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Best of Castle Pt. 06

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Rick&Kate, 3some with Kate & Shaw. Plus Rick with an actress.
10.6k words

Part 6 of the 26 part series

Updated 11/22/2024
Created 06/09/2023
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Season 2 Episode 17 & 18

Rick brook the news to Kate that his novel Heat Wave is being make into a movie. He sat down beside her, "You're going to be immortalized on the silver screen."

She shook her head, "Actually, Nicki Heat is going to be immortalized, not me."

"Yes, well, technically, but it'll be widely publicized that you are the inspiration, so, who would you like to play you in the movie?

Kate got a call and it was a killer who said he would be in touch, but his victim was already dead.

They found the victim at Grand Central Station. with five bullet holes in him.

Lanie located the shells and they were etched with the letters N.I.C.K.I. they were baffled.

A second call came from him the following day and they went to Central Park and found another victim on the carousal with four shell and they spelled W.I.L.L. they were again lost.

Just them a number of black SUVs came to the park. They were from the F.B.I and they were taking over the case. The lead agent was Jordan Shaw.

Rick knew her immediately, "The same Jordan Shaw (Dana Delany) that broke the Hudson Valley Strangler case back in 1991"

She chuckled, "I also play a mean game of Scrabble. Now that we all know each other, I'd like to see the body."

She used all of her F.B.I hardware and software to help in the case, but they were getting no closer in solving the case. They took over Kate's precinct and Rick was like a kid in the candy store with all of their gadgets.

Rick gave them his insight and Shaw ran with them, but it made Kate upset because he shared them with Shaw instead of bring them to her first.

Rick was drawn into her expertise and it made Kate feel slighted. The three of them were at a stake-out and Rick was in the back, playing with more of Shaw's toys. She was in the driver's seat, while Kate was in the passenger seat. Shaw turned and looked to Kate, "So how long have you two been sleeping together?"

Kate wasn't about to go down that road and she lied to the FBI., "We're not sleeping together. We...He just observes me."

Shaw chuckled. "Yeah, I've seen how he observes you."

Castle tried to help Kate out, "No, she's right. Aside from my second wife, this is most sexless relationship I've ever been in."

Kate heard that and it stung, but she knew he was trying to protect her.

Shaw shook her head, "I've been profiling people for a long time. I'm hardly ever wrong."

Kate scoffed, "Well, this time, you are wrong."

"So. if you're not sleeping together, why do you keep him around?"

He frowned, "You know I can hear you."

Kate stuck up for him, "He's actually proven to be surprisingly helpful."

Now Shaw scoffed, "I'll take your word on that."

The stake-out ended up being a bust, but the killer called again trying trick her, but this time the killer took the victim, leaving a trail of blood.

Shaw insisted that Kate go home and she went reluctantly. Rick went over to her apartment and insisted to stay with her. He told her he would sleep on the sofa, but wasn't about to leave her alone.

In the morning, Rick went to get the paper from the front door and on the doorstep was the body of the third victim.

Javi and Ryan pressed them both about staying together, but they were not convinced they were platonic only..

The four slugs came out of the body and they were B.U.R.N. Meaning "Nikki Will Burn."

The killer tricked them and killed a patsy and they though the killer was caught.

Kate went home, and so did Castle. All of a sudden he realized it was a trick. He rushed over to warn Kate. She was in the shower, she answered her cell just in time to hear Castle warn her. She hopped in the tub and was saved from the explosion and the fire that was mean to burn her.

She didn't have a place to live and after running on empty, Captain Montgomery gave her a direct order to go home.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a home."

Rick cleared his throat, "Yes you do. I have a secure apartment with a extra bedroom." She looked at him,"I Can't stay with you."

"He got mad, "Yes you can and you will!"

Montgomery ordered her to go and she did.

They sat in his apartment drinking coffee, She confessed, "Shaw was right kicking me off the case, I'm too close to it."

He looked to her, "I'm sure after all this, you're a little sorry you let me follow you around."

"No, not this. All the other annoying things that you do, but not this. What about you? Are you sorry that you ever wrote Heat Wave?"

"The way I look at it now, if it wasn't Nikki Heat, this guy would've just gone on killing because he wouldn't have met anyone smart enough to catch him. I'm speaking, of course, about Special Agent Shaw."

