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Becky's Tease Ch. 01


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"Good. Now I want you to go into your bedroom, strip naked, and wait for me."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Did I ask you to speak?"

"No Mistress."

"Since you can't seem to follow the orders that I gave you, you need to get down on your knees while you are waiting for me in your room." I could see him starting to form words and then stopping himself. "Now go!"

Barry turned on his heels and headed off most likely wondering how his shy little girlfriend had grown a set of balls.

I needed a break from all this so I poured myself another cup of coffee. Barry could wait a bit.

While I enjoyed my coffee I thought about the day to come. Not only was I enjoying the prospect of teasing Barry further but better yet I was excited about doing something new with him. As I have said earlier our sexual adventures had been somewhat limited in the past. We played around a lot but because he thought I was a virgin he didn't attempt to have sex with me. He also never gave me head. I don't know if it was my supposed virginity or that he just had no interest in putting his mouth down there but even though I sucked him off often, the favor was never returned. It was something that I missed greatly and today I would do something about it.

As I washed out my coffee cup I thought about poor Barry naked and kneeling on the floor waiting for me. It was time to move ahead with the day. I grabbed my backpack and went back to work.

I give Barry credit. He was naked and in a kneeling position when I opened the door.

"Good boy," I said condescendingly as I reached into my bag. "Here, put this on."

I handed him a blindfold. Taking away one's sight intensifies other senses and he was going to get some intensification this morning. Once it was on and I knew he couldn't see, I got out my other tools for the day. First, I pulled out a long strap with cuffs on either end. I pulled up the bottom of the mattress and lay down the strap so that one of the cuffs came out of each side of the bed. Then I grabbed my handcuffs and wrapped them through the headboard. I was ready for my victim.

I didn't say anything to Barry. I just reached down and grabbed him by the arm, guided him onto his bed, and laid him on his back.

I started with his feet, securing him to the bed one ankle at a time. When I went for his arms he struggled a bit but I was able to get him back into his handcuffs. He was now naked and spread-eagle on his back.

I made sure he knew I was stripping down by letting my dress brush against him and complaining a bit as I feigned difficulty with my bra. Just so there was no question about it, I made sure to rub parts of my body against him as I climbed up to straddle his chest facing his dick.

It was time to pay some attention to his penis which I knew would make him very happy. It had been almost 12 hours since we started our little game and it had had little attention.

Barry immediately started groaning as I touched his balls. I decided to play a little game with him, sort of a psychological experiment. Every time he groaned or made any noise, I pulled my hand away. I was curious as to whether he would figure it out and whether or not he would be physically able to stay quiet.

He caught on quickly. He moaned a few times when I massaged his balls but then remained quiet. I moved from his balls to the base of his penis which started his chest heaving but he still was quiet. As I worked my way up to its head he let out a long groan. My hand pushed away leaving him struggling for more of my attention. After a minute I went back to his balls and started the long slow journey again.

This time I got all the way to the head and was giving him a serious hand job. Suddenly it got too serious. My hand flew away quickly. I knew that once he came it would be game over. I had so much more I wanted to do.

Barry reminded me of the old pinball machine my dad had in our basement when I was a kid. I loved playing with that thing. I'd pull the lever sending the ball up to the top on and then give the table little pushes to keep the ball bouncing around under the glass. It made wonderful noises and lights flashed in different places as the ball worked its way down the tilted floor. You had to be careful because if you pushed too hard the noises stopped and all the lights went out except for one that said 'TILT.' I had to be careful with Barry. If he came it would be game over for me.

The poor guy continued to squirm. He was quite uncomfortable underneath me. I wondered if he could feel my wetness on his chest.

After what seemed like a long silence, Barry pushed his hips up trying to get some attention for his ever-erect penis. "Come on. please!" he said. He paused then added, "Mistress"

With the blindfold on he couldn't see me smiling and I didn't let him know how much I was enjoying this. "What?" I screamed. "Your talking back to me! A slave's mouth is not to be used for talking! I'll give your mouth another job, young man."

With that, I sat up and scooted back so that my legs were touching his cheeks. "You use your mouth properly on me young man and I will CONSIDER giving more attention to that all-important dick of yours."

As I lowered myself onto him I felt his lips start to work on me. I felt my juices flowing into his mouth as he started. When I had enough of him sucking on my vagina I leaned forward just a bit putting his tongue in touch with my clit.

