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Barstow - Naughty at Amalgamated

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Even the Big Boss and HR are in on the action!
8.3k words

Part 15 of the 17 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 06/16/2023
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The PA system blares, "Emily Foster, 426. Emily Foster, dial 426."

"Fuckin' shit," Emily mutters to herself on the way back from the break room. "Everybody knows that's HR. What the fuck does Dee want that can't wait for voicemail?"

Back at her desk, she's faced with a hard decision -- the voicemail light is blinking, and she's just been paged. Which one first?

The blinking light can wait. She dials HR.

"HR. Denise Watson," is the voice on the other end.

"Hey, Dee. What's going on?"

"Red alert. Meet me at the picnic table."

"Uh oh. On my way."

Long story short, Dee and Emily are in the same swinger "club" as the president of the company. They both fuck him somewhat regularly at Emily's parties, and it's become evident that Emily is his favorite. The girls also play with each other, as well as the president's wife. It's a pretty randy group.

Emily makes her way out of the cafeteria exit into the outdoor lounge area to find Denise sitting at the table, concern written all over her face.

"That expression doesn't look good, Dee. Are we in trouble?"

"No. Well, maybe. Tom is really worried."

Tom Harper is the company president.

"What's up? When did you talk to him?"

"Just got out of our weekly payroll meeting. He and I had a closed-door discussion in his office."

"'Good' closed-door, or 'bad' closed-door?"

"Bad. Potential buyout. Acme is tendering a hostile stock buy. Board of directors is voting on it Friday."

"Shit. He obviously thinks it might go through. Ramifications?"

"He's out if it does, and there will be layoffs."

"I thought Amalgamated had a poison pill."

"We do. Lawyers are working hard to make it stick."

"Were you able to calm him down?"

"No. He couldn't. We tried."

"Well, fuck. He really is worried about it, then. Does Claire know?"

"Not yet. I was the first one of us he told."

"If he heard you page me, he can be certain that I know now."

"He asked me to tell you, so we're okay."

"Is there a plan?"

"We get to wait for the other shoe to drop, like everybody else."

"Anybody sniffing around asking questions? That's what worries me."

"Yes, and you should be. Acme's accountants have asked for employee rosters including pay and seniority. I'm dragging my feet."

"Fuck. This could be L.A. all over again."

"I'm sorry sweetie. I wish we could hug right now, we both need it. Oh... I know you have to tell Jackson, of course, but all of this is very much under-the-hat at the moment. Lips have to be zipped."



Jackson is waiting in the car for his and Emily's drive home from work. He also works at Amalgamated, in the software engineering division. Tom had hired both of them after meeting the couple at their first swinger party with the Albertsons, and the company had openings matching both of their skillsets.

Emily opens her door, takes a seat, and Jax prepares to back out of the spot.

"We're not leaving yet, Jax. Turn off the car."

"Oh. What's the matter?"

"You cannot tell a soul, sweetheart, but it's possible the company may be bought out."

"When did you find this out? And how?"

"Dee and I had a picnic table meeting this afternoon after she talked with Tom. He's concerned, so we should be concerned."

"Gawd. Picnic table. Serious. What now? Will we have jobs?"

"We don't know. Too soon to know anything certain, and our lawyers are pushing back. It's a hostile tender offer. Anyway... Tom requested a special meeting at six o'clock. His office. You, me, Dee and him."

"That sounds suspiciously like a blowing-off-steam session."

"My thought, too."

Jax worries, "I hope he knows what he's doing. We've never done anything on-campus before."

"I know. It's ten 'til. Let's go."

"You sure nobody will see you? There's usually no reason for you to be in the corporate offices building."

"I guess there's always a first time."

Jackson leads the way to the executive offices. He's had occasion to meet with Tom and two of the VPs about product design change proposals. They are impressed with his work.

"Next left," he tells Emily. Hallways are mostly dark, just the safety lighting is on.

"Nice," she says as they step into the outer office. "Dark paneling. Sort of old-school."

"Of course. They've been around a while."

The door to Tom's office is closed. Emily taps lightly on the door, "Em and Jax," she softly announces.

"Enter." It's Tom's voice. They step in to find Denise in his lap, her skirt spread over his legs.

He welcomes the couple, "Lock the door, please. Thanks, guys, for being here. I'm so sorry about the bad news."

"It's not all bad," Dee interrupts. "Tom just told me we might have a... what did you call it?"

"White knight offer."

"Oh?" Emily is curious.

Jackson answers, "Competing stock offer favorable to Amalgamated. What are the chances?"

