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Best Laid Plans

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Mistress gets lost and Charlotte leads her back.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 19 part series

Updated 12/18/2023
Created 05/20/2017
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A Mistress and Charlotte Story.


This story is dedicated to BravoJamez who wanted to read a tale that featured Charlotte at school. This suggestion inspired me to take a different direction than the usual Mistress and Charlotte stories, something a little deeper and more emotional. Thanks for the idea and I hope it's a worthwhile read.


Other Mistress and Charlotte stories for your enjoyment

Girl Friday
Kitten With Benefits
Maid's Day Off
A Beautiful Night
Charlotte's Opening Day


Author's Note

The events and characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The two main characters in this story are a couple in a dominant-submissive relationship. It is safe, sane, and consensual as well as kind and loving. But if this type of relationship is not your thing, you may want to skip this story and find something else to read.


"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." -- loosely translated from To A Mouse, a Scots poem by Robert Burns



Dear Friends,

If you have read any of our playdate stories or Girl Friday, then you already know about my amazing relationship with Charlotte and how we met. If you haven't read any of them, you should. They explain a lot about our lives up to this point and most of them are pretty hot and steamy.

I say most, because the beginning of this story is rather serious and subdued. It's about one of the more difficult times in our relationship and certainly not one of my shining moments. Still, it's a part of our life and deserves to be told.

Love and hugs,
Mistress Natasha



It was supposed to be a quick trip to the registrar's office and then back home to continue my training with Mistress. That was my plan anyway. I just needed a few minutes to get my application for graduation turned in, and then back into Mistress's arms, or bent over her desk, or whatever else she chose to do with me today. I felt my nipples beginning to harden just thinking about it. I got the feeling that yesterday's session was just the tip of the iceberg and I was already eager for more.

Breathe, Charlotte.

OK, drop off the application, and then home to Mistress. It should have been just that easy too, but then he was there. Jeremy something or other, total creepy stalker dude. He kept turning up at all of the shows my band played. At first I thought he was really into our music, then I started to notice how he was only ever looking at me -- staring actually. It made me feel like I needed to go home and scrub for a long time.

I tried casually turning to walk the other direction, hoping he wouldn't notice, but he had already spotted me and was making his way over.

"Hey Charlotte," he oozed, "I saw your band the other night and I have to say I love the cat ears. Really sexy."

"Um, I gotta go," I insisted, "I'm running late for an appointment."

"Hey, wait a minute," he said and grabbed me by the elbow. "we should go out sometime."

"No thanks, I'm seeing someone," I responded and sharply twisted out of his grasp.

"Hey, that's rude," he said with a glare, "I think maybe you're a naughty little kitty who needs someone like me to keep you in line."

"I said no! Now get away from me!" I yelled loudly enough to attract some attention from the office staff. Fortunately Jeremy got spooked and skulked off, but not before giving me a parting shot.

"See ya 'round, Charlotte. Think about my offer."


So now here I am, sitting in the campus police office with my new best friend, Detective Josephine Diamond. "Call me Jo," she insisted. "I need to get some details for my report. Is there anyone you'd like to have here for emotional support?"

"Yes ma'am, my fiancee," I said as I dug out my phone and texted Mistress.


Part I -- Minor Fall

I was so disgusted with myself for letting Charlotte go into school by herself this morning. If I had been with her, I could have protected her instead of coming around later to pick up the pieces. After all it's my job to keep her safe, as her fiancee, and as her mistress, and I let her down. God, if only I'd been there, this jerk would have been taking a ride in an ambulance instead of running around loose.

My thoughts drifted back momentarily to the promise I had made to Master Kim when I first started black belt training so many years ago -- self-defense only. Somehow though, I didn't think he'd mind seeing me give some punk a beat-down for harassing my fiancee.

But that beat-down never happened. Instead I was face to face with Detective Josephine Diamond, and feeling about six inches small.

"Miss Leung, there's a Miss Natasha Svoboda here to see you. Would you like me to let her in?"

Detective Diamond was in full mama bear protective mode, bless her heart. At least my baby was in good hands here. Better than I was doing so far.

"It's OK Jo, she's my fiancee," I heard Charlotte say. With that, the detective stepped aside and I ran over to wrap my baby up in my arms.