Barry continued to do his magic and I sat on his face watching his stiff cock bounce around like a flagpole in a storm. My temperature was rising and my heartbeat quickening until something exploded inside me. It started slow and I pressed myself down hard on his mouth. Then it built up and I wanted to pull away as I was becoming too sensitive. But I stayed on him until it hit hard.

There was loud groaning. Where was it coming from? It was me! I felt like I couldn't catch my breath for a moment, and then it was done. I couldn't sit up so I lowered myself on top of Barry with my face coming down on his still erect dick. I thought about just sucking him off at this point and calling it a day. But then I realized there was so much more I needed to do.

Once I came back to my senses, I decided it was time to engage Barry again. "How long do you think you have been tied up here, slave?" I knew he had no idea. Being blindfolded he had no way to know.

"Uh, three hours, Mistress?"

I laughed. "It has only been 45 minutes little boy." It really had been an hour and a half but, hey, why not confuse him? "I think you should get a full three hours in before we take a break." I continued as I started lightly messaging his inner thighs.

You can get a handle on how a person feels when you are straddling his chest. When I said that there would be over two more hours of teasing, his chest dropped and he let out a loud breath like you would hear if you were deflating a balloon. I decided that this was too much for the boy. He needed a rest.

I hopped off his chest and onto the floor. "Why don't you rest for a bit? I need to take a break."

Barry started moving around. I think he thought he was going to be let out of his bonds and blindfold. "I'm going to leave you just as you are. I'll be back in an hour," I said. As I backed out the door, I saw his chest drop again and heard the air leaving him.

I closed the door to his room and went out to the front door in the living room. I wanted him to think that I had left his apartment so I opened the front door and slammed it closed. He didn't know that I hadn't left or that I was still naked.

Settling onto the sofa where we (or I) had so much fun last night, I pulled out my laptop and earbuds to watch a few videos. I decided to just put one earbud in so I could listen for any noise from the other room.

It was good that I did that because I could hear him crying within minutes. It started with him yelling, "Oh come on!" and then it was "Shit! Fuck!" After that, he mostly whimpered and cried until everything stopped. I quietly peeked in on him. He looked to be asleep.

After 45 minutes I decided that he had had enough. I again slammed the front door and loudly marched into his room where I woke him from a deep sleep. He didn't sleep much the night before so probably this was good for him. His penis was placid and I knew I had to change that.

I kneeled between his legs and started massaging them. As I slowly moved up each leg I leaned forward bringing my face closer to his crotch. By the time I reached his thighs my lips were touching him.

How many times had I been right here before? Barry loved his blow jobs and over our month together it had become my job to give them to him. Like a dutiful girlfriend, I put my hand on his dick and brought it to my mouth.

I'm sure he was thinking, 'this is it! My time has finally come.' But instead of sucking, I put my mouth around his member but didn't close it. All he could feel was my breath and the occasional tickle from my tongue. Even blindfolded, he knew he was in my mouth but he was feeling nothing.

I continued teasing him in this way for a bit before closing my mouth to give him a good suck. It only lasted a moment before I released him and said loudly, "Time for lunch!"

"No no no! Please! I mean, please Mistress!" he cried.

I decided not to punish him for talking. He really couldn't help it at this point. Instead, I removed his blindfold. The bright room bothered his eyes and he tried unsuccessfully to cover them with his tied-down hands. I quickly undid his bonds and Barry was now a free but still horny man.

Once up on his feet, the naked boy raised his hand. He had now remembered that he needed permission to speak.

"What?" I said.

"I need to pee."

"You may pee." I loved that he needed my permission to perform a bodily function.

Barry ran off toward the bathroom with his erection bouncing in front of him. I wondered how this was going to work.

It didn't work well. Instead of hearing the usual sound of man-pee, I heard grumbling and swearing. I went to the freezer, pulled out the second frozen towel, and brought it into the bathroom where a frustrated Barry was standing in front of the pot. I sat on the side of the tub.

"Come here."

He said nothing and turned toward me. His cock was inches from my face. I placed the towel on him which caused a gasp to come out of his mouth. Within minutes the problem had been resolved and the sound of peeing filled the room.

Back in the kitchen, after dutifully washing my hands, I went through his refrigerator where I found the perfect lunch: hot dogs. I didn't find any buns but that made my lunch plans just a bit better.

