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Click hereLmfao "It's not like I was taking my pants off (yet)" at the beginning, now that's some forshadowing!
I've been reading stories on Lit for years. I'm not even sure how, but I stumbled on to audio stories. So I started sampling some of them. I tried a couple of guys posts but neither of them did much for me. They just sort of rambled on and on...
Anyway... you were the first female poster that I tried. This was interesting. Kind of different. Sort of a one sidled event. Interesting! Love your voice. I'm going to give your next post a shot.
Great job, thanks for sharing your work!
Amazing.... It was like I was there and you were giving me the best fuck. Your sexy voice for me rock hard.
This is exactly what you were made to do in the have a wonderful gift.... Don't ever stop! ;)