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Barbarian Bound Ch. 03

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"What shall I do with you?"
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/10/2015
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Authors Note: This is an erotic fantasy by Lyssabyss. In an effort to try and post new content every week, Chapters will be roughly 10-20 pages long (about 2-3 Literotica pages.) Ideally it will be more! :D I really hope you enjoy this Chapter, there is still an element of reluctance to it, but it is not as pronounced as Ch. 02. I will also be seeking out an Editor, to make sure the sections are a bit more polished. Again I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.


"Who am I?" I whispered, tears threatening once more to escape.

"You are mine." His mouth covering mine once more.

I bit his lip hard, the copper taste of his blood on my tongue. Oro recoiled back with a howl, his hand instinctively raising to his mouth. When he withdrew that hand a bloodied smile remained.

"I belong to no one." I mustered. I knew then by the smile on his face that this would be a constant battle until one of us submitted. With Pelor's blessing, I hoped it would not be me.

I was then consciously aware of Oro's seed still within me and a new chill ran through me. I was about to return to the well when Oro grabbed me by the arm, a mask of suspicion over his face.

"Let go of me." I threatened.

"First you bite me, then you issue me commands." He scoffed.

"You have proven your point!" I hissed. "I cannot escape this! Now let me go, so I can clean myself!" I was beyond the point of being tactful, my emotions flaring dangerously.

"I don't think I have." He snarled twisting my arm up with one hand and gripped my shoulder with the other. His strength overpowered me as he forced me to my knees in front of him. I gasped in pain as I felt the horrible stretching of the injured flesh on my knees.

I looked up at his cruel face, a rampant fire building within me. Yes! Hate him! I urged hoping to replace the doubt from my previous betrayal.

"You belong to me, Esyld. Whatever you think you hold, forget it now." His voice held a chilling menace. "You are alive because of my claim on you. There is no life for you without this." He said pressing his hand against the brand, bringing another gasp from the tenderness of it.

Tears welled up, transforming my immediate world into a blur of swirling shapes and colors. Momentary relief was dashed away as the salty tears breached my lashes and the world around me settled back into place. He let go of my arm which I rubbed gingerly, "May I wash myself?" His arrogance would demand I ask for permission to complete this menial task.

"Say it." His voice had a certain weight to it, that made him sound bestial in his commands.

Say what? I looked at him with question in my eyes. "Please, Oro, may I wash?" I would not beg and plead for this courtesy, my pride was bruised enough.

"You may, if you accept me as your Master, my pet." His eyes had a look of yearning etched into them.

My lips drew into an angry line, "I bare your mark, but you are not my Master."

He released my shoulder, his hands clutching into fists and huffed his exasperation. "I accept that this is hard for you, but your defiance cannot stand."

"You will receive nothing else from me." My trembling lips ruined the confidence I was trying to project.

"Oh but I already have, pet." He sneered and nearly dragged me by the arm towards the camp before I was able to gather my footing.

The camp was now bustling with motion and I caught the eyes of a fellow Lamorian woman who had a pitied look on her face. How must I have looked? Bruised and bandaged with a mixture of seed and blood between my legs, being dragged into camp by a towering barbarian. Yes let her pity me, let her pity shadow the truth, that for the briefest a moments I enjoyed his sweet torture.

"Kaptan! Lamorian group spotted eastward." The grunt from yesterday blurted before he could be dismissed away again.

Oro only grumbled and shouted to the rest of camp "Break camp. Prepare to move out!"

"Oro, no!" I pleaded, wriggling. How far east? Could my father be among that group?

Oro hoisted me the rest of the way into his tent when my legs gave out beneath me. He tossed me onto his bed, "Get ready."

I had to stop him from hunting any more of my people. I bounded off the bed and clutched his dark firm arms, "Home, Oro, let us go home." I implored.

"I am not so easily manipulated Esyld. Get ready." He reiterated.

I fell to my knees at his feet, grimacing with pain. Could I say the words? Would I mean it? Yes, if it meant saving my people from more death. "I beg you!" I swallowed the pride that I boasted just minutes earlier; I knew that my people would be no match for these men. "Please leave them, what harm could they possibly do? There are few left, and they are weak."

