saw him lifting his cock to my pussy, I became scared. I clenched my legs. He was not going to use protection!

"Oh daddy no. Please don't! We must use protection. I'm too young to be a mother. Please don't do it like this." I put on my best innocent pout. But I was really nervous. The last thing I needed was a baby!

"Baby it will feel better for both of us this way. Trust me. And besides pregnancy is sexy. I'd love to see your hot little body swollen with my baby. I would love to fuck you like that. But not before I claim your behind too." His smile darkened again at the mention of my rear end.

This scared me even more. He didn't mind the idea? No wonder he was on his 3rd child. And behind? Did he mean anal sex? I heard that was even more painful! Before I could protest anymore he was pulling my knees apart hard. I knew they would bruise. He placed his swollen head right up to my pussy and rubbed it there. "Mmmmmmmah" was all I could get out. I was dripping now.

He pushed once. Hard. And was buried deep inside my wet cunt. I saw stars. The pain was sharp. I felt very full and as though something had popped. He steadied for a few seconds. Our breathing was heavy. He began moving very slowly. Then he began a slow long stroke. All the way up deep where it felt like he hit my stomach.

"Ah! Daddy it HURT. Please be gentle." but he couldn't answer. His face was screwed up in concentration. He looked as though he was holding his breath. I looked down at my pussy to see his large dick plunging inside me. Filling and stretching. Making my body tingle. The edge was wearing off and it felt good. The sight of his thick shaft glistening with our juices was so erotic. I found myself rubbing my clit.

Mr. Bill fucked me faster and faster. He filled me up with each thrust. Our bodies made squishing noises as they met. I must have been soaked. As he sped up, I began to meet him. He grunted and groaned and I was surprised the girls were not running down the stairs to see what the racket was.

We picked up a rhythm and I found myself moaning and making noises. "Yes baby feel it. Take daddy's big fat dick. You can do it baby." His brows were furrowed.

His words brought me closer to my first orgasm. I began really thrusting back at him. We were all sweat and hands and mouths and grunts. I was being fucked. I was doing it! It felt so good I began to shake. This new sensation was better than the last.

I kissed him passionately as he fucked my tight peach. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, and I moaned around it. He gave my ass a squeeze as it jiggled to our rhythm. I was lost to the sea of sensations running up and down my body.

As he fucked me my breasts bounced crazily. He began to try to catch my nipple with his mouth. Never wanting to let go of my ass. His tongue flicking my pink nipple at random made my pussy flood even more. How wet could a girl get during sex? This was incredible.

"Oh baby daddy has to come! Daddy is gonna fill you with his come. I can't wait for you to have my baby inside you. Let me give you this baby Violet. Ahhh fuck! Take it!"

He began to pump faster as I began to squirm away. I fought the need for his stiff cock at the fear of becoming pregnant. I just couldn't have a baby after my first time. What would people say? "Daddy no!" I moaned. "Please!"

"I'm comiiiing!" he growled into my neck. He slammed into me hard a few times. His hot come shot into my tight pussy. I felt his gooey seed begin to fill me. The feeling was intense. I began to orgasm. At least I hoped it was an orgasm. It felt so good. I fought the scream that threatened to rip through me and bit his shoulder. I moaned into his ear. "Oh daddy. What have we done?"

It took him a while to be able to get out of me. The feeling left me sore. I suddenly didn't want to be touched there. I settled on the floor and stretched. I felt his cum ooze onto the pile of clothes under my ass. It made sense now for them to be there.

"That was great baby girl. You will be one of the greatest fucks I've had. Your pussy and mouth are so sweet, I can't wait to claim your candy ass too. This is the beginning of something great." he said between deep breathes. He sat across from me and started looking for his boxers.

"Oh but Mr. Bill this was wrong. We can't keep doing this. Your wife and the baby? I may get pregnant too. Then what? We have to put this behind us." I said quietly. I didn't plan on having a relationship with this man! No matter how good he made me feel. This just wasn't part of the plan.


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