"Oh, Charlotte. Baby, are you OK?" I asked.

"I'm not hurt, honey, just a little shaken up."

"This is my fault, I should have been with you."

"There's no way you could have known this would happen, honey," she answered, and then added, "Jo's been looking after me."

"Thank you, Detective Diamond."

"Please, call me Jo."

"Thank you Jo."

"I need to get some details for my report," Jo continued, "do you two need a minute?"

I looked at Charlotte, she looked at me. We both shook our heads. Might as well get this over with.

"OK," she said, "I'm sorry if this gets personal, but I have to ask. Are you two in some sort of dominant-submissive relationship?"

My jaw dropped. Are we that transparent? How the hell did she figure that out in only five minutes? Charlotte had called me honey instead of mistress, like she always does when we're out in public, it's our code word.

"Yes, we are," I admitted, "How did you ..."

"How did I figure it out?" Jo finished for me, "First, I see quite a wide variety of people in this job and secondly, the way you two interact, ma'am. Miss Leung obviously looks to you as more than just her fiancee, and you, Miss Svoboda, you are very concerned with her protection and well-being. Don't be so shocked. I'd be a pretty lousy detective if I couldn't pick up on that vibe. Unfortunately, predators like Mr. Conklin are also pretty adept at sensing it too."

"Is that why he came after me?" Charlotte asked.

"He came after you because he's a creep, Miss Leung. Please don't blame yourself for this, it is in no way your fault.

"Now, earlier you alluded to the fact that this was not your first encounter with Mr. Conklin. May I ask when and where was the first time he approached you, Miss Leung?"

The questions went on for some time and eventually, after some insistence, we were all on a first name basis. I was also very convinced that my baby would be safe with Jo and her staff looking out for her.

"One last question, please," Jo continued, "do either of you own a firearm?"

Charlotte and I both shook our heads.

"OK good," Jo said, "don't run right out and get one. Lots of people do that and nine times out of ten it turns out very badly. If you feel the need for extra protection, I would recommend an alarm system, or a dog, or both, before a gun. And Charlotte, don't forget, if you ever feel uncomfortable on campus just call this number." She handed Charlotte her card. "One of my officers or I will be happy to escort you wherever you need to go."

"Thank you, Jo," I said sincerely and Charlotte echoed my gratitude.

I gave Charlotte a hug and held her hand all the way to my car. After we sat down and closed the doors, I felt the dam beginning to burst. I had managed to put on a brave face and stay composed through the entire interview, but now the tears were raining down my cheeks.

"Mistress, what's wrong?" she asked, laying her hand on my arm.

"I failed you Charlotte. You could have been hurt and I should have been there to protect you. That's my job, and I failed miserably."

Charlotte uttered not a single word, but her actions told me everything I needed to know. My baby just held my head against her chest as I bawled my eyes out. The way she held me, I knew I was forgiven, but that still didn't stop me from feeling like complete shit.

I sniffed a few more times and Charlotte handed me a tissue from the glovebox.

"With everything that's happened, baby, I think we should put your training on hold for a while don't you think?"

"Yes, Mistress, that's probably a good idea."

We drove home in silence.


I wrapped my baby in a blanket on the couch and set off to make her a cup of herbal tea. By the time I got back, she was completely sacked out. So after checking again to make sure the doors were locked, I settled in with Charlotte and spooned her while she slept.

I didn't nap. I couldn't. My eyes were stinging too much trying to hold back the tears that were welling up, threatening to reappear. In my mind I just kept thinking back to what could have happened to her today. And I'm supposed to take care of her! I heaved a sigh in disgust, revolted by my own failure.

"Oh baby, I don't deserve you," I whispered in confession to my sleeping Charlotte, "I let you down today. Honestly, sometimes I don't know what you see in me. I'm just a sad old dyke with a kinky streak. You could have anyone in the world. Why did you choose me?"

Charlotte didn't answer, she just lay there snoozing.


Part II -- Major Lift

Poor Mistress was in bad shape. I think this little Jeremy incident may have shaken her up more than it did me. She thought I hadn't heard what she said, that I was sound asleep, but I had listened to every word -- and it scared me. Mistress had been my anchor for the past five years of my life. Because of her, I was able to finish up my undergraduate program and go on to pursue an advanced degree while exploring my passion for music.

