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Bedroom Window with a View Ch. 05

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Beyond the safety of the window.
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Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 5 of the 18 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 11/17/2022
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Ashley was in a frenzied mood. Last night she had forgotten to set her alarm. That should not have been a thing as on most days she would wake up before it would go off anyway. But today of all days she had managed to sleep in late and only wake up after 8am.

Immediately she thought to herself "Is today going to be one of those days?" She knew exactly what had caused her to oversleep. She had been excited for days about today's final job interview and last night been tossing and turning unable to sleep.

Inwardly cursing herself for being this nervous about it. Yes, it would be a great opportunity to get to work for one of the major advertising companies around. There would be chances to get in contact with all kind of big brands and well known personalities and next to the better pay for the first time in her career she would have her own office. But almost just as nice was that it meant she would be working at the same place as her best friend Sophie. It would not only be great to work with her, but also make it a lot easier to socialize both at and outside of work.

Feeling annoyed that even at her age of 45 she was feeling this excited, even nervous, about the interview. More so as she knew the job was practically hers already as the previous interviews went perfectly and this one was more of a formality.

Still sleeping in late and now having to hurry more than she had wanted to did not help ease her mindset. At least there was still time for a hurried quick shower.

After which she sat at her dressing mirror glad she had already picked what to wear the night before. A simple but elegant off-white silk blouse with a dark blue skirt that would leave her knees and just a tiny bit of her legs free. It would go well with her blue not too high heels making the total a sexy classy but not too revealing outfit.

The breakfast that consisted of cereals, yogurt and some mixed fresh fruits went down just as hurried as the shower. A quick visit to the bathroom to brush her teeth and a final look in the mirror making sure her hair was still okay. Satisfied she was good to go she tipped a droplet of perfume in her neckline.

Feeling better but still a bit rushed she grabbed her bag and keys. A look at the time told her she would make it in time to the appointment with perhaps even some spare time. Always the perfectionist she hated being late, she left her house and walked to her car that was parked right outside.

She got into the car and put the key in the ignition. When it came to cars she had never been one to see them as a status thing. It was a means for transport and so she had been driving this faithful old little Toyota for years. Never once felt the desire or need to upgrade to something new and more modern.

But as soon as she turned the key to start the car that sinking feeling in her stomach kicked in. The engine made some grinding noises but did not start. The voice in her mind went "No no no, not now!" as she turned the key again. Nothing, only that grinding noise like the raspy voice of a singer who is too drunk to sing.

The voice in her mind broke out for real this time and she angrily yapped at her vehicle "Come on you stupid thing, start!" The car had made up its mind otherwise. Ashley kept on turning the key time after time and after several frustrating attempts, the grinding noises of the engine also stopped. All that happened was a soft click when she turned the key.

Almost in a panic with tears in her eyes, she started hitting the steering wheel in frustration cursing "Fuck fuck not now you stupid old piece of crap, start goddammit!"

But it did not and instead of considering or even able to think about other options Ashley was about to go into full panic mode and burst out in tears. That's when she was startled as someone tapped on her car door window.

Frustrated and angry she pulled down the window to look straight into a set of pretty blue eyes. Friendly bright eyes accompanied by a nice deep man's voice who said "Hi miss, I don't think you need to bother trying more. I am pretty sure your battery is done. I have some starter cables and can give you a jumpstart to get you going, But you also will need to get that battery replaced or checked for sure."

As she stammered "Thank you so much, that would be very kind." the recognition hit her! It was him!! The young neighbor from across the street. The one that she had seen and the one that had seen her. Not seen in the way neighbors normally do but from across the street they had 'accidentally shared' several intimate moments.

The moment she recognized him she could feel herself blush and her face turn tomato red with a hot flush coming up. As he turned away and said "Let me go and get the cable, I'll be right back." she was thinking to herself did I just now see a twinkle in his eyes above that pretty smile or am I imagining things?

She was not only feeling frustrated with the car issues but was also getting flustered. As she watched him walk away she could not help it and her mind travelled to how they had watched each other across the street a couple of times.

The last time had already been weeks ago, that one time together with Sophie, but the picture was still so vividly clear in her mind. Suddenly Ashley's panic increased tenfold, would he say something about it? Would he confront her with their actions or would he ignore they had ever happened? In her mind both options seemed equally embarrassing.

He drove up his car in front of hers and as he got out Ashley could feel her cheeks turn even more red. She could not help herself as he walked over her eyes dropped down his youthful body to briefly stare at his groin inwardly muttering to herself "Not now you hormonal horny slut."

It did not help when he smiled at her and asked "Can you perhaps open up for me?" Ashley was sure he intentionally had made eye contact with her as he said those words.

She found herself stammering "Erm, sure hang on, I know there is a handle down here somewhere." as he walked around to help.

