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Becca the Avenger Pt. 03

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A cheating ex-boyfriend and his friend are served justice.
2.4k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/03/2019
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Becca looked incredible in her Halloween costume. Looking at herself in the mirror, she wore a skintight sexy cop costume, including a jumpsuit that accentuated her deep cleavage, fishnet stockings, leather boots, and complete with a set of toy handcuffs attached to her belt. However, she wasn't going to just any other Halloween party. She had managed to change out the toy handcuffs with two sets of law enforcement-grade handcuffs, along with a large bag of special "supplies" she had prepared just for the occasion.

The occasion, as it were, was revenge on her ex-boyfriend Terry and his friend Mike. Becca had broken up after discovering Terry cheating on her, only to learn that it wasn't an isolated incident. She had also managed to discover messages from Mike encouraging him to do it. "She won't care about what she doesn't know about, plus if she finds out who cares? You could do better than her!"

Of course, Mike didn't know that Becca knew about that particular background, so when she texted Mike a picture of her in costume on a lonely Halloween night, he didn't have a problem with inviting her over. Showing off her costume, she even managed to convince Mike to invite Terry over to "join the party."

Once Terry was on the way, Becca continued to flirt with Mike, touching his arm, leaning over at just the right angles to get his attention. Little did he know that he had a very painful and humiliating future in store! Finally Mike's eyes were drawn to the silver handcuffs on her costume. "Are those real?" he asked with curiosity as he sipped his beer.

"Haha, no, they're just toys! Want to try them?" Becca offered. "It might prove to be... worth your while," she said to him with a wink.

Beginning to sweat with excitement, Mike laughed. "OK, fine, but only for 5 minutes." He figured that the worst that could happen is he could break them off. Becca giggled as she handcuffed his hands together behind his back, securing them behind a chair so that he couldn't move away. She dropped the key into her impressive cleavage.

Becca kneeled next to him and trailed her finger down his chest. "By the way... I know about how you encouraged Terry to cheat on me." Mike looked at her quizzically. "You see, I'm not so happy with that... so you're going both to be getting a little bit of a lesson tonight. I think some humiliation will serve as a nice lesson in how to treat women." She said as she ran her nails down his neck, hard enough to leave scratches. Mike jerked in pain and surprise, and instantly began to struggle against the cuffs. To his horror, he felt that they were solid metal and that he was entirely incapable of escape!

"Now, I'm afraid I need you to be... out of the way... when Terry gets here," she winked at him. "Don't worry, we'll have some fun and play together when I've gotten Terry in the same position." Mike began to protest but was immediately cut short as she secured a leather gag around his mouth, muffling his protests. His eyes were wide as Becca, giggling, zip-tied his feet to the bottom of the chair, forcing his legs to remain spread. She dragged the chair into the next room and gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Terry had climbed up the stairs and knocked on Mike's door. He fixed his hair and checked his pockets for a couple of condoms he grabbed before he left. It had been a little while since he and Becca broke up but he remembered what a great lay she was, and he felt pretty confident that he could charm his way back into her panties. He knocked once more. "Hey Mike! I'm here, open up!" Terry said through the door.

Becca smiled and walked over to the door. "What's the magic word, big boy?" Becca said through her grin. Terry took a step back.

"Oh shit, she's already there?" Terry thought. He breathed into his hand, fixed his hair, and cleared his throat. "Well well, who could that be?" Terry chuckled. Becca opened the door. To Terry's pleasant surprise, Becca's outfit answered the question he had about sleeping with her.

Terry walked in and Becca closed and locked the door behind him. He started taking his coat off while Becca slipped over towards the kitchen. "So Becca, what brings you over here? Mike sweet talk you over for drinks?" Terry laughed, knowing full well Becca was never really fond of Mike when they were dating, always saying he was up to no good.

"Actually, I asked him if I could come over and show him my new outfit...wanted his opinion on my...assets." Becca turned around and almost let out a loud chuckle.

Terry, confused, scratched his head. "What?" Terry asked, feeling a little jealous. Becca turned back around with a drink in her hand.

"Oh, I'm just teasing," Becca said and handed him the drink. "Here, have a drink...Mike said he'll be right down." Terry laughed it off, taking a big swig. Becca smiled, pulled out her bag, and set it on the table.