She smirked and threw a napkin at him, hitting him in the face. She turned and began to leave the room, "Good Night, Castle."

He watched her walk away, "Good Night."

About two hours later, he was sleeping in his bed and he heard a tapping on his door. He turned on the light and called out, "Come in."

In the low light, Kate entered in just a nightshirt and nothing under it. The light behind her showed her naked body beneath the long light shirt, "I couldn't sleep and wanted to see if you were still up."

Come on in, but close the door behind you. We can't have Mother or Alexis knowing you came into my bedroom.

She did and she took a seat on the edge of the bed, "I'm so confused about what this maniac is doing. She leaned towards him.

Rick sat up higher in the bed and wrapped his arms around her, "I heard what you told Shaw about us sleeping together. You know, lying to the FBI is a federal offense."

She chuckled, "Well, this is only under interrogation."

"Oh, so this is okay?" She giggled, "Just between us, remember that." She leaned closer and she let out a sigh when he wrapped his arms around her and just held her.

She was in need of more than just a hug and it slowly grew stronger. She let Castle draw her into the bed and the two of them lay there on the side, facing one another. He kissed her softly again, holding her tight with both arms. He knew she needed to be comforted. After a few minutes, she let out a sigh as she felt his hand slide down her back. It lingered there for a few moment before he gently caressed her bare, tight ass.

She was conflicted. She wanted to rush away, knowing she needed the feeling of a strong male holding her. She just went with it, welcoming his exploring hands. She felt him continue squeezing her ass and stroking the back of her thighs. Castle slid down a little and planted several. soft, wet kisses on her neck and she felt her entire body ignite.

Castle worked the lower portion of neck, he slid down a little more and his hand returned to her ass. She knew he was just testing the waters and she wasn't about to stop him. She knew she needed the warmth of him and she let out a gasp when she felt his fingers graze her moist cuntlips.

Kate sat up quickly and she shook her head when she felt him pull away. "No, don't stop Castle, I just wanted to get the nightshirt off and give you more to work with." She crossed her arms and in one swift motion, drew the nightshirt up and over her head. She was now naked and she slipped back down to the bed.

Castle saw the green lights flashing and he lowered his head and his lips locked on her right nipple. She rolled totally onto her back and as she clutched at his head, she felt his fingers return to her now, wet pussy lips. Her hips came off the bed when she felt him sink a finger into her wet hole up to the second knuckle.

He turned his head and feasted on her other nipple and his other hand twisted the other one covered in his saliva. He added a second finger into her tight hole and began sliding them in and out at a quicker pace.

Kate was letting go and she welcomed his fingers. She fisted his hair as he continued to suck at her ripe nipples. She groaned as he picked up the pace, finger-fucking her faster and going deeper again and again. Her cunt walls tightened and clutched at his fingers. Her breathing came in gasps as a tidal wave of pleasure coursed through her.

Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her and she fell back against the crumpled sheets. She savored the orgasm Castle gave and she smiled back at him as she felt him finally pulled his fingers out of her and hugged her once again.

She knew he wasn't expecting it, but as soon as he pulled back, she leaned over him. She pushed him down onto his back and she wrapped her lips around his cock that was standing skyward. Kate was in no hurry. She knew she had the entire night. She began a slow, steady up and down sucking motion. Her cheeks hallowed out as she sucked harder. She pulled back and nibbled lightly and sucked at the crown of his cock. Her hand rolled his large balls in one hand as her tongue flicked out and ran up and down the underside of his shaft.

Kate was so caught up in pleasing him that she didn't realize it. She found them in a sixty-nine with Castle beneath her. She felt his hot breath, and then his tongue as it came in contact with her juicy pussy. She began to shake again when she felt sucking on her clit and the slick lips of her pussy. She felt wave after wave of excitement sweep though her slender body.

Kate was coming undone again and she pushed more of Rick's cock into her mouth. With Rick's expert licking set her off, she couldn't stop herself. She soon found her nose pressed against his belly. His cock was buried in her throat. She pulled back and once again lowered her head. Over and over again, she took him into her throat.

She was suddenly rolled off of him. Rick drew her up onto her hands and knees. He sank into her from behind and she arched her back trying to take every inch he had to give.

Rick was no longer going slow. He began fucking her relentlessly, slamming into her over and over again. Kate went from her hands, down to her elbows and finally flat on the bed with her ass pointing upward. He somehow went even faster. He fucked her so hard, that her face was pushed into the plush pillows.

