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Back of the Bus

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Unplanned and unprotected in the back of a bus.
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During my junior year, in order to save money, I had taken a Greyhound bus home for Christmas break. Now I was on my way back to the university, and one of the first stops was in Cheyenne Wyoming. I had to make a bus transfer there, which normally means an hour or so wait. During that time, I was chatting up a girl I met there.

I couldn't get a very good idea of what she looked like, because winter in Wyoming is fucking cold, and we were both wearing thick coats and hats. What I could see was that she was about five foot four, had brown wavy hair long enough to cascade out from under her hat, and warm brown eyes. Her face wasn't bad looking, but not particularly hot. She had clear skin with a slightly upturned nose, a weak chin and just bit of "baby fat" that made her face look smooth and fresh and young.

We talked for a while. Keri was from Chicago, and was on her way back from visiting her sister. She was impressed by the college I was going to, though I tried not to make a big deal about it. She was a year out of high school, and was working at a dead end office job. I tried to keep the conversation light. We agreed to ride the same bus together on to Chicago where she would get off and I would transfer. It was pretty clear that she was attracted to me.

At that point in time, my ego was at an all-time high. During Christmas break, I had managed to seduce a high-school crush into cheating on her boyfriend while he was out of town. To top it off, a Freshman girl I knew had decided to write me a letter every day over break. I was completely certain that I would be hooking up with her when I got back to school. Over all, I was feeling irresistible, and was certain that if I just had more time and privacy, I could nail Keri.

As it happened, I got both. A blizzard was blowing through and causing delays. At first, it was just annoying, because no one wants to be stuck for hours in a bus station. This wasn't a particularly dirty or dangerous one, but it wouldn't be comfortable in the best of conditions, and right then it wasn't very well heated. The passengers started to complain. Once it became clear that no buses were leaving before morning, they announced that they would unlock all the buses and run the heaters. We could spend the night on a bus if we wanted.

So Keri and I picked the bus furthest from the station entrance and went all the way to the back. There was no one else on the bus. Somehow, we had been gifted with time, privacy, and even warmth. Things were looking up! We leaned our seats way back and lay down side by side.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked, "I'm not really all that tired."

Teri looked at me coyly. "Not really," she said, "What do you want to do?"

I answered by leaning forward and kissing her. It was obviously what she was looking for. In no time, we were making out heavily. Both our jackets were unzipped, and I had pulled off her hat to play with her hair. For a long time, we just kissed and ran our hand across each other's backs under our jackets. Hidden under her jacket, was a surprisingly trim body with a nice rack.

I ran my hands over her thighs without any protest. That made me bolder. I started rubbing over the front of her jeans, and then right down to her crotch. When I began rubbing her pussy, she broke the kiss to let out a breathy, "oh!" This was going well. I snaked my hand up to go under her pants, but they were pretty tight. So I reached up and unbuttoned the button at the top.

It turned out that this was going to far. She gently pulled my hand away and said, "I think we're getting too emotional." I remember that statement particularly well, because it seemed like a sort of strange way to express herself. She felt like she was getting carried away, and she didn't want lose control of herself.

I wasn't going to be deterred too easily. I figured I needed to take a step back before plowing forward. If she was on the brink of losing control, I needed to push a little further. I fell back on an old line, "I just want to fool around a little bit."

She relaxed, and we went back to kissing. I also noticed that while she had stopped me, she hadn't re-done up the button. So, she was clearly still interested, but had boundaries that needed to be crossed carefully. I was going to explore what they were. I slid my hand inside her shirt and up her back. She must have liked that, because she did the same to me.

Wanting to test her out, I stopped kissing for a moment and asked, "So, are you a good girl?" While she was thinking that one over, I added, "Are you a virgin?"

"No," she giggled. I had already been sure that she wasn't a virgin. She was much too forward for that, and how many 19-year-old virgins are there anyway? Mostly, I wanted to ask both questions next to each other, so she was sort of saying that she wasn't a good girl. I thought it was important to get her into the right frame of mind.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. Of course if she said yes, I wouldn't have let it stop me, but I wanted to sort of break down any excuses she had for not sleeping with me. I'm not sure exactly what I would do if she had a boyfriend, but it didn't end up mattering.

"No," she said, "but there's this college boy I'm interested in." I assumed that she meant me, and this was a very good sign.

I slid my had up the front of her shirt now and put my hand over her breast. Her boobs were even bigger than I had thought. They were soft and jiggly. Her bra was adjusted wrong, so they were sort of loose inside it and sagged a bit over her underwire. I could easily slide the silky material around over them. Her nippls were already hard. I pinched her nipple very gently, and she let out that sort of half moan, half gasp that women like to make when you catch them off-guard sexually. "Lucky guy," I said. I leaned forward a bit and nibbled gently on her neck.

"Oh!" she said again, "He might get lucky." She ran her hand up the front of my shirt too. I did a lot more nipple and neck play while she clearly became more and more turned on.

"I wish we had more privacy," she said, suddenly.

"We're the only ones on this bus," I pointed out.

She laughed. "That's true. I don't know why I feel like someone is watching me." She paused for a few moments and then surprised me by asking, "Do you have a condom?" She had apparently made up her mind.

"I do," I said. I produced one from my pocket and handed it to her.

Even though I had just given her the condom, she still felt like she needed to justify herself, "It's just that I'm not on anything and I really don't want to get knocked up. Especially by someone I just met. Oh god, am I a slut?" The whole time she was talking, she was unzipping her pants and pulling them off. I started doing the same.

It was dark, so I didn't get a great look at her. I could see she had neatly trimmed pubic hair (No one shaved back then) and strong, smooth legs. This was a girl who took care of herself.

"Am I a slut?" I asked.