"What's that?" Terry asked, feeling a little drowsy. He took a step towards the chairs and sat down.

"Just my little bag of...tricks. We're all going to have a great time tonight. Well, I'm going to have a great time; you and Mike are going to be a little less... pleased." Becca walked over with the other set of handcuffs.

"Wow, a little kinky huh?" Terry slurred. He was feeling incredibly drowsy and the next thing he knew Becca was putting the handcuffs on as he fell asleep.

Terry woke up to find Mike sitting about four feet across from him. Both men were tied to their chairs with gags on, feet secured and completely naked. Becca slowly walked over. "Oh, my two favorite men in the whole wide world," Becca said confidently. Becca was carrying a large riding crop. Mike and Terry exchanged glances. She was also carrying two blindfolds and a pair of vibrating cock rings. Becca removed the gags from Mike and Terry's mouths.

"What the hell is going on; is this some sick joke?" Mike said, struggling in his restraints.

"Yeah, this isn't funny," Terry said.

"Oh boys, I'm not joking around," Becca chuckled. "All I wanna do is teach you both a lesson so you know exactly how it feels to be embarrassed and humiliated," Becca said, now in a serious tone.

"What are you talking about?? Is this because I cheated on you? I apologized over and over again."

"So what? Is that supposed to make it all better? You don't think I know that you just went back to Mike and laughed it off?" Becca put a blindfold over Mike's eyes. She began massaging his shoulders and biting on his ear. Mike groaned and his dick twitched.

"Stop this; you and I can discuss this alone," Terry said, now trying to struggle.

"You just wait, you'll get your turn. I just want you to watch." Becca reached down and started to run her hands down Mike's chest. Without breaking eye contact, Becca started to rub Mike's cock up and down and he quickly got a rock hard boner. "Well, that was quick...been a while?" she asled as Mike nervously chuckled.

Reddening with anger, Terry said, "Listen, don't you think this is going too far? Do you think I want to see my ex-girlfriend get my friend off?" Becca smiled and slid the vibrating cock ring onto Mike's dick. Mike moaned softly and thrust forward slightly. "Dude, enough."

"I can't help it man, for whatever reason this is turning me on," Mike said, giddily. Becca took the riding crop and whipped Mike in the abs, barely grazing the tip of his penis. "OUCH!" Mike exclaimed. Terry watched on, scared.

"You are NOT to be enjoying this Mike, this is punishment," Becca ordered.

Mike's penis was still hard, the cock ring keeping the blood from returning. Terry turned his head away and watched Becca going through her bag. "Becca, look, I know what I did was wrong and I know that nothing is going to change that. But please don't do this, please don't humiliate us!"

Becca walked over and passionately kissed Terry, nibbling a little on his neck. She looks down and there it was, Terry's growing penis. "Always worked like a charm." Becca had put the second cock ring onto him. She backed up and admired her work. Becca had brought over some nipple clamps.

"You know, I had no idea how kinky you were Becca," Terry breathed. "Maybe you and I could've had some more fun."

Becca slapped Terry. She turned around and grabbed her camera. She took a photo of Mike and then took of photo of Terry. Becca set the camera down put the nipple clamps on Terry. "Ouch, bitch. That hurts!" Becca whipped Terry on the shoulders. He winced. Becca walked over to Mike and pulled his head back, biting hard on his neck. "Stop this! I can't watch you do this to him!" Terry struggled even harder. Becca turned around and pulled a nipple clamp off of him. "OUCH!!" Terry writhed in pain.

"Now now, Terry. You'll get your turn." Becca pulled the second clamp off too. Terry jerked and began to breathe hard.

"Listen, both of you, at first I was a little scared when this bitch handcuffed me and scratched the shit outta me. I REALLY didn't know that she'd tie you up too...but dude...this is kind of hot!" Mike started to get really excited.

"Shut up man! You're not the one she's ripping fucking nipple clamps off of," Terry said, still feeling the tinge on his chest.

Becca had been video recording this little argument. "You know Mike, you seem to be onboard with this little experiment though you haven't really experienced...all that I have to offer." She walked over and grabbed a couple leather restraints and her small taser. She untied Mike's feet restraints and unlocked the handcuffs. "Now, if you're a good boy and don't try to escape...I won't do this." Becca zapped him with the taser.

