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Ben Franklin's Private Life Ch. 03

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Ben Franklin's escapades.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/22/2022
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I went to work for BF in one of his printing shops. After I had learned the business, he made me manager of that shop. He convinced me that an upstanding citizen of society had to be married. Red and I agreed, and were married. Her parents had disowned her, and she was working as a barmaid at the time. I was able to buy a small house and she retired to the life of a respectable businessman's wife. Her parents were thrilled, but our relationship with them continued to be strained. We decided that two children were all we wanted. Childbirth in the colonies was dangerous. One in four women died from complications of bearing children, and many men had nine or ten children with three wives. The death rate was such that several of the children would not survive until adulthood, and a wife or two would die giving birth. We decided to find a good woman doctor in the community and be as careful as we could. Red knew her cycle, and we agreed to keep her safe after we had our two healthy children. Besides, there were ways to enjoy each other without risking getting her pregnant.

As time went by, BF couldn't be still. He started a public library, as well as a volunteer fire department. He still had his Junta duties and being Grand Master of the Freemans, but he looked for more. He finally sold me his printing business, so he could concentrate on whatever came his way.

By the 1740's when we were in our forties, life had settled into more of a routine. We didn't have time for the parties, except on rare occasions. The masons had become more of a stogy organization with most of the member leadership frowning on the things they did when they were younger. BF and I decided to celebrate my purchase of the printing business with a little party. We still knew some of the girls, all of whom were now the respectable wives of pillars of the community. Red agreed to find us a couple of them who might need a little diversion from the boring everyday life. She set up a girl's night out for three of them, including the minister's daughter, whose name was Angela.

With our children safely at my parent's house, the night was set. Red's real name was Betsy. I never called her that, but everyone else did. Angela arrived first. She was married to a prominent leader of the community and had three kids. Her maid was at the house, so she could be away for a few hours without concern. Mary Adams was next. Also married to a prominent businessman in the community, she was a lucky one who had five kids while still in her early 30's. The kids were a constant drain on her, and she was more than happy to this. She had a nanny, because she refused her husband's advances until he provided one. Alice Livingston was the last, and most unusual. She was a minister's wife, and she had to be the most careful. But the constant strain of being "holy" was wearing on her. Her husband had finally relented and allowed her a day off to herself every two weeks. She usually went to her parents or visited friends. This was a friend's night out. With Red, those were the ladies for the evening. I had made a show of leaving the house before dark to attend a business meeting with BF.

After dark, BF and I slipped in the back. We were set. When we arrived, the four women were in the sitting room sipping wine and chatting loudly and happily.

"Never in my many days have I seen a more desirable group of beautiful ladies." BF could really flatter when he wanted to. He went around the room, kissing each women's hand. After a little libation, Red stood up. She had obviously thought about this. "Everyone, now that we are settled, it is time to get down to business. I have decided to put eight cards in my hat. Four have an A, and four have a B. The ladies will draw a card, one at a time until all eight cards are drawn. Once you have your cards, you will go to the designated room. One is the guest room upstairs, and the other is Abner and my room. Abner, you will go to our room and Ben, you will go to the other room. Once we have all drawn our cards, we will come to the appropriate room, and the night shall begin. Do we all agree?" Everyone nodded, excitedly and BF and I went upstairs.

I had not realized that Red wanted to participate with the others. Because I had monopolized her during our many parties, I don't think she had ever been with BF. I guess this is her time to find out what he is all about. I was sure she had rigged the game to get into the other room. I was okay with that.

After a few minutes, the door to our room opened. There stood Angela and Alice. Red had rigged it and I had the two I wanted.

They came into the room and sat on the bed. We hadn't seen each other for several years, and we were older now. It was kind of awkward relaxing around each other, considering what was about to happen.

