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Click hereBest of Castle Part 25
Season 6 Episode 5
Beckett was back on the job and she made an effort to look even more professional on the job. Her first case back was solving the murder of a female who was tortured and her neck was slit. At the scene was Javi and Lanie, they hinted at the foursome that they were hoping for with Kate and Rick.
Kate pulled Lanie aside,"We'd love to meet up with you two and soon, but Castle and I have to meet with the Commissioner tonight. Remember the case a couple years ago where we stopped the detonation of a dirty bomb near Times Square?"
Lanie scoffed, "Listen girlfriend, if you two don't want to hook up with us, I'd understand, not happy, but we'd understand. You don't have to make up an excuse to get out of it."
"No, really, we were about to meet with the Commissioner when I got the call for the job in D.C. Castle spoke with the Commissioner at the time and the ceremony, which was to be in private because of the sensitive nature, was put on the back burner. Now that the Commissioner allowed me back on the job after getting a call from Mr. Aaron Stokes, he wants to get the plaque and the citation cleared from his agenda. Castle and I have to be there this evening, after hours for a brief ceremony and drinks afterwards. I really would rather pass, I hate wearing my uniform, but after all, he did give me my job back, so we're going."
Lanie hugged her, "Well, that has to be true. It is way to complicated of a story to be made up. If it's a private ceremony, why do you have to wear your dress blues?"
"Something about pictures for the archives, not seeing the light of day because of the nature of the award."
Lanie snickered, "So that's why you have your hair up in a bun today, rather hot if I may say so."
Kate grunted, "Yeah, a total pain in the ass to keep from coming undone, but I'm not gonna have a lot of time after work to get it done properly." "Okay, but just remember, Javi and I want a shot at the two of you." Kate winked at her, "I've been thinking about it too. Just to let you know, Rachel and I had a lot of fun together and I'm looking to try some of that out on you too."
Lanie rolled her eyes,"Oh girlfriend, it better be soon, because I don't know how long I can hold Javi off, not to say I'm not looking forward to both you and Castle. Let me know how it went with the Commissioner."
They worked the case, but it involved a guy who insisted he was from the future to stop a billion people getting killed. They put the case on hold and Castle drove with Beckett to her place to get dressed in her blues. After she was dressed, they headed to his place where he got into a three piece suit. Kate came up behind him and ran her hands down his chest to his cock. She squeezed it, "My God, Castle, you look so fucking hot in a three-piece suit."
He turned around and shook his head, "Maybe so, but you look incredible in this police uniform. If we weren't going to see Frank, I'd tear it off of you right now and fuck you so hard, they'll hear you down on the streets."
She slapped his hands away, "Later Castle. it took way too long to get my hair up in place like this and I'll kill you if you mess it up."
He kissed her lightly on the lips, "Okay, but later..."
She giggled, "Yeah, later!"
They took a cab to the Police Plaza and after clearing security they were ushered up to the Police Commissioner's office. Seated at her desk, was Detective Abigail Baker. She, just like Kate was wearing her dress blues."
Baker saw the look and she rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I had to wear them for the Commissioner. He said that the DCPI would take the photos and after you were given your awards, we could loosen up."
Kate chuckled, "I didn't expect you normally wore you blues in here."
Abigail scoffed, "No, never, unless we're doing one of these ceremonies. Come on, seeing everyone else is gone for the day, we're the only ones here and Garrett is itching, oh sorry, Garret is the Commissioner's DCPI and he wants out ASAP."
Baker ushered the two of them onto the inner-sanctum. Sitting behind his huge desk was Frank Reagan. He stood and he loomed over the three of them.
Kate was mystified by him. He was larger than life and when she shook his hand, her large hand looked tiny in his large hand.
The uncomfortable easiness was broken when Castle came up behind her and put his hand out to him, "Hey Frank, longtime, no see. Just because I wiped you out at our last poker game doesn't mean you had to ghost me?"
Frank shook Rick's hand, "Sorry about that, Rick. It wasn't because you took the pot. I've been so busy lately and then you called about getting Detective Beckett's job back, I had to distance me from the situation. I had a change of heart when Stokes called. Seeing he isn't directly involved with Detective Beckett here, I was able to pull strings and get her, her job back."
Kate cut-in, "Well, Commissioner, either way, I'm just glad to be back on the job, thank you."