"Your loyalty is admirable, my pet. Shall we strike a bargain for their lives, Esyld?" He reached over to the fresh pale of water, and began washing his face, cleaning the blood from his dried lip. He walked around me, my eyes trailing him with apprehension as he moved to sit on the bed.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

He patted his hand down on the bed, and my heart thumped wildly. I walked warily to him and sat down facing him, feeling a measure of discomfort in my nudity. He trailed a hand down my back inspiring gooseflesh to sprawl across my skin.

"You know what I want." He traced up my spine with his fingertips, "But I also want something you are not yet willing to give, Esyld." He eyed me cautiously, "I do not want to break your spirit, but your defiance must be curbed."

"You want my submission." I stated indifferently. My people's lives were surely worth the cost of my pride and servitude.

"No, your devotion to me, as your Master." His hand was pulling at the tendrils of my disheveled plait, coaxing my blonde hair to flow down my back naturally.

My earlier words rebounded through the walls of my memory. I bare your mark, but you are not my master...You will receive nothing else from me. I was wrong, I would do much worse to save my people. My defeat, oh how it burned my stomach now and fanned the flames of my humiliation. Forced to take back and swallow the words I forged in a moment of self awareness. However with his request, he proved one thing to me, though it may not be easy as he so righteously contested, he could be manipulated.

This was the beginning, a small step forward in the right direction. I had turned my back on my fellow countryman already; abandoning our camp, fleeing the invaders, and allowing that poor woman to be hunted and brutalized. I could not run from this responsibility, however small or insignificant it may seem to be. Pelor demands penance, and this would be mine.

I closed my eyes and nodded. "I am yours, Master." Let him have this victory of my submission. We will have our own in time.

A slow steady breath blew from Oro's mouth. "Actions speak louder than words. For now I will accept this pressed show of faith." He used his fingers to tilt my chin upwards, "I would like to kiss you again, no teeth." He said with a trace of humor.

His lips brushed mine which trembled with suppressed emotion. "You are shaking." He whispered against my lips.

I begged my frayed nerves to calm. "It will pass."

"Come lay back." He motioned me to lay down on the bed, and he moved to the water pale which was being warmed by the nearby fire.

He sat down near my waist on the bed and dunked a new cloth into the pale. He took my hand into his own, and placed the rag against it. "Too warm?"

"No." My teeth chattered.

"I do not want you to fear my touch, Esyld. I told you that I would not wash you anymore, do you remember? One of our first bargains."

"I remember."

"Good. You may wash now, I will give you privacy, and will return shortly." He dropped the rag back in the bucket and slipped on some breeches before leaving his tent.

With the total privacy I craved I shifted on the bed and let my emotions rage into the pillow. Help me endure this farce, Pelor. I sniffled getting up from the bed, and ran the warm damp cloth over my face several times, until I felt a bit more calmed. I took the canvas wraps from my legs and gingerly dabbed the warm cloth against the healing wounds, grimacing as pain would occasionally lash out.

With great indignity I squatted over the bucket and swooshed water against my fair sex, rubbing carefully with the cloth to clean the remaining tackiness from my skin.

I found the shirt from yesterday and draped it over my head once more and crawled back onto the bed. My stomach grumbled to remind me that I required food, but in the end after such a grueling start to the day, and such emotional turmoil, my body fell swiftly into reverie.

The smell of food woke me, and I rubbed my hand against my sleep crusted eyes and tried to focus on my surroundings. It seemed darker now despite the warm glow of the fire.

Oro looked over at me with a smile, "Food Esyld. Come, I know you are hungry."

I sat up and felt an unfamiliar soreness between my legs and a stiffness in my hips. I sat next to him by the fire and reached out and grabbed a stick with skewered meat on it. "Spiced?"

"Only a little. It is sis kebap and that there is pilav." He indicated a small bundle of white and brown grains far too small to eat individually.

He used his fingers to scoop up some of the pilav and had great success with eating it that way. It smelled wonderful and despite my worry of its spice I bit into the skewered meat and chewed it graciously.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You will need your strength, in the morning we will ride for most of the day before we reach the forward camp."

"In the morning? What time is it?"

"It is late, my pet, the days are getting shorter." He ate more of the sis kebap and took a swig from a nearby jug.