I finally decided to get everything started. I stood up and took my shirt and trousers off. I then went up to each and gently kissed them. They responded and the ice was broken. I caressed their breasts until their nipples were straining against their dresses. I slowly unfastened the buttons to their dresses and let them step out of them. They were not wearing the normal undergarments that women of the day wear. There were no corsets or thick stockings. They were wearing light undergarments that would have raised their husbands' suspicions had they seen them get dressed. However, they were here now, so I appreciated their intent. It made their breasts easy to massage, and I began with one on each of them. They closed their eyes and enjoyed the strange hand on their body. This is what they needed. They loved their husbands, but every once in a while... I went behind them, reaching around them still massaging their breasts while I sat on the bed. I pulled them down beside me. I hugged them to me and kissed their ear and neck. They were relaxed now, and started reaching for my member. I let them play with it for a few minutes, until I was hard. I then stood up, pulled each up one at a time, and unfastened her undergarments. Within five minutes, each stood before me as naked as they had been many years ago. Children and life's strain showed in the wrinkles that were beginning to appear on their bodies, but they were still beautiful, and still in prime condition.

I kissed each one at a time. I then laid Angela down on the bed on her back. I told Alice to get between her legs and lick her womanhood into submission. Alice balked. "I have never done that to a woman in my life. Even in our parties, that had never come up."

Angela raised her hand excitedly. "I can do that. I haven't smelled a woman' pussy other than mine in many years, and I want to now." She hopped up, pushed Alice onto the bed, and climbed between her legs. She eagerly began fucking Alice's clit like some fruit she loved but hadn't had in years. She was so engrossed in Alice, that she didn't care when I pushed my finger into her. She was very wet, so I stepped up behind her, and entered her. She didn't even care. I had to change that, so I began fucking her faster and faster until she stopped licking long enough to moan. Alice seemed to have overcome her anxieties and was clutching the sheets of the bed and grinding her teeth, as if she was trying to hold back the entire world. It was a losing effort. She wrapped her legs around Angela's body and exploded onto her face. She was wet, and the juices flowed. She must not have had an orgasm in a while. All the motion of the moment was too much for Angela. She arched her back and let fly a guttural growl that would have stopped a big cat in its tracks. She was humping me! I had to plant my feet not to be knocked over by her. I stood my ground and came into her as she was finally slowing down. I picked her up and threw her on top of Alice. They both lay the panting. The sight of those two women I had known for years but hadn't seen like that in years was a sight I will never forget.

We rested for a few minutes until each of us had recovered.

Alice looked at me, "That was great, but I came here to have a big dick put in me, and I am not leaving until I get it." She laid back on the bed and spread her legs.

Angela waved her hand. "Get her big boy. I'll watch this round." I climbed upon her and entered her. She was still wet with her own juices, and I was determined to add some of my own. She bent her knees so I could get between them, and I was soon pounding her so hard she was bouncing on the bed with her feet coming off the bed with each thrust. I grabbed her by the hair and looked her in the eye as I was fucking her.

"You wanted it, you bitch, here it is. You can remember this fucking for the rest of your life. On those cold winter nights, you can play this in your mind as your husband hits and runs." She was moaning and the look in her eyes was hard to miss. This is why she came, and she was going to get everything she wanted. As I fired into her, she exploded with such force that her legs flew up into the air. Angela later told us it was an unusual sight. Me on top of her, her legs sticking straight up beside me, her arms around me holding on for dear life.

We were just settling down when the door opened. Red came into the room.

"Ben requests Angela. He hadn't seen her in years, and he would like the honor of deflowering her one more time." Red looked at me and winked. "That boy is a handful. He's wild. Almost as wild as you."

We exchanged Angela for Mary and began again. By now, Alice wanted to try a woman, so she pushed Mary down and crawled between her legs. This caught Mary by surprise. I guess Red hadn't done that to her in the other room. But Alice attacked with such vigor and enthusiasm that Mary lay back to let her take her. I saw a bouncing ass right in front of me, and I didn't want to waste such a golden opportunity, so I climbed aboard. Alice was so busy, she hardly noticed. I grabbed her by her ass cheeks and fucked her wantonly until I came. After I opened my eyes, I saw Alice's face laying between Mary's legs, each satisfied.

I picked Alice up and lay her on the bed beside Mary. I needed to recover for one more assault. I wasn't going to miss the wide-open legs laying before me. Mary looked up at me and smiled. I nodded. She held her arms out to me and I fell into them. Alice reached between us and inserted me into Mary. Mary knew what to do with her muscles. She gripped me and I pushed in and out of her tight pussy until I came. She followed right behind me. We lay together out of breath.