After that encounter, Garrett took photos of Frank, Detective Baker (Abigail Hawk), Kate and Rick. Frank made a tiny formal speech and handed them their awards. Garrett begged out and after he left, Abigail, snuck over to the door and discretely locked it without anyone noticing."
Frank led them to his sitting area where there was a large leather sofa, a couple large matching chairs and behind it, a fully stocked bar.
Baker offered them all drinks and Frank took a chair, while Abigail, Kate and Rick took the sofa.
Frank broke the ice, "So, Detective Beckett, I heard it didn't work out for you in DC. What happened?"
Kate sat forward, "We do thinks differently here then they do in DC. I'm used to having things black and white. Over there, there is way too much gray and they let things slide that we would never allow here. I put my foot in it and they didn't like the way I crossed the line past the gray."
Frank nodded, "I can tell you were that kind of a detective and I'm glad I was able to get you back on the force. Is there anything else I can do for you Detective Beckett?"
She giggled,"Yeah, a couple things Commissioner. First of, please call me Kate. Second of all, can you do something about these very, very uncomfortable dress blue uniforms we have to wear to these events?"
Baker chuckled, "I'll second that Frank." She looked to both Rick and Kate and smiled, "Yeah, I get to call him Frank when we are off duty and in a relaxed atmosphere."
Castle looked to Kate and Abby, "Seeing the two of you in those uniforms, I wouldn't call it a relaxed atmosphere."
Frank stood and moved over to Kate. He extended his hand and she took it and rose from her seat, "Well, I can't do anything about the uniform as far as in ceremonies, but I can loosen it up in cases like tonight." He reached up and carefully removed Kate's cover and tossed it aside. He stared into her dark eyes, "May I?" He smiled when she licked her lips and nodded. He reached up and undid the tightly secured dark blue tie and pulling it out from under her collar, he added it to her cover. He continued t stare into her sultry eyes and unbuttoned the top few buttons on her crisp, dark blue shirt. Her black lace bra came int view and he paused, "So tell me, Kate, it this a little more to your liking?"
She gave him a sly smile and slowly shook her head, "Sorry Commissioner, but this belt and having to have our hair up off our necks is a real pain in the ass."
He raised his hands once again and repeated, "May I and please call me Frank."
She nodded, "Go ahead, Frank."
He reached around and slowly plucked the pins holding her tight bun in place. He combed his fingers through her long, golden brown hair and he looked at her long, wavy hair that frame her perfectly gorgeous face. He licked his lips and whispered, "Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, Detective Beckett."
She parted her lips and she too licked her lips, "Please Frank, call me Kate. You still haven't addressed the tight, belts we have to wear."
Frank glanced over to Rick and Abigail and he chuckled, "Looks like Rick has found a remedy for Abigail's uncomfortable uniform already, Kate."
Kate turned her head and she let out a gasp. Abby was sitting on Rick's lap. Her cover was gone and her long blonde hair was taken down and looked sexy on her bare shoulders. Her tie and uniform shirt lay crumpled on the sofa behind her. Abigail had her eyes closed as Rick's face was buried in the crook of her neck and they both could see him licking and kissing the skin on her long, sexy neck.
Frank drew Kate back to what he was doing when she felt her belt being unhooked and drawn out of her pants. He didn't stop there as he unhooked her pants and lowered the zipper. Her thick, dark pants were tugged off her toned ass and hips and they floated to her ankles.
As Kate struggled to kick the pants off her unflattering black shoes, Frank made short work of finishing unbuttoning her shirt and drew it from her toned body.
Frank turned her and as he took a seat on the chair, he drew her down to his lap. Kate giggled as she settled on his lap and she felt his large cock poking at her ass as she wiggled on his lap.
On the sofa, Abigail was down to her bra and panties and she had her arms wrapped around his neck and they were locked in a hot, passionate kiss. She had managed to slip his suit coat off and his tie too. She was working on his shirt as she tore her mouth from his and nibbled at his neck.
Rick fisted her long, thick blonde hair and ran his hands down her tapered back and found the clasp on her bra and deftly popped it open. He exposed her much larger breasts and he wiggled out of his shirt and drew her to his hair covered chest.
Abigail released a grunt, "Oh fuck yeah, I just love having my fat nipples scraping against the hair of a man's chest. She looked to Kate, "Just wait till you see the large mat of hair on Frank's chest." She resumed kissing Rick and she released a gasp as his hands ran down her body and cradled her gorgeous ass in his hands. He tickled her pussy through the damp gusset of her tiny panties.
