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The Collaring of Chloe Ch. 27

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Chloe gets to know her new Mistress.
5k words

Part 27 of the 42 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 03/18/2017
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The Collaring of Chloe

Chapter 27 -- The Other Side of the Looking Glass

**Characters and text are protected under copyright law

Entering into Mistress Victoria's house, Chloe briefly thought back to her first time entering Master's house. As now, she'd been naked and damp from cleaning herself outside, unsure what to expect on the other side of a door. However, any similarities to that day and this one lasted only until she crossed the threshold. Back then, she had been encountering his house for the first time, every sight a new one. Here, she was already familiar with what lay within from the play party she'd attended. Even beyond that, the feel of the parlor she walked into was very removed from that of Master's solarium. His home had felt soft and inviting, Mistress Victoria's felt hard and dangerous.

While the house's décor and furnishings had not changed, it looked very different to Chloe now, empty of the teeming crowd of sexually charged party-goers. It made the already large parlor room, that had served as a sort of foyer and social room, seem all the more enormous. The kitchenette off to one side of it had seemed almost cramped before, full of trestle-tables loaded with snacks and drinks. Now it seemed broad and spacious, an empty space that seemed a little too bright against the dimmer lighting of the rest of the house.

The large central staircase leading to the upper floors also seemed oversized and exaggerated in comparison to what she remembered. She could still picture the constant flow of people ascending and descending from it during the party, remembering going up and down it herself to visit some of the upper rooms. She could have sworn it had been smaller, if not any less grand. In fact, it seemed almost too grand to her, odd in a way.

In fact, for the first time, as she began walking down the hall ahead of her, looking into the many rooms in search for Mistress, Chloe began to fully recognize the strange layout and size of the house. Full of mostly naked people all cavorting from room to room, she'd not fully considered the house itself, as its own structure. It had simply been a palace of delights and debauchery. Her focus had been on so many other wonderful things that she'd taken any details of the house for granted.

Now, it all struck her as strange, standing out distinctly as an anomaly, though she couldn't quite say how. Perhaps, it was how each room she looked into was not just set up for fetish play and activities, but most had permanent installations, beautifully menacing constructions of gleaming steel, firm oak, and dark leather. Or perhaps it was the general feel of the place, a bit overly sterile and impersonal, despite most rooms appearing to have some sort of theme of decoration. More though, the layout of the whole house just felt odd, somehow different from what she thought it should be.

It felt like it was on the tip of her mind, a revelation just out of reach, but teasingly tickling at her the more she tried to get a hold of it. Eventually, she forced the questions from her mind; there would be plenty of time to figure out such mysteries later. She needed to stay focused and disciplined. When she found Mistress Victoria, she wanted to put forth only the image of the obedient slave.

Continuing her search with a narrower purpose of simply seeking out her Mistress, Chloe quickly walked the length of the main hall full of rooms all the way to the vaulted, actual, foyer at the other end, complete with its own massive set of stairs leading upwards. The space had been turned into general storage, boxes stacked up between cheap plastic shelving full of cleaning supplies, sanitizers, basic medical items, and other general staples for play parties. There were also plenty of shelves and crates that had items for the play itself, such as spare rope, general toys, replacement parts for installations, and more than a few things set aside to be repaired.

It seemed unlikely that Mistress would be waiting somewhere amid all the shelves and piles, hiding from her. There were a few other doors here, leading to areas that Chloe didn't know, but she doubted she'd be behind any of these either. Most likely, she was on a different floor. Just before entering, she'd passed the door leading down into the basement area, where she'd watched Grandfather Clock's mesmerizing scene. While she might be there, Chloe decided it more likely she was up, not down.

So, Chloe opted to take the staircase here up to the next floor, which had been more reserved for private play spaces for party-goers and rest spots where people could take a moment away from the press of the party itself. Walking down this upper hallway, she peeked into each room, finding little more than she'd found on the first floor, aside from spying her bags in one of the rooms. She'd still not even seen Louis yet, though the bucket and sponge he'd used had been in one of the lower bathrooms.

