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Barstow - Group Sex Pending Pt. 01

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Swingers plan a sexy Super Bowl party; Emily buys a car.
14.5k words

Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 06/16/2023
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Sunrise in the combined Albertson-Foster household has awakened the dogs, and Sky is already scratching at the patio door to be let out to take care of business. In response, Steve has rolled out of bed at everyone else's insistence, "It's your turn!"

Pixel and Solomon are trying their best to trip Steve as he reaches for the door by dancing around and between his legs in their enthused Dalmatian "Good morning, Daddy!" Solomon is jumping up on Steve wanting to be picked up and held, oblivious that he has grown fast as puppies do. At 40-plus pounds he's now just too big for this. Steve pushes him down, trying his best to correct the behavior his people inadvertently taught him.

Cyan, Jackson, and Emily are in full grumble as they crawl if not push each other out of their communal bed, sorting out who gets to use which bathroom. Jackson grabs a pair of shorts, Cyan her housecoat, and Emily nothing more than a towel to sit on as they each make their way to the kitchen to start their day.

Em laughs at Steve as he stands at the door waiting for the dogs to finish their morning constitutionals, his morning wood not yet abated. She retrieved his plush bathrobe from the big master bathroom, playfully tugging on his erection as she hands him the robe.

"Do you always have to do that?" he groans.

"Yes I do!" Em giggles.

Same ol' morning routine, in other words.

The fourple gets in each other's way as they ready their breakfast. Steve and Emily are setting the table while Cyan and Jackson try not to stumble over them between trips to the refrigerator to gather ingredients. Jax started the heat underneath the large griddle the moment they walked in, so it's ready to go. Cyan is his fry assistant, setting plates of uncooked eggs and bacon next to the stove, also bearing spatulas for each of them to turn the cooking food.

She made the mistake of yanking down his shorts to swat his butt with a spatula, instigating an impulsive playtime. Jackson quickly peeled Cyan's housecoat off and now has her bent over the kitchen sink, taking her from behind. They pay no mind to the sizzle from the grill.

"(Jackson! We're overcooking the eggs!)" Cy protests in a hoarse whisper.

"(So? I've got you right where I want you!)"

"(Pull out! We need to flip 'em! You know Steve likes his yolks runny!)"

"(Fuck Steve!)"

"(Oh, he'll have his turn! But later!)"

"OW!" Jackson just got bit by bacon spatter, and pulls out of Cy.

"Serves you right!" Cyan laughs.

"You started it!"

Emily and Steven are seated at the table they set, snickering at their spouses' antics. They kiss each other in appreciation of their lovers, also knowing that after Jax takes off for work they will share their own moment of "quality time" as a threesome.

Despite appearances, Steve is actually the breakfast maven of the loving foursome, but Cyan and Jackson have fallen into a bit of a routine having fun with the meal preparation as well as with each other around the kitchen. Nothing exciting on the menu this morning, just eggs, bacon, grits, and coffee, enough to fuel the day after a relatively quiet and peaceful sleep the night before.

That is, relatively quiet and peaceful. The girls were making a little game out of partner swapping after going to bed, only allowing the guys two or three strokes in each before pulling off and harassing the opposite husband the same way. They did this four times before the guys wised-up and coordinated, Steve pinning down Cyan for Jax to fuck 'er to completion while she and Emily laughed, Em also fake-slapping at Steve. Everybody got everybody off as they usually do, and cuddled into a satisfied and satisfying slumber on their extra-large bed -- plenty of room for four, plus friends when the occasion presents.

This morning's kitchen fun and last night's goofy sex play is more or less business as usual with these guys. With full plates finally on the table, breakfast chatter this Friday morning has turned to discussion of the big party next month, Steve and Cyan's annual February bash in observance of the over-the-top football and TV commercials spectacle known as the Super Bowl. This is the one time of the year the fourple invites their entire swinger group to be at the house at the same time. It is quite the event.

Jackson asks Steve, "Are we going to put up that huge TV in your bedroom Saturday?"

"That's the plan."

"Are you going to leave it in there after game weekend?"

"I haven't decided, but I'm inclined to move it to the living room to replace the smaller screen. It's not like we want to... ugh... watch porn on it or anything like that. Our friends are far more fun and interesting to watch in action than any porno."

"Even Susan's stuff?"

"Even Susan's stuff, despite our supporting roles in some of it. You know. If you've seen one Tab A in Slot B production, you've seen 'em all."

The girls grin and chuckle, recalling their recent "Slot B" roles with Susan's in-the-woods porno filming.

