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Click hereBest of Castle Part 21
Season 5 Episode 18
It starts with with Castle wanting to mess around, but Kate pushes him away, "You know you talk in your sleep."
"SO I utter words randomly."
"Oh no, not randomly, fourteen times. Who the fuck is Jordan?"
He was suddenly defensive, ""Oh that's nothing."
He was saved by a phone call. There was a murder. On the way there she still pressed him, "Come on, Castle. Who is Jordan?"
"I've got nothing to hide. There's just nothing to tell."
"Then why are you being so defensive?"
He scoffed, "I'm not."
She had enough, "Okay. Fine. I'll just wait until you're asleep, and then I'll ask you."
"You can't do that."
"Come on, Castle. You just said that you had nothing to hide."
"Yeah, but interrogating me in my sleep? Would you stoop that low?"
"Who says I haven't already."
They got to the murder site and Kate say the M.E,, "Hey, Lanie?"
She turned, "Hey!"
Castle looked at the victim, "Wow. Talk about death by chocolate."
Lanie chuckled, "Don't blame it on the chocolate, Castle. A bullet's what did him in."
The guy was covered in chocolate from the vat they found him in, "So that red stiff's not raspberry sauce?"
She rolled her eyes, "Afraid not. Exit wound."
Javi came over, "Vic's name is Jimmy Whelan. He's the owner of the shop. He has no record and nothing in his bio that points to who did this."
Kate turned to Lanie, "Time of death?"
Before Lanie could reply, Javi told her, "Between 11;30 and 12;00.
Lanie was upset, "Based on what? All of a sudden, you're an ME?
Javi smirked, "I thought you liked it when I played doctor." He saw Lanie glaring at him and he added, "I based the time of death on what the Vic's assistant told me."
They spoke to his assistant and he told them he saw a 1968 Charger driving by real slow before he left on a delivery.
After they were finished, Castle turned to Javi, "Where's Ryan?" Javi gave him a stern look, and Castle nodded, "Oh, right."
At Kevin and Jenny's apartment, she was putting finishing touches on her outfit. She looked amazing in a little black dress, "The appointment at Dr. Rosenberg's office is in 20 minutes. It's gonna take at least 15 to get there. So we should probably go, right? Which means you should probably.... " He made a tortured face and she came over to him, "Hey, what's the matter?"
"What if it's my fault? What if it turns out that there's something wrong with me"
"It's nobody's fault, Kevin. We just need to know what's going on." She smiled at him, "You want some help?" She leaned in and kissed him and chuckled
He smiled back as her, "Uh... thanks."
She sank to her knees and unzipped his pants and began sucking him like he's never been sucked before. She felt him at the back of her throat and her tongue whipped around it like a lizard.
He was so turned on, he saw her breasts coming into view as she reached back, unzipped her dress and lowered it to her waist. Her bra came off and he stared at her gorgeous, full, firm tits. His hands were in her hair and he began fucking her face as if it was her pussy.
She managed to reach over and get hold of the plastic container. She handed it to him and he unscrewed the lid. She doubled her efforts and her one hand slid around his butt and finding his asshole, she shoved a finger in.
That was all it took. His cock swelled and he pulled his cock out of her mouth just in time. He began to pump his semen into the plastic container. He filled it halfway, he came so hard. By the time he was done, Jenny was dressed and ready to go to the doctor's office. He was drained and barely made it out of the apartment.
Back at the precinct, they went over the facts of the murder. Javi came to Kate and Castle, "I found out that a charger that was on the scene of the murder, it just so happened that one exactly like that was owned by Robert S. Shannone, AKA Bobby S. He's a shot caller for the Irish mob over in Staten Island. He's s ruthless son of a bitch, too. He is involved in Drug trafficking, assaults. He's suspected of half a dozen murders over in Staten Island. He was in contact with a woman named Siobhan O'Doul (Cara Buono)."
"It seems, Siobhan O'Doul, she runs a bar over in Staten Island, And according to Organized Crime, it's a place where Bobby S. does a lot of business."
Kate had her in for an interview. She asked him about Jimmy Whelan, but she told Kate she never heard of him. Kate looked at her notes, "That's funny considering you made seven phone calls to him over the last three says."
All of a sudden, Siobhan remembered, "Oh, Jimmy the Baker! Yeah, I'm thinking of ordering some cupcakes."
"Well, you missed your chance, he was killed."
She swallowed hard, "When?"
"Earlier today. Do you know anything about it?"
She shook her head, "No. Why would I?"
"What can you tell me about Bobby S."
"I'm not saying another word. Give me my phone call."
While she was in the interrogation room, Kevin returned from the doctor, "Hey guys"
Javi replied, "Hey, what's up, man?"
