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Becoming Her Toy

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A request from a friend, growing into so much more...
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"Jason, I...have a weird favour to ask." I watched Erin squirm, blushing from the other side of the couch. Curiously, I muted the tv, turning to face my friend.

"What's up?" Still bashfully looking down, twirling her fingers in her lap, I started to worry that I had done something wrong. We'd been friends for years, close enough to divulge and share with one another, but by no means 'besties'. Erin finally looked up, finding some confidence to ask whatever was gnawing at her.

"Okay. You can say no. I can't believe I'm asking this. Okay." She sat cross-legged across from me, seeing the concern on my face. "I want to play with your cock."

I nearly fell off the fucking couch. "You want toWHAT!?"

She blushed, smiling and embarrassed, but pushed through the awkwardness in the air. "I know, I knoooow. It's out of the blue, and super weird. But I just...okay hold on." Reaching for her phone on the table, she pulled up a folder, filled with what I could only describe as an aggressive amount of pictures and videos. Of cocks.

Erin flicked through, showing specific videos and pictures she had collected. All of which had the guy tied up, slowly being edged in a variety of ways, a tiny manicured hand gently teasing away. I felt my cock tighten in my pants, barely able to breathe at what I was seeing. She squirmed beside me, but in too deep to stop with her request.

"I want to try this. Every guy I end up seeing always just flakes out on me, never wanting to be submissive. I don't want to make you cum or anything! Just" I was flabbergasted, unsure of how to even respond to such a request. Erin and I had talked a bit about partners in the past, but I had never had the confidence to admit to her just how much I adored being a sub, or how quickly a dominant person melted me.

"I-well," I stammered, trying to find some words.

"I know it is sudden and weird, but I can't think of anyone else! And I trust that you won't make fun of me for how obsessed I am over this idea. Please!!?" It was officially my turn to blush, unable to look into the excited eyes opposite me, worried I'd show just how excited I was by this idea.

"Of course you can trust me, Erin. And I...well okay we can try it. But, wait!" I didn't get to the list of concerns I had before she squealed, wrapping her arms around my neck in a big hug.

"Don't worry," Erin said, pulling back from our embrace, "I'll take care of everything. Everything." She squeezed my hand, thanking me over and over. I smiled weakly, only slightly terrified by her excitement.

"Okay so when-"

"Now?" Erin grinned, watching as she pulled out cuffs and rope out of her purse, placing them on my coffee table.

"NOW!? You just have this shit in your purse?" Giggling, she blushed, continuing to pull out items like a kinky Mary Poppins. "How long have you been planning this?"

"I may have chickened out of asking the last few times so...I don't know, weeks?" Despite the shock and slight fear I felt, I laughed at her, earning me a smack on the arm. "Shut up! It is a weird request!" I giggled, sighing as I felt some of the tension between us fall away.

There was no stopping her eagerness now though, finding myself sitting half-naked on one of my chairs, protected with a towel from my bare ass. I blushed as my cock hardened, not helped as I felt her cuff my wrists behind me, ankles spread and held in place by her rope. Rope. Who walks around with rope in their fucking purse!?

She grinned, happy with how stuck I was, watching as I squirmed under that look, blushing from being put on display in such a new manner. Erin, knelt between my legs, those big eyes of hers staring up at me while she gently squeezed and rubbed my thighs. "Thank you so much Jason, really. It means a lot to me, and I'm sure you're going to love it!" After seeing the torment on some of the videos, I had my doubts. My cock, standing at full attention, apparently did not.

Gently, Erin dripped some oil onto her hands and my cock, slowly moving up and down until it was glistening. I groaned, already shaking from being touched, watching her eyes turn from a nervous energy to a more assertive one. She slid one hand from the tip to the base of my cock, only to follow it with the other one. Slow and continuous, a constant pattern that had me quickly wanting to cum.

I laughed nervously, my voice catching with my own excitement. "Erin, I'm...oh fuck I'm close." She giggled, watching the effects of her teasing on my face.

"Oh don't worry, I can tell. I've read so many guides on how to keep a cock on edge, what signs to look for. Just relax, Jason." I whimpered, the confidence and seriousness of her voice pushing me into my more submissive nature. True to her word, that aching sensation held firm, keeping me excited and desperate, yet that build-up to an orgasm never came.