Kate lost it and came hard. She didn't realize how badly she needed it. The intense orgasm raced through her and she was glad when Rick slowed up and allowed her to catch her breath.

Rick never stopped, but as he slowed, they both could hear the squishing sounds coming from her as his cock slid in and out of her tight, wet hole.

Rick caught Kate by surprise when she suddenly felt his thumb enter her puckered asshole. As he picked up the pace fucking her doggy, his thumb slid in and out of her ass at the same pace.

Rick was exhausted, but still wanted her to forget about her apartment being destroyed. He pulled out of her and when she raised her head and opened her eyes, she came face to face with his cunt juice covered cock.

She didn't object whatsoever. She grabbed his ass, opened her mouth and took him deep into her mouth. She loved the taste of their mixed fluids on his cock and swallowed them down. She couldn't get enough. She must have gone on sucking him for well over five minutes. She found Rick now guiding her down onto her back.

Rick hovered over her, staring down at her, "My God, Kate, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" He looked at her hair fanned out against the pillows. He placed his hands on her knees and slowly parted her legs.

Kate reached out and fisting his cock, covered in her saliva, she guided it to her pussy. She swept it up and down her thick cuntlips, teasing him. She guided it into her hole. As he sank into her, she felt him areas rarely touched by a cock.

Rick couldn't believe he was buried deep in the gorgeous detective. He picked up the pace. He drove deeper and harder into her and as he fucked her, their pubic bones came together. She felt his cock slide in deep, stretching and opening her and she was shocked how wet she was. She could feel his balls slapping against her tight ass cheeks.

Rick was in the zone. He drew her legs up off the bed and sucked on her toes and ran his hands up and down her toned legs. He looked down and saw Kate bucking upward meeting his thrusts and nearly choking him with her foot in his mouth.

She rolled her head from side to side and called out again nad again, "Fuck me, Castle, fuck me, fuck me. Oh Fuck me Castle!" Her mouth was gaping open and her eyes rolled back in her head and she growled out, "Oh Castle, I need it, fill my cunt with your hot cum. Cum in me NOW!. I want it, I need it." She came undone and her words were mumbles as she came hard around his cock

Castle bottomed out in her and he unleashed a volley of hot cum that sent her into convulsions. Her entire body was covered in sweat. She trembled and shook as she bucked against his pistoning cock. She drenched his cock with a mixture of her and his cum.

They stayed clinging to each other for countless minutes, trying to catch their breaths. She turned her head and planted a soft kiss on his lips, "Thank you, Rick, I really needed that. I'm so grateful for your friendship and your kind heart. I know I give you a hard time quite often, but this, this here is so, so satisfying and welcomed. Please, just don't ruin it by being, Castle."

He swept a damp lock of hair from her forehead and kissed her there, "Don't worry,. Kate, I know when to keep my mouth shut, and just remember, I'll always be there for you."

Rick, slowly withdrew from her and he felt her shiver. He wrapped his arms around her, "Don't worry about the mess. We can always shower, but these sheets may need to be burned." He raised his hand, "Sorry, couldn't resist." He drew her into his arms and she rested her head on his shoulder.

After several minutes, Rick planted his finger on her chin and pointed towards his cock, "Looks what's wide awake Kate, Are you ready for round two?"

She chuckled, "More like round three for me, but yeah. I know I don't have to ask if you're up for it, I can see you already are."

They went at it again and this time, she came all over his face and she swallowed all he had to give her as they ended up in a torrid sixty-nine again.

She finally fell asleep in his arms and had dreams about her apartment on fire. She woke with a start and saw it was getting light out. She showered and slipped into her nightshirt.

She headed out to the kitchen and made a feast for the three of them. Martha came in and found her busy in the kitchen.

Kate turned to Martha. I was ordered here by the FBI."

Martha's hand went up, "No need to explain, I heard. You're welcome here anytime Kate."

Rick came stumbling out of the bedroom. He was all smiles, and not just from the breakfast she prepared.

The killer stepped up his case and kidnapped Shaw. He set a trap to blow-up the team that was sent to save her.

Rick saw this was all wrong and he, along with Kate went to the building across from the trap and caught the killer. There was a shoot-out and Rick took the shot and somehow shot the gun out of the killer's hand. He was taken down, and Kate called out, "Nice shooting."