"I was asleep all day?" I muttered, still trying to rub the sand from my eyes.

"Yes, but that is no matter." He smiled, continuing his consumption of the delicious meal.

"What did you do while I rested?" I asked softly, plucking at some of the pilav.

"I held my end of the bargain, Esyld, beyond that I will not say." His voice was not as warm as it had been a moment ago, but I trusted despite his status as a barbarian, he would be true to his word.

The rest of the meal was finished in silence. We took time to go about our other business before settling back next to the fire. He rubbed newly procured salve on my brand and knees before wrapping canvas against each section.

"You are healing nicely, my pet, though you still look tired, do you feel ill?" Oro asked.

"I feel tired, though I think my nerves will make me too restless to sleep." I yawned.

"Do you want to sleep?" He questioned.

"Yes. A dreaming mind is at peace more than a waking one." If only I could be a babe once more, curled up in the clutches of my mother's arms, not a care in the world.

I had not noticed the familiar morsel he brought until he placed it in my hand. "This will help you sleep."

The taste was much worse than I remembered, probably due to the lack of my stout aid. I waited for the effect to wash over me, which did not take long and I became quite drowsy.

Oro helped me up and guided me to the bed. He slowly grabbed the edge of my shirt and began lifting it upwards. "I want to feel your skin against mine. I know you must be sore, so I ask for nothing else."

I lifted my arms so that the shirt could be removed, once again leaving me naked in his presence. He sucked in a deep breath and hugged me tightly from behind. Shivers ran over my skin as I felt his hot breath on my neck. This will undo me if it continues much longer. I thought. How easily he sparked arousal within me, casting powerful ripples to my toes and fingers. No, it was only the effects of that strange dried bud, nothing more.

"You were made for me." His earlier words spoke once more in my head, demanding my lustful acknowledgment.

He ushered me under the covers and climbed in naked behind me. "Sleep well, my pet."

Oro's soft snoring woke me as morning began to break through a small tear in the tent. I carefully adjusted myself and wiggled my way off the bed, closing the covers behind me. I got dressed quietly and made my way outside.

It was still a bit chilly which ruined my hopes of a fresh water bath, but I set out towards the well anyway. I moved quickly so that my limbs would warm up, and shivering like a frail leaf pulled a full bucket from the well. I took a few drinks and splashed some against my face which brought a stark gasp from my lips. Teeth now once more chattering I lowered the bucket back into the well.

I stretched lazily before drawing into myself to conserve body heat and began my slow walk back to the camp. Some of the other Barbaros men were beginning to rise, and so I wasted no more time getting back to the tent.

As I prepared to open the flap, Oro nearly knocked me over, a look a fury on his face that immediately softened as he crashed into me. "There you are." His voice was still a little thick with sleep.

I cleared my throat, "I wanted fresh water, you were asleep."

He pulled me back inside the tent, rubbing my cold arms, "I do not like that you left like that."

"You were asleep, I was only gone a moment." I tried to withhold the dissent from my tone.

"I know Esyld." He brought me over to the fire pit and began to strike it up again. "You were gone, a moment yes, but alone." He kept striking at the flint absently. "I do not like it."

"Here," I said, taking the flint from him and striking it into a small tinder nest. Once it caught I placed it carefully in the pit and coaxed it into a warm flame. "I have no intention of running again."

"That is not the point Esyld!" He growled.

"We are in a camp full of your people! When will I ever truly be alone?" I countered.

"It is a dangerous world Esyld." He said trying to calm himself.

"You have shown me this personally." Gods, my temper was getting the best of me. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Esyld, you are mine, to protect and care for. That is my duty as your Master. If I am not at your side, I am unable to defend you." He stood naked before me and my eyes fell to the sizable soft manhood between his legs. I looked away abruptly trying to thwart the heat creeping into my cheeks.

"Y-your men, were just a shout away." I managed.

"I trust them with my life, that does not mean I trust them with yours." He expelled a labored breath. "We will be leaving soon. I will see Jora about more fitting garments for you. You will stay here."

"As you wish, Master." I nearly choked on the words. Oro smiled at my effort and slipped on some leathers before leaving the tent.

