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Because I'm Yours


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I was more concerned about how I'd be perceived by his friends and family. I was, to be frank, a good ten or twelve kilos overweight. Guys like Tyson normally had skinny, blonde, glamazon girlfriends and I was far from one of those. I was tall, solid, professional and lived in the city.

When we'd finished eating we drove back to my apartment and made coffee, which we drank out on the balcony. I had a couple of chairs out there, plus a table but it was the large day bed that Tyson and I were sitting on. We watched the cars driving over the story bridge and the lights of the city, and listened to the traffic while feeling the cool night breeze blow over us.

'This is an amazing little flat, hey?' he asked me. 'It's very 'you'.'

'I'll take that as a compliment.'

'You should.' He took the coffee from my hands and put it down on the floor. 'I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were someone special.'

There was no guile in his voice, no slime, no trickery. Just confidence, as if he knew he were on the right track but needed me to confirm it.

'I shat myself when I saw you,' I argued.

Tyson rolled his body over mine. 'Shhh,' he requested, pressing his lips against mine. 'We'll ignore that part.'

He was very tender and gentle with me, but he was big and well-muscled and the weight of him on me reinforced what we both knew; he was significantly stronger than me. I was no weakling; I was one of the only adult women I knew that could still successfully wrangle monkey bars, but Ty had me beat a million times over.

That's why I rolled him onto his back and crawled on top. I held his hands down on either side of him as I kissed him, loving that he was surrendering. He didn't need to submit, but he wanted it.

'I'd do anything to make you happy,' he whispered. 'I'm all yours.'


I didn't show him Cassie that night. Cassandra was for a night - or day - where we were feeling dirty and kinky, and neither of us had been feeling that. What we'd both wanted was straight, loving sex, the kind where you trace your fingers all over your lover's body, admiring them, before joining together in breathless, heady, lust, his cock inside you, his heart vulnerable.

We woke the next morning to sunlight streaming in the window. I'd forgotten to the close the curtains the night before.

'I'll be the gallant gentleman and shut the curtain,' Ty offered, slipping out of bed.

'My hero,' I declared. 'I'd say 'bless your cotton socks', but you aren't wearing any.'

'It's just me and my morning wood,' he agreed. 'I'll go and piss now, then come back and try and put you back to sleep.'

Tyson went to the bathroom, but he didn't head directly back to the bedroom. Rather, he detoured to the spare room where Cassie was kept. He was very quiet. Was he doing what I did with her? Checking her hair, eyes and mouth and marvelling at how realistic she was? You could face fuck Cassie and she'd never gag. You could lift her chemise and fondle her nipples and she'd continue to stare blankly at her, her mouth slightly open in an imitation of lust.

There was a thunking and shuffling noise which suggested Cassie was being moved and my suspicions were proven correct when Tyson entered the bedroom with the sex doll flung over one shoulder.

'Okay,' he said, placing Cassandra on the bed alongside me. 'Let's do this. Let's fuck her.'

'I'm not asking you to fuck her. I want you to want to fuck her. That's what we're waiting for.' I grinned evilly. I love teasing men. 'Do you want to do it?'

Tyson groaned. 'You know what? This sick, messed up part of me really does. But I want you to join in. Could you, uh...'

'...encourage you? Give directions?'

'Yeah. Both. Both would be good.'

I sat up and as I did so, the sheets fell from my body exposing my breasts. Tyson's gaze momentarily dropped, which gave me an idea.

'Push Cassie's chemise up,' I ordered. 'Hold her breasts in your hands and kiss them like you did to mine last night.'

Tyson gingerly lifted the gauzy material over Cassie's chest, exposing two enormous breasts topped with light pink nipples. He cautiously held her tits in his hands as he lowered his lips to the silicone.

It was a beautiful moment, because I knew then and there that he was going to be balls deep within the next few minutes and I love watching men masturbating, humping inanimate objects and fucking sex toys while I sit back and watch. One of the prime biological objectives of a man is to have penetrative sex. Winding them up so that they're so horny they can't think straight, then refusing to give them the real deal, but offering an alternative and observing their inability to refuse second best because refusing means getting nothing at all, is a privilege I can't put a price on.

'Now work your way upwards, towards her neck and ears. Nibble them. Try and turn her on,' I said.

Tyson followed my instructions. He was still a little stilted and nervous, but he was loosening up. I gave him a minute or two more with Cassie, letting him seduce her, while drinking in the images.

