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Beauty and the Beast

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Football-big brother protects fat sister.
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All active participant are 18+. Isn't meant to be taken for any person, living or dead. Big tit warning.

My sister has gigantic tits. Since Shelly is only 5'4" and weighs 300 pounds, small boobs would look very strange. Shelly, who insists that she be called Shelly instead of Shel, is 22 and has always been fat. I'm her older brother, Jared (she, of course, calls me Jar), and 18 months older. Since Shelly is really smart, skipped a grade, and the way our birthdays align, from the 5th grade on we were always in the same class.

Shelly has big, beautiful brown eyes buried in her round face. Light brown hair in a casual, unkempt look frames her face. Thin eyebrows meant her eyes looked out from a sea of freckles. Yes, she had them in abundance that no amount of sun or sunscreen could hide. It simply adds to her lack of respect for her body. It took a lot of effort to not become a recluse. That effort, however, caused her eat more which added to her problems.

Since schools are hot houses for kids to pick on other kids, she would have been a big (g) target. Didn't happen. I'm 6'3", 255 pounds and play middle linebacker in the National Football League. Was always big and very protective of Shelly. She did need some sort of protection because she was the nicest, kindest person you would ever meet. Sweet may be overused to describe somebody but it fit her to a T. The only time she ever had bad things to say about anyone was when I was interested in a woman if she knew her. So, if she told me such and such was a bitch, I believed her. That was the kind of relationship we had: complete trust in each other. I wouldn't have traded her for anyone in the world.

Perhaps I was a bit overprotective. I was pretty selective of the guys she went out with, not that she went out a lot. She was cute and you knew that if she lost 200 pounds she'd be a knockout. Guys who did want to go out with her fell into two categories: Those that were desperate for companionship who recognized her warmth and those that just felt a fatty would be an easy target for their conquest of the strange. Never met one of the latter who was brave enough to ignore my suggestions that they look elsewhere for their trophies. There were remarkably few of the first category. They tended to be shy and/or socially inept so didn't ask her out.

So, we ended up doing a lot of things together. We went to the prom with each other as our dates. I could have easily had a large selection of girls to pick from but I wasn't going to let her stay at home. The smile on her face when I asked her to go to the prom was worth any disappointment I might have had about missing out on post-prom sex. Our parents became strict religious types when we entered middle school and who, very likely, would have not let her go with anyone else but yours truly.

The prom was actually enjoyable. Guess it was because she was there. Her face was alight and she was very animated. I let her carry the conversation as she knew about everything and I was a big dummy. She obviously knew about my football career at the school because she never missed a game and frequently waited for me till after practice. The surprising thing was that she had a really deep understanding of the game and the school I was interested in playing for. Dancing with her was nothing but fun. Did have to keep a measure of distance between us because she made me hard and I didn't want to let her feel it and get embarrassed. Of course, I couldn't completely avoid it but she never said anything about it. I almost missed the slight smile in the corners of her eyes, though. A couple of my buddies asked her to dance. She was happy to do so and I was glad she had been asked to dance by somebody else. I warily dance with a couple of cheerleaders at the same time. One of them was whispering some not so subtle suggestions to ditch my sister and take her to the after-prom gathering. No way was I dumping my sister for all the pussy in the world.

We moved away from home as quickly as possible. I had a full ride at a division 1 school to play football. She got many full scholarship offers. Picked the same school as the one that I signed with. Surprise, surprise. I was more than happy about that. In addition to the pleasure of having her around, figured she'd help me not flunk out. Didn't need to worry about that much, though, as the athletic department took care to see that I remained eligible

Our freshman year we were required to live in the dorms. I was in the athlete's dorm and she was in a standard dorm. Shelly was shy in the new environment and didn't make a lot of friends. One change from high school was that she didn't endure any overt harassment over her weight. That's not to say it was easy, unless you think that not being invited out or to parties was overt. I didn't have that problem, being a jock, so often invited her to go with me. However, I wasn't really a natural athlete, so had to work very hard at it. That meant lots of time in the weight room, the track and the practice field and not much time at parties. Shelly saw little of the social life. Took some effort for her to avoid the scum bags that prey on young women when they enter the college scene.