And there were other passions we explored together as well. Oh god, yes! Mistress had awakened my sexuality in a way I had never suspected was possible. The things she could do to me with just a word, or a touch. If someone had told me during my senior year of high school that I would be voted most likely to end up as a kinky lesbian submissive, I would have said you've definitely got the wrong girl. But now I was being trained to be the queen of kink, by my very own Mistress. And I loved it!

Except Mistress had called it off this morning -- well, put it on hold. I was disappointed to be sure, but what worried me more was how Mistress had changed. In the span of only a few hours, the strong, confident, take charge woman I had grown to know and love had shriveled and withdrawn. She no longer had the strength to be my anchor, she had been cast adrift on a sea of shame and self-doubt.

I hated seeing her like this. I needed my mistress back, so I started outlining a plan for a rescue.

I went upstairs to draw a nice hot bath and led Mistress up the stairs when it was ready. I wondered if she was checking out my ass like she usually did on the stairs. Somehow I doubted it. I helped her get undressed and into the tub while I gently set to work with the washcloth. I was really hoping the bath would relax her, loosen her up a little. I even massaged her shoulders. When we were done, all I got was a rather unenthusiastic thank-you as I wrapped her up in her robe. Not even a kiss, or a fondle, just a simple thank-you.

That night I made Mistress one of my signature salads for dinner, the one with the seared tuna, pickled ginger, and sesame dressing that she's always raving about. She barely touched it before pushing it aside and shuffling her way over to the couch to sit in front of the TV. I don't think she even knew what program she was watching. It's like she was on auto-pilot.

After cleaning up dinner, I went to our room and shimmied out of my clothes before digging around in the closet for one of my play collars. I found the one I was looking for, the black leather one with the sturdy stainless steel ring, along with the matching wrist and ankle cuffs. I looked like I had just stepped out of a Billy Idol video as I passed by the mirror -- well, a naked Billy Idol video anyway. This was definitely not subtle, but then I needed something a little bold right now. I had a plan.

As I made my way into the living room, I could see that Mistress had not moved. I said nothing, just walked over and knelt by her side. She glanced in my direction, but barely acknowledged my presence. Jeez, this was going to be harder than I thought. I figured my attire made a pretty strong statement of, "I'm yours, take me now," but I was getting no reaction. I prepared myself for a long night as I knelt at her feet, knees shoulder width apart, palms resting on my thighs, sticking my ass and chest out, just like she taught me. I was determined to get her to notice. I needed my mistress back, damn it!

This little ritual went on for the next several days. When I wasn't caring for my mistress's basic needs, I was kneeling by her side with my eyes downcast, waiting for her to acknowledge me. But she just spent her days steeped in a deep funk of what I could only imagine was some intense self-loathing. Time ticked by very slowly for me, and my knees were sore from the constant kneeling, but I was not about to give up. Well my mind wasn't giving up, anyway. Eventually, I think it was Thursday afternoon, my body decided it had been through enough and I fell forward, head on the couch, sound asleep.

I awoke to the feeling of Mistress's fingers gently stroking my hair and the sound of her voice. She was singing. It was a down-tempo rendition of the chorus to Rockabye. Not the children's lullaby, but the Clean Bandit song with Sean Paul and Anne-Marie. Mistress didn't quite have the vocal delivery of Anne-Marie, but I didn't care. She was singing to me. And even though the words from her lips told me not to cry, I couldn't help myself. Tears of joy were streaking my cheeks. My mistress was back!

I watched her get up off the couch and hold her hand out to me. My knees were complaining loudly, but her steady arm was helping to take my weight as I stood. "Oh, Charlotte," she confessed, holding me to her chest, "I've been so stupid." That was all she said, but at least she was communicating again. I just laid my head on her shoulder, happy that she appeared to have finally served out her sentence of self-imposed isolation.

"I'm going out for a quick run to get my head straight," she whispered. And then, pulling my hair back sharply to expose my neck, she continued, "When I get back, I expect you to be upstairs by the bed, blindfolded, and ready for me." She punctuated her command with a long, slow lick from my collar to my ear before nipping my earlobe and turning to go. Oh yes, Mistress was definitely back!