"Kneel" I commanded when Barry entered the room. He was now totally under my control and compliant.

He sat on his knees on the hard floor and watched me slowly slide the hot dog into my mouth. As I bit off a portion, I stared at him not saying a word. I knew he was enjoying watching me as I saw his dick grow and become even larger than my hot dog.

When I finished my lunch I picked up a second dog and held it in front of his mouth. He took a bite and I pulled it back as he chewed. I continued feeding him from my hand until he was done.

After giving him a few sips of water, I sent him back into the bedroom and told him to get back into position. He stood without saying a word, turned, and walked away.

I had half expected him to give up at this point. I'm my mind I heard him screaming at me and ordering me out of his apartment. I imagined him breaking up with me and that we would end up passing in the halls at school not talking to each other. All those thoughts went through my head as I went back into the room.

Instead, I found Barry lying spread eagle on his bed. He had managed to cuff his ankles and one of his wrists. He also had donned his blindfold.

I tied down his free wrist and took off his blindfold.

"We won't be needing this," I said. Talk to me, Barry. How are you feeling?"

"I - I didn't expect all this. I thought it was going to be just you teasing me and then making me cum last night.

I looked at him but didn't respond. It took a minute before he realized what he had done wrong.

"Mistress," he added looking away.

I turned his head, forcing him to look at me. "Do you want to stop?"

No, Mistress. But..."

"But what, Barry?"

"Are you ever going to let me cum? You're driving me crazy. My balls are hurting. I need it, Mistress."

"You told me I was to decide when that would happen," I responded calmly. "I promise you that your time will come."


I didn't respond.

"Today, Mistress?"

I climbed up and straddled his chest before responding. This time I was facing his head and his once-again erect penis was behind me. "I know I need another orgasm today. We shall see what happens to you."

With that, I moved up onto his face. Barry knew what to do and started licking me as I held the headboard, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the ride.

Barry's tongue work had improved over the weekend. Where he seemed to have no interest in this before, he was now anxiously attacking my clit. It only took minutes before I was shuttering as my second orgasm of the day flowed through my body.

I looked back over my shoulder at his penis. It stood straight up and seemed to sparkle in the afternoon light. For some reason, it seemed larger and harder than ever before. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. At that moment I knew how this all was going to end. I moved back from Barry's head and sat on his chest staring at him.

He didn't speak, he just stared back at me with his face covered in the wet that had dripped from me during my orgasm. I leaned down and kissed him. I ignored the taste of his mouth, pushed my tongue deep into him, then raised my head and looked back at his throbbing cock.

I looked him in the eye again. "It's time," I whispered.

I don't think he knew what was going to happen. He may have thought it was time for his orgasm but given his trust level at this point, I'm not sure he believed anything I said.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed myself back so that my rear rubbed his penis. His hips moved in response to the touch. Then I lifted myself over him and came down on his penis letting him inside me for the first time.

His eyes almost bulged out of his head. "Are you sure, Mistr...?"

I put my hand over his mouth. I didn't want him to call me Mistress right now. "Yes, it's time."

I expected a quick orgasm on Barry's part but that didn't happen. I went up and down on him enjoying the fullness inside me. It had been a while. Then suddenly I pulled myself off him.

Barry, thinking it was just another tease, groaned. But that wasn't the case. I jumped off him with amazing speed and unlocked his arms and legs. Then I jumped back on the bed and pulled the confused boy on top of me. I spread my legs and put both my hands on his bottom pushing him back into me. With his chest pressed hard against mine, Barry started humping and I was filled with his hardness. And when the moment came that I thought he was going to break me, I felt his cum flow inside me. It felt like he was never going to stop My body shuttered and stiffened.

And then we were both relaxed.

It was comfortable just holding each other and not talking. Finally, Barry spoke.

"May I speak?" He asked softly, unsure as to what the rules were at his point.

I giggled. "Of course, you may, and no more calling me Mistress. The game is over.

There was a sigh of relief before he spoke. "I thought you were a... Did I just take your virginity?"

"You are correct in that you thought I was a virgin but that came from an assumption you made when we first met. I just never corrected you."

"But your religious upbringing..."