On the nearby chair, Kate and Frank were locked in a torrid embrace and she sucked at his tongue. Her fingers worked on his shirt after already removing his tie. She groaned into his mouth as she ran her fingers through the thick mat of hair on his chest. She nibbled at his neck as Frank struggled to slip out of his coat and unbuttoned shirt.
Frank was breathing heavily as Kate's long, silky hair floated over his bare shoulders, back and chest. He looked over to the sofa and found Abigail flat on her back. Her legs were drawn up to her ample chest and Rick was licking up and down her swollen pussy. Her panties were hanging on the ankle of one foot and he saw they were wet from her cunt juices. Abigail was rolling her head from side to side as she felt Rick sucking at her clit.
Rick loved how hot she was. He sank two fingers deep into her tight hole and his fingers were making squishing sounds, she was that wet. He ran his thumb around her puckered hole and she arched her ass off the sofa, urging him to shove it in deeper.
Frank turned back to Kate as he felt her tugging at his pants. They were hanging open and he arched his ass off the chair. Even with her still planted on his legs, he was able to lift high enough to allow Kate to yank his pants off.
Kate let out a gasp, "Oh fuck, Frank, I thought Castle was well-endowed, but oh fuck, I'm going to love trying this one out." She slid off his legs and settled down on on her knees between his outstretched legs.
Frank stared down at the gorgeous brunette, hair streaked in blonde highlights. He swept her hair off her face. There wasn't going to be anything in the way. He wanted to watch this gorgeous detective sucking on his cock. He arched her ass off the chair as Kate tugged at his boxers and as it was exposed, it popped out, pointing straight up at the ceiling.
Kate's eyes grew large. She knew it was larger than Castle's, but seeing it out in the open, it was amazing. She knew it was a family trait. She was treated to experiencing his son, Jamie a few years ago when he was left without a fiance. He was just as large as Jamie, maybe a little thicker. She wrapped her slender fingers around it. When she did this with Castle, her fingers barely met. With Frank's, that didn't. She tightened her grip at the base and squeezed. She slowly stroked it upwards and she was rewarded with a pearly drop of pre-cum. It dribbled about the large mushroomed head and she used her thumb to swirl it around the head. She lowered her head and her talented tongue darted out and swirled around the head. She stabbed at the hole and she giggled when she heard Frank groan.
He fisted her hair and wanted to force her head down, but he held back, knowing she wasn't going to make him wait too long. He closed his eyes and savored the feeling of her tongue sliding up and down the entire length and girth of his cock.
Kate was obsessed with his cock. She stroked it lovingly. She ran her tongue all over it and pulling it out of her mouth, she swept it all over her cheeks, lips and forehead. She released a groan and parted her lips and slowly enveloped the head. She slowly sank downward, taking more and more of his shaft into her mouth. As she slid lower, her tongue rolled all around the shaft. She drew in a deep breath and tipping her head more, she slid downward. She felt the large head brush the back of her throat. She drew in more air and pressed on,. She took the swollen head into her throat and she felt it throbbing. She felt her nose press against the hairs of his groin and she tried smiling, knowing she had the entire shaft in her mouth, but her lips were stretched so wide she couldn't. She held it there and continued to feel it throbbing in her throat and against her lips. She used her tongue to whip around the shaft, but had very little space to do so. She had her air cut off and she slowly drew back. A large stream of saliva that was collected in her mouth dripped out and she allowed it to bathe his shaft. She chased it and sucked it back into her mouth.
Abigail had her head turned and watched the brunette expertly sucking her boss' cock. She giggled, "Well done, detective. Isn't that cock the biggest and best you've ever seen?" She groaned as she felt Castle double his efforts on her pussy.
Castle glanced up and saw his bride-to-be going wild on Frank's cock. He felt his cock stiffened as he watched Kate begin bobbing up and down on Frank's cock like a woman possessed. Saliva was dripping down her chin and landed on her firm, swaying tits. She pressed downward and he saw Frank's cock disappear into her mouth. He couldn't tear his eyes away, but when he felt Abigail's hands on his head, he resumed licking her pussy.