I think she was pretty lonely so she really devoted her energies towards her studies. I do admit, though, that I often went to her for help just to be able to be with her. Given our schedules, unless I made the effort we would have never been together except for semester breaks.

I'm not sure when I started to develop much stronger feelings for her than a brother should have. I know that she got me excited when we were in close contact, such as dancing. It was only partially physical, maybe more emotional. A fascination? Not sure but she just made me feel good in her presence. I just really, really like being with her. Touching and hugging her was big bonus that we never passed up.

Very seldom did we go home. Airplanes aren't comfortable for people our size unless we go first class. Who can afford that? Think once or twice in our college career our parents sprung for that so we could come home. Once I got into the NFL, I could easily afford it but neither of us had much of a desire to go home to listen to sermons about avoiding the ways of the flesh.

After our freshman year we got summer jobs. She got a job at a chemical supply company and I got a good "job" thanks to the alumni association. It was enough so that we could rent a small, two-bedroom apartment for the summer, with the possibility of keeping it through the school year. Since we had lived together at home, it wasn't too difficult adjusting to living with another person of the opposite sex. We did have one good thing: Not living with our overly strict parents we could be a lot more relaxed, both in how we interacted and in our choice of clothing. We, of course, shared a small bathroom. This accounted for many instances of seeing each other in a minimum of covering. Coming out of the bathroom in only a towel was a common event. Since they made towels for normal sized people, I got tantalizing glimpses of her. Not sure what she saw of me but it could have been substantial. We just agreed, without discussion, that what happened, happened. I very much appreciated this visual bonus, although I never tried to take advantage of it or pushed for more.

When we did have some free time, we enjoyed sitting together on the sofa and, either watching TV, or just talking. I admit that she did most of the talking. She knew a hell of a lot about many things, so I just enjoyed her lectures. Never had much interest in Dante but she made the trio come to life. She didn't read it to me, just talked about it. I could have watched her animated lessons forever. Since she would take ahold of my arm to emphasize a point, got more skin time with her.

When fall semester started, earlier for me with practice and early-season games, we got a little larger apartment. Now we each had our own bathrooms, much to my disappointment. She made up for it by being even freer clothing-wise.

The next three years went by fairly quickly. Our only major crises was towards the end of our senior year. I was in the NFL draft and was expected to go in, maybe, the fourth round. Shelly was looking for a job but didn't know where. I told her to find the best one out there and don't worry about where I would end up. She didn't like that suggestion one bit. First time I'd seen her this mad in a long time. Her counter was that she could find a job anywhere but she wanted to stay close to me.

"Shelly, I think you need to get out on your own, away from me. Find a good guy..."

"Bullshit... I'm not going to find a better guy than you."

"As a boyfriend, husband..."

"We'll cross that bridge when we need to. The only social life I have is with you. I will never get a chance to meet anyone unless I have your support."

That stopped me cold. She wasn't dismissing finding somebody, though that did hurt, only she was asking for my help in finding him. If she had said she couldn't find anyone better than me, then I could fight it. How could I argue against that? She was too smart for me, I guess. I really didn't want to win that argument, after all.

She got a degree summa cum laude in chemistry and I got drafted fourth round into the NFL. She elected to work in the police laboratory in the city where my NFL team lived. I was very happy we would still be close. Since I had the where-with-all, we purchased a three bedroom condo for us to share.

We greatly enjoyed each other's company. There wasn't anything sexual at all. At least overt. I knew she didn't feel comfortable in any kind of sexual situation. She certainly was a virgin but I'm pretty sure she masturbated regularly. I never brought a woman home. There were a few local women but we stayed at either a hotel or her place. When I travelled, it was easier. Now when I say overt, it simply meant I never said anything to her other than brotherly. That's not to say that I didn't recognize her as female. My feelings involved her as a whole person, not just as person I want to have sex with. Not sure how to explain what I mean. She had this aurora about her that said I fulfil you and you fulfil me. We are two pieces of a whole person.

