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Barbarian Bound Ch. 01

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Esyld can run, but she can't hide.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/10/2015
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Author's Notes: This story is an erotic fantasy written by Lyssabyss. I should note this is my first story uploaded to the internets for your viewing pleasure. Any constructive feedback is welcome. While there is no sex in this chapter, I do still hope you will take delight in the build up to it.


My thick flaxen plait slapped my back as each urgent step propelled me forward through the dense brush. You mustn't get caught Esyld! The frightened cries of my ailing father rang in memory. The terrorized screams of women not far behind me seized my heart and pumped adrenaline through my veins. My generous chest heaved with each labored breath as I determinedly made my way towards the riverbank just beyond the treeline where hopefully a canoe would still be waiting.

The Barbarian horde in their fiendish desires for dominance have expertly sieged and enslaved the remnants of Lamoria. We had lost our first homeland, my mother dying in the aftermath of their brutal ravishment. The remaining Lamorians fled to the last reaches of the land, hoping to strengthen in numbers and rally against the brutes. The hope of which crumbled just moments earlier as we were overrun and would surely succumb to the weight of their heel.

My foot snagged on a tree root and sent me reeling forward, scraping my hands and knees raw. I stifled a cry knowing that any outward exclaims could lead to my peril. I carefully rose with the aid of a nearby tree and walking proved to be difficult with the state of my legs.

"Stop runnin' an I'll go easy on ye!" A brazen wolf howled far too close for comfort and every inch of my body seized clutching the thick tree.

"P-please no!" Came the responding cry a woman.

Praise Pelor! I thought when I knew it wasn't me they had discovered. I kept as still as possible as the woman veered off to the right and I saw two men chasing after her. A sickness settled into my stomach as I did nothing but watch their pursuit of her. What could I do? I cannot match their strength or skill. I tried to convince myself that my non action was warranted and I felt a piece of my soul tremble.

Once I'd seen that they were sufficiently far enough away I hobbled again in the direction of the riverbank. It would not be much farther, though it would now take much longer because of the excruciating pain in my legs. In the distance I heard terrible cries of protest and guttural laughter that doubled me over to shakily wretch. Move! Now is not the time. Do you want to end up like her? I cursed inwardly.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and pushed harder onward. I saw the break of trees and heard the rush of water and for a moment my pace softened, eyes searching for signs of my enemy. It was the sound of a whistle that alerted me first, coming from very close behind me. My body jolted in shock as my head spun around to find the assailing whistler a mere twenty feet from me. How'd he get so close? I took the barest of moments to ponder before throwing caution to the wind and breaking for the river.

I could barely hear his chase of me, but by the shift in the air I could feel him baring down on me. The whistle was a distraction for me, and a call to his allies, I desperately needed to get to that river! My bitten knees protested louder than my aching lungs but it was slowly fading into the sharp focus of adrenaline.

The barbarian did not shout out to me, tell me to stop as the others had, no he was in it for the chase and capture. I endeavored not to give him that satisfaction. I emerged from the treeline and saw a canoe wedged onto the riverbank and nearly rejoiced with glee. It would take one quick push to get it into the water and once I was in, the rapids would take me faster downstream. I chanced a glance backwards and wished that I had not as I witnessed the smirk upon the barbarians face who had since gained precious ground on me.

Terror bubbled up my throat unbidden and a girlish scream rang through the air. At the canoe I threw my body with great force into the bow of the boat and immediately tumbled inside as I felt the water catch. Now on my back in the canoe I helplessly stared upon the brute now dredging through water, fire burning in his eyes. A thick sun darkened arm seized the lip of the bow and with great strength pulled it back from the current. My eyes were wide, lips parted in despair as I considered my options.

I quickly snatched a paddle just as he was about to reach inside for my leg and heaved it at his arm, however my wide swing alerted him to my action and he caught the paddle in his strong hands. I tried to tug it back to have another go, but in our little battle I simply was not strong enough. The boat started to drift as I held defiantly onto the paddle, which in the end would be my undoing as he jerked the paddle towards his chest with me on the other end. I tried to release my hold but the motion was enough to bring me to my feet and the canoe rocked treacherously beneath me.

I yelped as the canoe was about to tip and once more as the barbarian fixed a hand to my leather jerkin and hoisted me into the air. "Let go of me you scoundrel!" I wailed. I attempted to kick and strike at him only a few blows landed and didn't elicit much response.