Tom replies, "Pretty good, Jax. Here. Dee, how about you and Jax take the sofa over there? You guys strip. I'd like to watch you two fuck."

Emily chuckles at Tom, "Didn't think you were into that. Are we okay here? No surprises from cleaning staff, for instance?"

"I'm into a lot of things, sweetie. You know that. And, no, they've gone home. You going to get naked for me, too?"

"Sure. What's your pleasure?"

"Oh, a little suck, a little fuck. You alright with that?"

"Definitely! Dee said you had issues this afternoon."

"The news hit me pretty hard, Em. I got a call around 4:45 about the white knight deal, so I'm feeling better. Look!"

"Yep. So nice. I love it when the tip plays peek-a-boo with the foreskin. The little drop of pre-cum is cute! You gonna strip all the way, too? Want me to help?"

"That'd be nice, Emily. You sure are good to me. And Claire, too!"

"Oh!" Jackson breaks in. "We need to phone home!"

"Okay, E.T.," Emily chuckles. "Tom?"

"Yep. I'll put it on the speaker. Phone sex!"

Everybody gets a little chuckle from that.

"Hello?" Cyan answers. "Tom? Unusual for you to be calling from the office."

"Yeah, I know. I'm keeping the guys after hours for a special meeting. Say 'hi', Em."

"Mmmmfmmmmph mmmff!"

Cyan laughs, "So I see. Or hear. What's the occasion?"

Dee sort of shouts from the other side of the room, "We got a bit of a scare today. Somebody is attempting to buy the company."

"Hi, Dee! I take it you're with Jackson?"

"Of course! Oo. Yeah. Like that."

Cyan laughs at that.

"Tom? How certain is this?"

"A possibility. Anyway, we have our lawyers working on a couple of defenses against the hostile takeover."

"Well then, good luck. Guys, should we wait for you with dinner?"

Tom replies again, "Probably shouldn't. I'm going to have them here another hour or so. Em just started sucking me, so I figure another ten or fifteen before we fuck, and no telling what Jax and Dee are going to need. Guys?"

"Extended or quick? Your choice." Jax asks of Denise.

"Extended! Geez!" Dee grumbles.

Jackson chuckles, "I knew the answer to that!"

"Cy?" Tom advises, "You guys have a nice dinner. I'll send your partners home only slightly used-up."

"You're so bad, Tom! Guys? Have fun! Steve and I will find something to do in the meanwhile."

Emily comes up for air, "Yeah. Like screw in the tub. Save him for me, Cy. Please?"

"Okay. What do you have in mind? I'll let him know."

"Thanks. It's warm tonight. I want him to do me on that overpass."

Dee laughs, "You clowns are going to get your asses in big trouble with that shit!"

Em just grins.

Tom chuckles, "Say 'hi' to Steve for us. G'night, Cyan."

"Hey, Tom. See you and Claire Friday?"

"No. Won't be back from Chicago. Board meeting is up there."

"Too bad. See you guys in a little while. I'll tell Steve. 'Bye all!"


First thing next morning, Emily rings-up Denise.

"HR. Denise Watson."

"Hey Dee... you have a moment?"

"I do. My office, or... you know."


They rendezvous at the picnic table again.

"What's up? Did you and Steve..."

Emily puts a finger up to her lips as a "Shush!", then kneels on the ground to look and probe around under the table and benches. Unfortunately, she finds what she is looking for. She reaches under for the object, pulls it off, and sets it on the table.

Still "shushing" Dee, Em reaches into her purse and pulls out a boat horn! Motioning to Dee to plug her ears, Em holds the trumpet to the object and lets loose with a long burst. Then she uses the canister of the horn to smash the object into as many fine pieces as she can.

Dee's eyes get real big. "Fuck. How did you know?"

"Just playing a hunch. When things were going south at our old job, fortunately some of our hardware nerds stumbled into bugs in a few places where people thought they could speak in confidence. Do you sweep?"

"The problem I have with this is we do!"

"But evidently not out here."

"You're right."

"I am concerned about our little party in Tom's office last night. Did he meet with any of the contacts from Acme in there?"

"No. And I had the guys sweep his office right after he told me, anyway. It was clear."

"How about your office?"

"Yes, especially after the accountants were in there. Normally we sweep once a week in sensitive areas. Acme is one of two competitors we strongly suspect are engaged in corporate espionage, and have to take measures to protect ourselves."

"Yesterday... did we say anything here that would compromise us or Tom? I recall a couple of things, but I think you were careful with the inference that you were trying to comfort Tom and he couldn't get it up. But I understood."