Over and over her hands edged me, often circling her thumb on the back of my head. I moaned, not used to being held at this level of arousal before, shaking every time she stopped to let me recover. Rubbing my balls, tickling my tip, gripping my shaft, Erin was true to her word, knowing exactly how to keep me from cumming. It was agony, yet I wanted nothing more than for it to continue, holding onto the hope that I would be pushed over the edge.

Taking her hands off me once more, Erin watched as my head collapsed onto my chest, exhausted despite not moving at all. Tiny whimpers continuously escaped my lips, my brain a surging mix of confusing emotions, torn between two halves of different needs. The need to cum, the primal desire to explode, to feel that rush of endorphins. And the need to serve, to obey, to listen, to submit. Stuck in the middle, tormented by both sides of myself, I rested, feeling her tiny fingers gently lift up my chin.

"Jason, that was wonderful." Erin smiled, staring deep into my eyes. I whimpered, unable to speak, my mind trapped in a euphoric haze. "I know that must have been frustrating, but you made me so happy being my toy today." I blushed, feeling my cock pulse having her so close to me, needing any form of stimulation for its release. Yet all I could do was return her smile, the battle inside of me subsiding, my submissive nature resting control.

We both watched as I slowly, agonisingly slowly, lost my erection. Erin took off my binds, wrapping me in a long, big hug as I was dressed once more. I felt myself lifted from subspace, feeling silly but comforted in her arms. She playfully ruffled my hair which made me giggle, trying to half-heartidly stop her. Still eyeing me intently, she made sure I was okay.

"So? Was it fun? Because I had a lot of fucking fun." I rolled my eyes at her, the giant grin on her face needing no explanation.

"It was...weird. Like a good weird though. I wanted to cum so badly, yet at the same time I hoped you never let me. I can't really explain it. But, I really liked it." Embarrassed, listening to the happy laughter from my friend, squeezing me once more in a big hug.

"Does that mean you'll let me do it again!?" I sighed, knowing future me was going to hate this decision, nodding in agreement. "Yessssss! Okay that means you can't cum until then though."

"What!? That wasn't part of the deal!"

"Well! You have to be excited, duh. It makes it more intense!" Erin was unstoppable now, fueled by this new excited energy, knowing she had me in her clutches.


"Nope! You can do it, for me, please?" I groaned, pleading with her, but each time met with a stern playful scolding. Pouting, glaring at her as best I could, I agreed. Erin giggled, throwing another hug around me as I dreaded what I was going to do next.

"I...I may have something to help with that then."

"Oh?" She looked at me curiously, my face a deeper red than it had been during any part of our exciting, strange, and surprising evening. Well, if she could share a private kinky secret with me, then I could at least do the same.

"Just wait here, I...just wait!" I went to my room, returning to sit down on the couch with her, slowly opening my hands to show off my cage. Erin's eyes transfixed on it, curiosity and confusion spread over her face.

"What the fuck is that?" I blushed, even more terrified that she didn't already know.

"It's a chastity cage. It stops me's for know." My hands shook holding it out, still feeling the effects of her teasing from before. I watched as it clicked into place, Erin's eyes going wide with excitement.

"IT GOES ON YOUR COCK!?" I groaned, her loud voice bouncing off the walls.

"Shhhhhhh!! I have neighbours!! And yes." She squealed, snatching it out of my hand to look at it more closely, turning it over back and forth.

"How often do you wear this? Why didn't you mention it? How does it go on? Does it hurt?" Rapid fire questions were thrown my way, trying to answer them as best I could, a slight relief washing over me that she wasn't weirded out. Erin grinned as she heard more, the small black 3D printed device fascinating her.

"I love it, especially if it keeps you ready for me. Put it on now, please." I took it back from her, heading for the bathroom. "Ah-ah! Here." I whined, but her eyes glinted with that assertiveness once more, knowing I couldn't refuse. Pantless for the second time that evening in front of her, I pulled my balls and cock through the ring, blushing deeply as I had to wait for my instant erection to die down before sliding on the cage, locking it in place.

Erin giggled, keeping me standing as she scooted over to sit in front of me, hands rubbing and exploring what the cage looked like once it was on. "Wow." I whimpered from her gentle touching exploration, staring up at me with excitement. "I fucking love it. How have I never heard of these things before!? Is that the only key?"