"Beg for me?" He drawled still holding me tightly as my legs soaked in the cold river water.

"Abyss take you!" I spat and clawed at the hand holding my jerkin. To my surprise I was quickly released, my footing slipped and I was submerged to the breast. Before I had a moment to think his hands were back on me, taking me by the arm, and then the waist, hoisting me over his shoulder like a bale of wheat. I cried out in pain as I connected the torn skin on my knee to his torso in an attempt at attack.

"Better now that the stink of your people is off of you." He laughed and I blushed furiously as I realized he was smelling my bare upper thigh. The sun was drooping behind angry clouds and I felt the first pass of a shiver take hold over my soaked limbs. He walked us towards the forested area and thumped me down harshly into the thick grass, forcing the air from my lungs. He removed the leather thong holding a pouch to his belt and expertly flipped me over and secured my hands behind my back with little effort.

Do not let him see you cry. I implored as I felt the first sting of tears welling up. He flipped my body back over and I squirmed definitely getting ready to kick at him if he came too near.

"You are pleasing and so you are fortunate." He took a dagger from his belt and I shuddered as he drew nearer with it and straddling my cold waist.

My eyes grew wide as he pointed it towards my belly, "Make it quick you brute!" I could not stop the tears from trailing down my face now, my body shaking from the cold and distress.

His eyes narrowed, a raging fire held within. "It will never be quick with me, pet." He tugged up on the midsection of my dress and pierced it with his blade, wrenching it upwards to split through the fabric and cutting through my jerkin.

"No!" I whimpered and struggled against him as my breasts were freed to the cool air. Next he cut at the seams at my shoulders, the garments pooling to the sides. My rosy nipples stood painfully at attention in the darkening sky which was mirrored by the look on his face. He placed a hand flat between my breasts pinning me to the ground as he lifted himself up and cut through the cinch at my waist and the remaining lower part of my dress.

His hand was rough and radiated heat into my chest. I felt the edge of the cool blade at my hip before he plucked it abruptly at the ties of my undergarments. Now my body ran hot, fury boiling beneath my skin as he bared my secrets to the world. His lustful exhale was undeniable and the scrutiny of his gaze across my body made me want to hide in the deepest cave.

"You are mine now. I claim you so that others will not." He stood and reached for my arm.

"Do not touch me!" I barked, my chest heaving forcefully.

"You are mine to touch." He pulled me to my feet before he hooked an arm between my legs and threw me over his shoulder again. My arms still tied I could do little to resist as his hand came up to cup my hip, pressing his forearm to my hot core.

I grimaced uncomfortably at the unwanted contact. He began making his way deftly back through the forest occasionally whistling or chirping and waiting for reply before moving onward. "Your men are cowards, how can you breed with them?"

I gave a disgusted groan. "Our men are not cowards you bastard! My father was a worthy man!"

"Ha!" He actually chortled. "You are better off with me. Your scouts spied us far off, you might have spirited away if their simpering cowardice had been more discreet. The promise of living led more than one coward to direct us to your camp- "

"Liar!" I growled, tears splattering on the back of his furred armor.

He slapped my bottom which brought a squeal from my lips. "Yes you are better off with me. Fierce like a barbarian woman, but beautiful and soft."

"Better off with you?" I said incredulously. "I'd sooner be with a beast than the likes of you!"

"You would not prefer my companions pet."

"I am not your pet, brute!" I hissed.

"Brute. Hmm. Oro the Brute, a fine title, many thanks pet." He chortled.

"ARGH!" I growled. Rather than engage the monster in conversation I decided to remain quiet and not play into his desires, if he wanted a reaction he would not be getting one from me. We met up shortly with his men and he finally lowered me from his shoulder. We were in the middle of the torched ruins of my camp, I choked back tears at the piled bodies at the side of it. I did not spy my father among the heap and was grateful to Pelor for small blessings.

"Caught yourself a native!" One of the barbarians jeered, "I did too!" I looked at the woman on her knees at his feet and nearly gasped at the treatment she'd received.

Oro simply grunted in response and ushered me along, placing a hand at my lower back just above my restraints. It was a parade as he walked me through the camp, his fellow warriors leering at me before we arrived at a makeshift tent. Once inside I realized it was a healing den of sorts, and he sat me down on a few furs and motioned to a hefty woman.

