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Best of TV Show "Mom" Pt. 06

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Christy helps newcomer to AA & then becomes Jill's assistant.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/16/2021
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Mom Season 3

The group of women were at their nightly A.A. meeting and Julian (Joe Manganiello) came in. It happens to be his first AA meeting.

Wendy spoke up, telling him that this meeting is for women only, but was quickly talked down and the remaining women were more than happy to have him attend, seeing he is such a hunk. After the meeting, nearly every woman there hit on him, except Christy.

He went back to his hotel room where he was staying after his wife and children threw him out of his home. He was in terrible shape but manages to stay sober that evening finding the meeting helped.

The next evening, Bonnie & Jill went to a ball for the homeless. Christy stayed at home, she had a ton of school work to do and she was banging away on her computer, in sweats and her hair hanging all about. She stopped to take a phone call, "Hello, Oh, hi, Julian, what's up? You doing okay?" She listened to him and replied, "Yeah, it's hard in the beginning. That's why we do it "one day at a time." She listened to him again and replied, "Um, coffee? Wow, uh, I'm actually pretty busy right now. No, don't call anyone else on the list. I'll be there in ten." She stopped and looked down at what she was wearing, she blurted out again, "Forty-five minutes." She hung up, slammed her computer shut and raced upstairs to shower and change.

While she was changing, Bonnie and Jill rode in a limo to the ball. They were drinking ginger-ale out of champagne glasses. Jill had a six thousand dollar red gown on and her short light blonde hair was styled perfectly. Bonnie just as hot in a gold and black dress.

Jill was recounting how she spoiled the last ball with her drunk tirade. She set the drapes on fire and tried to put it out with the chocolate fountain.

Christy, after showering and washing her hair, she had it down straight and it was now a longer platinum blonde, She donned a tailored pair of black slacks, a red halter and a sexy pink and white sweater unbuttoned to just below her firm breasts, showing off her ample chest.

She found him at the coffee shop all alone, sipping a coffee. She came up behind him, "Sorry, I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

He stood up, "Not at all. Thanks for coming." He helped her in her chair.

She smiled at him, "Hey, it's what we do. what's going on?"

He sat back down, "Just having a rough night. I was trying to watch TV, but the hotel mini-bar started talking to me."

"Yeah, those little airplane bottles are the worst." In a comic high voice she called out, "Drink me, drink me, I'm too small to hurt you"

He sat back, "It's not just the booze. My head won't shut up. It's like every stupid thing I've ever done is running on a loop over and over again."

She nodded, "I know that loop. Here's what you need to remember, your mind is out to get you. It wants you to drink again. But you did the exact right thing. Instead of listening to it, you called someone."

"I'm glad I did."

She gave him a weak smile, "Me too." She paused a moment, "But....just out of curiosity, why did you call me?"

"You were the only woman at that meeting who didn't give me a full-frontal hug."

Christy nodded, "I did see a couple of the ladies grinding on you."

"The tall brunette practically gave me a lap dance."

"Yeah, she's weird. We're trying to get rid of her."

He chuckled, "So how long have you been sober?"

"Two and a half years."

He threw a hand up, "Wow! Is it hard?"

"Staying sober? No. Living? That's a bitch."

He smiled at her, "I think I called the right person. He too paused a moment, "Hey, you want a coffee?"

She nodded, "Decaf."

He turned to the nearby waitress, "Uh, excuse me, miss? Can we get a decaf over here?"

With his back turned she whispered out, "I Love You!"

After she got her coffee she took a sip, "So when did you start drinking?"

"High school."

She rolled her eyes, "Ooh, a late bloomer."

He chuckled, "I guess so. Me and my friends would get drunk on the weekend. No big deal, then college, everybody's hammered. Because, well, it's college. You know I still managed to graduate. Got a good job. Married my girlfriend. Had two great kids. Everything was perfect, ---Except...except I was drinking vodka in the shower. And I was showering three times a day."

She nodded, "I used to hide it in the shampoo bottles."

He took a sip of his coffee, "What a great idea."

"Yeah, I was like a drunk MacGyver."

"Next think you know, I'm not coming home for days on end. When I am home, I'm doing my best not to drink but, all that does is make me angry. I mean, really angry. It got so my own kids were scared of me."

She looked down, "Been there."

"When my wife threw me out, I was relieved. Because now I can finally drink the way I wanted to."