I bit my lip. "No, there's a spare one in my room for-"

"Gimme." Erin snatched the key out of my hands, leading me half-naked to find the other one. Slightly shaking, she watched as I placed the other one in her outstretched palm as well, already straining against the cage. "You should be fine in there for a week."

I gasped at her. "A WEEK!?" She nodded, grinning at the horror spread across my face. Led back to my pants, I watched her collect all of her toys, readying to leave. She planted a hand on my chest to calm my concerns, staring up at me with that calming, confident look.

"This will be fun, Jason. And owning that, I know you want to at least explore it too." I blushed, my face the only answer she needed. Smiling up at me, she patted my chest gently. "Don't worry, I will show you just how satisfying it is going to be, being my little toy. You won't regret it." With a final wink, she left, leaving me confused, overwhelmed, and already aching in my cage, left for the first time without my keys.Fuck.

Each day Erin checked in on me, requesting pictures of what she was now referring to as, 'her cock'. I tried to be mad through her teasing and constant jokes, but the truth was that I loved it. Every morning I woke up straining, groaning by myself in bed as I squirmed on the mattress, trying to find a comfortable position to deal with the aching between my legs. But as that desperation grew, that need to cum built up inside of me, I found myself consumed by it.

By the time Saturday rolled around and I stood in front of Erin's door, I was shaking with excitement. It had been a long, long time since I had gone a full week without playing with myself, never mind refused erections all together. Already I could feel my cock straining in the cage, shifting back and forth as I waited for her to answer.

Opening the door, Erin smirked as she stared at me, getting the full picture of what a week of denial had done to her new pet. Leaving me standing in the hallway, she gently placed a hand on my crotch, rubbing small circles as I whimpered in front of her, immediately losing control to my keyholder. Just like that, I was hers once more, to do with what she willed. With a big, knowing smile on her face, she finally let me inside.

Standing in the door, Erin had me strip off all my clothes and kneel. Throughout the week we had talked about what this meant for both of us, and how far we were willing to pursue it. She pried out everything that I had been fantasising about over the years, as well as my own limitations. Going into the weekend I still felt excitement beyond anything I had in years, yet also trust in my friend not pushing me too far.

Which, happily for Erin, meant that I'd be completely naked in her apartment at all times, wearing nothing but my cage, and my newly minted collar. Solid black leather, with a tiny tag engraved simply as,'Erin's Pet'. Just seeing it in her hands before hearing it click shut behind my neck made me whimper, knowing I'd be marked as hers.

Hands on my thighs, I waited patiently, barely able to sit still as she rested her hands on my shoulders, cock bursting to be freed and played with. Erin grinned as she leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Mmmmmm, is someone excited to finally be touched?" I giggled, unable to contain that nervous energy, trying hard to present and be a good boy for her like we talked about. I even watched a few videos to make sure I knew exactly how she wanted me.

Erin's hands moved down my chest, rubbing and gripping as she saw fit, listening to the moans it forced out of me. I couldn't get over how easy it was to submit to her, to give in to her control, how wonderful it felt to be turned into her pet. Sensing that change in me, that desire to become her willing toy, she pulled my hair back to rest my head against her thighs, staring up at her with complete devotion. The smile that greeted me sent a warmth through my entire body.

"My own good boy, so eager to behave. To be owned. To be denied." Erin smirked, leaning in once more to bite my ear, listening to me whimper in response. "Let's see if we can make you regret that eagerness, shall we?" My body shaking, betraying just how excited I truly was, I soon followed Erin on my hands and knees to a chair already set up for my weekly torturous session.

Calculated, Erin prepped me exactly how she wished, silently going about her work. Rope wrapped snugly around my chest, held firm to the back of the chair. Arms to the side, I could feel my breath quicken as I lost the ability to move, to squirm, to resist. Each leg she did separately, spreading them wide and open, ensuring she had all the access she required. Torso, thighs, ankles, and finally collar, a tiny rope holding my neck slightly forward, so I could look nowhere other than between my legs.

Smiling, her hands never leaving my body, Erin knelt down in front of me, tiny hands holding my aching balls. Calming she rubbed and squeezed, eyes wide with excitement as she could feel the heat and desperation radiating off of them. "I am so glad you owned one of these Jason," I whimpered, watching her pet the cage, studying intently as my cock pulsed with a need for release. "I can't tell you how excited I was all week knowing you couldn't touch my new cock. My new toy."