She left her charge who seemed to be in a state of sleep and walked over in our direction. I crossed my legs in front of my chest to hide as much of my nudity as possible. "Kaptan Oro, happy to see you well." She did not show an ounce of regard to my position which struck me that a healing woman would respond to such grievances this way.

"My chattel is injured." He motioned to me. "She fell in the woods."

"Because you savages were hunting us!" I spat incredulously. Gurt reached forward and slapped me hard across the face, lighting fire across my cheeks and dazing me a moment.

Oro cleared his throat roughly and said "She is mine alone to train."

"Of course Kaptan." She bowed deeply and moved to get supplies from the other side of the tent.

The tanned brute sat at my side and brushed my frazzled hair away from my face, even going so far as to stroke my cheek where she struck me. As I tried to turn away he gripped my chin, "Look at me."

I clutched my eyes closed tightly in defiance. He pinched my chin a little harder, "Look at me." He demanded, the promise of something dark in his voice. My eyes flicked open and were met directly with his. "Blue. Deep as the sea." My eyes narrowed into slits looking at his brown eyes.

"Brown. Like bog scum." I retorted which tore a monstrous laugh from him.

He rested a hand on my bare waist and leaned in closely to my ear despite my protests. "The moment I saw you leaving camp, I knew I must have you, and here you are. Does that not tell you of my dedication to you?" He whispered.

Gurt returned with a cloth and ointment and he aided her in cleaning my knees and shins. I grimaced in pain as blood ran freely from the unclogged wounds. His arm was still secure around my waist and in a way it seemed as if he were trying to comfort me. Gurt got up to grab something else and I whispered softly, "Please."

"Hmm?" He questioned leaning in once more towards my ear rubbing his hand along my side.

"If it is hopeless as you say, please do not touch me so. I cannot bear it." My words struggled from my mouth, a small admission of defeat.

"You are mine to touch, I will not be the brute you desire to hide your shame." His voice rumbled despite the softness of it, I was unused to the such a deep bass. It stoked a fire at my core that I tried desperately to hide from flushing my cheeks.

Gurt was kneeling once more in front of me rubbing a salve on my knees. Oro took the opportunity to unbind my hands and began massaging my wrists and arms when he was met with no resistance. Gurt wrapped canvas around my wounds and tied them off neatly.

"A few days of the same should see her well off Kaptan Oro." Gurt said and immediately turned to her other charges.

Oro stood first and extended a hand to me, which I refused to take, standing on my own, trying to cover my nudity. He took my arm and began to guide me from the tent to which I jerked back violently in his bruising grip. "No!" I growled.

His head snapped back to look at me. "I do not want to break you pet, but I will not tolerate this act much longer."

"Have you not paraded me enough! At least allow me a blanket...Kaptan." I nearly called him a beast, but decided honeyed words would land better.

He grumbled and let go of me for a moment. "Do not move."

Where could I go? Naked in a camp full of barbarians. I watched him as he unclasped his fur armor and lifted the rough garment underneath over his head. His chest was hard muscle and black hair to match his head. I averted my gaze when I felt a small stirring of heat. Pelor's light!" I admonished myself silently. He threw his shirt at me which with the state of things as they were, I did not decline. I dropped it over my head and it thankfully covered to the middle of my thigh.

"Thank you." Truly grateful for his compromise. He nodded curtly and took my hand this time and led me out of the tent. His hand wholly encompassing mine, making me feel small and delicate beside him. For the first time the enormity of my capture was settling in.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

No sex yet, but very well written young lady.

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 9 years ago
Good start.

Hoping she still has some fight left in her. Looking forward to getting a greater understanding of their world as the story progresses.

TediTediabout 9 years ago

Brilliant beginning. I am looking forward to more!

KnikkiKnightlyKnikkiKnightlyabout 9 years ago
very nice

This is a great start. All I ask is that you complete the story. Too many authors on this site start off with great stories and leave them unfinished with members who've dedicated time to reading promising works only to be left hanging. Just saying...

And I'm the type to always be on the side of the villain, so I find Oro very interesting. Looking forward to the next chapter. ☺

Erika281Erika281about 9 years ago
Good start!

I am all hooked up, waiting for new chapter: Keep writting please!

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