"So what made you come to that meeting?"

"It was my daughter's birthday last week. She didn't want to see me." He began to sob and buried his face in his arms on the table.

Christy looked around, "I didn't do this." She patted him on the shoulder, "It's - it's gonna be okay" She squeezed his arm and looked around, "Wow!"

After a while he collected himself and asked her to come to his hotel room and help get rid of the booze. In the hall she called out to him, "Okay, I'm just gonna get all the liquor from the minibar and on my way."

He stopped at the door, "Thank you, I just don't trust myself not to touch it."

He turned to open the door and she stared at his tight as in his jeans, "Yeah, temptation's a bitch."

He opened the door and the radio was on and it was playing,. "I want sexual healing..."

She walked in "You've got to be kidding me."

He closed the door and pointed, "The mini-bar's in the cabinet."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me how to find a minibar." She picked up the house phone and called downstairs, "Hi, can you send someone up to remove all of the alcohol from the minibar?" She listened and replied, "Because I don't want it." She listened again, "No, I can't pretend it's not there. "The bottles talk, just send somebody up." She hung up the phone, "So, here's the deal. If you feel like you're going to have problems in the night, if you feel like you're going to drink, you call me, you call someone on that list."

He stepped forward and hugged her, "Thank you."

She patted him on the back, "You're welcome, buddy."

He pulled back, "Uh, excuse me, I'm just gonna...use the bathroom."

"Sure, I'll wait for room service."

He turned in the doorway, "Christy. I don't know how I can ever repay you for being so kind to me."

She was having a rough time holding it together, "Stop it! Just go pee or shower whatever you need to do in there." She waited for him so close the room. She sat on the bed and made a call, "Hey, Marjorie."

She was at home, "Hey, Christy, what's up?"

"Remember that guy, Julian?"

"Remember him? When I make love to Victor tonight, I'm going to be picturing him."

Christy let out a sigh, "Okay, so the thing is....I was wondering..."

"You didn't call him?"

"No I did not."

"Okay, what about him?"

"Well... you think Steve would be a good sponsor for him?

"No, Christy, is everything all right?"

In a high voice she called out, "Totally! It's all good. Oh, my bus is here. Okay, goodbye." She hung up and heard Julian sobbing in the bathroom. She got off the bed and moved to the bathroom door, "Julian? You doing okay in there?"

He called out, "No, I'm kind of freaking out a little bit."

She replied, "It's okay, it happens. It's just a... panic attack. Nothing to worry about. They go away after a few years."

He was still crying, "I don't think I can do this."

"Sure you can!" She slipped to the floor on the outside of the bathroom door.

"You must think I'm a real loser."

"No, no, I think you're brave and strong...and....I want to say six-three, six-four?"

He added, "Six-five."

She rolled her eyes, "The point is you're trying to get sober and that makes you a winner." She looked beside the bed and picked up one of his HUGE sneakers. She held it up and her eyes grew large and she nearly began to drool just thinking about his package. in a low voice she whispered, "Oh...God help me!"

He didn't hear her, "What.. what was that?"

She put the sneaker down, and yelled out to him, "God's gonna help you."

Back at the gala, Jill was making a splash and she was feeling good. She tried to make a speech and as she threw her arm back, she pushed a waiter and he knocked over a candelabra and the drapes started on fire again. she raced out of there with Bonnie on her heels. She dropped Bonnie off and just drove around town in the limo.

Back at the hotel room, Christy closed the room door as the last of the liquor was removed. "The coast is clear, Julian. Nothing scary out here except a twelve dollar bar of chocolate.

He came out in his t-shirt and low hanging pajama bottoms, "I'm sorry, I kind of lost it in there."

She tried not to look down, but his huge package was pushing against the pajamas, "No worries. When you first get sober, crying on the bathroom floor is kind of a rite of passage. They should make it one of the twelve steps."

He walked towards her, "Thank you for being so patient with me." He sat on the bed, "I'm sure you had better things to do with your night."

She tipped her hear to the side, "It's sweet that you think so. Well, I guess I should be going." She make a step towards the door.

"Do you have to? Could we maybe just sit and talk for a little while?"

She shrugged, "Sure, I guess." She slowly took a seat beside him on the bed.

"You know, I've been talking about myself all night. I haven't asked anything about you."