Jackson has finished his meal and excuses himself to get dressed for his workday.

Cyan asks, "We are planning on more beds this year, aren't we? We had eight people on ours last time! When things were hoppin', weren't there like six on at least two of the kings? And then there were the sofas. Twenty-six in all, if I recall."

"Thirteen couples?" Emily is surprised. "Really, Steven?"

"Well, twelve plus two guest singles. We told you guys this party was big."

"I gotta ask... was any of this an orgy, or just people pairing off wherever they could find the space?"

"Mostly pairing off."

"So no real group sex. Just same-room fucking."

"That about describes it. Not even anything like we were doing last night. You two were nuts, by the way."

Steve again gets silly grins from both Em and Cy.

Steve voices an evil idea, "You know, guys, speaking of that big TV and group sex, I'm thinking about putting a camera up on the patio, and in the two big bedrooms."

Cyan is alarmed. "That'll spook everybody, dear!"

"No it won't, at least not after they see what it's for. The plan is to feed the video from each to a four-way split screen on the TVs in each of the play areas, with the game on the fourth pane."

"Ohmygawd, Steve!" Emily blurts. "Football, and live and virtual group sex all at the same time!"

Steve taps his nose with an index finger. The girls laugh.

He chuckles back, "It'll be a hoot to watch people disappear from one and reappear on another when they fancy trying the orgy in another room."

"You're not going to be tempted to record it all for Susan, are you?" Cyan frowns.

"Tempted, maybe. But no. These are our friends. They trust us. Besides, Susan's on the invite list, right?"

"Yes she is."

"If she can make it I'll remind her that our ground rules apply. She'll be cool with it."


"Guys, I have to get going," Jax informs the troupe on his way through the kitchen. He asks Emily, "You're working from home today, aren't you?"

"Yep. Melissa said we might even make this Friday arrangement permanent as long as I'm making the milestones. It's nice to not have to wear anything and still get paid."

Steve laughs, "Zoom calls, Em?"

"That's what the T-shirt on the hook is for."

"Just don't stand up."

"So, so tempting..."


She laughs, "Hey! What are you complainin' about? I wasn't an exhibitionist until we met you guys! It's all your fault, Steven!"

Steve sighs with a big grin, "Yeah. The passing scenery is great, no doubt."

Everybody cracks up.

Jax breaks in, "Guys? I still have to get out of here. Steve? You don't need the SUV, right?"

"Right. Em and I are figurin' on a Menards run in the van. Cyan doesn't need to tag along on that errand."

"Okay, then. See you guys tonight!"

"Bye!" "Be careful!" "Drive safe!"

And Jax is out the door.

Cyan asks Emily, "Are we going to finish the invitations today?"

"I guess. Maybe tonight before the crew starts to arrive."

"Do we have a theme beyond the football game? Steve?"

"Oh, I don't know. Something that conveys a little more... uh... 'togetherness', maybe?"

Emily mulls, "More like what we experienced in Florida, possibly? Orgies? We had a lot of orgies. So you're talking about less pairing off and more bodies in a heap sort of stuff."

"Orgy Central? Orgies 'R' Us? Group Grope on the 50 Yard Line? I dunno," Steve mutters.

"How's this?" Cyan offers, "You are cordially invited to Steve & Cyan's and Emily & Jackson's annual Super Bowl and Fuck Your Neighbor celebration. Couples and their Plus-Ones are welcome! The big bed will be reserved for Puppy Piles and Creative Togetherness. Group Sex Pending!"

"Ha!" Emily blurts. "Group Sex Pending! There's your theme! Love it!"

Steve shakes his head and grins, "Write it all down before we forget it, dear!"

Cyan grabs a note pad and scribbles furiously before the fleeting thought passes.

"There's your invitation, Cy," Emily chuckles.

"Okay! I have my marching orders!"

"Good enough. I have to work on car loan stuff during work breaks 'cause of business hours."

"How's that going?" Steve inquires.

"Geez. Poorly. All the bullshit after things went haywire in L.A. really dinged our credit ratings. Everything's paid off now, but... damn!"

"The offer still stands."

"I know, sweetie. We really appreciate everything you and Cy do for us, but Jax and I really don't want to go there. Loans that big within a family can create tensions."

"You guys talk to the credit union at work?"

"Yeah. They're the best of a bad lot. They can't do better than 15% for us 'cause of the bad scores."


"No shit."

"Plan at this point?"

"Talking to the new car places in Springfield about their supposed 'rebuild your credit' programs."