Her skin was so soft and her eyes held such promise...Not sure I fantasized about her but I surely knew she was a desirable woman. Added to that she was always touchy-feely with me. We would hold hands and not think much of it.

Suddenly, everything changed.

We had been invited to one of our cousin's wedding, six hour's drive away. It was a big to do. Maybe 300 guests. Lots of first and second cousins, their dates and friends. At the reception we were just wandering around, drinks in hand. One of our second cousins, Roger, was there with some of his friends. I knew Roger was a rat, abet a charming rat. He was always pursuing women and treating them badly once he managed to get them in bed. I had heard rumors that he wasn't above adding something to their drinks to help the process along. I don't know why, but he started hitting on Shelly.

I pulled her aside. "Shelly, watch out for Roger..."

That's as far as I got when she said "You don't have to babysit me. I'm a grown woman. Can't you sometimes let me make my own way? These are mostly our relatives, including Roger."

"Shelly, Roger's not to be trusted. He's a womanizer..."

"I can take care of myself. Thank you."

"OK, have at it. Only one very big thing. DON'T DRINK ANYTHING HE GIVES YOU. It wouldn't be the first time he used roofies. Understand? Be careful."

She looked less confident but said she'd be careful.

I decided to keep a very close eye on them. Roger's buddies tried to obstruct my view but they failed since I had positioned myself to keep a good watch on them. Shelly got caught up in his bullshit, though. Watching his face and animated movements of his hands. When I saw one of his buddies put a powder in her drink when she was thus distracted, I moved in. Roger gave me the eye and said "Have to babysit for her? What is she, like 10 years old?"

"Well, Roger, I just kind of think it's more of a body guard thing. So, why don't you or your friend here drink her drink?"

He paused for a second to try to regroup. "I don't like sweet drinks."

"It's nothing but club soda. It isn't sweet. So, have a sip."

Shelly was watching very carefully, as were his buddies. I looked at each of them and then into Roger's eyes, while I was holding out her drink. From the looks on their faces, I knew they wouldn't try anything physical. Roger got a scared look in his eyes and started to sweat. I knew that he would reach for the drink and "accidently" spill it, so I grabbed his hand and placed the drink in it. "Go on, Roger, have a drink."

He swore, pitched the drink away, and out the door. I grabbed the guy who put the powder in drink. Actually hoisted him off the floor. "Tell us what you put in her drink."


"Get the fuck out of here before I bounce your face off the wall."

We had attracted a crowd but it dissipated quickly when no fight broke out. Shelly had tears in her eyes. "Why would anyone do that? Especially to a cousin?"

"Some people are just born assholes who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves... Do you want to call the cops? That shit should be in jail."

"No, please. He's a cousin."

"He's also a major scum bag." We let it drop for the moment.

She went back to talking with the bridal party after sitting, recovering, for about 10 minutes and I went looking for the asshole. I found him outside, drinking with his buddies. Before they could disperse I grabbed Roger by the collar and slammed him into the side of the house. "Listen you sorry fucker. If you ever come near Shelly again your next stop will be the hospital. If I ever hear even a rumor of you or your friends trying to drug women I'll kick you in the balls so hard you'll never have any interest in women again... Understand fuck face?"

The only reason I didn't beat the crap out of him and his friends was he pissed in his pants and I ended up laughing too hard.

I gathered up Shelly and we drove back to the hotel, changed, checked out and started the six-hour drive home.

She was quiet for so long that I thought she had fallen asleep. "Jar, why would somebody try to drug me for sex? There were plenty of young, good looking women there. Why me? I'm not a prize by any stretch."

"Shelly, I'm not sure about motives for assholes like Roger but there are a couple of possibilities...Some guys just like the unusual, like sex with a dwarf, an anorexia or..."

"A fatty." She finished. That started the tears.

"I know I'm fat and ugly but why me?"

Fortunately, we hit a rest stop, so I pulled over. "You're not ugly. You'll never be ugly. So, you're overweight? It doesn't change who you are...

The other reason why somebody like Roger would want to rape you is because you have this innocence and freshness that people like him want to destroy. He's evil and wants to corrupt you. He knows you won't be available so he resorts to drugs.