She scoffed, "That's okay. I talk about myself plenty. It's pretty much all I do."

"You married?"

She chuckled, "Nope."

"You must have a boyfriend."

"Not at the moment. and by "moment" I mean 18 months and 26 days."

He nodded, "That's a lot of moments."

"Yeah, maybe it's my turn to go cry on your bathroom floor."

"You know, you are a remarkable woman."

She blushed a little, "Thank you. You are....I don't even have the words."

He moved in for a kiss and she was more than ready and as she tried to wrap her arms around his shoulders, they didn't meet. That is how wide his upper body was. she found herself being lowered onto her back and her entire body was envelop[ed by his enormous figure.

Julian's lips met hers and as they kissed, he loved her her lips parted to accept his tongue. He swept aside her silky blonde hair and as he broke the kiss, he began to ravish her neck and shoulders. He gently pushed aside her sweater and her upper arms and shoulders were bare. He moved back to her mouth, not wanting her to rethink what was happening, but he wasn't in any danger of that happening.

She clung to his huge biceps. She squeezed and her fingers didn't sink in at all. She ran her hands along his shoulder and down his back, She found the bottom of his t-shirt and tugging it upward, she cleared his head and she growled out, Oh my God, you are amazing. I've never seen a chest with so many muscles, may I touch?"

He managed to remove her sweater and he gazed at her large, firm tits rising and falling beneath that halter top. He nodded, "As long as I can do the same to you."

She giggled and she nodded too. Her tiny slender fingers dances all along his firm pecs. she let out a gasp when he tugged at the elastic of her halter and it gave way and the red top settled down around her waist. She let out a low groan in her throat as she felt his huge hands close over her large, firm tits. Even with their size, they were lost in his huge hands. He tweaked and tugged at the rosy red nipples and he lowered his head and closed his lips around one stiff tip.

Christy thrashed around on the huge king sized bed. Her hands couldn't keep still and traveled down his firm six-pack and tugged at the string holding his pajama bottoms secure. She snuck her hand beneath her cotton material and she let out a gasp when she came in contact with his gigantic cock. She tried closing her fingers around it and they didn't meet. She growled out when she realized it wasn't even stiff yet. She was squirming around on the bed as Julian continued to feast on her tits and she knew she was in for a long night when she felt her slacks being lowered past her knees and off her feet. She was lying there in a pair of black panties and black high heeled shoes, a strippers wardrobe.

She managed to get his pajamas off and seeing it out in the open, she knew she was going to need help. She pushed at his shoulders and managed to break free. She was breathing heavily and she gazed at his still not fully erect cock, "How the fuck am I going to be able to handle that?"

He chuckled, "Hey, you beat the bottle, now you can do the same with the neck of the bottle, what do you say?"

She managed to sit up on the bed with her back against the leather headboard, "Do you remember Jill, the tiny blonde with the southern accent?"

He nodded, "She was going to be my second call if I couldn't persuade you to come and rescue me, why?"

"I am thinking I'm going to need help taming that monster of yours and I would surely love to have her here with me to help, what do you say?"

A huge smile crossed his lips, "Is that a trick question? I'd love to entertain the both of you. Do you think she would agree?

Christy chuckled, "If you knew what she was thinking about you the other night, you wouldn't ask. I'll give her a call and see if she is done with that gala she was going to tonight with that tall brunette."

He groaned, "Please, do not call the brunette. I think she would eat me alive and pick the meat from my dead bones."

She giggled, "So, you DO know my mother?"

He was stunned, "Are you saying that tall brunette is your..."

She nodded, "Yep, that's Bonnie, my drunk of a mother, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?"

He shook his head, "I doubt if you'd pick my bones clean, would you?"

She winked at him, "You'll have to wait and see. Let me call Jill. She pushed her number, "Hey Jill, are you still at the gala?"

"No it was a disaster. I started another fire and we left. I just dropped Bonnie off and I'm driving around in the limo, feeling sorry for myself, why?"

"Well, would you believe I'm in a hotel room, naked with Julian and..."

"Yes, yes, I'm in, text me the address and leave some for me."

Christy giggled, "Oh don't you worry about that Jill, there is enough here for the entire group. I'm texting you now. You better hurry or I'm going to pick his bones clean." The phone went dead and she looked to Julian, "Oh, she's in. Better leave the door ajar or she may just break it down before we answer it."