'Are you still hard?' I asked him.

He nodded and half-rolled onto his side to show me. 'Yeah.'

'Take Cassie's knickers off.'

While Tyson was divesting the doll of her thong, I reached between my legs and pushed a few fingers into my pussy. I wiped them over Cassie's vulva, just to give my lover some extra inspiration.

'You want me to eat her?' he guessed.

'You got it.'

He slipped between her legs and nuzzled her clit. My lovely silicone girl was a lucky lass, having a man like Tyson with his nose in her pussy. I knew from experience what his tongue felt like, and how firmly he gripped a woman's thighs.

'I'm going to get some lubricant for you,' I told him. 'Keep going. I'm enjoying watching you with her.'

The KY was in my bedside drawer. I warmed some in my hands and asked Tyson to get on his hands and knees so I could prepare both him and Cassie. I started with the doll, and when she was artificially wet, I turned my attention to my lover.

Tyson held his hands behind his back, even though I hadn't requested that detail, as I slathered his prick with lube. I then gave him a good, few tugs before requesting he lie on top of Cassie and kiss her on the mouth.

There was no longer any hesitation or doubt left in him. He was doing precisely what I wanted and when. If anything, he was starting to send out non-verbal signals that he wanted me to take more control and push him even further.

'Get in between her legs,' I whispered, resting my hand on his lower back. 'Line the head of your cock up with her cunt. She hasn't had a man before. You're going to be her first, and I'm going to make sure you treat her right.'

Tyson nudged her legs apart and positioned himself at her entrance. He was resting his weight on one forearm so he could grab onto one of her boobs and look her in the eye. It was the exact same position he'd adopted when fucking me the night before.

'Tease her,' I said. 'Push a little way inside, then hold still, then withdraw. Keep doing that over and over; more in, then less, teasing her, making her want you. Take her to the stage where she's desperate for you.'

Cassandra was both no longer a doll, and yet more of one. Tyson was treating her as though she were a woman, and she was in many ways both an image and a mockery of one, but her artificial measurements, her flawless skin and her shiny nylon hair stood in stark contrast to the man atop her. Tyson was most certainly human. Despite his unnaturally muscular build, he had stretch marks and freckles, one of his tattoos was less than perfect, and there was an undercurrent of stale sweat and musk.

I trailed my fingers over my lover's rump and leant in to smell his neck.

'How do you feel?' I asked him.

'Jade,' he whispered. 'Jade, I want to fuck her.'

I kissed his jaw. 'I know you do. She wants you, too. Be gentle. You don't want to hurt her.'

He nodded. 'Sure thing.'

'And Tyson?'


'Don't feel the need to be quiet. Tell her you love her boobs. Tell her how good her wet cunt feels.'

He laughed quietly, embarrassed. He couldn't get that far, not yet. He was silent as he commenced the love-making, but he was affectionate, I'll give him that. He kissed her forehead and brushed the hair off her face as he eased her through her first screw.

I watched with interest as Tyson approached orgasm.

'You're still quiet,' I told him.

'Yeah,' he agreed. 'Sorry.'

I reached between his and Cassandra's bodies and grabbed the doll's breasts. 'Look at her tits. Nice, firm, huge, titties. You've sucked on them. Squeezed them. You've eaten her cunt. Seduced her. Now you're about to come in her virgin snatch. Tell me, you dirty little fucker, how does it feel?'

Tyson tried to look in my direction but he was too close to the edge to be able to carry out conversation. 'Good.'

'Good?' I grabbed his face, forcing him to stop thrusting. 'Good is as good as it gets? You're as close as you can be without making a mess. Don't make me stop you now.'

Panic filled his eyes. He knew I'd stop him, and trust me, if he didn't give me an answer I wanted, I would.

'Jade, I... it feels good,' he offered desperately. 'Really good. She's amazing. You're amazing.'

'Good man,' I said, releasing my grip. 'Fuck her. And for the love of God, Tyson, let me hear you come.'

He let out a loud, strangled groan as he reached his climax, bucking and thrusting into her as if he were scared I might try and take her away. He wasn't loud by any stretch, but at least I could easily tell he'd reached his sexual conclusion, which was a good step up from the night before when he'd had to tap me on the shoulder to tell me he was done.