"Sorry I'm late."
Castle gave him some shit, "How did the thing go with the, uh... You know" Do the thing in the thing and give the thing to the doctor?"
'Yeah, uh, it went fine."
Castle continued, "So are your swimmers, swimming?"
"Um, I don't know yet. Hey! Caught a case?"
Javi tried to help him, "Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact, we did. Let me bring you up to speed."
Just then, Jenny entered the squad room, "Hey, guys."
Rick saw her, "Hey, what's up Jenny?"
"Kevin, you forgot your lunch."
He took it from her, "Thanks, baby"
"What would you do without me, huh?"
Just then a uniformed cop was taking Siobhan to holding. she stopped and called out, "Fenton?"
Kevin turned, "Siobhan?"
She broke free and raced over to Him, "Fenton!" She cupped his face and planted a hot, wet kiss on his lips."
Jenny went crazy, "Hey! What the fuck are you doing? That's my husband!"
Siobhan pulled back and stared at him, "You're married?" She slapped him across the face."
Castle raced over to Siobhan, "Whoa, lady, you can't slap a cop."
Siobhan turned back to Kevin, "You're a cop?" And she slapped him again."
Tho cops dragged her away as she screamed out,"You liar! You son of a bitch! How could you? Get off of me! Let me go!"
They all turned and stared at Kevin. He turned to Jenny, "I can explain."
He pulled Jenny aside, "Listen, this was a long time ago."
Kate looked to Castle, "What do you know about this?"
He shrugged, "Not a thing." He looked towards the other room, "Oh, look,Jenny's pissed."
Beckett tried to corner him, "Yeah, well, not surprising when you find out someone you're in a relationship with his keeping a secret."
Castle turned to her, "I.... Be cool, here he comes, act normal, act normal."
Jenny raced out of the squad room and Ryan came over to them. They all tried to act normal. Ryan stared at the murder board, "Damn, Bobby S. Are we thinking that this guy is the one that took out Jimmy Whelan?
Kate popped up from her desk, "Wait! You know Bobby S.?"
"Yeah,we were friends back in the day"
Javi was shocked,"You were friends with this low-life? How's that?"
"We used to run in the same crew." They were all shocked and just stared at him and he continued, "I was undercover for 14 months before I joined Homicide"
Kate was stunned, "You were undercover on Staten Island?"
Rick added, "With the Irish mob?"
"Yeah, so what do we got on Bobby S.?"
Javi wasn't letting it go, "No,no,no, hold on, hold on. Just go back for a second, please? You were undercover? That's where you and Siobhan used to..."
Kevin cut him off, "It's complicated. How is Siobhan connected to all of this?"
Kate added, "She know the Victim And she knows Bobby S., obviously. But she's not talking"
"Well, maybe she'll talk to me." He turned and walked away. He went to the holding cell where Siobhan was. She was sitting there and he stared at her. She spoke up first, "So I guess it's not Fenton O'Connell."
He shook his head, "Kevin, Kevin Ryan"
Even in jail, she still looked hot. Her long dark red hair and her dark blue eyes, "Well, at least you're Irish. You didn't lie about that."
He smiled at her, "I didn't lie about a lot of things"
"They said you went into hiding. Seven years. Without a word"
He nodded,"Yeah, I know."
She screamed, "You do not know!" She stood up and came over to the fence she was behind.
He replied, "Believe me, I didn't wanna go."
"Spare me. You didn't even have the guts to tell me to my face. Just a note on the dresser."
"Siobhan, I know you're angry. But if you're in trouble, if you know something about Bobby S. killing this guy, tell me. Let me help you."
She nodded, "You can go straight to hell, cop!"
Back in the squad room, Javi was pissed as he walked with Beckett, "Deep cover? I can't believe he didn't tell me."
"Espo, he didn't even tell Jenny"
"Yeah, but I'm his best friend. She's just his wife."
She scoffed, "Thus proving why there is no Mrs. Esposito."
Kevin came came in nad Kate looked up, "So, how'd it go?"
"It didn't. So what do we think Bobby's motive was for killing this guy?"
Kate crossed her arms, "We don't know. But it seems like the two of them had a falling-out of some sort."
Just then a guy in a black overcoat came into the squad room,"Yeah, you could put it that way"
Kate looked to him, "And you are?"
He put out his hand, "Special Agent Sam Walker, FBI."
Kate introduced Javi and Kevin. The FBI, Agent turned to Kevin, ""Kevin Ryan?"
Javi asked, "You know him?"
"Oh hell yeah! This man got inside the Irish mob with a wire when no one else could. You helped put away half the crew in Staten Island."
Kevin shook his hand, "Too bad the weeds grew back, huh?