"Yes, Mistress." I smiled.

"Oh, and Charlotte, I do hope you're prepared for what I have in mind for you," she added, as she made a circle out of her finger and thumb and then pushed her other hand through the circle to give me a little wave. I nearly passed out.

"It's been a while since we've done that!" I thought with some trepidation, "I hope I can give her what she wants." No doubt I would. The first time, and every time since, she was always exceedingly gentle and patient with me. Mistress might talk tough, but she would never intentionally give me more than I could handle.

I quickly made my way upstairs. I didn't need to get undressed, but I wanted to give myself a quick sponge bath first, just in case Mistress wanted to lick me -- well -- down there. I wanted to be as appetizing as I could for her.

I finished up and made my way to the foot of the bed. I was just about to kneel when I remembered the blindfold. Crap! I trotted over to Mistress's office to look for it. Luckily, I found it in her desk drawer, the same one that held the ruler. That was something I hadn't encountered in a long time and I began to wonder if I might get a taste of it on my skin now that training was back in session. I put the thought out of my mind and concentrated on the task at hand.

Back in the bedroom, I took the kneeling position near the foot of the bed and tied the blindfold over my eyes. I felt butterflies turning little circles in my belly as I waited for Mistress to return. I didn't have to wait long. When I heard the door open downstairs, I knew she was home. I quickly modified my posture, increasing the distance that my thighs were spread, and placing my hands behind my neck so that I was completely exposed, just like she had taught me.

"Oh Charlotte," I heard Mistress say, "you look absolutely delicious. I certainly hope you don't mind me a little sweaty, because I don't think I want to waste time with a shower before I have you. What do you think about that?"

"Oh yes, Mistress, you should definitely take me now. I'm ready for you."

"Oh, I'd say you've been ready for a few days. You think I didn't notice you strutting around in your collar and cuffs? Just because I was too preoccupied to take advantage of your temptation doesn't mean I didn't appreciate it."

I smiled, taking pleasure in her complement.

Judging by the ever-changing location of her voice, I guessed that she was making a slow circle around me, inspecting me. The thought of her eyeing my body like a prize to be taken was already making me moist. As Mistress's fingernail grazed my cheek, I felt an involuntary shudder course through my body.

"Cold, Charlotte?"

"Needy, Mistress."

"Well, at least you're honest. As long as we're being honest with each other, you should know that I plan on ravaging your body into the middle of next week."

"Ohh," I swooned. And with that, Mistress scooped me up off the floor and held me to her chest while I wrapped my legs around her waist. I forget sometimes just how strong she is. I felt my moisture increasing in appreciation of the way she lifted me up so effortlessly. "Oh, Mistress."

I buried my head in her shoulder and began exploring her with my tongue while she cupped my ass in her hands. The sheen of sweat on her skin was tangy and salty. It tasted like Mistress, and I couldn't get enough of it. I lapped greedily at the length of her neck as she adjusted the position of her hand to rub a finger against my opening.

"Charlotte, you're dripping," she said with amazement.

"Oh yes, Mistress, you have that effect on me."

"Then this next part should be easy for you," Mistress said as she threw me onto the bed and quickly plunged two fingers inside me.

"Mmph!" I let escape, more out of surprise than discomfort. Normally she starts with one and works her way up, but apparently she was needy too.

"Thank you for putting up with my shit, Charlotte," she whispered, as I felt her tongue gliding over my throat, "I love you, and I'm sorry for what I put you through."

"Oh, Mistress," I cooed. I could feel that her self-assurance had returned in the way she kissed me. She kissed me with confidence and feeling. I felt the fire re-igniting in my belly as she pressed a third finger inside me. "Ohhh," I moaned.

"Too much?"

"No, just let me get used to it," I said as I squeezed on her fingers.

"More please," I heaved. Mistress obliged me with a forth finger and had her thumb tucked in and ready to go. I was absolutely dripping. I hadn't been touched in days and I needed it bad. "Fill me up, Mistress," I begged. "Please."

"Are you sure, baby?"

"Yes, Mistress. Fuck me now!"

"Such language Charlotte. You must really be desperate."


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