"Those are a scam, you know."

"Yeah, we do. But it's about the only option we have left. Jax and I are driving the wheels off your SUV with the commute, Steve. That's not right. Besides."

"Besides what, sweetheart?"

"Gotta have something that gets better gas mileage. Gawd that thing is thirsty."

"You know..." Steve grins.

"Not again, you goofball. You want an electric car in the family so bad you can taste it."

Steve chuckles, "Makes sense for you guys. Seriously. The commute distance is perfect for one. You would never have to recharge on the road. Tom is putting in charging stations at the office, too, isn't he?"

Emily sighs, "Yeah, he is."

"Tell you what. You cool your jets on the car thing today and we'll talk about it over dinner. I think the right thing to do is to go halvsies with you and Jax on an electric car. You can pay us back for your half on whatever payment schedule you two think is right. With what you guys bring home..."

"...and not having rent or a house payment."


Cyan is leaning against the kitchen counter, pouting, "When can I have a new car, dear?"

"We've talked about that. We have to keep yours running as long as we can. You can't handle the technology in the new stuff."

"You can't, Cy," Emily commiserates. "We all joke with you about the Luddite thing, but in all seriousness all the new safety monitoring features amount to distractions you're not equipped to deal with. You'd be a danger to yourself and everybody else."


"No 'buts', sweetheart." Steve rises from his chair to comfort his wife with a loving hug. "You're okay with the Fugly and it's running great, so we need to leave it there."

"I guess," Cy moans.

"Em? I have an idea. When do you think you'll be able to break away?"

"Should be done noonish. Maybe one o'clock."

"Cyan? Would you be offended if I took Em to lunch and she and I went car shopping?"

"I guess not. Somebody has to stay home with the dogs."

"Good. Em, you wear something flashy and we'll go harass car salesmen."

"Steve? Gawd! It's thirty degrees out there!"

"You have that maroon velvet button-up dress. Or how about the blue long puffy coat we got you last month? Wear that with nothing underneath."

"And you call me evil, Steven!" Emily laughs. "Oh, look at the time. I need to check in. You going to join me in the office?"

"I need to shower and shave first. How about you check in and then you can shower with me, okay? You, too, Cy."

"That works!" Cyan grins.


"How do you feel about lunch at Applebee's?" Steve asks Emily as they close in on Springfield and are about to pass under the Interstate. "It's on the way."

"Oh, good idea. Is Sandy working today?"

"Should be."

"That would be nice."

A couple of turns later Steve finds a parking spot big enough for the van and the two of them jump out. A gust threatens to lift Emily's coat. She gave-in to Steve's suggestion.

"Gawd! Fucking freezing! I don't know why I let you talk me into doing shit like this!"

"Like you don't want to, Little Ms. Naked-all-the-time? Sorry about the cold, though. I certainly know this isn't Southern California. Our blood had to thicken-up, too, after we moved here."

The frosty breeze encourages a near-run to the front door and vestibule, with a laughing Sandy standing behind the inner door.

"Hi, guys! Welcome to Applebee's!" She leans into Steve for a quick kiss, and the same for Em.

Steve smirks, "You're not supposed to do that here, Sandy!"

"Oh, I know. Can't help myself sometimes. Here, Em. Let me hang-up your coat."

Sandy reaches for Emily's top zipper. Em can't move fast enough to grab her hand.

Sandy laughs again, "Thought so! You guys can be so nasty sometimes! High table in the bar, right?"

Steve sighs and then answers, "Depends on the crowd, Sandy."

"Oh, I know. That's why I suggested it. Mostly the regular Friday afternoon guys playing hooky from the office. A couple of 'em..."

"You've had. I get it. You're going to get in a shitload of trouble with that."

"I'm not that dumb about it, Steve! Off campus. Strictly."

"Okay. Here?" Steve asks. Sandy has stopped them at a table with a panoramic view of the bar patrons. And vice versa.

"Yep. You know what to do. Em? You need help with that lower zipper so you can sit comfortably? Zippers on new coats are such a pain."

"Who's calling who nasty, Sandy?" she chuckles. "Yeah. Go ahead. It's your place!"

Sandy teases Em by up-zipping the coat to her navel.

"(Sandy!)" Emily laughingly protests in a whisper.

Sandy grins as she slowly lowers it to still-not-quite-decent. "(Just kidding!)"

Steve and Em take seats sort of opposite each other, but still generally facing the bar. Two of the guys at the bar notice that Emily is showing a lot of leg.