When we recovered, we dressed and went downstairs. It was time for the ladies to go home. We found BF and the others in the sitting room waiting for us.

"We were about to come looking for you." BF laughed. "Ladies, I want to thank each of you for a beautiful evening. I can only hope you enjoyed this evening half as much as I did. May your cold nights be warmer with the thoughts of this night."

Same old BF. The ladies blushed and departed. I took BF out the back, and he was gone. I went back in to see Red.

"So, how as BF?" She laughed.

"A lady never tells." And she ran upstairs. I guess I have one more in me tonight.

As we moved into our mid-forties, BF was working on experiments. Even though he had no formal education, he was a voracious reader. He had knowledge of many things, and at this time, he was trying to put his ideas to work. The printing business was very successful. My main profit source was BF himself. He was a prolific writer, and I published everything he wrote. It was a great relationship.

I came home one evening to find Red meeting me at the door. "You will not believe who we got a letter from today?"

"Ok, I bite, who?"

"Angela. She wished to come and see us"

"Ok, what about?"

"She won't say, but says it is important."

"Fine, tell her to come whenever she wishes."

Angela was at our door the day after she receive our reply. She was dressed in her finest and looked magnificent.

"Thank you for seeing me." She looked worried.

"Angela, please stop. You know we are always here for you. Ben and us are your friends, and always will be. We will do whatever we can to help you."

She sat down. "I don't even know how to ask this. I have a seventeen-year-old daughter my husband is trying to arrange a marriage to a prominent family's son. This could be important to his business. I want my daughter to be happy."

"We understand all of that. The marriage would be important to both families. What can we do to help that?"

"Ok, this is the thing. During our parties, I learned how to please a man, and how to operate around them. I learned what I needed to know to survive in a man's world. I only have three children because I don't want anymore. My husband can't understand how I am not getting pregnant again. I know my cycle, and I make sure he doesn't get in me during the danger time. I use what I learned at the parties how to satisfy him without letting him in me. He is very happy, and I am not pregnant. Too many of us die with a litter of kids, and I am not going to be one of them."

Red and I looked at each other. Red spoke up." We have had these same discussions. Abner and I are different from you in that I can discuss this with my husband, and we decided on two children. I made a friend out of Dr. Wilson to be sure I have a doctor that understands women's issues. What can we do about your daughter?" I looked at her, and I thought I might know what she had in mind. I wasn't sure how Red would feel about it.

"I need my daughter to know what we know, but, as her mother, I don't think I am the one to explain it to her."

"I see. I am sure Red could do a great job of that, right Red?" She nodded.

"That's only half the issue. I need her to be able to please her husband. I am not going to leave it to chance that they are compatible. I want her to touch and handle a man. I want her to be taught what pleases a man so she will be able to keep him satisfied and in check. Does that make sense?" It did, but I wasn't sure this was such a good idea. I looked at Red.

"What are you proposing?" Red wasn't sure either. She didn't want her husband fucking a seventeen-year-old virgin.

"Not what you are thinking. I don't want her deflowered. I was hoping that the two of you together could teach her about the ways of men, what gets them excited, what satisfies them, etc. I am sure she has explored her own body enough to know what works on her, but I am sure she hasn't a clue about a man's body. Red could show her some tricks, and I can teach her about her cycle and how to protect herself." Angela sat silently, waiting.

"We will need to discuss this. We will let you know." We both stood up, and that was Angela's signal to go.

"Thank you both, for even thinking about this. I know you are only people I could trust this to." Angela departed.

We sat for a while, not looking at each other. Finally, Red spoke.

"I can teach her many things. I gathered she want a show and tell with your body. How do you feel about that?"

"You know I am not shy about women seeing me naked. A young girl would be different. It would be the first time she would see a man with an angry member. Let's think about this for a couple of days."

We went about our business for a week. One night, after dinner, Red looked at me, and spoke. "It is time for us to decide about Angela." I nodded. "I don't have a problem with her seeing you naked, and we could have her watch us have sex, and explain to her what is going on. Is that something you would entertain?"