She considered again the basement, the only other area that had been 'officially' open during the party. However, she eyed the plush stairs leading to the third floor, set about halfway down the hallway. She could still picture the little velvet rope that had been strung between the handrails, quietly suggesting it as off-limits during the party. The rope was no longer in place, however. She assumed that the third floor was where Mistress's personal bedroom was, possible her whole living area, considering the rest of her home seemed to have been converted into a playhouse of sexual adventures.

Deciding to try the stairs up instead of backtracking, she cautiously ascended, feeling her heart start to thump in her chest. She was once again seized by the thought of when she'd first walked into Master's home, finally entering unfamiliar terrain. It helped to further settle her into her submissive mindset as she went up and found that she'd been right in her assumption of what must be on the third floor. It had been converted into a sort of large studio apartment-like layout, with its own kitchen, bathroom, and dining area.

At its center sat Mistress Victoria in a massive, high-backed, chair of inky black wood and steel settings. It looked almost like a grim throne. Louis knelt beside it, now wearing only a pair of tight leather pants, other than the original collar. The Mistress was still wearing the same clothes as before, though she now had a riding crop in one hand. The other hand absently caressed Louis's head, but her full attention was on Chloe as she finished climbing the stairs and approached.

Seated so imperiously upon the throne-like chair, holding the crop like a scepter, Mistress Victoria evoked an almost comically cliched image of an evil queen. It was all a bit of theater to properly set the mood and scene, but Chloe found it more amusing than intimidating. She fought like mad to keep any sign of the emotion from her face, however. Laughing at her Mistress would not be a good idea right now.

Instead, Chloe focused herself completely on her role and pushed everything else down to let her truest depth of submissiveness rise to the top. Eyes low, head dipped down, she stopped a few feet from the chair and slipped down into a kneeling position before Mistress, before bowing forward, extending her arms forward, wrists crossed and palms down, in a pose of worship and devotion. Face to the floor, she closed her eyes and waited to be told she could do anything else.

Mistress said nothing to her, did nothing, only continued to sit and pet Louis, for some time. Perhaps she wanted to see how long Chloe would wait there, perhaps she was simply enjoying the moment. In either case, Chloe remained prostrate before her, as she'd been ordered, and steeled herself to remain that way for hours, if need be.

"Rise back to a kneel, slave." Mistress Victoria finally said after what felt like almost ten minutes, if not longer. Chloe returned to that position fluidly, keeping her head and eyes still low, putting her hands on her thighs, palms up and open.

"You certainly are a very well-trained slave." Mistress said silkily. "I wish I knew your Master's secret for making such a heeled slut of you."

Inwardly, Chloe considered whether she should comment or not. Master had begun very casually, explaining what he expected of her, establishing that she ordinarily could speak when she wished, unless specially given orders otherwise. Mistress Victoria had not done so, at least not yet, so there was much she didn't know if she had permission to do. Ultimately, it was always wisest to assume she had no permission to do anything and wait to be told different.

"Well, slave, you belong to me for the next nine days." Mistress continued after a few moments. "You will follow any order I give you, both in word and spirit. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress." Chloe responded, assuming that she was, at least, expected to answer a direct question.

"Since you wish to be truly treated as slave, you will have no say or veto in anything I decide to tell you to do or endure. You no longer have a say in anything." She grinned sinisterly. "You belong to me and I will remind you of that regularly. Refusal or failure to do what you are told will earn you a punishment. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Fair warning, slave, I plan to push your limits while you are here and I fully expect to have to punish you more than once before your stay is over." She leaned forward menacingly.

Chloe, fought the urge to smile, determined to surprise her Mistress on that front. She doubted her Mistress could really come up with anything that Chloe couldn't force herself to obediently do. While they'd done so outside her hearing, she was certain Master had set up boundaries that Mistress couldn't cross and she trusted him to know where her real breaking points were. Everything else was just a matter of will to endure.