"Debbie will be your server today. I'll check in with you guys later." Sandy discreetly touches Em's inner thigh as she sets down their menus, a subtle hint to spread her legs for a show.

"(Not yet, San,)" Emily rebuffs. She reaches down to lower the zipper a little more to prevent any accidents. What she does, however, is lower the top zipper a few inches, just enough to show skin.

"(What are you doing?)" Steve frowns.

"(Oh, nuthin'.)"

"(Right. What do you have up your sleeve, Em?)"

"(You'll find out.)"

Steve shakes his head as the server approaches their table.

"Hi. I'm Debbie. Drinks?" she asks.

Steve nods to Emily. Emily muses, "It's cold out there. How about a double Bailey's with a coffee sidecar?"

Steve gives Em a puzzled look, "A little early, doncha' think? I'll have a hot tea, please. How well do you know Sandy, Debbie?"

"Pretty well, actually. Why?"

"Just curious."

Debbie leans over to Steve, "(I saw her kiss you guys on the way in. It's more than curiosity.)"

Steve responds with a subtle smile. Debbie steps away to the bar to put the order in. After she loads her tray with the drinks for Em and Steve and the next table over, she stops and has a quick chat with Sandy.

"What are you thinking, Steven?" Emily sort of smirks at him.

"Oh, wondering about Debbie. She has 'that look'. Blonde, tall and sleek."

"What look?"

"College volleyball player. Didn't I mention I used to coach women's volleyball?"

"No! Really?"

"Maybe I told that to Jackson. Anyway, I was suckered into it when trying to qualify for a sports letter back when I was playing tennis. We had to have so many points in other sports-related activities. I chose refereeing women's volleyball because it seemed easy and the rules were pretty basic. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but I discovered I really liked it. Neat sport. The women are so much more graceful than the guys. Even dance-like. That gig turned into coaching semi-pro leagues after school."

"Did you date any of them?"

"No, oddly. I should've, but that was still while I was kind of in my shell around women. I was great with 'em on the court, but off? Total nerd."

"Somehow I can see that. Oh. Here she comes."

Debbie serves the drinks for the next table over, and then does the same for Em and Steve. She sets her service tray down on the empty table behind Steve.

"I talked to Sandy. The answer is hell, yes!"

"'Hell, yes' what?"

"You were going to invite me to your party tonight."

"Uh... uh... well I guess I had that thought. But... you know... not something somebody just comes out and asks of a stranger."

"Oh, you're okay... Steve. Just to let you know where I stand with all of this, I'm doing Rick."

Emily almost has a spit-take with her coffee. Debbie laughs.

After clearing her throat of the near-choke, "(Just how much do you know?)" Emily asks sotto voce, trying to be discrete.

"(That you guys throw great parties. They're not drunken bashes like the Springfield group. Welcome to town, Emily. From everything Rick and Sandy have told me, you and your guy hooked up with the right couple.)"

"(We sure as heck did.)" Emily reaches over to hold Steve's hand.

"(That's what I mean. Oh. I need to get to work here.)"

Steve poses, "One question first. Volleyball?"

Debbie absolutely lights-up in response. "How could you possibly know? UofI!"

"Used to coach women's teams. You have exactly the build that wins games."

"Thank you! Yeah, we had some good seasons. You guys ready?"

Emily and Steve tender their requests to Debbie. After a suitable amount of kitchen time, she returns with dishes and a couple of sides, and informs them, "I'll be riding with Sandy and Rick after she and I are off. That okay?"

"More than okay, Debbie," Steve acknowledges. "It'll be great to have you with us."

She smiles and retreats to the terminal to put in another order.

"Well that's fun, Stevie. And she's your type, too."

"We'll see. I'm concerned we're getting a little girl-heavy. Do you think DeeDee is going to be there?"

"Not tonight. She said she has a real date."

"Not at that awful bar, I hope."

"No. I asked. She's losing her appetite for it."

"She going to keep us posted on any other place where it's okay to play?"




Steve and Emily run back to the van in a futile attempt to lose as little warmth as they can. Emily had the presence of mind to zip the coat all the way, up and down. Steve bobbles the key fob with his cold fingers, drops it and does his best to recover.

"GAWD FUCKING DAMMIT STEVEN! Get it together! The breeze! It's cold! You don't want it to freeze shut!"

"Sorry, sweetie. Okay I got it. Jump in."

"Shit! It's cold in here, too! Damn!"

Steve sighs, "Yeah. I should've ordered it with remote start. Didn't think we'd be getting this much use out of it in the winter months."

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