"Yeah always do."
Becket cut in, "So what's the FBI's interest on our murder investigation?"
He replied, "Your victim, Jimmy Whelan, he was my informant. He was about to get hold of Jimmy S. bible."
Kevin stared back at him, "The Bible?" He turned to Kate, "That's just something the crew called it. It's a list if transactions and contact going back years. You get that bible, you take down the whole crew."
Javi added, "So now that Whelan's gone, you're back to square one."
The FBI guy replied, "Pretty much, though we still have Siobhan. She's my informant, too.
Kevin was stunned, "What? Siobhan wouldn't snitch!"
Walker, the FBI agent shook his head, "Maybe not the old Siobhan. But the truth is, once you left, she fell on hard times. The crew drinks at her bar. They talk to her, they trust her. Bobby S. even keeps an office in the basement. So when she wanted out, we made an offer."
Kevin stared at her, "For what, witness protection?"
"Yeah, if she helps us bring down the crew. Helping us get the bible, what was gonna be her ticket. Well, until Bobby S. figured out that Whelan was a rat and had him killed.
Kate cut in, "So that's why she called Whelan? To warn him?"
Kevin was worried, "What happens to Siobhan now?"
"She goes back in."
Kevin shook his head, "She can't. Not now, it's too dangerous."
Walker nodded, "She knows the risks."
"Agent Walker, if we linked her to Whelan, then Bobby S. can, too."
Walker was a hard ass, "Look, Siobhan is free to walk away."
Kevin was pissed, "And go where? You don't just walk away from Bobby S. Everybody knows that. He's gonna hunt her down. You have to put her in witness protection"
Walker was firm, "Yeah, for the bible, sure. But witness protection isn't some entitlement program. Siobhan has to earn it. Excuse me, I need to meet with her now."
He left and Kevin spoke to Kate, "Feds are hanging her out to dry. And when Bobby finds out, he'll kill her for sure."
Walker was talking to Siobhan and Kevin came in and spoke up, "No, don't do what he says. You'll be dead."
She was still pissed at Kevin, "Look at you, telling the truth." She looked to Walker, "Cop is right. I'm screwed six ways to Sunday here."
Kevin broke in, "Where does Bobby S. keep the bible?"
Walker replied, "In his bedroom safe."
Kevin stared at them both, "I'll go in. I'll get the bible."
Walker turned, "Really? You? How?"
"You know how close I was to Bobby S. back then. My Fenton O'Connell cover, it's still good."
"Detective, that was seven years ago."
"As far as the crew knows, I bolted when the feds swooped in. You guys even filed indictments against Fenton O'Connell, right?"
"How long have you guys been after the bible? Fifteen, twenty years? Huh? These guys are drug-dealing parasites. When are you gonna get another shot to wipe them all out? Look, you want the bible, we want Bobby S. for murder, Siobhan wants to keep breathing. Everybody wins. I can do this."
After the FBI went to see if it could work, Siobhan came over to Kevin, "What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?"
He stepped closer to her, "I was Fenton. I can be him again."
"Don't get yourself killed on my account."
He shrugged, "Okay, yeah. You hate me. I get that. And I deserve it. But do you want to be put in witness protection or not? Yes or no?
She closed her eyes and just nodded.
Walker came back in, "Detective, were you serious about that offer?" This time Kevin turned and just nodded.
He went home and posed it to Jenny. She was dead set against it. He packed up his stuff and tried to kiss her, but she froze and just turned away. He just walked out.
He dressed like Fenton, got his hair cut like Fenton and Javi dropped him off at the bar. He entered Kelly's Pub and called out, "What, this is the welcome I get? None of you Irish bastards missed me, huh?"
Siobhan turned, "Fenton? Fenton O'Connell!"
He walked over to her, "Hey, Siobhan."
Her friend Maggie reared back and punched him on the face. "What you want a parade, after what you did to Siobhan." She reared back to punch him again and he grabbed her hand and stopped her, "Uh-uh. one shot's all you get."
Bobby S. new second stood up, "Hey, take your hands off the lady"
Fenton released her, "Long as she keeps her hands off of me."
Siobhan came over and shoved him, playing the part, "Seven years, Fenton? Where the hell have you been?"
Fenton replied, "Look, you're pissed. I get it. We'll work all this out. Maybe a little less publicly. But first, I need to talk to Bobby S."
"Oh, that's you you came back? For Bobby?"
"Let me handle my business. And then I'll have nothing but time for you."
Maggie came back over to him, "Oh, you're such a charmer. But if it's Bobby S. you're after, you're gonna have to go through his number two."
"Yeah? Who might that be?"
"My husband." She turned to him, "Liam."