Tyson collapsed onto her, kissing her forehead in some form of misdirected postcoital affection. I wondered for a minute if perhaps he preferred her to me - women are a jealous bunch, aren't we? - but when I touched his shoulder he smiled up at me with pure, unadulterated happiness.

'Insane,' he said. 'That was insane.'

I helped him off her and we went to the bathroom to clean him up. Then it was to the kitchen to put the coffee on to boil.

While the kettle whistled to let us know it was done, Tyson picked me up and sat me on the benchtop. Then he knelt down between my legs and ate me and until I was screaming.


Chapter Three

Two months later, Tyson was still around and I was growing unnerved. I liked him a lot, but I was having grave doubts about the practicality of a long term relationship. I was already sick of dodging around his custody of his kids, and either watching him prowl restlessly around my flat like a caged tiger or driving out to suburban hell to the McMansion he shared with his sibling.

Had he been anyone else, I would have long since given him the flick. But he wasn't 'someone else', he was a man with whom I'd fallen deeply in love and that only added to my fear. I never believed in cheesey platitudes about 'the one' but Tyson was making me have second thoughts.

He came around on Thursday night half an hour early and caught me returning from a five kilometre walk. He'd asked me once if I did any exercise or played any sports and I'd lied and said 'no', because I'd been embarrassed that I not only tried to keep fit, but was still fat.

I was no more than two hundred metres form the entrance of my flat, but when Tyson pulled over, I got in the passenger seat of his car. He'd been to the gym and showered and smelt and looked fresh, while I was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and wore knee length tights, a dark purple singlet top and brightly coloured Nikes.

'Thanks for the lift,' I said.

'Yeah, no problems,' he replied, leaning over and kissing me. 'You look great. You look... wow. I'm really glad you're making an effort to get fit. I was really worried about you. A desk job and no exercise will kill you.'

'I've always done a lot of walking,' I confessed. 'I can also do chin ups and monkey bars and push-ups, but that's about it. I just didn't say anything because it's embarrassing to say 'I exercise and I'm still overweight'.'

'No, it's not,' he argued. 'Your weight relates more to your diet than the amount of exercise you do.'

And, I thought to myself, the amount of steroids you take. Tyson was on a course at the moment. He'd injected something into his thigh last week when we were performing our usual morning ablutions and I'd been equal parts surprised, shocked and disgusted by the openness with which he was using muscle building drugs. I hadn't said anything for two reasons; firstly, I felt that my physical state precluded me from having an opinion and secondly, we didn't have that depth of relationship yet for me to criticise him, but jeez it had surprised me.

Ty leant over and rubbed my thigh. 'Fuck, you don't want to know what went through my head when I saw you walking down the street.'

'I hope it was positive.'

He gave me a rueful smile. 'I'm already getting hard.'

I glanced down at my outfit. It wasn't that spectacular. Just imagine a size sixteen woman in Lycra and you get the idea. 'The stuff that turns men on.'

'Hey, it's the stuff that turns your man on,' he corrected. 'Don't count on making it to the shower without me jumping you.'

I mock-shook my head at him, thinking he was probably exaggerating a bit, but five minutes later, we were inside and he was mauling me.

His hands were up my shirt and he was grinding against my arse as he kissed the back of my neck. I was hot and sweaty but there was no stopping him. We weren't even in my bedroom, merely in the kitchen, where I'd been trying to get a drink of water, when he pulled my tights and panties down and bent me over the benchtop.

'Ty, have you got a condom?'

'Uhhhh, no, but I won't come inside you.'


He muttered impatiently. 'Jade, just let me in for a bit. Please.'

I relented. 'Don't come inside me.'

'I won't.' He leant forward, brushed my hair back off my face, and kissed my cheek. 'I love you. I just want to feel your wet pussy around my cock.'

I tilted my head and managed to kiss his jaw. 'You're lucky I love you.'

'Lucky indeed,' he agreed. He spat into his hand and rubbed it on his prick to lubricate it. 'I know you'll make me pay for this later.'

Tyson pushed inside me. It would be a lie to say I didn't enjoy it, and that there wasn't something uniquely flattering about your lover being so eager to have you that they couldn't control their lust. He'd asked me to send him a topless pic a week or two ago. I was still mulling over whether or not I wanted to do it, but I was starting to lean towards 'yes'.

'I love you so much, Jade,' he said.

'I love you, too.'