Shelly, sweetness is clichéd but there's no other way to describe you. I could wrap my arms around you and hug you and I would be in fairyland... You mean so much to me."

She smiled with the tears at the corner of her mouth. "When I see you on the field, you're all teeth and nails. How can you be so gentle here with me?'

"The pay me to be that way. I give everything I've got. It's the only way I can be...But here, now, you bring out something inside that only belongs to you."

She was quiet for a few moments. "Ready to go? I need a quick trip to the lady's room."

We didn't talk much the remainder of the trip. She fell asleep. I had trouble keeping my eyes on the road and my mind on something other than her sleeping form. She looked so content and, yes, sweet. I had helped her in and out of the SUV, so the softness of her hands stayed with me. Having danced with her a short while ago, I remember the softness of her body.

We got back to the condo and headed for bed - tired after the day's events.

Since it was a bye week, I didn't need to go to practice the next day. We had a leisurely breakfast and then plopped on the sofa. She settled in as close to me as she could get without actually being on top of me. "Jared, can we talk a bit?"

Calling me Jared means she's serious. "Of course. Whatever you want."

"I've been going over what you told me yesterday about why Roger tried to rape me. That was just the starting point...Your words about me gave me a warm feeling...and other feelings like I've never had before. You know I really enjoy being with you every moment I can but I'm starting to have even more feelings towards you. Ones that definitely aren't sisterly...

You know I'm a virgin and you know everything about my so-called sex life. Like nonexistent... I want to be loved and not just emotionally. How can this big blubbery body do that?"

She started crying so hard that she had trouble breathing, much less talking. I did the only thing I could think of: I grabbed her as hard as I could without hurting her and pulled her completely into me. Then, without even thinking I kissed her hard. We've always kissed each other - quick pecks on lips, cheeks or whatever - but this was very different. Her lips were soft and wet with her tears. My lips were dry and urgent. We blended together. It was like no kiss I've ever had!

If she was surprised, she didn't show it. There wasn't any hesitation on her part. She instantly pressed her lips into mine and her tongue dashed into my mouth. We kissed for, I don't know how long, before coming up for air. "God, Jar that was unbelievable... I didn't know kissing could be so wonderful."

"Shelly, I don't know what came over me...It's fantastic!"

We resumed where we had broken off. The sofa was too confining for two people our size, so onto the floor we went, pushing the coffee table over in the process. I was laying over her chest, clinging to her arm and shoulder. She had both arms around me, pushing her face up into mine. Not sure how we were breathing or even if we were. I reached under me to take a hold of a giant tit. Through her bra I could feel the nipple was elongated and as firm as my cock. I just palmed what would fit into my hand, gently squeezing and rolling.

Without breaking apart I unbuttoned her shirt. She had a massive bra encasing her tits. She rolled slightly, reached back and unhooked it.

I reached under it to feel her soft skin and firm nipple. Surprisingly, her areolae were tiny, barely larger than her nipples. They, too, were firm. She moaned into my mouth. My hard cock was pressed into the carpet and only by being distracted by her tits was I able to overcome cumming immediately.

Her warm mass was driving the temperature above boiling. We started pulling off each other's clothes. It was so exciting to finally see her tits up close. Although she had rolls of fat about her midsection it only enhanced the landscape. I pulled her panties off with great difficulty. They were sopping wet and clung to her groin. Surprising, her aroma was light, almost delicate, like the finest wine.

Reaching under her stomach, I found her groin. There was a line of soft fun leading to her pussy. As you would expect, her labia were large but almost bald. Her hair was concentrated above her slit with only a few tendrils roaming down the side to the junction with her thighs. She was dripping, with juice running down into the carpet. My fingers didn't even penetrate her before they were soaked.

I paused long enough to say that we should move to bed. I followed her. Of course, I'd seen her rear end before but it was encased in pants or a towel. The jiggle of her ass was hypnotic. I grabbed two hands-full before we got to the bedroom door. She jumped, giggled and shook her rear. That was only a momentary interruption in our journey to the bed.

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