With his arms leaning on the side of the car door he put his head through the window. Leaning inside like this he was close enough for Ashley to smell what she guessed was his sweet aftershave. He looked down and pointed towards the handle she had been looking for "That one right down there should do the trick Miss."

As she said "Thank you" and pulled the lever her mind went wild again. Was it only her wishful sinful thinking or had she really caught him ever so briefly glance at her tits and legs?

Before he walked over to open the unlocked hood he smiled at her making sure they made eye contact as he said "This won't take long at all. I will signal when you can get it turned on." This time Ashley was certain it was no longer merely her own imagination, he was confronting her with their actions, even if he did so in a slightly veiled way. The look in his eyes as he said those words did speak volumes.

As she realized he was confirming their actions a strange wave of mixed feelings went through Ashley. She did feel embarrassed, slightly afraid but strangely enough most of all she somehow did feel appreciated, perhaps wanted even and with that came a sudden unexpected longing feeling.

He had fastened the starter cable and started his car. As he got out of his car and walked over to her again Ashley was seeing something else. She was picturing how his big hard naked cock in full erection was shooting out loads of cum. He startled her from her daydream standing at her door intently looking at her as he said "Give it a minute or two to load, then it should be ready to go."

Ashley almost flinched where those words made her thoughts go but managed to get some words out "Erm, yes, sure."

She could tell he was watching her as they waited in silence for those eternal long taking two minutes to pass. She took one glance sideways and her heart skipped a few beats, something in his pants was stirring.

He was looking at her, checking her out and it was giving him an erection. In public, right here in the streets, in plain view for her to see!

A small grunt escaped him "Yeah, that should be enough, you can try now." and with slightly shaky hands Ashley turned her ignition key once more. It took a few rattles but this time the engine started. Standing with one arm on the roof of her car tapping it he leaned inside again "Now there, that should do it for now. Make sure you leave that engine running just like that for a while before turning it off and do get things properly checked." With that he turned away closed her hood and looked at her with a grin on his face as he walked to his car and said "Nice meeting you out here Miss and it was all my pleasure that I was able to help you again."

That last line left Ashley lost for words and he was gone before she had the sense to at least thank him. But what would she actually be thanking him for had she been able to reply? The "again" in his words had not gone unnoticed by Ashley. He had definitely referred back to their other encounters and in doing so had succeeded to leave her in a confused state of mind, to say the least. She had to shake her head to clear the visions of his dick from her mind. To realize it had been several days since she last masturbated and now suddenly this all had her feeling horny as hell. Sighing out loud as the voice in her mind went "Great, the way this day is going I sure as hell will have a fucking hard time to concentrate during the interview." grinning slightly to herself as she drove off.


Pete was about to walk to his car and drive to work as he heard the grinding noise. He smiled as he immediately recognized it as a car having trouble starting. He almost ignored it, being a car mechanic he had more than enough car troubles to fix when at work. But as he looked he noticed which car it was, or better yet whose car it was and that changed his mind instantly. It was her car, the small red Toyota of their pretty neighbor. The woman apparently enjoyed watching and being watched.

This was the opening he had been waiting for and he knew he had to take a chance here. Both he and his wife Sarah had enjoyed that last time several weeks ago. They talked about it later on. They had agreed that should either of them somehow meet their neighbor he or she would be free to try and make contact. They had decided not to openly confront her with their deeds but to try and be subtle about it should a chance arise.

So a stuttering car engine had never before seemed more like a chance to Pete than this one. Smiling to himself as he walked over he could hear how she was desperately trying to get the engine running. She was so busy with her troubles that she had not noticed him arrive. Standing right next to her car door being this close to her for the first time Pete took the chance to get a better look at her. His wife had been right, she was a bit older than them but still a very good looking lady. He loved her blouse and how a decent amount of what looked like to be a decent pair of legs were showing from that dark blue dress.

At the moment he watched her start to hit her steering wheel in frustration he tapped her window to make her notice him. He almost had to laugh as he clearly gave her a fright in doing so. She opened the window and again he almost laughed out loud as he could see her face change and knew she had recognized him. As he had agreed with his wife they would not bluntly confront her with their actions, but he sure wanted to have some fun and make her struggle and feel a bit uncomfortable.

He could see her face turn red, so the making uncomfortable part had been really easy. His next steps were very deliberate, not only the way he walked towards her and leaned into the car. But also all his words were chosen carefully and from her demeanor he knew they had made the impact he had been hoping for.

As he leaned into the car with her and smelled her perfume he could not help but remind himself of her standing at her bedroom window. Naked looking straight at him and driving that dildo into the slit between her legs. Thinking back on that night his cock reacted in the only way it knew and started to grow in his jeans. Of course, he did notice her glance straight at his bulge but acted as if he had not seen her look. After helping her out and getting her engine running, grinning to himself hoping in more than one way.