I took the time to braid my hair in a design my father said reminded him of fishbones. It was an odd comparison to be sure, but it was really quite lovely and shortened the length of my dangling mass.

I am not sure at what point I thought it would be a good idea to start snooping around through Oro's things, but before I knew it I was elbows deep in a chest of papers and books. The books seemed quite old and I dared not fuss with them too much or risk the bindings.

Perhaps what intrigued me most was the various drawings I found etched on thick parchment. I began cycling through them, reviewing an artful portrayal of a lush garden and my heart nearly stopped as Oro barged back into the tent talking to someone along the way.

He quickly surveyed the room and tisked as he saw what I was up to. "Close that, my pet, and come stand over here." He pointed to a space in front of him.

I dropped the drawings back into the chest and latched it closed, pressing it back up against the tent's edge. I walked to stand in front of him without saying a word about my prying curiosity.

"Jora, as I said she has a small frame, but will need accommodation here." He said, using a hand to caress the side of my breast. I stepped back reflexively from him to which I received a raised eyebrow. You are mine to touch. Another of his ideas I had nearly forgotten. I returned to my position and looked over at Jora's appraising obsidian eyes.

"Aye Kaptan." Her voice was gruff despite her pleasant features. Her hair was cropped short and black as Oro's but without his natural curls. Her body had a lovely tawny glow and boasted the lines of her toned muscle. She was unlike any other woman I had ever seen - "...your arms." My wandering thought was interrupted by her words. I had hardly noticed the red cloth she held out as she stepped forward.

"My arms?" I asked.

She sighed impatiently, giving an annoyed sidewards glance to Oro. "Raise your arms little girl."

"Uh, a-are you a seamstress too?" I stammered, raising my arms.

Oro burst out into thunderous laughter, doubling over and slapping his knee. By the look on her face I knew that I had insulted her in some way.

"I am a warrior, slave!" She growled. She turned to Oro who was still laughing obnoxiously and punched his arm, toppling him over like a unbalanced toddler. She then tossed the cloth at him, "See how you fair!" She yelled and stomped out of the tent with gusto.

My mouth quirked to the side as I looked down at him, trying to stifle my own laughter. I was amazed that she had managed to fell him, the towering man that he was. I picked up the red cloth, which felt quite similar to wool but was a much softer textile. I inspected it closely "Is this sheep's wool?"

"No, fine goat's hair. Kashmir. Very warm." He replied, sitting up having successfully recovered from laughing like a fool.

I separated out the two sections of cloth and took them to the bed laying them out.

"I will go fetch her back." He smiled and got to his feet.

"No need. I would like a leather belt and tie." I said still considering how to properly utilize the wonderful fabric.

I wrapped the fabric around my torso and was pleased that it would cover most of my body quite well. Oro returned with my requested supplies and a pair of fur lined moccasins, which I slipped on gratefully, wiggling my toes inside their warm confines.

I used the first piece to make a shawl that took minimal effort and would keep my arms fairly warm. The dress tied behind my neck, overlapping in the back secured by Oro's large belt around my small hips.

"You are as good with fabric as I am with a sword, my pet."

"Fabric is hardly a weapon." I retorted.

"True, but you disarm me just the same."

Oro's knowing smile brought a blush to my cheeks. This is a game Esyld, nothing more.

"H-how long until we leave?" My voice came out too soft for my liking, trying to change the subject.

"We have another hour yet, my group must eat, so must the animals before we can move on." He moved with purpose next to me, untying the thong at my neck, whispering into my ear "Plenty of time."

I caught his meaning immediately. Was this man's abyssal desires truly bottomless? You cannot deny him this. It is expected. I sucked in a shaky breath and tried to exhale slowly to calm myself. You do what you must. "Yes." I whispered.

The weight of that one word clung in the air. The heat of his chest and swell of his manhood pressed against me. He slowly and carefully stripped me bare, my fair body trembling before him. I did not shiver for lack of heat, because the warmth of his body was overwhelming. No I shivered from the anticipation of once again be touched more intimately than I had ever dared dream.

"Uncover me, Esyld." His voice strained with arousal.

My eyes met his in a moment of truth before my shaking hands moved to his belt. My knuckles rubbing against his taught burning skin. A moan caught in his throat and my eyes flicked back up to his face.

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