An intensity in her eyes, she continued. "How wet it made me knowing you wouldn't be cumming, while I ran my vibrator and fingers over my clit every night. I've had some of the most powerful orgasms this week, my little pet, all because of this cute little cage." Bending down, never losing eye contact, Erin planted a kiss on my balls, watching as I squirmed and groaned. Trapped in her web by choice, I could do nothing but watch as she tormented and played with what was hers.

Resting hands on my thighs, Erin climbed up into my lap, legs straddling on either side of me. Arms wrapped around my head, she grinded her hips against me, moaning into my ear. "Tell me, my pet. Tell me how hard this week was for you." Hands in my hair, gripping firmly, I whimpered as I softly told her how much I had strained each night, the desperation that greeted me every morning, watching with wide eyes as she moaned, tightening her grip, rubbing against my waist.

Almost breathless, Erin finally relented, smiling as she stared into my eyes. "See how excited you make me, pet? You have no idea how many orgasms you gave me this week, and I haven't even taught you how to use that tongue of yours. Yet..." I was speechless, never knowing she had such an intense, ferocious side to her, feeling myself falling even further under her control. And from the look she gave me, I could tell it was a fact she knew very well.

With my head forced to stare down, I blushed deeply as Erin got off my lap, soon giggling along with my horror seeing just how much my cage was leaking. Smirking, she made her way to a collection of toys and items prepared, returning to show off the keys to my freedom dangling from one of her fingers. Already pushed to the brink of excitement, I could only stare, my mind slowly feeling as if it was unraveling from the need I felt for a release.

Placing the keys in her pocket, Erin forced my mouth open for some cloth, folded and scrunched together until it was all inside of me. Muffled, I moaned in protest, watching as she placed some stretchy white tape over top of my lips. Not finished with silencing me, she slid a leather hood in place around my head, feeling her tighten each string behind me. Eyes and nose left exposed, I could only breathe and whimper, somehow feeling even more vulnerable.

I watched helplessly as Erin carefully inserted my keys, slowly removing the ring and cage from my cock. Freed for the first time in a week, I moaned in appreciation as I felt it grow, expanding to its full size, never expecting to find so much joy from a simple erection. She simply smiled, rubbing soap and oil all over me, listening to my whines as she dragged a razor over my shaft and balls. Only slightly terrified, I watched as she finished, soon left smooth and clean, shaking as her hands slowly moved up and down, admiring her handiwork.

"A whole week..." Erin grinned, eyes glued to my erect cock, slowly stroking it in her hands. I tried to throw my head back, but my neck refused to move, watching those wicked eyes drink in my desperation, never stopping with her timid torment. "Such a pretty cock too. Don't worry, pet, soon I will play with it all the time." I could do nothing but whimper into my gag, watching as she played with her new favourite toy. Me.

As she had before, Erin went to work, using every trick she had ever seen, tried, or imagined to slowly drive me insane. I was quickly left in a state of euphoric turmoil, feeling as if a slight breeze would send me into an earth shattering orgasm, yet left there on the brink, with no hope of release. By the time Erin sat back on her heels, staring up at me excitedly, tears flowed down my cheeks, unable to deal with the desperation currently swirling around inside of me.

Once more she sat in my lap, feeling my cock resting against the back of her ass, wanting nothing more than to thrust pathetically against my friend. But her binds held me firmly in place, only able to moan as my neck was freed, head back and staring into those beautiful eyes as she gently removed my hood. Freed from my gag, I whimpered against her, shaking with a need I didn't know was possible. Erin ran her hand through my hair, kissing my cheek gently as she spoke.

"Shhhh, that's a good boy. I know, honey, I know. You've made me so happy this week, you know that?" I pouted, blushing as I nodded, barely able to think yet alone speak. "I have had so much fun playing with you, teasing you, and using you, my pet." Leaning forward, she bit my ear, forcing the tiniest of moans out of my mouth. "And I don't want it to end."

Playing with my hair, feeling my excruciating erection against her, Erin stared into my eyes for a long, long time. I was fixated by them, drawn into her, devoted to her, needed her. "I want to hear you say the magic words, my dear. The ones we talked about. The ones I told you I'd get you to say." More silence between us as she looked down, more than her ropes holding me in place in that moment, utterly drawn in by this confident, powerful woman. "You can do it, I know you can. I know you want to."


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