"No. I think we're safe. Obviously tipped our hand that he told me about the hostile takeover, but if it's as far along as it is, it's not much of a secret. We just want to avoid spooking everybody in the company until we know for certain."

"With that settled... yeah, Steve and I got naked about two o'clock and fucked on that I-55 overpass I mentioned."

"You guys can be so unbelievably nasty, Emily! But did you have fun? Did anybody see?"

"No. Not that we know of. Nobody honked their horn at us. But that's just half of it."

"Okay. What sort of nasty silliness this time?"

"Oh... I dunno. I bent over the railing and had him take me from behind. I dared him to pull out before he blew and..."

"Ohgawd. What?"

"I pushed him into the railing so he'd jizz over the edge. It was a nice one. I swear it hit somebody's windshield."

Dee inhales deeply, "Like I said, one of these days you guys are going to make a mistake and get yourself in deep shit as sex offenders."

"Yeah, I know. Yet I still keep amping it up. He and I need to talk about this addiction."

"But I'll admit, that had to have been so fuckin' hawt! You both were actually nude?"

"Completely. It was a rush!"

"Ohgawd. Now I have a problem."

"What's that?"

"There's nowhere safe here for us to do each other. I am so fuckin' horny right now after you telling me that. You and Steve are a trip."

"You have an interview room, don't you? The door locks."

"Yeah, but Sal is wondering why I have 'so much business' with you and Jax. We can't fuck in there. Same goes for Tom's office. Alice sees me come and go all the time for closed-door meetings with him about personnel stuff, but you? No reason for you to be in there."

"Yes. He and I and Claire discussed that a couple of parties ago. What do we do now?"

"Stick a bookmark in it, I guess."

Emily grins, "Doesn't sound comfortable."

"Very funny."

The yard speaker crackles, "Dee Watson, 427. Dee? 427, please!"

"Shit," Denise complains. "Sally's done with that interview already. Gotta run."

"Go. Do us both a favor and text me if anything breaks, okay?"


Dee rises from the bench and brisk-walks back into the building. Emily follows, but pauses in the cafeteria to pour a cup of coffee to take back to her desk.

She mutters to nobody, "Dammit. I wish they'd get with the program and stop with the foam cups."

"Oh, I agree!" A voice from behind surprises her, but not so much that she misses with the pour.

"Hi, Danny," Em chuckles. "Anything interesting going on?"

"Not really. Paying the rent. That big database conversion is keeping both of us busy, I take it."

"Yeah. Melissa actually thought this was a one-person job?"

"She did. I told her about the record count and what it was taking to process, and all she could do was roll her eyes. You doing okay with the merge?"

"Nothing has blown-up yet, if that's what you mean."

"Hey. While we're out of the office, lemme ask you something."

"Ooooooh kaaaaay... what's up?"

"I accidentally overheard one of your cell conversations last week. You play around, don't you? Does Jackson know?"

"I'm not sure if I should answer that. Why do you want to know?"

"Personal interest."

"What kind of personal interest?"

"You're cute. Would you be offended if I asked you out for lunch?"

"No, I wouldn't be. What do you have in mind?"

"Applebee's okay?"

"That's fine. I know the manager and a server there, though. Conversation might get a little personal."

"I'm fine with that."

"11:30? You drive?"

"Yes. We'll do that."


As they are each climbing out of Danny's car at the restaurant, Emily asks, "You're single, aren't you? This SUV is a bit much for a single guy."

"Uh... no, I'm not. Married with two kids."

"Then why did you ask me out to lunch? And why no wedding ring?"

"Nothing ventured, I suppose. The ring? Work buddy had an accident while working on some electrical equipment. His ring got jammed between a battery terminal and the chassis. It got red hot and wouldn't budge. He lost the finger and nearly lost his pinky."

"I can see that happening. Shame. You're avoiding the same fate, I take it."


"So... you're figuring on stepping out on your wife?"


He holds the outer door open for her, and Debbie has opened the inner vestibule door for the pair.

"Hi, sweetie!" The very tall Debbie bends down to give Emily a lovers' kiss. "Just two? No Jax, Cyan or Steve?"

"Hi, Deb! Yeah. This is Danny. We work together. Dan? This is Debbie."

Danny's a little taken aback. "You said you knew a couple of people here. That greeting was not exactly casual."

"She's a lover. You okay with that?"

"Like I asked earlier, does Jackson know?"

"Yes he does. He's her lover, too."


"Not exactly. Deb? We've crossed the line here. Best for Danny to have a seat for the rest of what we're going to talk about."

Debbie chuckles, "You fuck 'im yet? He definitely looks fuckable."

That thud heard 'round the world was Danny's chin hitting the floor.