The Domme regarded her for a moment, seeming curious, obviously considering what her first trial should be. Finally, she relaxed back into her throne. "First, a few rules. You will speak only when given permission by myself or asked a direct question by a superior. The only exception is an emergency or if there is a legitimate physical problem during bondage. You will be given a daily schedule of tasks that you must complete by certain times, failure will earn a punishment. You must also be given permission to eat, use the bathroom, or cum. I will dress you each day and you will remain naked until I have done so. Note that I may chose to leave you naked, if I please."

Her eyes flicked towards a stool nearby. "In that vein, take your wet shoes off and change into those while I continue." Chloe looked towards the squat stool, upon which was some folded clothes and a small towel to properly dry her feet. Dutifully, she rose and went to it, slipping off the canvas shoes and putting them beneath it before going about donning the outfit. As she did, Mistress Victoria whispered something to Louis, who rose and went to the kitchen area, before continuing with her rules.

"You may not masturbate unless told to, though I doubt you will find much need to. You will fuck anyone I tell you to, when I tell you to, or perform any other sexual act upon them that I tell you." She stood from the chair languidly, seeming only passingly interested in watching Chloe dress. "Unless given some specific task or told to stay in a specific room until released, you otherwise have permission to move about the playhouse as you want, except for any door that has a red-painted door-knob or whose knob I've put a red ribbon around.

"Note that this floor is NOT officially part of the playhouse, so you may come up here only when bidden to by me. Otherwise, you may not be here. There may often be other people in the house, including other Dominants. You must have my permission to play with any of them, but you may watch, unless they ask for privacy." Turning sharply, she waggled the crop, seeming to have only just remembered something.

"Oh, I should probably clear something up. This isn't my actual home. This is a community Dungeon that I own and manage. To that end, while you are here, you are expected to keep it clean and help maintain it as needed, unless given some other task."

Though she'd already realized the house had been converted into a permanent playhouse, this gave Chloe a jolt of surprise. Suddenly, the strange layout of the house struck her and she recognized the building for what it actually was. Or more, what it had once been. She felt stupid for not recognizing the elements previously, the twin stairs, the large social areas; it had obviously once been a bed-and-breakfast.

More though, the point that this wasn't Mistress Victoria's actual house brought up a few questions for her and she paused, looking at her Mistress with an expression she hoped conveyed that. However, the Domme had already turned partially away, walking absently back and forth, tapping the end of the crop against her chin thoughtfully.

"I have had one of the aftercare rooms prepared as a bedroom for you. It is on the second floor and I'll take you down to it after lunch." She paused a moment, fixing her attention on Louis, who was currently assembling ingredients to make a lunch on the counter. "If you're looking for the fresh garlic, I used the last bulb last night, you'll have to use the dried garlic in the cabinet."

Turning back to Chloe, she started to say something, but stopped, admiring what she saw. She was in now dressed in a form-fitting deep indigo velvet sheath dress that covered her from neck to hips, including sleeves that were complete with built-in gloves. However, the front of the dress featured an opening at the bust that allowed her breasts to stick out. The lower hem of the dress only barely concealed her pubis and Chloe was certain it would probably ride up quickly to reveal it.

She'd been given no underwear to put on, but had put on a pair of satiny thigh highs in a dark smoke grey. She'd not yet had a chance to put on the shoes yet, which where a pair of heels with a strap that went around the ankle. Though she'd not felt embarrassed to be naked, she felt more normal with the feel of gloves on her hands and hosiery on her legs. Master had her always with something on her legs and arms, even if that was all she wore. She'd become so used to it, that she now felt awkward without the feel of something on her limbs.

"My, my, aren't you a pretty slave?" Mistress drawled at her admiringly. "You have a sort of classic elegance to you." She paused for a second, before waving the crop at the stool. "Forget the shoes for a moment and come here." She pointed to the floor in front of her.

Obediently, Chloe came straight over and knelt before the Domme, her head bowed, the dress predictably rising up over her hips to expose her entire pelvis. "Look up at me." Mistress told her and she did, tilting her head back and looking upwards to her. With her face so near the Domme's crotch, she caught a heady scent of arousal emanating from it. She felt her mouth start to drool with a hunger for it.