Watching her face he was sure she had understood his message from that final line. To turn and walk away to his car knowing the thoughts about this unexpected

meeting would make it a long day at work for him as well.


Ashley arrived right on time for her final interview. She had a hard time concentrating on traffic during the drive over to the office complex. The words and images of the naked body and dick of her neighbor kept on popping into her mind at every traffic light. Glad to have made it on time for her appointment she parked her car somewhere at the very end of the parking lot. As she turned down the engine hoping it would at least start once more later that day.

There was just about time for a quick stop at the restroom for a final visual checkup. Relieved that outwardly, with only a small adjustment to her blouse and skirt, she looked fine. But inside she was still boiling and feeling in total turmoil. His word "again" had somehow awakened something deep inside of her. A need, desire or longing, impossible to explain. But as she walked down the corridor to the secretaries desk she somehow managed to focus on things at hand.

The final interview itself went unexpectedly well considering her state of mind. She kept control of her thoughts for most of the time. During the interview only once or twice a cum shooting raging hard cock entered her mind and she had to shift her legs to regain control. At the end of the interview she shook hands to finalize the deal and hear the words "Great to have you onboard starting next month" it made her feel euphoric. The feeling of actually getting the job, even if she had expected it by now, added to her excitement.

As she was walking back to her car she was feeling ecstatic and somehow the images of her neighbor started flooding back. She knew by now her panties were getting wet as she was excited and aroused and knew she would need to help herself soon. It would be the only way to at least for a while drive him and his wife out of her mind. Feeling over the moon she dropped into her car and sat there for a bit enjoying life and this big victory.

Thinking back about it later she could not even remember how the next thing had come about. Feeling extremely good and proud of herself she suddenly noticed that her left hand had somehow ended up in her lap. More so it had landed in her crotch and had started moving all out of its own. Suddenly realizing where she was she quickly pulled her hand away and looked around. Right at the end of the parking lot to notice it was all but abandoned. The longing between her legs intensified as Ashley's logical mind went "Not here slut!" to be immediately replaced with the image of his hand stroking his cock.

Ashley looked around once more and satisfied nobody was around made her left hand travel back down. Watching out of her car from side to side as her hand reached her knee. Keeping it still there for a few seconds burning her skin before making it travel further up her leg. Letting it slip inside her dress, softly gasping as she made it caress her thigh. Another reassuring glance out of the car and the hand pulled up her skirt baring most of her upper left leg. As the hand reached its goal the more than damp spot in her panty her body shook in thrilled anticipation.

As she put pressure on the damp spot with one finger the intense feeling of pleasure made her close her eyes involuntarily. Only to flicker open again and look around. The voice in her mind yelling "Stop this foolishness right now, you will get caught" to which her body reacted with an even stronger urge to be pleased. Unable to resist she slipped a finger under her panty to encounter a slippery wet pussy. Her lips all puffed up ready to be pleased. This time even the voice in her mind had stopped resisting "I don't care if somebody sees me." and two fingers slipped inside.

No longer able to resist her desire she started to finger herself while looking out of the car for unwanted spectators. Her fingers sliding in and out of her wet cunt the thought hit her, was she perhaps searching for wanted spectators? A groan escaped and as she spread her legs as wide as the car seat allowed her to Ashley made her right hand join. Three fingers now thrusting deep into her leaking cunt as the thumb of her right hand started thrumming her clit. The feeling almost went into a burning sensation and she could tell she was getting very close to a wonderful release.

She could feel her orgasm start to build fully aware she was at the point of no return as she suddenly noticed how two men came out of nowhere and started to walk towards her. Unable to stop she watched them walk closer as her hands started to move with more urgency. Right when she was sure the men had seen her and were about to confront her they turned away and walked past her. At the moment they passed Ashley could no longer hold back and let the pleasure wave take over.

Watching them walk away the image of a cum shooting cock flooded back and with her entire body shaking she started to come with an almost animalistic sounding guttural grunt "Rhhhhfgddghh cccummmning fffukk ffk yes hnnggffp."

The wave seemed to last forever this time until it fully drained her. When it finally ebbed away she did not know how long she sat there, recovering with her hands between her wide open legs having the entire car smell of her sex scent. It must at least have been minutes until she came to her senses enough to tidy herself up as best as she could. As she did she took one more glace around the parking lot before deciding it was time to leave for home. With slightly wet fingers she reached for her car key and had to smile as it started right away. As she took off for home smiling and in her mind going "Turned out to be not such a bad day after all."

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KDLitKDLit10 months ago

Ah, play with herself in the parking lot, hoping to be caught. Nice finish.

Goodmeal69Goodmeal6911 months ago

This story is progressing very nicely!

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