"I have thought that would be the only way to do this. I can't touch her. That wouldn't be right. However, I can let her touch me to learn the feel and responses of an excited man. What do you think of that?"

"I am okay with that. She will need to learn how to handle a penis. I am sure her new husband won't be experienced with women. I am sure, if she was confident of what she knew, she could guide him to a successful partnership. I guess we can do it."

"Alright then. How about you write a letter to Angela agreeing to this under these conditions?". Red mailed the letter the next day, and we had a response within a week. She agreed.

The day arrived, and Angela was at our door with her daughter. She was a very pretty girl. She had her mother's perfect complexion, a body that displayed well, and a bashful smile.

"This is my daughter, Rosemary. Say hello, Rosemary." She did, softly. They came into the house.

Red took her by the hand. "My dear, do you know why you are here?" She nodded. "Most of what you are going to learn here will be from me. My husband will never see you naked. That is for your future husband. OK? I will tell you things most mothers had to learn the hard way. Your mother was very fortunate. Her and I learned together by trial and error on people that didn't really matter to us. What they thought of us didn't matter. That will not be the case for you. So, I am going to teach you what I learned about men, and how to handle them through their emotions." Rosemary smiled after hearing that. We could tell she had been worried I might try and fuck her.

"I am going to go now, dear." Angela hugged and kissed her daughter." I will be back in the morning. Betsy will take very good care of you. Don't worry about learning it all at once. You will know more than him for his entire life, and he will be grateful without ever knowing why." Angela left.

Red took Rosemary by the hand and led her upstairs. "Abner, we won't need you for a while. Just stay down here until I call you." I sat around for a couple of hours until Red came and called me upstairs.

It was obvious that Red had Rosemary's clothes off. They both were wearing a bathrobe.

"I have shown Rosemary a few details about a woman's body no man knows, and most mothers are too embarrassed to teach to their daughters. We will work on these things without you until she is confident about her abilities with her body. But you are here now to show Rosemary the real thing. Please disrobe and sit on the bed."

I could tell Rosemary was very nervous. I undressed slowly until I was down to my undergarments. Rosemary turned around as I pulled them down and sat down.

Red turned her around." This is what a normal penis looks like. I am sure you have seen your father like this, right?" She nodded. "Ok, I am going to show you what it looks like when a man gets excited." With that, Red knelt and began fondling me. With a stranger in the room, it took a while. However, Red knew what to do, and, before long, I was firm. Rosemary was trying not to look, but she couldn't help herself. She just stared at it for several minutes.

"Now, I want you to touch it." She shook her head. "No, by the time you leave us, you will be comfortable handling a man's penis. That will give you an edge over any man. Come here." She took Rosemary's hand and laid it on my dick. She jumped back, but Red didn't let go. She held her hand on my dick until she began to relax. "Grab it and stroke it up and down. Don't worry, a man can't resist this. You will own him if you know how to handle his dick, trust me." I was nodding, and she blushed. But she started stroking me and, within a few minutes, she was getting better. "See, it is just another part of a man's body. Just like a hand or a foot. There is nothing dirty about it. It can provide you with a lifetime of pleasure if you know how to get it out of him." She was getting better, and Red could see it wouldn't be long. "You can stop now. If you don't mind, you can sit in that chair. Abner and I are going to make love. You are going to watch. I want you to see how everything works. It will be okay."

Rosemary's eyes were huge. I could tell she hadn't counted on this. I couldn't say I was either, but I would survive. She sat down and watched. Red pushed me over and climbed on me. She made sure Rosemary could see what she was doing as she pushed me into her vagina. When she was completely down on me, she began riding me gently at first. As she heated up, she began riding harder and faster. She looked at Rosemary and licked her lips. Rosemary was trying not to look, but she couldn't turn her eyes away. Within a few minutes, I came roaring, followed by Red. She collapsed on me, and we lay, resting. Red pulled away, and I fell out of her, slimy and shrinking. Red put her finger into my cum and collected a sample. She walked over to Rosemary and held it out to her. Rosemary looked at her like she was crazy, but Red shook her head, and put it in her hand. She tried to wipe it off on her robe.


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