Reaching down, Mistress ran a hand down the side of Chloe's cheek, caressing it. "I have wanted to possess you since the first day I saw you, slave. You are a true gem among cheap glass baubles. I want to hear you moan for me. Masturbate. Remember though, you may not cum until I let you."

Chloe needed little encouragement to obey, already deeply aroused from everything she'd been experiencing. The sensation of the velvet fabric of the gloves was wonderful against her clitoris as she immediately began stimulating it, making sure to be as audible as she could with how it made her feel. She handled her task with great care, expertly modulating her motions and efforts so to maintain a constant wash of pleasure, but cautious to slow when she felt herself start to crest.

She was already quite adept at this game, Master often having her masturbate for him with the rule of her only being able to cum when he gave permission. She'd learned how to extend the experience for quite a while, even how to avoid getting too fatigued or sore from it. However, Master would let her ask for permission, when she began to get close.

Mistress had intentionally not mentioned her having permission to speak, she noticed, meaning that she had to even more carefully manage herself, as the Domme may already be testing her discipline. To that end, she made herself also continue to look up at her, having also not been told she could look away. She could see it went noticed.

For several minutes, Mistress Victoria just watched, enjoying looking down at Chloe pleasuring herself for her. The sound of Chloe's utterings and groans of pleasure deeply increased the scent of arousal coming from her. Chloe could see the Domme growing more and more lustful for her with every moment. It was like watching a fire rise out of glowing embers, building to a blaze.

After a few minutes, Mistress Victoria seemed to become suddenly bored of watching her and strode away without a word, going to check in with Louis cooking dinner. Having been given no indication to stop, Chloe continued to play with herself, focusing on the feel of the now soaked material brushing roughly up into her as she pushed fingers deep inside herself. She increased the volume of her vocalizations, making sure Mistress could hear her.

For almost ten minutes, the Domme showed no sign of notice, seeming to ignore her completely as she oversaw Louis's efforts with the meal, straightened a few things about the area, even going to the toilet. Chloe made sure to be heard by her regardless of where she went in the studio, even in the bathroom. Finally, Mistress Victoria came back over to her, looking at her with a note of respect and satisfaction.

"You have thirty seconds to cum." She said simply. "If you don't manage to—"

Having been only barely holding it back for a while, Chloe had a sudden and cataclysmic orgasm, screaming out a guttural cry of complete release, openly ejaculating a stream of wet from her groin. The climax was so intense that her limbs spasmed heavily, nearly causing her collapse into the floor. Mistress Victoria was so caught off guard by both the immediacy and power of the orgasm that she took an unconscious step back in surprise, eyes wide for a long moment.

After that moment, however, she gave a devilish smile of delight and recovered herself, examining Chloe even more closely and with even more interest than ever before. "Very well done, slave. Now clean up your mess." She cooed, indicating the pooling fluids on the floor with the toe of her boot.

Still feeling a little disoriented from her explosive release, Chloe struggled to master herself enough to obey. She foggily considered the tiny puddle, trying to think of what she should use to clean it up. She felt sure she should not rise to fetch something to soak it up, so she began to reach down to use her gloved hands to try and wipe at it.

The Domme meaningfully cleared her throat, catching her attention. She gave Chloe a subtle shake of her head, then ran her tongue significantly between her teeth, eyes conveying her intent. Chloe immediately caught on and looked back to the moisture on the floor. Not letting herself hesitate, she slid back a little and lowered herself down, steeling herself for what she had to do. Pausing only to glance up towards her Mistress to ensure she'd understood, Chloe stuck out her tongue and licked up the wet spot on the floor.

She made a show of the act, dragging her tongue slowly across the parquet tiles, lapping up her own sexual fluids as though lazily licking a large lollipop. She closed her eyes and imagined the spot of floor was her Mistress's invitingly fragrant pussy, refusing to allow herself to wince or really consider what she was doing. Once she felt she'd managed to clean up everything, she rose back into a kneeling position, glancing upwards at Mistress Victoria to gauge how well she'd pleased her with the act.


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