"Mike! Are you ok??" Terry struggled again.

"OUCH BECCA!" Mike said as he jerked a little. Leaving him blindfolded, she walked him over to his metal bookshelf. Mike obediently followed. Becca tied him up in a standing position, his hands up and his feet spread. She then dragged Terry's chair in front again.

She walked back over and grabbed her leather whip. She snapped it and both men begin shaking. "This has gone far enough," Terry said, "what, are you seriously thinking you're going to get away with this?" Becca walked over and began to undress, leaving a very sexy bra on. She straddled him. Terry felt the wet warmth on his abdomen. His dick twitched even more.

"Yes Terry, I do think I will. I've got photos and recordings of you both that I feel like you probably don't want leaked." Becca rocked back and forth, rubbing his penis against her slit. Terry moaned in protest and pleasure. Becca stood up and backed up into Mike.

"Oops..." She began to rub her ass over Mike's cock.

"Oh fuck yeah," Mike breathed. WHAP! Becca snapped the whip again, around her body and hit Mike's ass. "Ohhh!" Mike exclaimed. She grabbed the condoms she had removed from Terry's pockets earlier and put one onto Mike. She bent over and backed a little more into Mike's penis. All in one motion, like Mike knew this was going to happen, he thrust his member into Becca's wet pussy.

"Uuunnhhh," Becca moaned very loudly, Mike grunting as he thrust slow and then picked up the pace. "Fuck Becca, your pussy is so tight and hot."

Terry closed his eyes and Becca snapped another nipple clamp off. "OWWWW!" Terry cried out. He opened his eyes as he watched his friend fuck Becca. She grabbed onto Terry's thighs and squeezed, nails digging into his skin. He penis was rock hard and the precum was almost spilling out. Becca grabbed onto his dick and started rubbing hard. Terry closed his eyes and begins to thrust a little.

Becca smiled as she watched Terry fight the urge to enjoy this. She'd been timing the motion and listening for vocal clues on when the eruptions would take place. Before Terry could open his eyes again, Becca dipped down and took his whole member into her mouth. With each forceful suck, Terry moaned louder and louder.

"Becca...please...don't do this..." Terry breathed through shallow breaths. Mike thrust harder and harder into Becca, quickening his pace. As both men begin to ascend, Becca grabbed her camera. She tightened her vagina and sucked hard on Terry's tip. As both men begin to scream, Becca moved off Mike and released Terry. Mike and Terry came hard, spilling hot semen onto each other. Becca laughed as she recorded the event.

"What...the...FUCK...Becca!" Mikes cried out. Terry was shocked and was struggling hard. It seemed that Terry had been able to remove his handcuffs, slipping his slim hand through. Breaking through the restraints on his feet, he ran towards Becca, knocking the camera to the ground towards the door. Becca screamed, startled.

"Now what are you going to do, bitch!" Terry tackled Becca onto the floor and spread her legs open. Sexually frustrated, Terry began to stroke his cock again, still semi-hard from the cock rock still vibrating.

"Come on, Terry... fuck me... Fuck me like Mike did...making me so wet," Becca breathed as she ripped off the other nipple clamp. Terry cried out and thrust his penis into Becca. Like an animal, Terry humped wildly and grunted rhythmically. Becca matched the sounds as she thrust with him.

"Oh my go-" Terry strained, sliding his thick cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. Becca pulled his head back and bit his neck again. He moaned loudly as Becca, without him noticing, grabbed the small taser next to her and tased him in the thigh. Becca threw her head back and shook violently, orgasming hard and long. Terry writhed and he cummed again. He leaned over and sprawled out next to her.

Becca got up quickly, grabbed her bottoms and the camera and opened the door. "We should do this again sometime fellas... it was fun." She winked and took off into the night.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm still trying to figure out what's so bad for the guys about her making herself look like a slut. There's also a few times, when she loosened their cuffs, they would have knocked her the fuck out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Dom all recruit

I would too have Becca have they guy their cum out of the condom as a Dominant women and the dress in female clothes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Anatomy lesson

How many nipples does Terry have? She put two on him and pulled four off

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