He scoffed, "I was aiming for his head."

Once back at the precinct, the FBI were dismantling their equipment. Agent Shaw was going over her forms. She looked to Kate, "I was just writing you a note. Having you here is a lot better. Dunn, is in the Tombs, where he will be locked up for quite some time."

Kate nodded, "Well, he's getting his fifteen minutes. It's what he wanted this whole time. Listen Jordan, I have a confession. Even though it wasn't a lie under questioning, I wanted to come clean. Yes, Castle and I have been intimate on several occasions now. If you just knew how he could be, you'd understand."

"Well, I am never wrong and I knew it. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Listen, I have my suite at the hotel for one more night. I usually take it to unwind, especially after such a taxing case. How would you like for the three of us, have a nice quiet dinner and head up to the suite to relax and unwind some more."

Kate stepped closer to her, "Are you inviting us for what I think you're inviting us up for?"

She chuckled, "Well Kate, there is only one way to find out, right?"

Kate stared into her dark eyes, "Besides that, I want you to know that I learned a lot from you on this one."

Jordan licked her lips, "You did most of the heavy lifting. Honestly, the thing that impressed me most is that you came in with Castle."

Kate nodded, "You know, some people would call that foolish."

Shaw replied, "You made a tough decision on your feet, used the resources at hand. I'd say that's heroic and somewhat poetic. In the end, Dunn did actually face Nikki Heat. She is, after all, part you, part Castle." They both stared at Castle across the squad room, "He cares about you, Kate. You may not see it, you may not be ready to, but he does. I'm hoping to find out tonight, just how good he is."

Kate chuckled, "Oh don't you worry, he having you forgetting where you are and which way is up. As far as him liking me Yeah, well, the situation with Castle is complicated."

Just then, Castle came up to the two of them talking, "Ladies."

Jordan picked up her purse and extended her hand, "Detective Beckett, it's been a pleasure. I'm hoping for much more later." She turned to Rick, "Castle, thank you for your help. I put out an invitation to Kate. Talk to her and have her call to let me know. Either way, you are a valuable asset to Detective Beckett's team.

"Well, it would be nice if you called her from time to time to remind her of that."

Shaw left and Rick looked to Kate, "So last night was a barn-burner. What's in store for tonight. What did Shaw want you to talk to me about? Before you answer that, here, I have a little present for you."

She looked to him, "What is this?"

"Open it." He watched as she opened it and found her father's watch. He found it in the rubble of her place and had it repaired.

She looked up at him, "My father's watch. Thank you."

He smiled, "You're welcome. So what are you to tell me."

She cleared her throat, "I confessed to Jordan about our extracurricular activities. She knew she was right. She wants to unwind at her suite tonight and invited the two of us for dinner and some relaxation up in her suite afterwards, are you game?"

He was beaming. "Yes and yes. I'll pick you up at five. Go ahead and call her."

She did and Rick picked Kate. It was easy to do, seeing she was still staying at his place. She came down the stairs and she looked like a million bucks. Her hair was once again in a fit of curls and she was wearing a velvet black dress, along with thigh-high stockings. It had a large slit on one thigh and it hung off one shoulder.

His eyes nearly popped out, "Well Kate, if it doesn't go well with Shaw, I know you and I will be celebrating this win back here.

She have him a chaste kiss on the cheek, "We'll see."

They arrived at Jordan's suit and when she opened the door, both Kate and Rick were stunned by the gorgeous auburn haired beauty. She had her long hair pulled up in a sexy ponytail. She was wearing a short, leather skirt with a coat to match. It was secured by a black leather tied belt and below it, they could both see she was wearing a dark, black, see-through blouse. All of her charms were hidden by the leather jacket. They both itched to remove the jacket and see what Shaw was hiding.

She picked up her clutch purse and she stopped to look at her handsome couple, "Wow. Kate, you sure clean up nicely. You aren't hard on the eyes either, Castle."

He reached out and took her arm, "I'm the luckiest guy in New York City. I get to go out to dinner with two of the most beautiful woman in the city.

They headed to the dining room in the hotel and it was elegant. They had Escargot, Caesar Salad. The main course was steak and lobster and the waiter came over, "Would any of you care for dessert?"

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