"Emily? What does that mean?"

"Have a seat first, Dan. If you weren't driving, I'd suggest something pretty strong to drink. But a beer might soften the blow. Deb? Two large of my regular sounds good."

"Cummin' right up!" Debbie laughs.

"What's your regular?" Danny asks Em.

"Blue Moon."

"Oh. That's good. Okay. I've stepped in something, haven't I?"

"Yep. You first. You said 'complicated'."

"Well, yeah, I did."

"Then define your version of 'complicated'."

"Our two kids aren't mine."

"Oh? Do tell." Emily is leaning with her elbows on the table, resting her chin in her hands, grinning away fully anticipating something especially juicy.

"I didn't know it until our honeymoon, but her preference for sex is Black guys. She had three lined up for our wedding night. She cut me off completely after our second was born. 'Go find your own!' she declared."

"So... you're 'in the lifestyle', then."

"Is that what they call it?"

"Well, what you have going on is a fringe fetish, but, yes, it's all about unconventional sexual relationships. Does she make you watch?"

"They tie me up in a chair and gag me."

"You're into it, aren't you."

"Yes and no. I love her, and watching the sex happen is stimulating, but it's at quite a cost. It's not fun any more. She and her main guy now get off by humiliating me. Emily? Why do you know so much about this?"

"Are you sure you're ready for this? Hell, it sounds like you are. Jackson and I are..."

"Emily!" Sandy interrupts as she happens to pass by their table. "Debbie told me you were here. Who's the new guy? You do 'im yet?"

Sandy leans into Emily for a lovers' kiss as well. Danny shakes his head in disbelief.

"Hi, San! Work associate. And no. Sandy, this is Danny. Dan? Meet Sandy. Danny's a BBC cuckold. Two kids, not his."

"Seriously? That's so cool! Nice to meet you, Dan! Sorry to interrupt. Em, you can tell me all about it this Friday!"

"Holy fuck!" Danny blurts. "What have I gotten myself into? Don't tell me she's your lover, too!"

"Yep. And her husband. Danny, Jax and I are swingers, and we have a committed relationship with another swinger couple. We share a house, and have frequent swinger parties. You're a nice guy and certainly have experience with deviant sex, so you might consider a night with our group to get your feet wet in a much more positive situation. We share loving sex."


"Yeah. As my guest. You already have a standing 'hall pass' from your wife, so it might do you some good. Oh. Don't gulp your beer. Wait for something to eat. You have to drive us back to the office."

"You're so blasé about it all!"

"I guess that's why it's called 'a lifestyle'. It's our normal."

"Are you going to..."

"Fuck you? Absolutely. When we get back to the office we'll do it on your backseat."

"That wasn't my intent, but I sure as hell am not going to turn you down. Like I said when we started this conversation, I think you're cute. I'd like some."

"You're sweet to say that. Something else -- you're going to be surprised by some of the others in our swinger group. Very surprised. We're more mainstream than you would think. We'll save that part for the party this Friday."


"In Taylorville. Have your phone on you? We'll exchange e-cards."


"You guys have a nice fuck," as Sandy smiles and opens the inner vestibule door for their departure.

"Thanks! See you Friday!" Emily responds. Danny just smiles. He knows by this point he simply has to hang on and enjoy the ride.

Now in Danny's car and driving back, "Sandy and the tall girl," he inquires. "They're going to be at the party, I guess."

"Yes. Oh. Small thing I neglected to mention about the party. Everybody will be naked. It's a house rule. You going to be okay with that?"

"No problem. Janet and Duke strip me before tying me up to watch. Plenty of experience with that."

"This will be a lot more fun."

"I hope so. Who will I be allowed to be with?"

"All of the women. You're nice looking. Everybody will want a piece of you."

"Even the tall girl? She's beautiful."

"Debbie. Yes, she is. But so is my wife, Cyan. All you have to do is ask. They're all quite attractive, Dan. You won't be left wanting, that's for sure."

"What if I... uh... cum too soon?"

"You won't be kicked out, if that's what you're asking. How are you with your tongue?"

"Out of practice."

"Plenty of opportunities to refresh that skill!"

Danny pauses. "Emily? I don't know how to ask the next thing."

"Let me guess, given your experiences. You like to play with cocks, don't you?"

"Wow. You are so open-minded! And you're a sex expert! But, yeah, you got it."

"How much? Touching? Sucking? Backdoor?"

"Touching. And being touched. Sometimes I like to be sucked by a guy. But that's about it. Absolutely no backdoor. A couple of Janet's bulls tried to force it on me, but it tore things up."

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