Liam took him to see him. When Fenton saw him he called out, "Hey, Bobby!"
Bobby looked at him, "Do I know you?""
"What the hell, It's me, Fenton."
They went back and forth and Fenton persuaded him. He had product from Chicago..
After Fenton disarmed Liam, he took his gun and gave it to Bobby, "If you think I'm a rat,then you pull the trigger."
Bobby S. stared at him and hugged him, "Fenton's back."
Later he met with Siobhan and gave her the lowdown, and got the combination of Bobby S.'s combination to the safe. he met her at her place.
Afterwards, he was ready to leave and he saw the stuffed animal he won for her. She smiled, "He got me through a lot of tough time. Was any of it real?"
He stared at her,"It was for me." He had the urge to kiss her, "I gotta go."
Liam found out that Siobhan was a rat and was going to take her out.
Fenton managed to take a break while they were playing pool and he slipped into Bobby S's bedroom and managed to get the bible.
While all of this was going on, Jenny found out from the doctor that she was pregnant. She was unable to tell Kevin. She arrived at the precinct, "Hi Kate, I know Kevin is undercover, but I have some important news to share. we're going to have a baby."
Kate hugged her, "Oh hell, Jenny, that's great news. I'm sure Kevin is going to be thrilled when he finds out."
She scoffed, "If he ever makes it home. I'm so fucking upset with him. We tried and we tried. I passed up many opportunities to be with you and Castle again. We couldn't because we wanted Kevin to be the father and we knew we couldn't do what we both so badly wanted to do again and again with you and Castle."
Kate hugged her and she let out a gasp when she felt Jenny's hands drift down to her ass and squeeze lightly. She pulled back, "That's something neither of us were aware of, Jenny. You know, now that you are pregnant, at least for a few months, we wouldn't be opposed to meeting with you both. I know Castle loved sharing me with you and Kevin."
Jenny nodded, "I know Keven would love that too, but with him being undercover and me not knowing when he'll be done with his assignment, I have this urge. I need human contact and who better than you and Rick. What do you say?"
"Are you saying you want us? Isn't that cheating on Kevin?"
She shook her head,"We have an agreement. We made it long ago. If he was ever on a stake-out or undercover and I was. you know... Well we both agreed to let things happen as they happen. I'm sure, after seeing the way he stared at Siobhan, he's boning her and I wouldn't be mad if he was."
Kate stared at the pretty blonde and she remembered how great it was, "I think we can get together with you. When would you like to meet?"
Jenny scoffed,"If you had a room here, I 'd be willing to do it right now. My hormones are raging and I need to fuck and fuck hard and now."
Kate cleared her throat, "Well, we don't have anything here, but we could all go to Rick's place if that is alright?"
She giggled "The sooner the better."
Kate went and found Castle and told him what Jenny had proposed and the next thing they knew, the three of them were rushing through the door of Castle's loft.
Jenny was extremely horny and she turned to Kate, "You get him all the time. Do you mind if I try him out first?"
Kate sat back, "Most definitely, Jenny. You're the new mommy and you can have anything you want, he's all yours."
Rick stared back at Kate,"Are you sure?" When he saw her nod, he looked from her and back to Jenny, "Don't I get any say in this?"
They both replied, "NO!" He just shrugged and let Jenny have her way.
She took charge, taking two steps towards him and grabbed him by the shirt. She pulled him in and started kissing him.
Kate sat back and enjoyed watching the tiny blonde devour her man.
It was easy to see that Castle was enjoying the attention. His cock was already stiffening in his pants. His hands came to rest on Jenny's trim hips, He pulled her close so that she could feel his erection.
He took control and started kissing her again. His hands began to wander as he gathered up the soft material of her dress and his hands were resting on her panty clad ass cheeks. His mouth left hers and he nibbled at her neck and easily allowed the wrap-around dress to part. It exposed her full, firm tits and on the tiny blonde, they looked even larger due to her petite form.
Jenny ran her hands through his hair and leaving it, she tugged at her dress and it parted, exposing her in just a matching pair of black panties and bra.
Rick's hands ran up her slender back and unclipped the bra, he drew it from her lush curves. He immediately closed his lips over one large, dark pink nipple. He sucked and drew her entire aeroule into his mouth. His fingers were teasing and plucking away at its twin and she groaned and guided his mouth to the other one. He gave it the same treatment and Jenny was getting weak in the knees from the attention he was bestowing on her firm tits.
Kate was biting her lip as she watched Castle devour Jenny's lush tits. Jenny's head rolled around and she glared at Kate, "Oh you are one lucky lady. To have him at your disposal and at your beckon call. He is a master of getting a woman ready to fuck, doesn't he Kate?"