He hopped off the bed and his huge cock slapped both thighs as he moved. He opened the door and put the latch across to leave it open. He turned and stared at the gorgeous blonde sitting with her back against the headboard. He licked his lips, "I really only wanted you, but who am I to complain."

Christy was grinning from ear to ear as she wiggled out of her panties and reached for her high heels.

He stopped her. "Leave them on, you look extremely sexy with those on." He reached the bed and grabbed hold of her ankles and tugged hard and she was flat on her back, giggling as he covered her body with his. He began once again kissing her from her pretty little nose, across cheeks and to her mouth.

Christy caught his lips with hers and found they already parted. She darted her tongue into his mouth as her fingers gripped his head and crushed his mouth to hers. She sucked at his tongue and flicked her tongue along his lips and when he moaned, she caught his bottom lip with her teeth and tugged at it. Her tiny body was in constant motion as she arched it off the bed trying to make greater contact with the large salami between his legs.

Julian wanted to sample more of her tiny, lush body. Even though he loved kissing this tiny tart, he wanted to see the rest of her body. He flicked his tongue along her lips and scooted to her neck. He licked, sucked and nipped at the flesh beneath her ear and then he attacked her ear. His tongue darted in and teased her there. He nipped and tugged at her sexy earlobe and when he felt her shiver he left a trail of wetness from there down to her clavicle. He continued to kiss her and sucking at her flesh. He moved to the other side of her body and mimicked the treatment he gave the first side.

Christy was gasping for air as she felt a tingling coursing through her entire body. Her hands clutched at his back and raked her nails down his back. She managed to grasp that gorgeous tight ass of his and as she squeezed it, she released a groan.

Just as Christy grabbed his ass, she slid lower and her hands slipped from his ass. He peppered the flesh of the upper slopes of her tits as his hands once again began to play with their weight. He reveled in how firm and yet how soft they were at the same time. He couldn't resist and had to suck on them and he left a trail from the upper portions down to the pink and red colored nipples and aeroules.

Christy released a shriek when she felt him suck harder, drawing nearly a quarter of her entire tit into his mouth. She clutched at his head and shivered. She was gasping for air as the bolts of excitement shot from her chest, directly to her pussy.

When he pulled his mouth from her tit, saliva drooled down the mound. He moved to the other one and he gave it the same attention and it produced the same reaction from Christy.

His tongue flicked out all around the blood red nipples and pulling back, he nipped at it and she let out a loud shriek. He moved down and he had a difficult time holding her still as she trashed around like a huge fish on a line during deep sea fishing. He used his upper body to hold her legs from bucking him off the bed. His arms draped across her upper body and he knew a sure way to make her stop thrashing around. He dropped his head and locked his mouth over her entire pussy. He sucked hard and he was right.

Christy suddenly stiffened and she drew in a deep breath. Every muscle in her body went ridged. She held her breath as the orgasm that was building in her body from his intense foreplay overflowed and she lost it and creamed all over his mouth.

Julian sucked harder and swallowed as her heavy juices overflowed and he lapped them up. He released her cunt from his locked lips and began licking her up and down the entire slit. He stabbed at her aching clit and he felt her legs wrap around his head and she squeezed him so hard, she nearly cracked his skull like a walnut.

Christy pushed hard at his head, "Please, oh please Julian, you have to let me have a break. I feel like I just might pass out if you don't." She smiled down at him as she saw his head pop out from between her legs. She started giggling, "Oh my God, "I am so sorry. I made a real mess all over your face."

He grinned up at her, "Mmm, even better than a vodka martini. At least for a brief time there, all thoughts of a drink were vacant from my head."

She pulled him up to her shaking body, "Well you could come and live with me and we could spent the next couple of years in bed. After that, you might not have the urge to drink, but it isn't very realistic."

He chuckled, "That sounds incredible, but like you said, not something that could happen. Don't move, I'm going to the bathroom and clean up a little." He kissed her, "I'll be right back."

Christy was basking in the afterglow of one of her most intense orgasms she ever experienced. She watched as Julian slipped off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She managed to sit up and leaned against the large leather headboard. She closed here eyes and thought back to how great Julian's tongue felt. She knew this had to be a one night encounter. She could lose her sobriety if she moved into his world and she knew she couldn't be his sponsor. She wouldn't be the support he needed and every scenario she ran through her head ended up badly.

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