This seemed to make her stop and think for a moment. Then she said, "Boys can't be sluts."

"I don't believe in sluts. If a boy likes sex, he's a boy. Girls are no different."

"No. I think I'm a slut."

Finally it dawned on me that this was her sort of dirty talk. She wanted me to call her a slut. "OK," I said, as I pulled her on top of me, "You're a slut, but you're MY slut." She gave a little shiver and then launched herself into a wanton kiss.. I guess she liked that answer.

I reached behind her and unclasped her bra. Then I began running my hands all over those soft full tits while pinching her nipples. She was sliding back and forth on my cock, coating it with warm juices. It felt so good. It was too bad I would have to put that condom on before going inside.

"Well," I thought, "maybe she'll let me get in a little bit before she puts it on me." In my experience, most girls will let you get in them bare for at least a little while. Even otherwise intelligent women lose their minds when they're turned on enough. I went for an all out assault.

She seemed to like the dirty talk, so I went with it. "You are a dirty slut," i said, "You're about to get fucked in the back of a bus." She gasped.

I continued with the tit play while she ground against my cock for a while. Then I raised her shirt up and put one of her nipples in my mouth. She let out another gasp. I put my hands under her ass and raised her up. She had a nice firm ass. You could really sink your fingers into it. Raising her got the nipple closer to me and also got the head of my cock closer to her pussy. I slid her back and forth.

Letting her nipples out of my mount for a moment, I said, "I'm going to stick my cock right into you."

She was getting really into the dirty talk now, "Oh yeah! Stick that big cock in me."

Now I was rubbing the head of my cock back and forth from her clit down to her pussy lips. Was she going to let me do this? I squeezed the muscles in my groin to make my cock bob up and down while raising her a little higher each time I slid her up and down. On one pass, my cock caught on the edge of her hole. She let out yet another gasp, this one a little disappointed sounding as I slid past.

On the next pass, I got the head into her. "Yes!" she moaned. I began lowering her down onto my cock a little at a time. "So good," she said. She seemed to have entirely forgotten the condom she had asked me for. She lifted herself up a bit and then dropped all the way down onto me.

It felt so good being inside her. She was warm and wet and smooth. Her pussy juice was thick and gooey and there was a lot of it. I could feel it oozing out onto my balls. More than anything, I felt such a sense of victory. She had gone from not wanting me to unbutton her pants to letting me fuck her completely bare in practically no time at all. Oh, it was glorious. I felt like a sex god. I'd known her for maybe three hours and yet I could change her whole future and she was letting me.

I went from sucking her tits back to kissing her now. I didn't need to keep pulling her up and down because now she was doing it herself. My hands went to her tits, then back to behind her back. I wanted to touch her everywhere. With her left hand, she was playing with my hair. Her right arm was around the back of my neck, hand still clutching the forgotten condom in a death grip.

Once in a while, she would pull a way from the kiss to get a breath and to mutter, "More! More!" or "Harder! Harder!" or just, "Yes! Yes!" She was getting louder and louder. I think she had completely forgotten that she was still on a bus in a sort of public place. I'm sure that if anyone was outside, they could have heard her. Maybe even someone in one of the other busses. I loved it.

I would have loved this moment to last forever. It wasn't all that long, though before I could feel myself building up toward an orgasm. As much as I wanted to just keep going, I had to warn her. It wouldn't be fair to cum in her without her consent. The next time we broke our kiss I said, "I'm going to cum soon."

"More! Harder!"

That wasn't exactly permission to cum in her. I kept fucking until it was nearly too late and then warned again, "I'm about to cum in you."

"Yes! Yes!"

I pulled her down on me and held her there as I started cumming. I was pushing into her as hard as I could and now she just moaned, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Stream after stream jetted into her until I was done.

I held onto her as I started coming down from my high and went to kissing her gently on the mouth, jaw, and neck. I could feel some of my cum oozing out of her, joining her plentiful juice on my balls. After a little while she said, "Oh shit! We forgot to put the condom on," but she said it in this sort of odd singsong way that made it sound like it was all a big joke. She was in that sort of postcoital happy state. I gave her meaningless reassurances and she didn't seem too worried.

She opened up a bag, pulled out a shirt and wiped herself off it with. "God, there's a lot here," she said. Then after thinking about it for a bit, added, "I'm such a slut. The whole bus smells like sex. Everyone will know what we did."

"You're MY slut," I said again. She giggled a bit.

Afterward, we pulled our clothes on and cuddled together until we sort of dozed off on and off for the rest of the night. Naturally, I was hoping for a second round, but she was clearly not up for it.

Some time around ten in the morning, they got the buses running again. We sat together and chatted during the drive. At stops we got out and had meals together. It was almost like we were an actual couple.

Now she was more worried about getting pregnant. She had good reason to be. I asked her when her last period was. It had ended a week ago, so she was terribly fertile, but I convinced her that it was the safest time of the month and she ate it up. They don't teach anything useful in sex Ed classes. Women so often don't know a thing about their own bodies.

When we got to Chicago, I gave her a buddy's phone number and told her it was mine. She gave me a number too. Then I got onto my next bus, and I never saw her again. I'd like to tell you what happened to her, but I never heard from her. I called the number she gave me, but it was a disconnected line. She never called my buddy's number, so I assume she's OK. I'll always wonder though.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I would have did as told by her and gone harder! Tried to knock her up for sure!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Perfect setting 👍 bravo

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You're a total jerk

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

masterfully crafted, beautiful (blink and you miss it) substory. props to you

auhound49auhound49about 2 years ago

Preg risk is the only real sex there is, all else is mere mutual masturbation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good right until he didnt use a condom

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

How did Keri become Teri? On what planet would they start up a bunch of buses (to get heat going) and then leave them unattended with people on board? Maybe think about having someone edit it …

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