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Bi The Way

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A long-awaited Bi MMF.
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It was the second relationship of my adult life, having been married as a teen and then losing my wife to cancer after forty-some years. l longed for that special someone in my life again. Making an attempt l found myself as nervous as l was when a teen, l guess some things never get easier. Or maybe it was because of all those years, regardless l made it a point to be open and honest. She did so also and sex was on the menu that first night as it was important to both of us. In agreement that we were old, not dead.

l can't say it was pure porno, l gave her a massage followed by oral pleasures performed by us both. But it was enough to give interest in a second date and now two years later we are still going strong. Early on she confessed how she invited a girlfriend to bed with both of her previous suitors. l took that as the exception and not the rule and sadly for me she claimed to be as straight as an arrow. Not the first guy to be turned on by female-on-female fun.

To that l confessed how my wife and l came right up to the edge in doing the same, only by adding a second male. (Her request) Maybe it was just that, a second male or fear by one or both of us but sadly the thought as well as the actions stopped just short of choosing the one.

l have thought about that many times over the years, and it has changed over the years now with great regret of what could have been. l also found myself far more keen on the idea of a second male, even excited by the idea. l think there was a different feeling toward my wife, be it all those years, the mother of my children, or plain fear of some sort. Older or wiser, or whatever the reason l have less fear with my new partner, be it our age or maybe both having been around the block more than once. Now l felt her previous guys were selfish, not returning in kind. If she was bisexual then l could get it, but being straight it just didn't seem fair. Clearly, l have changed over the years, as many do. Coming to terms with my thoughts with very little fear. And although l wasn't completely clear l had left enough hints where most would pick up upon them, and she is far smarter than most.

l made it clear early on that she could have anything she wanted, and when mentioning such during sex, talks as if a second male was with us always brought on an instant climax in her. Yet two years later she remained hesitant to pull the trigger. That first time we broached the subject of her adding a friend, l mentioned how it would make a great 65th birthday present for me. A safe idea some years away, and maybe what she was waiting for.

But my interest grew as time passed and with it still a year plus away it seemed just too far away. So l looked for the opportunity and it came as we celebrated her recent birthday, with the family the Sunday before, and with friends that day prior so it was just her and l for the actual date. Date night started the day, with a movie followed by a nice dinner out.

We waited until the evening for her to open her gifts, some jewelry, a book, and a few odds and ends. l mentioned there was one more but it was running late arriving. we relaxed a bit and then it was shower time, both of us knowing what that meant.

As we went through our normal paces and l found her in bed and already toying with her pussy, which always turns me on. After about thirty minutes into it, l wasn't surprised at the shadow at the bedroom door, no it was planned all along. l waved him forward unknowingly to her, and being busy sucking my cock. She jumped to his touch upon her backside. "Relax baby, your final gift just arrived."

When his hand returned she let out an approving moan and kept right in sucking. Her moan vibrated down my cock as he ate her pussy from behind, then his thrusting caused her to take me balls deep over and over again. Finding the whole thing all that l hoped for and then some l emptied myself in her wanting mouth.

I worked my way under her, taking her swollen clit into my mouth. The familiar taste of her cum was everywhere and l did my best to find it all while his balls bounced off the top of my head. In for a penny, in for a pound l licked his balls clean too. And there was no pulling away when he switched from fucking her pussy to my mouth over and over again, back and forth we went, and with each time l found more confidence and well as pleasure.

Leaving her waiting too long or just curiosity she pulled away finding me feasting on his man meat. "Oh yes," she said in an approving tone, then she sat back to watch. She continued to watch while touching herself, changing into a better position to service him she took my head in her hand pressing it downward. "Do it right." She commanded thrusting my mouth balls deep.

l stopped when she invoked her need for "clean-up duty." Knowing all too well l performed my duties, lapping her pussy clean. Almost done l could feel his lips wrap themselves around my cock, a good deed returned. l moaned when he added his slippery finger entering my ass. l couldn't hide my pleasure, pressing back against it.

Up to that point, some of this might have come as a surprise to my girl, but not this. Having been pegged by her many times she already knew the answer when she asked me if l wanted him to fuck me. Nevertheless, l moaned. "Fuck yes."

l took caution when selecting our third, not sure exactly what l might be up for l picked a self-proclaimed bisexual and l never thought it would be so fun. I found showing myself vulnerable as a turn-on, as did she. She cheered him on to fuck me harder and then faster, my ass yielding to her commands. This caused me another round of clean-up duties, and happily done.

We sucked and fucked, licked, and pricked one another for the next two hours. The next morning she woke to us guys sucking each other's cock, it was a new day and ever after for both of us, and to our delight. A reworking for my 65th is planned and her first bisexual attempt, if luck holds with be with a bi couple. Fifteen months away and counting.

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KlitomaticKlitomatic4 months ago

I share a similar tale; it was intensely arousing, and the memories still exist.

Timeless13579Timeless135797 months ago

Arousing tale! Oh, to be that second man in!

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