Abigail let out a scream as he doubled his efforts. He shoved three fingers into her well lubricated pussy. He twisted his fingers around and he began petting her g-spot. His fingers were dripping with her juices and he finger-fucked her harder. He sucked on her clit and used the cream he collected to slide two fingers up her tight, hot asshole. She screamed out, luckily the floor was empty as she exploded, bathing his fingers and face with her cunt cream. As she shook and trembled Abby lowered her legs from her chest and embraced his upper body with her long, shapely legs.
Frank smiled at Rick as he struggled to his knees, "Bravo Rick, I haven't seen Abigail come undone like that in quite some time."
Kate popped Frank's cock out of her mouth and caught the gaze of the blue-eyed blonde, "He's pretty good at eating pussy, isn't he Abigail?"
Abby grinned at Kate, "Oh he is better then pretty good, he's incredible. I can't wait to see what he can do with what he has hidden in those pants of his."
Kate chuckled, "Maybe not as large as Frank here, but close and he is more than pretty good with it too." She turned back to Frank, but he stopped her and drew her up off her knees and he had her standing before him.
Frank drew her panties down and he licked his lips, "Mmm, looks like you have something here that is in need of attention, just like Abigail, am I correct, Kate?"
She planted her hands on her hips and slowly rolled her pussy towards him, "I'd have to say you are very astute in your observation, Commissioner. What are you going to do about it?"
Frank stood up and had her off her feet in a flash. He spun around and took a few quick strides and planted her tight, firm ass on the edge of his desk. He spread her legs wide and after sitting down in his large leather chair, he hooked his hands beneath her knees. He lifted them and placed them firmly on his bare shoulders. Frank paused a moment to take in the glistening, dark folds of her fat lipped pussy. He licked his lips and after lowering his head be began to pepper her inner thighs from just above her knees towards her fragrant pussy. His mouth began to water as he saw a tiny trickle of her juices forming on her large lips.
Kate released a groan as she felt his mustache tickling her thighs. She ran her fingers through his tight, short hair and she let out a gasp at the first touch of his tongue on her soaking lips. She arched her ass off the desk as she tried to make greater contact, but Frank tightened his hold on her hips and held her in place.
Frank sank his tongue in her pussy at the base and slowly ran his tongue upward, sinking deeper the further he moved upward. He stiffened his tongue when he reached her hole and he forced the tip in and wiggling his tongue, he sank deeper. He scooped out a large dose of her cream and swallowed it down. He returned and continued his upward trek. He came to her clit and flicked his tongue out and danced over it, from side to side and up and down. He closed his lips around it and sucked at it.
Kate who was resting on her elbows, began to shake. She fell back flat on the desk as the sensation of his active tongue drove her towards an orgasm. She was so turned on sucking his cock, she was ripe for a climax. She tightened her legs around his neck as he sucked harder and she let out a growl, "Oh fuck Frank, yes, yes, just like that! Oh fuck, I'm going to cum."
He increased the sucking on her clit as he managed to shove two fingers into her juicy hole. He felt the cunt walls tighten around his fingers and she released a dose of her juicy cunt juices as she lost it and started to cum. She rolled her head all about sending hair all over the desktop.
On the sofa, Abigail managed to strip off Castle's pants and boxers, taking his shoes and socks off as she did so. She hovered over him as she stroked his raging hard-on and as she lowered her head, he fisted her thick, wavy blonde locks in his fingers as she bobbed up and down. She was used to going down on Frank and seeing Castle was slightly smaller than him, she had no problem deep-throating him. Her pert nose was pressed against his belly as she repeatedly took him balls deep in her mouth. She released his cock and began sucking at his balls as she used her talented hand to stroke him.
Castle was mesmerized by her large, swaying tits. Unlike Kate's smaller, firm tits, Abigail's were much larger, boarding on D's, most likely large C cup tits. He drew her off her knees and planted her flat on the sofa. He straddled her upper body and she grinned down at him. She knew exactly what he wanted and as he placed his saliva covered cock between her tits, she pushed them together, "Come on, Rick, fuck my tits, play with them and let me suck on it too." He groaned and stared at the gorgeous blonde laying on the sofa. Her tits enveloping his cock and he began to push and pull back and forth. With each thrust upward, it poked at her chin and slipped between her lips. She lapped at it as it slid in and popped out. He did it again and again. He played with her tits as she pushed them together. He reached back and found her juicy cunt again and sank two fingers into her.