He nuzzled the back of my neck once more, while finding my breasts again and cupping one in each hand. My bra and shirt were in odd, awkward, uncomfortable positions and ordinarily I'd adjust them, but I knew Tyson wanted to feel my tits, and I knew he wouldn't last long.

My lover began to fuck me, slowly at first, then quicker, then with he rapid, clumsy strokes of a man who's about to come. He pulled out before the crucial moment and wanked himself to his conclusion, spilling his seed all over my tiled floor while at the same time keeping one arm around me.

Tyson didn't make a sound, but I was learning his foibles and habits, and I knew from his movements and the tight grip he had on me what was happening, and I waited until he'd relaxed before tilting my head around and confirming my suspicions.

'Sorry,' he apologised. 'I should have got a condom before I started, hey? But getting inside you... no condom on... it's just the best feeling.'

'It's okay.'

I fixed my bra and pulled up my pants as Tyson adjusted his clothing and cleaned up the mess he'd made on my floor. The whole birth control thing was becoming the elephant in the room. I was honestly just surprised he was so fussed about it. None of my ex's had ever made such a big deal of it.

'I'm not going on the pill,' I reminded him.

'I know, I know,' he replied hurriedly.

I stared at Tyson searchingly, wondering why this was such a big deal to him. If birth control was as simple as popping a few pills, I'd do it, but I'd been down the road of hormonal birth control too many times and I couldn't go back to it.

'I'm going to have a shower,' I said eventually.

'Yeah, sure. Do you want me to make dinner?'

'Will it involve fats and oils?'

'It can, if you want,' he agreed.

'Sure,' I replied. 'Sounds great. I'll be out in five minutes and I'll give you a hand.'

I headed to the bathroom, stripping off my clothes as I went. As any woman knows, removing tight, sweaty workout clothes is a very unsexy, unglamorous endeavour, so I was mortified when I reached the bathroom and saw Tyson had been following me.

'Jade,' he said. 'Watching you take your clothes off... it's a helluva turn on.'

I crossed my arms over my bare chest and raised an eyebrow. 'This is what does it for you, huh?' I teased.

'Sure,' he agreed, wrapping his arms around me. 'You're naked and squishy and the way you peeled off your pants made me wish I was ten years' younger so I could saddle up for round two.'

'With age comes patience,' I replied, returning the hug. 'Maybe tonight, when we go to bed.'

'Definitely.' He kissed me. 'I have something to talk to you about, too. I was going to save it for later, but I figure now is a good a time as any.'

'What is it?'

'I spoke to Bianca this week. There were a few things we needed to discuss, and that included you. I told her I was seeing someone I really liked. After I spoke to her, she went home and spoke to one of her friends on the phone. She mentioned to her friend that I had a girlfriend. My kids overheard. It was the first time they'd heard about you and they're uh, a little upset that they hadn't met you. Bianca and I think it might be good for the three of us to catch up and talk about how to introduce you to them.'

'Okay,' I replied, trying to wrap my head around what he was saying. I hadn't really thought much about meeting his daughters. It had always seemed something that would happen far off into the distant future. As for meeting Bianca, well, that was unnerving. I loved her ex-husband. The ex-husband who'd cheated on her. I couldn't imagine the meeting being anything other than awkward.

'I also spoke to her about you not liking taking the pill.' Tyson added.

My skin prickled. 'Why?'

'Why? Because she's a doctor and she asked what birth control you and I were using.'

'You discussed our birth control with your ex-wife?'

'Well, yeah. She asked.'

I wriggled out of his arms and pushed him away when he tried to hold onto me. 'Oh hell no,' I spat, losing my temper in that quick, vicious way that women often do. 'I don't care what the hell your fucking ex-wife does or doesn't do, you don't go discussing my personal medical details with her.'

'Don't be angry,' Tyson argued. 'I didn't discuss anything personal.'

'Your ex-wife asked what contraception I was on, and you gave details,' I exclaimed. 'What on earth made you think that was okay? Do you go asking her if she's sleeping with anyone and what contraception she's using? Or am I ultimately not to be trusted, because I must secretly want to have a baby with you and I'm just messing with you so I can make sure that happens? Is that what the two of you think?'

'Of course not, Jade, but honestly? Using condoms scares the shit out of me.'

'Then don't have sex with me! You don't have to have sex with me! You can go and find someone who doesn't mind being on the pill, and you can have sex with her.'

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