"One can be religious and still make decisions about their own body. I make my own decisions as to what is best for me and as long as I am not hurting others I can live a religious life. That is why I kept checking with you while we were playing our little game. I didn't want to hurt you."

Barry and I went on to have a long conversation about sex and religion. We had never talked about either before. Our sexual relationship was all based on doing things he wanted, and it was partly my fault for never talking about my needs. He asked me about my previous boyfriends and I told him that I had had sex with both.

"And there is one more thing," I added as our conversation was wrapping up. "You remember that house party we were both at before we met?"

"Yea, I remember seeing you there and thinking you were cute."

"I smiled at his admission. "I hooked up with a guy in one of the bedrooms."

Barry's mouth dropped open and I didn't blame him. It wasn't like me to do something like that. I went on to tell him how I met this guy at the party and was immediately attracted to him. Before we knew it we were upstairs in the hallway looking for an empty room. I had expected us to fool around a bit but I didn't think we were going to have sex. Once we were in one of a room all plans were thrown out the window and in no time we were naked on the bed making love. I never told anyone about this, not even my closest girlfriend.

Upon hearing the story Barry turned serious and asked, "Were you raped? I mean was it rape?"

I smiled back at him. "No, it wasn't rape, it was just raging hormones within both of us. He could have cried rape as much as I. I don't know his name and I have never seen him since. I will admit that I have thought about calling him."

"You have his number?"

"Oh yea, that's the funny part. After we did it, he grabbed my phone and put his digits in under the name 'Sex Guy.' When I saw what he did I asked him for his phone and gave him my number with the name 'Sex Girl."

"And you kept his number?"

"Yea, I kept it. You never know when I might need a Sex Guy," I teased.

"And he's never called you?"

"Nope. I guess he hasn't needed a Sex Girl."

We were quiet for a while after that. I think Barry was thinking about me and Sex Guy and whether or not it was appropriate for me to keep that contact on my phone.

After a bit, Barry spoke again. "Are we going to do this again?" he asked.

"What? Have sex? I hope so!"

"Well, yea, that but also the tease and denial thing. Will we do that again?"

I thought for a minute. "Yea, we can do it again if you want. It will have to be different though. And it won't be any less frustrating for you."

I saw Barry smiling. "How will it be different?"

"Hmm," I responded. "Maybe I'll bring Sex Guy over and will do it in front of you while you're tied up."

Barry looked put off by that idea but below the sheets, I felt him become rock hard against my leg.

Maybe Barry isn't a dick. I'm going to stay with him for a bit. We'll see where this goes.

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Hotstuff1PHotstuff1P6 months ago

Nicely written. Maybe Barry will spend more time appreciating his partners and Becky in particular. Relationships are between all partners.

Looking forward to where new realisation goes.

Emmalee_StrictEmmalee_Strict6 months ago

The early stage of a new sexual exploration is what gives this an erotic tension, but also sweetness. Tantalizing start... moving on, TW01 😀

Frankdrudge2Frankdrudge210 months ago

I think the characters are all so believable and Becky's slow but very deliberate embrace of power is intoxicating. The subject of her teasing is exactly the guy you would like to see this happen to. A pure erotic joy to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"OK premise, but teasing is too matter of fact."

It is really fun to see (read) the difference between male and female authors. This take on the original story is a great gender comparison. Study the differences.

I am a fan of science fiction ... by male authors. The emotional baggage women bring to those stories sort of turns me off. I like to think I know the gender of an author simply from context. In erotica I analyze gender also, whether stated or not. The importance of "realism" can be boring to male readers.

There is nothing wrong with female eroticism, in fact quite appealing. It's just the bits guys want to read are less important than the pieces women like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OK premise.

But teasing is too matter of fact.

And so is his acquiescense to eating her pussy. Better he'd objected. Better if he claimed never having eaten a pussy before.

Better if she'd given him instructions/directions/lesson about how she wanted him to lick and suck her.

Three stars.

toastywarm01toastywarm01over 1 year agoAuthor

I hope you enjoyed reading Becky's Tease. Please leave comments or send me feedback. I love hearing from readers - even if they don't like my writing!

This story represents my twelfe piece of work on Literotica. I am calling these works my Dirty Dozen. I am currently working on my next piece (most likely a sequel to this story.) it will be part of my Dirty Bakers Dozen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fun adaptation. I'm curious to see where you go with this. I like the dominant Becky.

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